♦~☼~♦ Kingdom Caribbean: The Crimson Pearl ♦~☼~♦

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Feb 8, 2009.

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  1. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    After more asking around Angel finally got a straightforward answer as to the location of the ceremony. And during that exchange she managed to get a small piece of string that she managed to tie her hair up with. She really wanted to see how she looked and found a mirror up for sale by a merchant. It was shocking how different she looked with her hair up. Whoaaa......it's so strange.... After that she continued on her way to the ceremony. When she finally reached the location, she could tell that it'd probably be very hard for her, a common peasant, to get in.
  2. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    Marluxia kept his eyes peeled for the very carriage he knew would behold miss Reinholde and her father, which would please him very much to see them both. While doing so he noticed what seemed to be the young girl from the marketplace attempting to get in, but noticed that his officers seemed to be causing some trouble. He approached them with collective composure, "excuse me...what is this young lady doing here?"

    He gave the girl a glance before his eyes meeting his officer's, he received the explanation and nodded in expectation of it. "I see...well I must say...you did..." he said before smacking the officer across the face with the back of his hand. "A poor job of being a gentleman..." he finished softly, not having lost his composure. "Forgive me miss...its sometimes hard to find good upstanding gentleman these days..."

    "This way..." he said gently taking her hand and getting her past all the security and inspections. After making it to a clear part of the ceremony he let her go, but gave a warning first, "if anyone gives you trouble miss...you have them come talk to me or come get me yourself understood?" he said giving her a soft smile and gently ruffled her hair. "Enjoy the ceremony..."

    He made his way to the spot, observing the men had already taken there spots in militia formation and had their guns raised high. On the trumpet's call he proceeded to slowly walk down the carpeted stone walkway laid out for him, each pair of riflemen creating a triangular form of respect a top his head. He finally made it to the end, bow in respect to Governor Swann before reaching for the wondrous sword beheld to him.

    He swift stood it upright examining the superb craftsmanship of the blade, evenly balanced and weightless in appearance. He swung it crossing and twirling, merely testing the bare minium capabilities of it before locking eyes with the governor again and bowing.
  3. Naminé did not pay attention to the ceremony as she kept swiping her folding fan to keep her from suffocating with the heat, as well as the lack of air needed to keep her alive, and she could only vaguely see Marluxia performing some sword moves, her father appraising, and waving his hand, and it was there that she suddenly heard music, and the crowd departing. But to her, that was all a blur, as she then by instinct, now alone in the section, walked to wherever she could blindly, and she wasn't even certain where she was going, but she was going somewhere. Her slightly dazed mind went up the stairs, and into the cool landing of the place that was covered. The difference between that and outside weren't much, but it was a better change. It juts didn't stop her from attempting to gulp and gasp for some sort of oxygen, and it was getting really bad to the point where she swayed. Though the people thought she was somehow dancing by herself, so nothing was said on anything suspicious. She got a hold of her body in time, not wanting to appear as if she was in trouble, especially with her determination to please her father, though he was nowhere to be found at the moment.

    She wondered when this was going to be over. Because she really didn't want to stay here. Her skin was even perspiring, and she didn't know what she was going to do if something happened to her and she made a show. So far, she just stood there.
  4. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    As she approached a bit closer, it didn't surprise her that a few guards wouldn't let her pass, and as one of the guards asked what a lady was doing here, she immediately shot back, "I am not a lad-" but was cut off when that same gentleman appeared and smacked the guard, leading her past all of security and into the party. Angel was once again surprised by this man. What made him treat her as if she was the governor's daughter herself? She could've sworn she was never that pretty to look at, since she was poor. Either way, he told her to come and get him if any of the guards gave her trouble, and ruffled up her hair a little before going away. Well, that was a given. Angel sighed sadly because she knew her disguise wasn't working. It was just too strange for her to be treated like she was in the upper class. And while she was standing there, she feel the penetrating stares that everyone else was giving her. Why exactly did she come in the first place?
  5. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    As his part of the ceremony had ended and the quiet festivities other than the gentle play of violins and soft whispers of people engaged in conversation had started he began his search for miss Reinholde. He managed to find her, pressing over his white laced and frilled shirt and adjusting his hat, wanting to give his best to a woman of her class and personality. He approached her quietly noticing she didn't seem to be engaged in anything with anyone speaking softly to her, "excuse me miss Reinholde...I was wondering if I might have a word with you?" he said with a small smile.

    He walked over with her slowly to the open balconied edge of the fortress, slightly nervous but just trying to find out how to begin what he would end up asking her, he softly looked over her dress before speaking, "you look lovely Namine..." He noticed she seemed to be breathing somewhat harder but figured she maybe had and idea of what he was getting at and figured continuing would be best, "I'm sorry if I seem somewhat forward...but I must speak my mind..." he said looking out to the ocean.

    He took a short breath and continued, "this promotion has thrown into sharp relief that which I have not yet achieved...a marriage to a fine woman..." he said slightly saying the ending with a soothing and charming tone turning and looking her gently in the eyes. "You have become a fine woman Namine..." he said slowly and cautiously taking a small step towards her upon saying this.
  6. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    With the festivities over, Angel was wondering what else there was to do here. If there was food, she'd take some, if not then she'd just leave. Hmm....I guess there isn't..... As she made her way to the exit it took her some time to realize that she had bumped into someone. It was a woman. A large woman. As Angel gawked at her size she managed to utter a soft apology, but that was quickly overshadowed by the woman's screech of disgust. "This boy has touched me in an area no male species should lay a hand on!" Angel's jaw dropped more at this outright lie and quickly started shouting back,"No! Wait! That's not true! Hey, wait a minute!" Before she knew it she had already been seized by the guards and was being dragged away by her arms. She didn't even fight. The shock of what had happened was just starting to set in. Through the fog of her mind, she managed to understand that there was cheering for the soldiers dragging her away.
  7. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Sigrùn kept her eye on this new figure, as they kept to the front of the bar. She wasn't sure how-but the early-bird drinks or late-night boozer would somehow end up in the way back of the bar. Perhaps they managed to stagger their way back there just before they felt like they needed a bucket. Whatever it was, they were there. As long as they were away from her.
    "Did you catch wind of some ceremony that was happening today?" She finally said to ease the tension between the two.

    "I think you are gonna start to take in too many words from those people. You'd be better off tryin' to find paradise if you planned on gettin' in to that."
    "I can blend with any crowd." Sigrùn said to Xigbar, as if he had just dared her to try and get in. She went quiet though, a shadow falling over her, she smelled the sweet scent of rum from the hammered intoxicated adult that was using her shoulder to balance themselves. Sigrùn pulled away immediately, out of fear and because she didn't want to have that God-awful smell on her.

    "I don't know where you're from but you're here now, and we got rules here."
    "Whatever it is. What is going on at that ceremony?"
    "Not here." Xigbar said to Sigrùn. He was right about her-she was a headstrong, bold, and focused about getting answers. "Not too sure myself. Marriage, or something."
    "Damn!" Sigrùn cussed in a loud but surprised voice. "So every occasion just ain't hangings around here?" She added in a lower voice after managing to get every pair of eye(s) in the bar on her.

    "You tryin' to get us killed? Pipe down." Xigbar whispered harshly to Sigrùn, hoping in vain she hadn't attracted any attention from guards. Everyone else was looking at them. Not that he really cared but he didn't want to get ratted out. Knowing these people they'd rat you out like Jesus and Judas for a shot of whiskey. 'Blend in with any crowd, my ***.' He just prayed she would never be that loud again.
    "Well, they are really cracking down on the pirates here. Or anyone accused of it. They'll have huge hangings-civil life loves it. Kind of a pain in the *** after the first few threats. I think they know we are starting to lose our fear. Not that any of the true pirates would be afraid in the first place." He stated but paused seeing the familiar red coat of a British soldier enter the bar.

    "Which one of you dirt bags is responsible for breaking the peace?!"
    Sigrùn opened her mouth to speak but went quiet and glanced at the man that was leaning on her earlier as so did some other people, most had just been following her, as so was Xigbar. The man suddenly had a terrified face, no doubt his face would probably stay like that.
    "No! No! Please! I didn't do it! PLEASE! DON'T!"
    Sigrùn watched as two soldiers came to take the intoxicated man away and one met eyes with Sigrùn.
    "Hey! You! You eighteen?"
    "Sir, the drinking age is twenty-one."
    "Oh, right. Pardon me."
    Sigrùn turned back to Xigbar as the redcoats left and shrugged.
    "Let's get going before you get any other drunks taken to prison."
    "I'm just a twenty-one-year-old innocent child." Sigrùn said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice but it was quickly dropped, as she followed Xigbar, yet again, to another destination to stay away from any British guards. Maybe she could fall away and go sneak into this 'wedding'. Not that they would be too thrilled if they found her, but she had never been to one but alas, she was a teenage girl, and had almost always wanted to go to one.
  8. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    It was funny, really, how life got the better of her. Angel could swear that Heaven was laughing at her. She wished to be treated with maybe more respect as a boy, and now, look at how much respect she had. Heaven mocks me. But I won't let that bother me. Currently she was in a cell. Next to her cell were numerous men. Some had seen through her disguise slightly and tried to convince her to go closer to them, but they quickly stopped when she said calmly,"You are aware I am a boy?" After that awkward icebreaker, the other captives continued trying to get the dog with the keys to come closer. Even though they probably knew it wouldn't work.
  9. Naminé was starting to get woozy, and this was even something she couldn't deny any longer. It was hard enough to pretend like this wasn't happening, but her vision was also blurring, and coming off focus, though she still attempted her hardest to look like she was dancing instead. It was time, nonetheless, she knew. She had to get out of here, or else, she might cause a ruckus and a show, and she didn't want any attention right now. Especially on worrying her father. She had to get out of this dress...she didn't know what would happen if she didn't. It was too much. It was too tight. Her breathing circulation was uneven, and mostly slowing, and she could feel her skin perspiring at the heat of the day as well. It was almost thick and relentless, and she felt like she was going to die. As she began to step out, unfortunately, it was in this particular moment of crisis that Marluxia...oh, Commodore Norrington, she meant, went up to her. Wincing inwardly at her very bad situation right now, she smiled forcibly, putting a mask as if she wasn't going to fall on the floor any second, and was enjoying the celebration. She should get out of this before it was too late, but she nodded and walked beside him at his request, being polite and nice, wondering what he wanted, and how long it was going to take. She was exhaling and inhaling out of her mouth secretly now, making certain not to let it appear obvious as they made it to the open balcony of the fortress, clutching the pillar close to her as she tried to have balance when she swayed. Did he compliment her? She couldn't really...concentrate, her hearing was not in range as it used to, and she felt kind of sick now...stomach swirling. Her mind was fuzzed, and her vision turned hazy once more. This was bad...this was very bad. She nodded anyway, to whatever he was implying, fanning herself with her folding fan more hurriedly and rougher, wondering where Marluxia was going with this. He sounded a bit serious, even she was aware with his expression.

    What she heard next made her glance at him, with a blank, closely spacious look, something about marriage...what? No...how would he expect her to...marry him? She stumbled slightly again, but it was fatal, as her eyes burned and got misty again, and the hotness in her body was at horrible levels, and her lungs stopped working. Literally, stopped working. She tried to say something, but...she couldn't...get the strength to. No wait. "I can't breathe!" It wasn't long before she felt her mind going into unconsciousness as the world was shadowed with black suddenly. And unbeknownst to her fainted body, she tripped, and swung over the edge, gown and dress rippling in the air as she fell to the deep, rocky depths of the water, among feet and feet of heights as she spiraled downward, not even feeling the harsh splash of the contact with the water as she sunk...
  10. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    Marluxia continued to think on this matter, hoping he was being as much of a gentleman towards her that he could be. He knew this must be hard, they had known each other for quite sometime and to all of a sudden be hearing that he now wanted to take her up in his arms and share his life with her must have been shocking in some ways. Deep in thought he was unable to noticed her exasperated cry of lack of breathe and the wind didn't allow his eyes to hear her begin her flutter over the wall.

    After a few moments he turned back hoping she was understanding, but rather finding she had seemed to vanish almost. Looking around confused he started to grow a sense of worry, figuring she might have run off out of embarrassment, which was not what he had hoped would happen at all. "Elizabeth..." he said quietly the hint of confusion still apparent in his voice, his eyes still trying to see where she might have run off to.

    His eyes however began to trail down the side of the wall, just out of the mere chance...not chance...not as his eyes beheld the small pool of white water and wrinkles that foretold where Elizabeth had gone. Grasping onto the pillar and looking over he yelled in a desperate futile manner, "Elizabeth!" At which point he began to remove his outer coat, ready to dive over for dear life to save the young woman he loved.

    He began to put his foot over, but was stopped noticing his first mate and a few of his soldiers had heard his cry stopping him from however jumping. He took in the words quickly, a look of worry and distress apparent, but as his first mate had mentioned the rocks were something to advise trying to save her this way. He grabbed his coat putting his back on as he hurried with his men towards the docks.
  11. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: So LOTO will no longer be rping alone for the majority of this rp, I will be taking Leon.Also my memory is sort of fuzzy around this part and I didn't feel like putting in the movie,bear with me.

    "--and then they made me their king." Axel explained to two guard regarding tales of the past.Whether they were true or not, he wouldn't reveal to them that.He was sitting on a ship with Navymen who were charged with guarding the vessel, and they were pretty persistent with it.He tried, but they wouldn't let him get off with anything.

    But...he found them easily distracted.So why not pass the time with a story as he tried figuring out another plan?

    Suddenly, something caught his eye directly towards his right, heading toward the dark waters.A young woman dressed up, no doubt for the ceremony, plummeted into the depths.He stood up with the guards and looked toward them."I suppose one of you will be saving her?" he questioned.

    ...and they couldn't..swim?

    A bit annoyed with that answer given, Axel began removing his 'effects'. Being his compass, sword, pistol, etc and handed it to the larger of the guards."Do not lose these." he said firmly before diving into the water, swimming after Namine.

    Upon swimming to the very bottom of the shallow part of the port, he quickly picked up Elizabeth in a bridal fashion, just as a dark pulse erupted from the medallion around her neck.

    Putting her up to the two guards to get out, Axel shook his head to get most of the water out of his red hair.Not complaining at all, he gripped the dock and pulled himself out, just as the skinny guard said she wasn't breathing.

    Reaching for a small strap next to his blade, he took a knife from it and ran it through one of the knots in her soaked dress, then sliced through all the strings holding it together, also managing to slice the corset's strings as well.Now unbound by the thin string, Axel had little trouble in pulling the corset completely apart, freeing the woman of her constriction troubles.

    Instead of worrying about her sudden amount of coughing, he instead focused on the medallion he had just noticed around her neck.He grabbed it and examined it closely, a bewildered look on his face."..Where did you get this?" he asked, more silent than usual.
  12. The first light that she had seen was the fact that she gasped loudly as eyes snapped open, taking in a huge gulf of air, before she began coughing roughly, her throat stinging and feeling like sand paper, and as she took deep and uneven exhales, the rays of the sun blinded her vision for a moment. She tried, or rather, struggled, to get her breathing to normal as she took in the necessary air, some water spilling from her mouth as she turned the side of her head. With few minor coughs now as it calmed down, she blinked her eyes rapidly, attempting to get used to the blaring atmosphere as she closed, and reopened them. As she recovered slowly, her blurry vision took in the shape of a man...a very handsome one she could tell, with very red hair...or was that her sight playing tricks on her? No one had that shade of red. How odd. Coming to focus, she studied this stranger more cryptically, his way of dressing odd to her, with headband. Was this the one that saved her, then? What happened? She couldn't remember well. All she was aware of was that she was wet...soaking wet, and her corset and dress were ripped, and she spewed out salty sea water. For a second, it really wasn't hard to guess now that she was getting pass the shock. Yet, when the man went ahead to touch the coin dangled around her neck, she froze, just staring at him blankly as he asked the question. Something told her this was not good, and she eyed the guy warily. Could it be...? She may have been quick to judge, but she couldn't trust him. Not right now.

    Her reflexes came in when she dealt with people finding out about this amulet, and this one appeared to know it with his expression given, and so with the strength she could muster, which was quite weak, but the best she had right now with her situation, she slapped his hand away as she raised her arm, letting the necklace get back to its proper spot, before turning around in the floor, and trying to get up and scramble away. And so, she screamed for help even if she didn't need it. More like a gargle. "Help!"
  13. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Now finding this girl awake, Axel allowed her to take the medallion back, wanting to let her gather her wits before discussing this with him.However, things didn't go as planned.She..called for help, as if he had truly done something foul.Looking toward the two guards to his side, Axel quickly got up and kneeled down in front of Namine, placing his hand against her lips to calm her down."Shh, no, stop that!" he said in a hushed but panicked voice, not intending for the Navy to find him.

    He saved her life..and this was how he was to be thanked?

  14. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    Marluxia quickly made his way down to the dock with a group of his men armed, walking as quickly as he could before his eyes beheld the scene before him. Elizabeth drenched being overseen by what appeared to be one of the worst scum of the Earth, who happened to even appear to be touching her in an inappropriate manner. He walked up quickly his new sword drawn and ready, his eyes cold and stern, he looked the man over quickly before saying, "On your feet..."

    He continued to observe the man, making no mistake in his assumption of the man being a bloody pirate and was sure going to receive his death as one , only needing the governor to speak the word. What angered him even more was the fact that he had seemingly tried to take advantage of his love despite at least trying to hold his dignity by just saving her.
  15. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "Come on, stop that now!" Axel said, looking over his shoulder to find the recently made Commodore, sword drawn and looking rather impressive.There was always something that ended up turning his luck around.He was so close to tricking these two guards..and thanks to the drowning wench, he was caught again.

    Finding no possible escape at the moment, Axel had no other escape plan.He'd listen to the Commodore..for now.Raising his hands up slowly, the red-head turned his head toward Marluxia, smiling weakly."Didn't know you had your name on her, mate." he said,still giving off zen-like motions."I've got no intention of taking her away from you..might I recommend a trip to Tortuga..there are wenches much saltier than her,eh?"

    "He said he came here to commandeer a ship..oh, these are his sir!" Piped up the larger guard of the two, picking up Axel's belonging's he left and held them in front of Marluxia.
  16. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    It had been a while now as Angel laid staring at the ceiling in jail. A curious prisoner asked her what she was in here for. "False charges of indecent touching of a woman." was all she spat back. It was outrageous really. That woman just freaked out and started yelling lies. All of this was insanity. And now she has to pay for it. When she did nothing.
  17. As Naminé scrambled up, now that the authorities were here, and that the man had let go of holding her mouth, hiding the medallion protectively again inside her wet dress to make sure no one noticed, she moved towards her father quickly, hugging the older man. She then stood beside him, to make sure that she'll be not touched as she wrapped her arms around herself, a bit cold due to her damp body, and soaked hair. She noticed that her corset that was in the bodice of her outfit wasn't there anymore, yet, that was no problem to her, really. She didn't miss it. However, she did glare at the redhead, knowing that he may perhaps be interested in the coin she held, and she was aware that no one were to get it. This guy knew what it was, and she wasn't going to risk it, hence, why she ratted him out. She herself didn't understand what she kept. It wasn't even hers...what if something happened now because of it? What about...Roxas...?

    Her concern was distracted when the man spoke, and her eyes narrowed in irritation at the insult, feeling offended, and she muttered to herself at the audacity this....pig had. "Disgusting dog..." She definitely wasn't fond of him now.

    "Take him away," Ansem commanded coldly, condemning him after he had heard the words he spewed about his daughter, and other women. He was not certain what to do with the rebel, but after that was said, and the tools and weapons were brought to his attention, he was going to jail. There was no doubt this scoundrel was trouble, and he was not going to have it here. He was already scared to death, blood pressure high when he found out his only angel had fallen to depth of rocky waters, and he was much more in a panic to save her and hope to the Lord that she was not dead or injured. And he still felt it as his heart drummed upon milliseconds, and perspiration was on his face from the worry. He didn't know what he'd do if he lost Naminé. She was the most precious to him after his wife was lost. It was because of this that he was about to debate it longer about what the unknown man's fate will be, as he did appear to have saved Naminé, yet, right now, he had destroyed any methods or thoughts that will help him not be imprisoned the moment he opened his mouth. As he placed a hand on Naminé's head, and started running his fingers through her wet hair gently, he stated, "I'll let you handle this, Commodore".
  18. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    Marluxia continued to keep his eyes on the scalawag, not liking the looks of this fool at all. But as much as he didn't like this want to be pirate...he had to admit he doubted either of this clumsy soldiers of us were the ones to save miss Reinholde. He sighed putting away his sword, and extending his hand forward to the man, "I believe thanks are in order for the rescue of Miss Reinholde..."

    He watched the man for any sort of tricks before noticing he was willing to return the handshake, grasping onto his hand to make sure he would not run, he quickly moved the sleeve of his shirt with his other hand. A knowing scoff came from his lips as his eyes found the branded P he was suspicious of. "Had a brush with the East India Trading Company did we...." he said before locking eyes, "...pirate..."

    He nodded to his men, "keep your guns on him men...Jalett fetch some irons for this poor fellow..." he said a hint of pride in his voice noticing he had yet again put a foul person behind bars. He raised the sleeve even more, his eyes noticing the tattoo, "or should I say Axel Sparrow is it..."
  19. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "That's Captain Axel Sparrow..if you will." Axel replied calmly, a small grin on his face as Jallet placed cuffs on his wrists.Oh, how luck didn't favor him this day.He was truly in a bind, and there was no way he could escape.That is..until you remember who he is.

    "Finally." he sighed, raising his cuffed hand and, in a sudden movement, brought them to Namine's neck, pulling back on them threateningly while the chain tugged against her neck, pulling her back toward him."Now,I shall be having my effects." once he saw that the Commodore was hesitating, Axel stepped it up slightly."Commodore!"
  20. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    Marluxia tensed greatly upon seeing Sparrow grab his love and hold her threateningly, however he was no fool in seeing that he would have to oblige by his demands to get his precious back. He shook out of fighting back with any clever scheme after he proved that he would not be allowing time to think or reaction in what might prove to be a rash manner. His eyes cold and stern but his hands moving back to take the effects in hand and turning back to Sparrow.

    He quickly passed the effect to Namine, not knowing what else to do, and seeing that this pirate might not be a complete fool at the works of his means of escape. He watched quietly to see if he could perhaps find a means of freeing his love and once again best this scum into turning this into a brighter day. He would be sure to give Sparrow the royal treatment of a dirtbag when he managed to get ahold of him.
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