❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    The Inn is engulfed in flames and collapses soon after. The mob from before begin to cheer, but immediately clear out of the area as firefighters storm in to douse the remaining flames before they spread to another building.
  2. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts: I hope WE'LL BE OKAY|Place: Hellfire Inn at Bentely--->Forest--->Back to docks|Mood:Terrified/Determind|Music: Sephiroth|Day: 1/3]

    Zoey gasped for air as she leaned against a tree to catch her breath. Damn, her ribs hurt. Probably from that fall. She patted herself on the back briefly before hearing the cheers of the mob from kinda far off. She froze and stood upright, peeking around the tree she was hiding behind. Just then, she saw someone dart down the path, heading back towards the place where they came up the big hill to this fire and brimstone pit. That looked like... Dakota maybe? Was that her name? She pressed her finger tips to the bark of the tree, thinking about the others at the inn. There was nothing she could do for them now. With a heavy heart, she pushed herself from the trees and began to dodge through the trees of the forest to keep out of sight from the mob that she swore was worse than the one in Beauty and the Beast.

    'Through the mist, through the woods, it's a nightmare but it's one exciting riiiide~ Say a prayer, and we're there, at a drawbridge of a castle and there's something truly-'


    It took Zoey forever to make it to the dock, but she made it.
    She winced as she felt tired and extremely sore, but there was still no time to rest. None what so ever. She had one of those super energy shots in her backpack if she needed it, but that was her last resort. For now, the terrifying experience from earlier was keeping her moving. And the fact that she feared for the safety of the friends that left her behind... That, and she was scared for Freddie too. She still didn't get to tell him her big secret yet.
    She glanced around the dock, looking for the familiar female, the only adult she could rely on. Well, she hoped she could rely on anyways. From what Zoey saw of Dakota, she seemed to be... Paranoid? Very much so. Maybe she was looking for a way out. But... Dakota had the atlases. Zoey really needed to find this chick, and fast.
    Zoey then saw a figure in the distance, appearing to be sitting down and looking at the water. Realizing who it was, Zoey felt tremendous relief as she began to move forward.
    Suddenly Zoey fell to one knee as her banged up leg gave out. She grunted as pain throbbed through that leg, but she just gritted her teeth and pushed herself to stand up. She then made her way gradually over to her, limping steadily. "H-Hey," Zoey said softly, standing about three feet behind the older woman. "Glad you made it out," Zoey said with a small smile. "Zoey is my name... Freddie is my brother." She sighed out and went over by Dakota before gradually sitting down by her, letting her legs dangle over the edge. "Ow..." Zoey gingerly touched her ribcage before she let her hands rest on her lap, careful to avoid her bad knee. "So... what are we going to do now?" Zoey asked, looking over at the adult.
    Sure, Dakota had the atlases, but what were they going to do with them exactly? Zoey had no idea what was going down at Patrick's mansion, or even where to look next. To her, it seemed like they ran into a dead end at this point. But Zoey wanted to do something. She still freaking wanted to help.
    And now Maka swears at herself for not making Zoey leave the inn sooner, damn writer anyways. Zoey wonders who does this Maka think she is, trying to get her killed like that. Maka now goes into a corner and sobs.
  3. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Evan Allen Walker:
    {~~~Day 5 (1/3)~~~March 17th, 2016, Thursday~~~Location: Enemy Boss Dungeon(Patrick's House/Dungeon of Horrors)~~~Mood: Well that happened~~~Music~~~Ooc:~~~}

    They were all getting their questions answered by this girl who still seemed to be really nervous around them. Apparently where they were going was not a place the maid really ever wanted to go to, there's been a girl here for awhile which is how she learned that "Girl in the Water Colors" song (which already was sending out more red flags about these folks,) she somewhat enjoyed working here, she's been working here for four months and has no idea about the whole green eyes thing. Also apparently this place housed parties, which Evan was having a hard time imagining, (and when he could it was all just some hodgepodge of demonic and cultish things going on. The usual villain's lair party thing.) Really he didn't get anything too useful other than the fact that they might've captured someone from long ago here and have been holding them prisoner. Oh and that this basement was probably filled with the most horrifying things none to mankind (because if nervous made doesn't like it that must be the only conclusion to reach.)

    The gang got to the bottom of the shaft and Evan just sort of looked around. It was a cave...apparently the Grant's enjoyed having a cave instead of a basement or something. Maybe Patrick was like , Anti-Batman. Regardless of those thoughts they continued walking down the hall until they went through the center path of a three way split. What lie in wait for them down that path was totally unexpected. A porcelain staircase that led them downstairs to a large ass door. Once in there the whole Batcave vibe disappeared and creepy sterile evil man lair thing replaced it. Even worse, once they got into the white room of horrors, the door locked behind them and their made friend Amber left them there. Red flags going off all over the place.

    Well that happened."Well, I'm gonna go check one of these circley things out and see what's on them." Evan walked over to the closest vault door thing to the left of the entrance to see what was on them. There was apparently a file on it about somebody name Alvin C. Monk. Apparently he was an outsider man from who really cares ville, tall, blue hair, red eyes (fucking creepy at that,) tanned. Apparently he wandered into Bentley one day, stole something from a store, later was found and taken here. Evan looked around the vast hallways and realized that there was probably approximately... a ton, of these file things. "So guys, there's this file here on some dude and I'm inclined to believe that all these circley things have files on different people..." Evan paused for a moment and came to another conclusion,"and those people may or may not be behind these circley vault doorish looking things. Still not entirely certain on that." Evan was expecting something creepy from Patrick, but not stash people in your walls with records on them creepy. Evan now realized...even more so than before, that this man was a sick fuck.
  4. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    w e l c o m e,
    xxxxwearing hair music ooc

    Running, running, running.

    Dakota had still been on the second floor hallway when the flames shot up around the inn. At first, she had sat there kind of mumbling to herself, wondering if what was happening was some kind of dream ... but then the heat intensified around her and she felt herself struggling to breathe as smoke began to billow up. That was enough motivation to shakily stand, grab her bag and head to a window. WAIT.

    Before she went, she ran through the hallway to another room. The 'adults' room. She searched briefly and found the keys to the yacht. Yes. Then she leaned out of that window instead. When she got the positioning right, she tossed her suitcase down and leapt into a group of thick bushes.

    Outside was crazy. There was a literal mob!! She knew that if she was caught, only horrible things awaited her, so that wasn't going to happen.

    The bushes didn't break the fall as effectively as she would have hoped. Her entire body ached with pain as she roughly grabbed the handle of her suitcase and began to sprint across the garden and down a colorful sidewalk. Her eyes blurred with tears and she shook her head back and forth to try and steady herself.

    Her thighs burned and chest heaved with wheezing breaths. She ran and ran. Whenever she felt herself slowing, she pushed even harder. She didn't stop until she reached the docks, where they had left their boat.

    Finally, she stopped running. Her body shook with adrenaline and she stumbled to a bush to empty her stomach. Tears spilled over again down her face. She felt awful, stumbling down the walkway and to the edge of the dock, right next to their yacht. She plopped down and buried her face into her hands, sobbing. The tears fell and fell. She thought about the kids in the inn, and Erik. Her stomach churned again and she clutched the fabric over her chest, willing her heart to stop and her body to calm.


    Hastily, she began attempting to wipe the tears away. That wasn't the voice she was hoping to hear. She turned.

    H-Hey, Glad you made it out. Zoey is my name... Freddie is my brother.

    Eyepatch girl. Dakota stared at her.

    Zoey took a seat.

    So... what are we going to do now?

    Dakota blinked. Oh. This is where she was supposed to be an adult, huh? She sniffled, lowering her trembling fingers down onto her lap. Zoey was going to be so disappointed.


    There was nothing else to say about it, she was going back to Candlewood. It was a mistake for them to come, they needed to get back. She wasn't going to die here. At least if they got off of this island they could tell someone -- ... She remembered the police's refusal to get involved with Bentley and the tears started to well up again. No. If they went back, they would have to pretend nothing ever happened. No one would help.

    Dakota stood up and threw her suitcase onto the deck of the yacht. The shuddering was starting up again.

    She stepped onto the boat, pulling the keys out from her pocket.

    Stay if you want.[​IMG]


  5. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    The trip was long and the nagging feeling that told him to get out was something that did not leave his mind at all. Julius merely crossed his arms and stared around trying to find as much as he could about this place and just figure out where exactly they were going. The maid was a suspicious one, but the others were currently dealing with her and trying to pry any information from her. He found the maid odd since she wasn't necessarily hiding anything, but her nervousness made it weird.

    Soon enough they reached their destination and Julius merely sighed as he followed Amber on. Once they reached the underground area, Julius' attention was instantly caught and his eye tried its best to notice any detail he could find at all. Upon doing so the door shut and Julius' attention was quickly drawn towards the shut door. "Shit" Julius muttered as he ran up the door and tried to open it to no avail. The woman named Amber was gone and now they were left in a room without water or food. It truly seemed they were caught in a trap.

    Clenching his fist Julius merely slammed his fist against the door before deciding to walk on. Even if they were trapped in this place there was still a chance that they could find something noteworthy or even a away out. "Alright...we are stuck in here...best we try and find anything to help our case" Julius said as his eye caught sight of what seemed to be files. Intrigued Julius walked towards them and took a couple of the files, skimming down at them trying to see just what they were about. Evan brought up an interesting point and Julius merely continued to skim down the files as well.

    "Its not just outsiders...its also has files about some residents of Bentley...says something about people being immune to some kind of...medication" Julius said narrowing his eyes as he turned back to the others. "If Evan is right then guys...there is a chance the others could actually be here....Noelle and Jonathan could actually be here..." Julius said saying the last part quietly.
  6. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts: ...|Place: Back to docks|Mood:Terrified/Determind|Music: x|Day: 1/3]

    Zoey blinked at the woman when she said they were going to leave. She had the option to stay if she wanted to, but Zoey couldn't do this on her own. No way. "Wait a minute, we can't just leave them!" Zoey blurted, standing up. "Ow, ow... No way! My brother is back at that mansion. So are Lucas, Julius, um... someone else... Tarvold, and Evan!" Wait. Another thought slipped into her head. Dakota gave that group the atlases. She had no map. And they really had no plan. And the way Zoey was in her current condition, she was screwed. Bad knee equaled less ability to run. Hurt hands equaled less ability to climb or grab things. Also, she highly doubt she could survive another fall. Then she remembered her cell phone. She hadn't called her dad in a few days.

    The girl slipped off her backpack and then dug out her phone. It was still alright, thank goodness. "Maybe the police won't help, but what about the FBI? Dakota, we have eye witness accounts of what happened! And missing people to report!" She waved her cellphone in the air before bringing it down close to her. "We can't just leave them here!" she repeated, this time with tears in her eye. "And even if they do escape, how are they going to get off of this freaking island if we take their boat!" She waved her hands in the air and then held back a sob. "What if this boat has been booby trapped while we were gone anyways and it exploded when we turn it on!"
  7. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Frederick "Freddie" Anderson
    DAY: 5 - 1/3 | DATE: March 18th, 2016 | LOCATION: Underground Vaults (Bentley)

    The trip down in the elevator was quite long. With all of the questions she had been asked, the maid was able to answer all of them to the best of her ability. The maid, Amber, even had time to ask a question of her own before we even hit the bottom. She asked about what the friends we were looking for looked like. We gave out competent descriptions of them. As she tried to process it all, she nibbled at her lower lip.

    After what seemed to be an eternity, the elevator finally hit the bottom and Amber led them forward. The first area she led them through was cavernous, all dark and musty. However, as they pressed on, the path they were taking had three branching paths. Amber led us through the middle one, shining her flashlight to guide the way. They continued down the path until they came across an out of place, pure porcelain stairwell. Above the railing of the stairwell were candles that the maid lit as they continued further down.

    As soon as they reached the bottom, the maid used the authorization card she was given to open some kind of large, heavy metal door. She holds it open so that our group can proceed before coming in herself. Lights flickered on after they entered and they were in an eerie, long white hallway with vault doors. Freddie started to get a bad feeling in his gut. Before he can even say anything, though, the door closes and the maid has disappeared.

    Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit It seemed like they were trapped in the hallway now. That was just great, just great. It looks like the door won't budge without the use of the authorization card, so the guys were rightly screwed on this one.

    Julius slammed his fist against the door they came in from. "Alright...we are stuck in here...best we try and find anything to help our case" He started to look at the files on the doors.

    "Well, I'm gonna go check one of these circley things out and see what's on them." Not even missing a beat, Evan wasted no time in checking out one of the files on one of the vault doors. It listed details about some random guy and how he wound up in this place. "So guys, there's this file here on some dude and I'm inclined to believe that all these circley things have files on different people..." So that meant Sophie had to be in one of them. That's a good sign. "and those people may or may not be behind these circley vault doorish looking things. Still not entirely certain on that." He has a point, but they could at the very least try to find out what happened to them.

    "Its not just outsiders...its also has files about some residents of Bentley...says something about people being immune to some kind of...medication," Julius said narrowing his eyes.
    Wait, medication? But I haven't seen anybody here taking medication. The only thing I've seen here are people popping candies as if they were... He didn't even bother finishing the thought. "If Evan is right then guys...there is a chance the others could actually be here..." Julius muttered something else, but Freddie couldn't make it out.

    "Well then, there's no time to waste here, we gotta look at these files to see if our friends really are here." Freddie began looking at different files on the different vault doors. None of them piqued his interest. None of them so far we're about Sophie. However, after looking through about a dozen files, he finally found Sophie's. "Here! I found Sophie's!" He slowly began to read what it said out loud. "Sophie Nico Bennett. Came to Bentley and became involved in the Bentley Hide - and - Seek game. Was found by the group C.A.G.E. hiding in a tree. Branches were cut to get to her and she was captured. She was brought to Patrick heavily injured." He stared at it dumbfounded. Hide - and - Seek? That thing that happened at the lake was their version of Hide - and - Seek?

    After standing there in front of the door for a while, he finally tried to pry the vault door open. He fiercely struggled to open the door, but it wouldn't budge an inch. His fingers became very red very quickly. "Oh come on, damn you. Open!" Despite the fact it wouldn't budge, he continued to try forcing it open. He wanted to see her. He wanted to make sure she was still alive. He wanted to hold her in his arms and feel the warmth of her body. So he desperately struggled to open the vault door, just to see her again.
  8. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    MOOD. . . !❤??0%WEARINGOOC

    The girl had answered all of their questions, but Bryan wasn't really liking the answers because they didn't tell much. She was 'called' Amber, but he wondered whether or not it was her real name.

    When they finally reached the bottom, Bryan had to admit that he was glad to be out of the elevator. When the lights flickered on, he was blinded by the complete whiteness of the area and had to blink a few times to adjust his sight. A long stretch of hallway lay ahead and behind them and lining both parallel walls were large metal doors, in the shapes of circles. Without thinking about it, Bryan began to walk and glance at each of the files that were situated right next to the large doors.

    There were pictures, information, and names. Bryan's heart began to race. He heard other voices speaking, but he couldn't hear them because his heart was thumping loudly throughout his body as he scanned and scanned and scanned. Before he knew it, he was running from door to door, looking for the face he longed so much to see. The group was a ways away from him now, and he panted as he came upon a few more doors, not having any success. C'mon, c'mon . . . Where . . . Where is she?!

    She has to be here. She has to.

    A tight feeling grew in his throat as he passed two more vaults. On the third, he barely glanced at it before quickly moving on, but then he stopped, frozen in his place as he had seen a flash of cherry-red hair. At his sides, his fists clenched, and he took deep breaths. Slowly, he turned around and walked over to the file, leaning over to observe it.

    "Noëlle Marilyn Chambers." he whispered to himself, his face heating up and his nose and eyes starting to burn. He slowly, brokenly read out the situation that had brought her to Bentley, which involved an assassination attempt of Julius. Bryan blinked, and stood straight, looking at the giant vault door. He glanced, his eyes glossy, over at Julius, pointing at the door dumbly, trying to form words but nothing would come out.

    He ran his tanned hands through his brown hair, and then leaned against the door, pressing his forehead against it, "Noëy . . . Are you there?" he whispered, and then suddenly, violently, he pounded his fists against the hard metal, feeling the sting but not caring. The amount of times that he jabbed his fists into the door became uncountable and soon, his knuckles were bleeding and his hands were searing with pain, but he still didn't care.

    She was here.

    She was inside the vault.

    And no amount of metal could keep him from getting to her.
  9. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A :

    They climbed down for a long while in this tiny space. He had to move slowly, considering his arm. He wondered if it was broken or just dislocated. If he fell, he would be bringing Quentin and Dennis down with him and that wasn't cool, so he took his time. When the other two had landed, he was still hopping down the ladder. Cane held her tongue about his pace but gave him a look of disapproval as soon as they were on their feet again.

    Lessee ... Cane shifted around in the darkness, looking for something. The jingle of keys sounded out through the blackness, and a moment later their small group was dimly illuminated by a small light. Cane seemed disappointed. Ah well. Come on, unless yer'd prefer ter be left behind.

    Oliver followed after her, clutching his shoulder. The weight of his backpack was slung onto his right arm. He didn't feel he could take Pierce's bag holding so much junk, so before he planned jumped, he dumped a bunch of her stuff into his bag instead. It wasn't the same, but at least ... He sighed. The bag itself had been lost in the fire once he fell. Good stuff.

    He trailed behind Cane, who was stepping forward cautiously and mulling over things. She mentioned that she knew where they were, but wasn't sure if she could get them out. The more time dragged on the thicker her weird accent became. Maybe she was nervous.

    They walked on for a bit before Cane held out her hand and turned her light off. Oliver stopped, as did the others. The sound of footsteps could be heard from their place in the caverns ... it was a girl, holding a flashlight and walking past them. She was humming a song ... He recognized it. His heart started pounding.

    Cane took a small step forward, but then stopped herself, unsure.

    She'll 'ave a key ter get out, I'd imagine ... If she's dahn 'ere, though ...

    The black-haired innkeeper had to fold her arms over her chest to stop her fingers from shaking.

    If that girl had the key they needed, they'd have to stop her, right?
  10. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
  11. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
  12. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
  13. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
  14. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆
    MOOD !!! MUSIC

    ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

    They were down in the tunnels being led by Cane, who, for some reason, Quentin was glad they brought along. They walked for a little while, until Cane stopped and spoke after the group saw a girl who was humming a familiar tune to herself. For the moment, Quentin couldn't place the sound, but she walked past them and his breathing hitched.

    "She'll 'ave a key ter get out, I'd imagine . . . If she's dahn 'ere, though . . ."

    If she down here, then what? Did they need that key? That meant they needed to stop her, then. How to do . . . They could be straightforward and ask her for it, but she would probably get scared or angry, and not give it to them, when they would then have to resort to using force.

    "What do we do?" he asked the others, not really expecting to get an answer. "A sneak attack will probably be best." He then murmured, and began to slowly move towards the humming girl, taking care to not make much noise. He wasn't sure what he was doing, but if they needed that key, then it was a key they would have. He motioned to the others to stay where they were, and then . . .

    He grabbed her from behind, making her scream out, where he then held his hand over her mouth, covered by the wet towel. He would feel super guilty about this later, but there was no time for that now. He brought up his other hand to pinch her neck nerve and bring her to the ground. Hopefully, the amount of pain he was causing her would make her pass out, towel to her mouth and all.

    She struggled valiantly, and even hit him in the face, but after a long, long time, she just stopped moving. He clenched his eyes shut and then glanced back over at the others, and then padded her unconscious body down to snag any key or card that looked suspicious, and once he had it, he stood up, looming over her unconscious body. "S - Sorry . . ." he murmured.

  15. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Counter Stopped Desu!
  16. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A :

    Before he could decide how exactly to go about it, or if the girl was dangerous or not, Quentin took off into the darkness. He snuck up behind her and somehow managed to knock her out, standing over her unconscious form for a moment once obtaining the access key. Cane jumped up and down in her spot before scurrying over to Quetin and placing a hand on his shoulder.

    Good job, boy! Not so daft after all! Right, what do you want ter do now? I know a way ter get us out of 'ere but I'm thinkin' that since Amber is dahn 'ere, your friends may be too.

    What friends? Oliver and Dennis walked out towards where Quentin and Cane stood. Did she mean the group who went to Patrick's? Or those involved in the Hide and Seek game? ... Or both of them?

    Oliver touched his shoulder again. This was uncomfortable. He tried to move it again and winced, frowning. He didn't know how much help he'd be with his arm so screwed up, but if there was a chance Pierce was down here ...

    We should go.

    He looked around at all of them, and locked eyes with Cane. Her expression was solemn and thoughtful. He wondered if she would get in trouble for helping them escape and started to feel a bit guilty. A few more seconds passed and Cane closed her eyes, sighing before lifting her vivid green gaze again.

    ... Right, then! She said, with new vigor. She bent down to take the maid's flashlight and prompted them to follow her as she started down a path.

    They reached a staircase and eventually a large metal door. Cane swiped the card and it let them through.
  17. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    S O L U T I O N A N D R E L I E F

    The maid, Amber, she said they called her, had locked us in the vault, but I expected nothing less. Trap or not, us being directly led to who we were looking for without any catches was simply too good to be true. JULIUS had begun to speak of the files the were set next to large vault doors that were most likely holding cells for victims of Bentley, and when he mentioned a sort of immunity, the candy came to mind, for no one I had seen had been taking any sort of medication.

    I had thought that the candy was dangerous, but the case was that it was the opposite of that? I felt foolish for not thinking of that, but to be frank, candy isn't the best way to ask someone to ingest something, especially when it's set to be a suspicious item in the first place.

    Our small group began to break up, looking from vault to vault to find those we were looking for; each of us had someone here that we were invested in, and I would not give up until I found NICO, and she was safely with me once more.

    Just as I was heading to the next vault, FREDDIE stepped in front of me and I briefly narrowed my eyes at being cut off. We both leaned in to read the file, and my eyes slightly widened, Sophie Nico Bennett. I thought to myself, and a large weight lifted from my shoulders, and I breathed right for the first time since I had discovered she was missing. Now the only question was, was she still alive?

    I read the circumstances to myself while FREDDIE vocally echoed my thoughts. He didn't seem to notice I was next to him because his voice was particularly loud. I understood his relationship with NICO was close, so for the moment, I let the annoyance slide. Came to Bentley and became involved in the Bentley Hide - and - Seek game. Was found by the group C.A.G.E. hiding in a tree. Branches were cut to get to her and she was captured. She was brought to Patrick heavily injured. Heavily injured . . . I looked over my shoulder at TORVALD. I wasn't beyond asking for his assistance, and while I was able to treat multiple wounds myself, if it were anything beyond cuts of any depth, she may need more help than I can provide.

    That brings a heavy feeling into my chest.

    Next to me, FREDDIE desperately tried to open the vault, but I knew it would not be as easy as picking a lock or typing in an access code. There was a special sort of key that we needed, and it wasn't just for NICO's vault, though I barely spared the others a second thought, it was for their's too.

    Calmly, I set my hands on FREDDIE's shoulders and move him away from the vault. ❝It will not open.❞ I tell him, stating the obvious, ❝We are going to need a key of some sort.❞ Unfortunately, we didn't know where we could retrieve such a key. Down the hallway was BRYAN, carelessly beating his hands into another one of the vaults. It wasn't my place to stop him, but he was going to render himself useless if he continued. I turned to JULIUS, ❝Excuse me,❞ I begin to him, ❝But you are the only one who is seemingly able to control him. Could you . . . ?

    Just then, my attention turned to the opening of a door, and I looked down the hallway to see four people. Thinking that they were from Bentley, I narrowed my eyes, and began walking forward, until I realized I recognized the one with black hair; it was CANE, and with her was DENNIS, OLIVER, AND QUENTIN. There had been others that were behind at the inn, yes? So where were they? If CANE was with them, then I surmised that something happened, and others had died.

    I had a brief conversation with CANE, and she then gave me a card, which . . . This was it! The key that we needed to open the vaults. I looked over my shoulder at the rest of the group, and BRYAN had finally stopped beating against the vault, looking in my direct with wild eyes. I glanced over to where FREDDIE was standing, but then sighed. I had to be logical, and remain unbias for the moment, no matter how much it pained me to do so.

    Lifting myself to stand straight, I made my way over to BRYAN and showed him the key, which he then tried to snatch from me, but I glared at him and slammed him into the wall. ❝Control yourself, unkempt boy.❞ I hissed venomously, feeling my patience slowly drain. He seemed angry, but I didn't have it in me to care; he should be simply glad that I was trying to open this vault before any of the others.

    I slid the card down the port, and hoped for the large metal door to open, but unfortunately it didn't, and then a password input was prompted. I looked back at CANE, and then back down at the password pad. What could it possibly be?

    Begin thinking of passwords.❞ I announced to the others, ❝We're going to need one to open these doors.

  18. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    I N P U T ; J A Y N [​IMG]
  19. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Sorry, invalid password! Please try again, you rabu kawaii!
  20. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    I N P U T ; 3 2 6 1 [​IMG]
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