❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Sorry, invalid password! Please try again, you rabu kawaii!
  2. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    I N P U T ; 1 9 1 4 [​IMG]
  3. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Sorry, invalid password! Please try again, you rabu kawaii!
    just kidding. the vault unlocks and inside lays Sophie Baguette, sleeping on a white bed.

  4. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    I N P U T ; 1 9 1 5 [​IMG]

  5. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    same thing happens idk what u want from me
  6. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    I N P U T ; 1 5 4 7 [​IMG]
  7. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    The vault opens, but is empty.
  8. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    I N P U T ; 1 5 4 3 [​IMG]
  9. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    The vault opens, but is empty.
  10. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves


    { ? ? : ? ? }

    xxxxxxWhen the announcer's disgustingly sickeningly sweet voice of capitalist tyranny that sounded like a fat cat combination of a bad Japanese speaker and Meryl Streep from the Devil Wears Prada announced the acceptance of the first passcode, Torvald released his breath and let out an audible sigh. The party had spent almost an hour thinking about what sort of password these vaults would accept, until they slowly began to formulate the idea.

    At first, a few of them had considered obvious things, like favourite colours, or the weather, but everything began to fall apart when they learned that the passcode only accepted four numerical digits. There were arguments, there was fear, and there was enough camaraderie and comradeship that made Torvald cry tears of communist joy on the inside. Their revolution paid off, for with a divine stroke of genius they realized what numbers would work.

    From their time within the mansion, through the gardens, and among the atmosphere of the town itself, the party realized the heavy Anglo-centric nature of this cluster village in the middle of nowhere. It took a while, but with a smear of luck it was realized that the numbers corresponded to the dates of two famous, heavily-English wars in history -- World War I, and the Anglo-Scottish Wars. Which year fit with which was an easy step from that point -- the years in the 1540s would correspond to Noelle and Jonathan, because they were chronologically older, and their names were rooted in Anglo-Scots tradition. Meanwhile, the 1910s years corresponded to the Italian Sophie, and the vaguely Polish Pierce respectively, both playing more-than-nominal parts in the First World War. The doors were unlocked, and even Torvald was surprised at how stupidly insane these passwords were. But alas. The revolution would go o-

    << the vault unlocks and inside lays Sophie Baguette, sleeping on a white bed >>


    Torvald left Lucas in the vault and pirouetted out to the main hall, where he whirled around to find Jonathan, before stopping.
    What? It seemed darker, and there was no movement. This was -- uh --
    He walked closer, more carefully this time, and peered into the vault.The announcement was not lying.

    Torvald cursed under his breath and turned to the others who were not within the vaults.

    << Uh.This is terrible. Deplorable! We have proof enough they were kept here. But they cannot be left dead so quickly.
    It is entirely possible they have been hidden in another part of the house. We have to be careful. Be careful, be careful. This is all a great danger to the revolution of our minds! It is clear enough they know we are going to take their little prisoners. It is clear enough that they may have moved these two to lead us into unsavoury situations. >>
  11. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 5 - 1/3 | DATE: March 18th, 2016 | LOCATION: Underground Vaults (Bentley)

    After he had stopped trying to pry the vaults open by force, Lucas had gone about entering various codes into the different vaults. Everybody had worked together and after two failed attempts on a different vault, he input a password in Sophie's, and by some miracle he had gotten the correct passcode and Sophie's vault opened. It seemed to take an eternity for the damn door to open, but when it was fully opened, he looked in to see Sophie lying on a white bed.

    A sigh of relief escaped his lips as a smile formed on his face. Tears were welling up in his eyes. There she was, but he wasn't sure if she really was alive or not. For all he knew she could be dead on that bed. Tannhauser all of a sudden got on a rant of some kind. He didn't know why he went off on these rants, but he could tell from listening to him that he very much had a taste for the theatrical for, well, everything. After he had finished his long-winded speech that Freddie tuned out of, he forced Lucas into the vault and pirouetted away.

    He had to make sure she was still alive. Freddie rushed passed Lucas to her side as quickly as he could and watched for any sign of life in her. When he got there, he noticed the steady rising and falling of her chest.
    "Thank god..." A few tears rolled down his cheeks. "She's alive, Lucas. She's alive!" It felt like a weight had been lifted off of his chest when she was found. He started to gently shake Sophie's arm. "Hey, can you hear me? Sophie!"
  12. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    MOOD. . . !❤??0%WEARINGOOC

    Bryan had almost killed Lucas, knife out and ready to shank and all, the son of a bitch. The only reason he hadn't was because he was going to open Noëlle's vault, and he needed to be alive for that. He had tried two passwords, and when both of them failed, he sighed, went over to Sophie's vault, and thought about hers for a long time. It made him mad, but there was something almost scary about Lucas that made Bryan wait.

    After too long a time, Sophie's vault was opened, and then Pierce's, and then Jonathan's ( Bryan was happy for Julius ), and then, finally, finally, the moment of truth, Lucas opened up Noëlle's vault, and Bryan didn't waste a heartbeat running into it, only to find it . . .


    The world stopped turning. He stopped breathing. Nothing passed through his senses except for pure white noise that filled the entire void around him.


    . . . I wasn't entirely sure of what I was doing, but it felt more like I was an outsider looking in! Kind of weird. I had a first-person view of the world, which was kind of neat, but I couldn't really control my body or anything else. Everything around me felt like it was on fire that just crazily popped up as if the devil himself stampeded through the area like a crazy, skinless Titan.

    Before I really knew what I was doing, the mattress in the vault had been pretty much ripped to shreds, and I was screaming! I think that was me doing it, but I felt kind of bad about it — the mattress didn't do anything . . . It wasn't its fault that my sister, the person I love more than anyone or anything else in the whole wide universe, wasn't in here. But I couldn't stop. Where was she, I wondered? What she getting enough to eat? Sleep? Did she make friends . . . She was awfully lonely sometimes, and that's why I needed to be there for her.

    But when she needed me most, I vanished.

    Three months later, here I am looking for her, having my hopes up so high that she would be here, in this vault, only to find out that she wasn't . . . I'm a terrible big brother. I'm sorry Noëy. I'm sorry that I'm such a shitty older brother, and that I couldn't protect you.

    These Bentley guys definitely have something to do with your disappearance, and I'll find out what it is, for sure! Ah, looks like I'm leaving the vault now, and my handy butterfly knife is opened. There's the innkeeper, Cane. Cane. She's a citizen of Bentley. Bentley is the reason you're gone, Noëy.

    Hey, I'm going to kill Cane now, is that okay?

    Bryan sharply darted out of the vault and began sprinting, low, fast, towards Cane, his knife open and ready to strike. This was their fault, and they would pay. Since Cane wasn't at fault for anything, clearly, Bryan wasn't in his right mind.

    Quentin jumped in the way of Cane, but Bryan wasn't having it; that guy wasn't the one he was after. Almost there . . .
  13. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    With each and every second Julius began to feel even more restless. With his arms still crossed he soon found his arms shaking in anticipation. Lucas was left to deal with it and this only made Julius even more restless. Quinten arriving with Cane and the key was a blessing for them and now they would finally get somewhere in their search.

    Julius waited and waited until at last the door opened and Sophie was found. The chance that Sophie was in the was high, but Julius couldn't help but feel utterly shocked. Sophie was still alive, she was safe and they could save her. If this was the case then surely Jonathan and Noelle would be too....he'd finally be able to see their precious faces once more.

    Lucas soon moved on to the next vault and soon enough they found Pierce in the same condition as Sophie. Julius began to wonder if Jonathan and Noelle were like that too, if any harm had come to them, but only time would be the only thing that would tell them now. It was hard to breathe, but the moment of truth had finally come. Jonathan's vault password was entered and time felt as if it was moving insanely slow. Julius' hopes were all placed into this moment, his hatred would find its end....but that was far too much to ask for.

    Time froze as Julius stood there dumbfound. His mind reached the critical point and shut off everything. Jonathan was not there...his little brother was nowhere in sight. He wanted to scream, he wanted to cry, he wanted to kill...but his body refused to move..it refused to do something horrid...something Julius would regret his entire life. Time passed on, but what awakened him was the cry of a soul just like his...one that could not resist.

    His eye darted over toward the source of it all, Bryan had a knife in hand his emotions were running wild. Before he knew it Bryan ran, he ran with the knife ready and headed straight for Cane and Quinten. He needed to act, but why didn't his body move right away? why? his body told him to stay out and let the ***** get stabbed...but his mind couldnt do that...he couldnt let somebody who helped them be punished...no..it was more than that...he couldnt let Bryan fall like this...if he was going to fall...then they both would fall together...without regrets.

    And so as Bryan advanced so too did Julius. Before any harm could be done Julius grasped Bryan's arm and held it back with all his might. "ITS NOT WORTH IT! SHE IS NOT THE ENEMY WE ARE AFTER! DO NOT STAIN YOUR HANDS NOW" Julius yelled with his loud booming voice.
  14. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    S O L U T I O N A N D R E L I E F

    Because of the maid from earlier, Lucas had surmised that there were only three tries for a passcode, and when two of them were spent, wrong, on NOËLLE's vault Lucas felt frustrated, and then there was even more argument and debate about what the passwords were. After one, very long, very arduous hour, they finally decided on a set of numbers, and Lucas tried the first on SOPHIE's vault, which caused it to . . . to . . .

    It opened.

    And there she was, lying on a white mattress, clothed in a simple white garment, eyes closed. For a long moment, Lucas feared she might have been dead, and then what? Aside from FATIME, SOPHIE was the last of two people who held his strings of humanity up, and without her, he was that much closer to losing interest in life of all forms and doing something many people would say he would regret. He eyed her closer and then saw the steady rise and fall of her chest. She was still alive. That was . . . That was good.

    In a daze ( only if you really knew Lucas could you tell that he was in a daze ) he proceeded to open the rest of the vaults, hardly checking if they had occupants, and then returned to the opening of SOPHIE's

    TORVALD had begun a REVOLUTIONARY SPEECH, but Lucas was hardly tuning in, until his hand was grabbed, and then he was yanked inside. He didn't realize it, but he laughed loudly at the name 'Miss Baguette', and thought she would have found it funny too, were she awake. After he — cough — pirouetted out of the vault, Lucas made his way over to her bedside, joining a teary-eyed FREDDIE.

    Pull yourself together.❞ he told the other, quietly. To showcase so much emotion . . . Lucas felt a slight sting, but then smiled, stroking her face; it was cold, but she was most surely alive still. Outside of the vault, TORVALD was saying something else, but for long moments, he and SOPHIE were the only things existing. It was good to know she was alive.

    Hey, can you hear me? Sophie!

    Lucas clicked his tongue and put his hand over FREDDIE's mouth to get him to stop yelling, and then returned his attention to her. ❝Nico, Chaton is out in the garden again.❞ he murmured near her face, and she shifted slightly, and then mumbled something in reply. ❝You're not going to get him? He'll disappear again.

    You go and get him, I'm too tired . . .

    You know that he dislikes me.

    Then let him runaway . . .

    You don't mean that.

    She sat up and glared at him, tired, but fierce.

    Chaton doesn't like me either!❞ she argued childishly, and then winced. She took a long moment to look around, and then returned to her senses. ❝Lucas . . .❞ she murmured, eyes wide, and then looked at FREDDIE, ❝Freddie, too.❞ To his surprise, she pulled the both of them in a hug that made her yelp in pain. ❝Ah, fuck.

    Lucas pulled away, and quickly inspected her injuries. She looked worse for the wear, definitely, and Lucas turned to FREDDIE, ❝Could you excuse us for a moment?❞ he asked, and then ushered him out of the vault. They stood against the wall, hidden from view of the others and Lucas inspected her naked form as she scowled. ❝Alright, put it back on.❞ he told her, and then draped his jacket on her, ushering her out of the vault to join the others.

    A commotion with BRYAN seemed to be happening. Had NOËLLE not been in her vault? He didn't stay long enough to check.

  15. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    w e l c o m e,
    xxxxwearing hair music ooc

    She was already entering the helm when Zoey's voice reached her. She didn't know why the girl was pushing so hard for this, it didn't matter. She could stay behind if she wanted to. Dakota didn't want anything to do with it.

    Wait a minute, we can't just leave them! Ow, ow... No way! My brother is back at that mansion. So are Lucas, Julius, um... someone else... Tarvold, and Evan!

    Her heart ached at the mention of Evan ... Was he going to die, like Erik? This was horrible!

    Dakota slammed the key into the ignition and took a seat. Driving a boat for the first time, fun. The eye of the camera dug into the back of her head. The urge to break it was nearly overwhelming, but she had to get away from Zoey first. This girl was nuttier than she was.

    Maybe the police won't help, but what about the FBI? Dakota, we have eyewitness accounts of what happened! And missing people to report.

    The FBI? Was she out her her mind?! If the police weren't helping all the FBI would do was mindwipe them or have them killed!!

    We can't just leave them here! And even if they do escape, how are they going to get off of this freaking island if we take their boat!

    They'll find a way, Zoey! [​IMG] She shouted back. Dakota was literally on the edge of her seat. She could hear the tears in the girl's voice, but she didn't care. If she wanted to stay so badly then she should STAY! Dakota had absolutely no obligation to this kid. Her fingers reached out for the key. You just turned it like a car, right? Gods, she hoped so.

    ... What if this boat has been booby trapped while we were gone anyways and it exploded when we turn it on!


    ... No, that was stupid.

    Wait, was it stupid? ...


    They wouldn't even know it was our boat.
    Wait, no, there are probably cameras littered all over the place ... Agh!
    What if Bentley was counting on us to escape? Then the moment we cranked up the yacht ... BOOM!
    But there's no noticeable tampering with the yacht. They didn't even have the keys and the door to the helm was totally intact.
    Zoey is just trying to manipulate me into staying.
    Worst case - scenario, death.
    But .. Would it really matter if I died?

    Dakota's forehead dropped down against the steering wheel of the yacht. She just wanted to go home.

  16. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A :

    Cane was right.

    They entered the odd, white hallway and sure enough, the others were there. Bryan, Julius, Lucas, Evan, Freddie, and Torvald ...

    There were no greetings.

    Lucas immediately began to occupy Cane with conversation. At the end of it, he was given their key [ Oliver was not too happy about this ], and moved to what seemed to be ... a vault? What were they - in a bank or something?

    Nervously, Oliver stepped forward, examining the vaults. There were files posted up on the outside of them, and it didn't take long for him to figure out that they were some kind of prison cells. His heart started drumming up in his chest again and he felt lightheaded. Step by step, his green eyes flickered over the files, searching for Pierce. The hallway seemed to stretch on endlessly.

    Finally, his eyes settled on a someone familiar. Pierce. Pierce!

    Lucas wasn't at Pierce's door, though, he stood beside Bryan. Must've been Noëlle's vault. Oliver clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth and literally pouted, leaning back against the wall between two vaults to wait.

    They opened Sophie's. Apparently she was alive. That was nice. She would probably murder him for what he had done, but he deserved it.

    Finally, Lucas crossed over to Pierce's door and Oliver stepped back. If Sophie was okay, then surely ...

    The vault door unlocked because apparently Lucas is a super genius who can crack all codes, and Oliver closed his eyes. This was a bit too much for him. He didn't want to look. If it was empty, or if she was ... dead, or something, he didn't know how he'd be able to handle it. Hell, even if she was ALIVE! How could he look at her? He didn't deserve to even speak to her. He felt sick to his stomach.

    No one chimed out in relief over Pierce's well being. When the door slid open, it was quiet - at least to him. Oliver couldn't bear it.

    His eyes fluttered open.

    A head of long brown hair could be spotted from underneath a thick white blanket. There was a small side table with a glass of water on it, and two unwrapped pieces of candy.

    Oliver stepped into the vault quietly and dropped to his knees beside her bed. His expression fell and rose in a few second intervals. His heart thumped in his chest as he lifted his good arm and peeled back the blanket to expose her face. Her breaths could be heard and he could see her chest falling and rising.

    Tears of relief and shame blurred his vision and he fell back onto the heels of his shoes, raking his fingers through his hair shakily.

    Pierce, he sighed, leaning back over her bed and shaking her shoulder gently. Wake up ...

    His finger poked at her cheek at first, just playfully, but then he was so relieved to feel her skin that he stroked it instead. He really thought she was dead. He really thought he had killed her. Did it even matter? She would never forgive him. If she did, Sophie wouldn't - he wouldn't. He pressed his lips together, burying his face into the edge of Pierce's pillow. Guilt near consumed him.

    And then ...


    Something was happening outside of the vault. Oliver sniffled, wiped his eyes and scowled. Could they not keep it together? They weren't anywhere particularly safe to be yelling like that. Reluctantly, he pulled away from Pierce and stood to peek outside and into the hall.

    Bryan had a knife drawn and Julius was holding his arm. Everyone appeared kind of ... tense, but Cane was staring directly at Bryan with a rather calm physique for what Oliver assumed had happened. Noëlle wasn't in her vault. Ever since her disappearance, Bryan had been extremely irritable. Well, that was an understatement. Pretty soon there would be no calming him ...

    Oliver glanced back at Pierce with a sad expression and then shook his head, stepping back into the hallway. She would be alright for now.

    Bryan, your sister is alive. He stopped thrashing against Julius and Oliver continued. You think she'd still have an entire vault reserved for her if she weren't? ... Obviously she's not here, but ...

    It pained him to move away from Pierce, but if it stopped Bryan from slaughtering anyone then it was worth it. He took a step towards the opposite side of the hall, nodding towards one of the vaults he had seen earlier while searching for Pierce. It didn't have a file on the outside of it.

    I think she's herself, too. If she were brainwashed or whatever Bentley calls it, then ... well, I don't think she'd have a vault. Otherwise we'd probably be seeing some familiar faces.

    Oliver flicked his gaze towards Cane and she raised an eyebrow. It was true that she was different, but ... he was beginning not to trust anyone with green eyes lately. Including himself.

    ... I guess I could be wrong but those are my thoughts on it. If she's most likely herself and has a vault, she must be down here somewhere.
  17. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    MOOD. . .❤??0%WEARINGOOC

    Bryan was finally going to have lost his shit, and it would have happened too, if it hadn't been for that meddling one-eyed man! What was he even thinking right now? He could hardly compose a coherent thought, and most everything that went through his mind either made no sense or was completely influenced by a thirst for blood.

    Just before he could reach Cane and slice her throat open, a large hand grabbed his arm and he tripped, nearly impaling himself with the knife, but moving it out of the way just in time. Julius had a knee on his back and basically incapacitated him, and for god's sake, took his knife away! He began to violently thrash against the man, knocking him in the face, stomach, arm, and chest, but Julius wasn't having any of his psychotic thrashing and held him down, shoving his face against the ground.

    Julius yelled him, and slowly, Bryan began to be quelled by his more reasonable side which had, unfortunately, decided to make it's long-overdue appearance. Why was he attacking Cane again? He actually liked her, and it wasn't like she personally kidnapped Noëlle — right? It was unlikely, the small voice in the back of his mind said. Don't be an idiot, Bryan. Yeah Bryan, don't be an idiot!

    . . .

    "Bryan, your sister is alive." Bryan stopped thrashing and tuned into the voice. He couldn't see behind him, and wasn't really registering who was talking, but they continued, "You think she'd still have an entire vault reserved for her if she weren't? . . . Obviously she's not here, but . . ."

    He fell limp against the ground. For a moment, he forced himself to think rationally. Before, the vault had just been there to tease him, to provoke him because he was a failure of a brother — of a human, but come to think of it, why would the Grants have a vault for someone who was dead already? Unless they hadn't cleaned it yet . . . He closed his eyes, feeling tears sting at them again. I'm going to completely flip my fucking shit. he thought to himself.

    The voice of reason, who Bryan finally realized was Oliver, began talking again, "I think she's herself, too. If she were brainwashed or whatever Bentley calls it, then . . . well, I don't think she'd have a vault. Otherwise we'd probably be seeing some familiar faces."

    After he was done talking, it was quiet in the hallway for a long time, and Bryan, his face practically hidden from everyone against the hard ground, was silently sobbing. He took a few minutes to compose himself, and then told Julius to get off him. He got up, dusted himself off, wiped his face, and gingerly glanced up at Cane. She seemed unperturbed by the turn of events, and he muttered an apology to her, moving to pick up his knife.

    "Don't touch it if you're going to charge again." started a stern, harsh voice, and Bryan glanced up to meet the intense blue eyes of Quentin, who glared fiercely at him. He narrowed his own green eyes, and while acting childishly defiant, picked up the knife and skillfully closed it, slipping it into his pocket once more.

    He gave a wide, refreshing stretch and let out a groan after loosening up his muscles. That had been . . . interesting. Psychotic tendencies, fun stuff. He made his way back over to the main group, "Alright, well," he began, slightly awkward, and then gave a laugh, "Sorry about that. I guess. We should keep moving. If Ollie here is right, then she'll — . . . they'll be down here. We're going to find them. Sound good to everyone?"

    . . . It wasn't like he left much room for debate anyway.
  18. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    . . . . .

    ♡ ~ ✖ ~ ♡

    She didn't know how long she had been in the white bed, inside the giant vault, being held against her will, but most of that time was spent between consciousness and sleeping most of the time, she felt completely lethargic and usually only moved to shift. The horrific, pathetic excuse for a game of hide-and-seek had seemed like it was ages ago. Her only real regret was being caught by that group of girls, but, for some reason, they had spared her life. The game had been called to an end as soon as they had caught her. She had been self-depreciating about the whole ordeal, mostly because she couldn't outfox the group, but she had to give herself brownie points; for all of her injuries, she had brought down some of the others trying to kill her.

    On the downside, she had been captured, and then discovered that Pierce had been apart of the game, too, though that section was mostly blurry, and she couldn't remember if she had dreamed it up or not. Hopefully, it was the former. How had Pierce being at that campfire in the first place escape her? Shouldn't Oliver had been with her, too? The last time she had seen the either of them, they had left her at the festival.

    Her tired mind flickered back to the present, where, strangely enough, there were voices. For a moment, she thought she might have started hallucinating, especially when one of them was calling her name. There was a familiar woosh just like always when the giant metal door opened, and then more shuffling and voices.

    . . . Chaton?

    Lucas . . . She was sitting up now, despite the searing pain of her multiple and various injuries, and was looking the face of the one person whose existence had kept her sane, and then next to him, Freddie, too. A wave of emotion washed over her and she couldn't help but throw her arms around both of them, feeling like she was going to cry, only it became worse because all of her injuries burned.

    With Lucas' coat around her smaller frame, Sophie stepped out into the white hallway, hearing some noises and yelling, but mostly blocking them out and then inspecting the rest of the group. No Oliver, no Pierce. Another one of the vault doors was open and Sophie, barefoot and all, limped her way over to it, and looked inside to see her friend laying on a similar-to-her-own white bed. To her relief, she was breathing, and only looked a little worse for the wear.

    She slowly made her way over to her, and placed a hand on her face, stroking it almost lovingly. Pierce had to go through that hell of a game, too? Where had Oliver been? She wondered if he had been there that night, too. Probably not. She couldn't remember if she had seen him or not, but that didn't matter. Pierce was alive. Sophie smiled, and tears began to blur her vision; she had really become emotionally invested in this weird little relationship, hadn't she? She leaned over and kissed Pierce's forehead, wondering if she would open her eyes soon.

    You should wake up soon, we won't be staying here very long, I don't think. Sophie murmured against Pierce's forehead. Quiet footsteps interrupted her thoughts and she looked over her shoulder to see Oliver. Sophie wasn't sure what to say. She guessed it was nice that he was alive. She mentally shook her head. Best to leave it at that. Leaving him to it, she left the Pierce-vault and returned to Lucas and Freddie, leaning onto the latter.

    After a series of events involving calming speeches and psychotic rampages, Bryan was laughing, and saying that they should move on, even further into the facility to find Noëlle and Jonathan. She was still in loads of pain, and leaned against Lucas. Thank you for coming, she mumbled to him in French, and he glanced down at her. They were going to kill us, I heard, if we didn't . . . What was it they said? . . . Convert. I suppose that meant giving us the green-eye treatment.

    Lucas gave a light laugh at this, and Bryan's attention snapped onto them. What's that? he asked and Sophie twitched at the slightly scary aura that he gave off, where then, Lucas stepped to be in front of her slightly.

    She coughed awkwardly, not in the mood to mess around with him, so she just out with it, Pierce and I were set up for execution, in a month. There was something about testing, and when it was over . . . But they would only kill us if we didn't 'convert'. she explained in a cracking, slightly hoarse voice, Which I assume means turning us into one of their citizens . . . She remembered reading about the population spike. Was this how they had gone about it; luring/kidnapping people, converting them, and then killing them if they didn't comply?

    You wouldn't look good with green eyes, I don't think. Lucas murmured to her, and she returned a small smile, wanting to laugh, but feeling too tired. She looked past Bryan to see Quentin, a relief, a sight for sore eyes, Dennis, and Cane moving towards them.

    Cane, Lucas began to ask, do you know anything about this . . . 'conversion'? She limped back into Pierce's vault again, and walked in to return to sitting on her bed. She grabbed her hand and winced at its cold feeling.

    Wake up, she hummed tiredly, squeezing her hand.

  19. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    WEARING DATE 03/18/2016 DAY 05 & 1/3


    Wake up,

    Pierce groaned in her sleep and rolled onto her side. Her cheek felt strangely warm and something was touching her hand. No more candy ... she murmured groggily. She couldn't eat more candy. It was making her feel sick. Too much! Too much candy! She rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. She was expecting to see Patrick or the maid girl, someone other than Sophie. She blinked the sleep out of her eyes and stared up into those pale gray orbs belonging to her best friend. Sophie? she sounded shocked and disoriented.

    Pierce sat up on the bed and touhed her hand to Sophie's face. It ... it really is you... she breathed out in relief. Pierce through her arms around her friend's neck and pulled her close. Sophie how did you ... she trailed off seeing the open vault door over Sophie's shoulder. There were voices coming from the hall -- familiar voices. Her heart began to swell. Her chest hurt, feeling ready to exploded. The others? She asked, pulling away from Sophie, but keeping her hands firmly placed on her friend's shoulders. There was a sad smile on Pierce's face. They came for them. She wouldn't have to become like everyone else. She wouldn't have to stay here forever, or ... or ... -- she shook her head. Tears were already starting to form. Her eyes stung and they slowly began to spill over. Always a crybaby, even now that she's an adult.

    Oh right, her birthday. There was no sense of time in the vault. She had no idea if it was still the same day or the next. Her hands were going numb. She scrambled to pull Sophie close once more, giving her a tear-stained kiss on the lips before rising clumsily to her feet. Her foot caught on the hem of the dress and she knocked the glass off the nightstand as she hit the ground. It crashed to the floor spraying water and broken bits of glass every which way. Pierce jumped to her feet in a daze. She was only half aware of the potential to step on broken glass. She led Sophie off the bed, holding her hand, and out into the hall.

    Her long brown hair was a disheveled mess at her shoulders. Her free hand trembled as she combed her fingers through it. Her chest still felt ready to burst and tears continued to pour down her have. Her legs felt like gelatin, and when her chocolate brown eyes settled on the back of a reddish-blond twenty-one year old standing in front of her, her breathing hitched. She dropped Sophie's hand. Her heart hammered in her chest. Oliver, she choked out. He was there. He was alive. When C.A.G.E. took her, she thought he might not make it out. He wasn't a teenager and his eyes were already green. She had thought they might just get rid of him. He was alive. He was here. She mashed her lips together and took a trembling step forward. ...Alive .... You're ... alive .... Her mouth was dry. She remembered that moment in the forest where he pulled her into him -- both of them scared for their lives -- and it had strangely been one of the happiest most secure moments she had ever felt. She took another step.

    Her knees felt like they might give out. There was a sharp pain in her foot. Had she stepped on the broken glass after all? Her head throbbed where she hit it upon her descent into the lake. Pierce pushed through the pain. She had never been one to endure pain physically. Emotionally, she was a pressurized bottle ready to explode. She stopped directly in front of him, looking up into those green eyes. Pierce had thought that she would begin to hate all green eyes, but apparently she was wrong. She didn't hate those eyes. Her dry, cracked lips parted everso slightly. You came ... for me ...? She breathed out, not breaking eye contact.
  20. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Dennis Baker:

    Dennis got down the ladder along with Quentin, Cane and Oliver. Eventually they came to a stop and, while it was good to be back on the ground, Dennis couldn't help but feel really anxious. The inn they were just in, just went on fucking fire. He started to wonder how exactly the others were doing, but he had only scene Zoey and Quentin in the hotel before he left. He was really hoping that it was a good thing that he didn't see them.

    The gang started walking down the tunnel, lead by Cane who was the only one with a flashlight and no how on where to go. It seemed pretty much a classic escape route in some sort of movie or something but he was fine with it so long as he wasn't dying in a giant flaming hellhole inn. He was a bit unnerved, however, by the fact that Cane mentioned something about not knowing whether or not they could get out.

    He felt even more unnerved when another person came into view and Cane started shivering all over the place. She said something about that person having the key they needed, but in a really nervous voice. If they didn't get that key Dennis started to think that there was a good chance they would stay down here for the rest of their lives and probably die of some form of lack of nourishment or hydration. Also not good. They needed to get that key no matter what. Then Quentin went in for a sneak attack. Jesus christ was this kid some kind of ninja. He literally knocked her out in some sort of stealth like video game action...was kind of badass he had to admit. Now that they had the key they followed Cane all the way to some weird white tunnel area where they met up with the group of people who left the hotel earlier. After Cane handed the card to Lucas the group mulled over passwords until all four passwords they were searching for were finally found.

    He looked around, slightly wordlessly as the vaults were opened. He stood around the middle of the room so, with the people in front of the vaults, he couldn't really see what was inside them. Looking in the direction of what he assumed to be Sophie's vault he was waiting for someone to come out when suddenly his attention was directed towards Bryan going absolutely Batshit insane. He watched as the whole scene unravel in front of him until finally Bryan calmed down and everything was fine...only Dennis was probably going to have be a bit more wary towards Bryan. The man looked like he could snap at the,uh, snap of a finger. All of psycho Bryan aside, he was still relieved to see Pierce and Sophie alive and...mostly well. However, despite this, Dennis was still worried about...well everything going on here. "Hey um, guys, not to ruin the moment or, uh, anything. But shouldn't we like, get out of this place? Ya see we had to "acquire" the key from someone else, and I really wouldn't want to stick around for when she, um, realizes where we are." As cool as it was, Dennis didn't really feel like telling everybody that they had to knock out a maid looking person to get the key card.
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