♦~☼~♦ Kingdom Caribbean: The Crimson Pearl ♦~☼~♦

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by *TwilightNight*, Feb 8, 2009.

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  1. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    The man known as Axel had entered the harbor, all eyes on him and his slowly sinking ship until only the mast was shown.His ship wasn't any worry, as he had..'borrowed' it from a friend of his.Perhaps friend was not the best word to refer to her as, since she may be praying for death to befall him at this second.


    His cue given, Axel stepped off of the mast of his sunken ship, thankful that he had reached Port Royal before it had gotten any lower.From the looks, the mast was the same height as the boardwalk now.

    He walked in an odd manner, his hands swaying at his side as if there was nothing troubling about him.Though when he thought all eyes were off of him, a 'watcher' who made sure everyone who tied their boat to the dock, approached him while eyeing his checklist. Axel kept going, not planning on paying a fee.

    The watcher,being an old man wearing what seemed to be a wig with a hat covering it, also having glasses and some spiffy sort of clothing, looked up from his list and saw that the man who entered the docking area had passed him by.Everyone had to pay the toll for it, and this one wasn't getting away.He turned around."What -- Hey." he said, putting a finger up and looking back at the boy behind him, African descent, around ten or so.He cleared his throat.Hold up, there, you."

    Ah..luck wasn't in his favor this time.Not wanting to be seen as a trouble maker..yet..Axel turned around and walked back toward the watcher, swaying his arms lightly back and forth.

    "It's a Shilling to tie up your boat at the dock." the Watcher stated matter-of-factly, a little annoyed about the fact that Axel didn't know this.From the way he walked, and the way he looked, he could tell he'd been out at sea too long.He looked almost mad!

    Axel's eyes opened slightly and he looked at the Watcher as if he didn't know what he was talking about.He gazed toward his ship..well, the visible part of it being the mast, and just found that it was stupid to tie up a nearly sunken ship.

    "And I shall need to know your name."

    ..Great.His name.Now, Axel may not have been the most fearsome Pirate across the Caribbean, but his name was floating around and he knew some Navy men would probably question him if they knew his background.

    Realizing that this watcher was not going to let him slip by without money, Axel dug into his coat pocket and pulled out three Shillings.What do you say to three shillings--" he set the coins atop the watchers booklist."--and we forget the name?" he suggested, a small grin appearing.

    The watcher looked from the money to Jack, as did his young helper.He was not one to accept bribery but..the man did seem harmless, and he could use the extra money for himself."..Welcome to Port Royal, Mr. Smith." he said, smiling as he shut his book and headed back toward the sunken ship.

    Satisfied with his bargain affecting the old man, Axel clapped his hands together and backed away.A small pouch caught his eye as it sat atop a large stand with quills and ink atop it.Where it sloped down, he probably figured the watcher set his book there to write.But who cared really?

    Axel took the pouch nonchalantly and put it to his ear, shaking it slightly.The sound of shillings clanging against one another made him feel content, and he stuffed it into his pocket as he headed into Port Royal further.It was time to find a new ship.


    A young, blond haired man of seventeen stood down near the main door of the Reinholde mansion, holding a large case that held the gift for Captain..sorry, 'Commodore' Norrington in honor of his promotion.Roxas, the young mans name, took heavy pride in his work and made sure that it was the quickest, lightest blade he had ever made.It was not that he took requests, but Roxas had figured a weapon such as that would make a good gift for such an honorable man.

    He looked around the mansions hall and tampered with a few things as he waited patiently for Ansem, the Governor of Port Royal, to come down and take it from him.But he had also hoped to see Namine as well.
  2. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Clink! Clink! The sound of some money in her shoe. Perfect. Apparently people were being a bit more kind today. Must be the air of celebration. Either way Angel was glad for this as she took the coins out of the shoe and put them in the pocket of her raggedy jacket. She stood up from her usual spot and stretched a little before heading in the direction of the bakery which was a bit of a distance. She looked up at the bright sky. Finally. Enough money for some food and most likely extra. She'll definitely save it. Angel had arrived at the bakery and was pondering what to buy. There were so many treats that she wanted, and this bakery had very nice bread. If I bought a small loaf, I could save it. But how much is it? It happened that a loaf wasn't that much, but it did take a chunk out of this morning's beggings. Bah. All to live a while longer.
  3. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    Marluxia once again placed his hat back on his head and turned heading down the stone placed steps of the fortress. He softly greeted the other ranking officials, mostly handing out thank yous with everyone congratulating him on the promotion. He let out a gentle sigh finally making it out, now he would only receive the occasional congratulations now that he was near and heading towards the town square.

    He walked among the crowd, noticing even they did seem to celebrate somewhat, however he would guess as usual most were just using it as another night to get drunk and find yourself with some wenches in the morning. He shook his head being a man of good thought, not wanting even the slightest to corrupt him from his stubborn purpose.

    He noticed as he was walking however what seemed to be a young woman, although she looked to be a beggar or at least not exactly well off. He thought for a moment before heading over to the breadstall where she seemed to be thinking of buying something, "excuse me..." he spoke softly, "what ever the young woman wishes for allow her it...on me..." he said giving her a small smile and placing a few shillings on the counter.
  4. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    "Wh-wha....?" Angel quickly turned around to see....a striking young man in a very nice uniform. She could hardly believe her eyes. Or her ears. After blinking at least 2 times from the sight, she remembered her manners(or the few that she observed) "Oh...uh....that's completely fine. I can pay for myself, but...uh....thank you anyway...uh....s-sir." She couldn't help but look down and not face him when speaking and stuttering a little as well. Gah....who is this guy anyway?
  5. ...drink up me hearties, yo ho,
    We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot,
    Drink up me hearties, yo ho.

    A young, 9 year old pale blonde haired girl, her pale strands tied in a exquisite half ponytail, slightly curled, sang as she stood behind the railing, in the bow of the HMS Heartless as it sailed through the sea to reach Port Royal, the air still and the breeze soft in her light, old fashioned blue dress, tight bodies, whose sleeves reached up to her elbows, and whose hems had white frills, and the skirt part expanded out all the way to her feet. She had learned that song from the people in the town, having been fascinated by pirates and their folklore, and she continued to chant, rather bored, and with nothing really to do.

    Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me

    We extort, we pilfer, we filch and sack,
    Drink up me-

    She gasped, startled as someone suddenly grabbed her shoulder, and she turned around to face Demyx, and seeing the young man calmed her down as he told her to quiet as cursed pirates sailed these waters, and before she could even say a word to his remark, a younger Lieutenant Marluxia Norrington had interrupted, stopping him from scarring the girl any longer. Demyx tried to explain himself, and she just watched silently as Marluxia had said, quite in the degrading tone, that they heard him, and then ordered him away, into which Demyx complied to with a disappointing slump of his shoulders and a pout, muttering something about bad luck, and women in ships, and singing. But she didn't pay attention to all this as she turned to face the pink haired man, saying quiet and timidly as she gazed down, "I...I was liking what I was hearing. I think it'd be rather amazing to meet a pirate, in my opinion, wouldn't it?"

    "Think again, Ms. Reinholde."

    She slightly frowned a little at the dejection, as he walked up until he stopped beside her, explaining himself on how pirates were dangerous, and vile, and deserve what they got. She looked over at Demyx, who made it clear by grabbing his loose bow tie together in one hand, and presenting it as a noose, and...that they hung. Her eyes bulged, horrified, until her father, Governor Ansem The Wise Reinholde, had come in at the appropriate time to interrupt, dismissing the subject altogether and the effect it will have on her. She didn't really understand what the big deal was, that was a bit harsh to sentence pirates to death. However, it did get Marluxia to leave as he followed the demand of her dad, and she repeated to his comments, not sure why everyone hated pirates so much, her voice gentle,"Actually, I do find them interesting..."

    The platinum yellow haired Ansem nodded in understanding, though with a knowing expression as he replied, with a sigh, looking over at the sea, "Yes...that's what concerns me." He gave his daughter a warning stare, before stepping away and heading back to overlook the priorities of the ship, leaving her to her own. And all she did was let out a breath. It seems no one understood her. Was she the only one...who found the very stories of pirates fascinating and intriguing? What was so wrong? She just thought that they liked their freedom, and not having to be bound by law. Hugging herself, she went back to her spot to eye the ocean, staring down at anything, though she could not really see much due to the mist and the humidity. She did note something moving, however, and she titled her head further down to the water to see what it was, following it as she walked. It turned out to be a floating, upside down umbrella, and she furrowed her eyebrows. Why would something like that be here? Then again, people always lost their items. It wasn't until she looked forward again, to see what else might come, that her chest tightened when she saw a wooden plank...with someone in it. And the more closer it came, the more she realized what it was. Panicking, she backed off, for the first time announcing loudly, pointing to the direction, "A boy! A boy! There's a boy in the water!"

    At her words, everyone turned to her, then to the side of the ship to see what she was talking about hurriedly, including her father. "MAN OVERBOARD!" And from then on, it was a commotion, the others rallying up, footsteps stomping, and following the yells of bringing him aboard, ropes untangled, and thrown as they immediately went down to get the boy. She tried to get as close as she possibly could without getting pushed or swapped with all the running, seeing one of the men getting the child, and carrying him to the rest as they placed him down to the floor still in his arms, people crowding around him to see if he was okay, or was still alive. She was planning to get closer, until the air started to thicken, and the smell of smoke and ashes covered the atmosphere, and her ears could pick up flickering sounds. She turned her face, only to gape at the burned, blazed, and fired broken and destroyed ship that was falling apart, and sinking, flames licking the sky. She wasn't the only one who got the attention as the males now gathered to see the scenery. She could hear Demyx start, and say that it was pirates. Everyone was thinking of it, and they just wouldn't say it, yet, she didn't stop to listen to her father protest against the fact, as she slowly and tepidly moved from everyone else, and hovered over the boy they had saved, gazing at him in some sort of wonder. She noticed he was blond like her, but compared to her pale ones, his was made with color, the shade of a deep golden shade, spiked and some swept to the side as if a breeze had permanently left them that way. She was a bit surprised that it had dried so quickly and had gotten back into the proper shape, and she was so intent on looking at his features, that she ignored the noises, the clambering of everyone moving around, preparing to go on a boat to check for any other survivors. And it wasn't until she heard her father speak that she finally drifted her focus to the older man, bending down to her level as he eyed her sternly, and his voice was very low as another man picked up the blond kid and took him away once more.

    He let out a breath. "Naminé...I want you to look after the boy for me. Can you understand that? It will be much better with your age. You're in charge of him. Would you take care of him?"

    She nodded without another word, heading off quickly to do her new role, not knowing her father trailed her eyes on her back with a look. Naminé reached the blond's new settlement fairly fast, in a more empty and private corner, calming her breathing as she went up to the figure for the second time. In the same way, she was enthralled with how he appeared, studying him deeply, her mind for some reason thinking that he had more to do with this than he let on as a victim. Poor boy. He probably lost his family, and had nowhere to go now. Is...this what pirates did? In comfort, and sympathy, she extended a hand out, hesitantly, and gently touched and brushed his bangs out of his face, until there was a out of nowhere gasp, his eyes opened, and he moved, grasping her wrist hard. And she jumped in shock and alarm, not expecting it. The only reason she relaxed was when she found the boy's...deep, cerulean, and very beautiful eyes scared, his expression felt lost, and he maybe reacted because of the attack he had gone through. That's what her brain was saying. Placing her free hand on her heart, to sooth her ragged breathing, she gave him a twinkle of her own eyes, comprehending as she spoke quietly and smoothly, "It's okay...my name is Naminé Reinholde..." She was hoping the conversation will help him cool as he was gasping very heavily.

    "...Roxas Strife..."

    She watched him smile and grinned a little through his hyperventilation, relief shown, and she smiled back kindly, with a nod, "It's...fine. I'm watching over you, Roxas...you're going to be fine." She waited to see if he was to reply, but saw him leisurely lose consciousness, or maybe he was too tired, as he then closed his eyes. She checked, like everyone else did, to see if he was still breathing by putting her hand to his chest. He was alive, so it was nothing to worry over, but a glint of what he was wearing around his neck caught her vision. A necklace. With the curiosity of the child that she was, she pulled it from its hiding place under his shirt, finding at the end a pendant...no, a coin. It was pendant, though. Interested, she unhooked it from him for a closer look, her eyes tracing the markings as she held it, and the etched skull in the middle. She took a intake of breath, stunned. "You're a pirate!"

    "Has he said anything?" a familiar voice asked from behind.

    Afraid he might get caught, or done something worse if they found this out, she hid the coin sneakily and slyly behind her back, simply making it appear as if she was respectful in her manners and the way she was standing. Slightly thrown off her guard, she said clearly, trying her hardest to appear levelheaded to Marluxia, "He..he just said his name was Roxas Strife. That's all I found out from him."

    'Please buy it. Then again, it wasn't really a lie...'

    Marluxia seems to be alright with the answer, though, as he turned to one of his crew members, and ordered to take him below.


    It had been awhile after Roxas had been taken to bed, and for warmth, and while she was away from everyone else, and the ship was now quiet and tranquil from the stampede it was before, she was in another side, looking around, and making certain non was watching. Carefully, she pulled back her cupped hands in front of her, the pendant in the necklace shining and enthralling her as she stared at it, holding it up to her face as she examined it. She was distracted, nonetheless, when behind the view of the coin, she saw a dark shape, and she squinted her cornflower eyes to see that it was a ship, a bit old looking, many red sails, and very black wood, heading into the mist as if simply gliding peacefully and without disruption. A flag was situated at the top, and her eyes grew big when she placed the white emblem, a skull, and two swords....

    A pirate ship...


    Naminé woke up not many seconds later from her sleep, head on her pillow as she shifted her sight around the room when she snapped her eyes open, looking at her large, canopy bed, before settling at the lit, small candle on her side table beside her. She groaned, digging her face into the comfortable puffy cushion, but she knew she had to get up early today. No doubt her father will be coming very soon to haul her up. And that dream...how odd for her to...dream about how they first met. Felt so long. Sighing, she begrudgingly willed herself up, taking the candle and its holder with her as her legs swung over to the side of the mattress, and touch the ground. Getting to her feet, her white night gown fluttered in the breeze as she walked to her bureau, placing the candle holder on the surface as she opened a much smaller compartment, her hand dismissing off the book, and the papers inside, only to find what she was looking for. The coin. Dusty, untouched, all the way under everything, locked, and from no one's view. She took it, wiping her thumb over the cool metal to wipe away the dust, reminding her of her desire and need of seeing pirates, and of Roxas himself. That day...that unknown ship...moving to her vanity mirror, she stared at her reflection, pale, as always. But she ignored her lack of looks, in her opinion, as she spread the two sides of the necklace in its ends, and hooked it on her neck, the coin draping her collarbone, tilting her head from side to side, checking how it appeared on her as she fingered it in thought. To think....would she be able to be a pirate? What....many questions she still had after all these years, about herself, Roxas, and...her heart swelled when she thought of him.

    She almost tripped on herself when she heard the knocking on her door and her father calling her name. She scrambled really fast to get her thick, embroidered robe, covering herself, and in turn, the necklace. Nobody could find out. Fixing the rest of her outfit as Ansem began to question if she was alright, she sighed. "Yes...YES!" She froze when her father stepped in then after her permission, a smile on his face as Kairi, she noticed, scampered behind him, and the two females gave themselves hidden smiles of greeting. Naminé blinked her eyes at the white flash when her dad decided to conveniently pull open the window shutters without warning, letting in the fresh and morning air inside, mumbling about her still being asleep at this hour, and how it was such a beautiful day. She just rubbed her pupils, seeing dots, and there was another girl that trailed after Kairi, her sister, Xion, who held a box of something.

    Ansem, who was taking in the view, heard Xion finally come in, and he gracefully turned around, dressed and prim, with a royal aura about him. He eyed his beautiful daughter, who was also staring at the item that Xion had in hand. He decided to explain himself then, hoping she would like the present he got for her. "I have a gift for you." He took the top off with his hands, revealing the gorgeous dress within, and Naminé now had a delighted grin on her face as she propelled forward to admire it, taking it out, making him feel quite proud and pleased that he had gotten that reaction from her.

    "It's so beautiful..." she gasped, as she twirled it around, not believing that she got such a thing for such a simple morning.

    "Isn't it?"

    "What's it for, daddy?" Naminé inquired, giving him a stare for him to know she was unto what he was doing. There had to be a reason as to why she got a dress, of all things. especially when it was...very expensive. She chuckled to herself when he said that if he couldn't buy her something for the sake of dotting her, and when she searchingly looked at his expression, she accepted it for the moment, going over to her friends as they huddled together with giggles to help her get dressed as she went to change behind the wooden, solid, platform that hid her from being peeped on, and as she took off her gown, draping it over the top as well as her other cloths, she made certain to hide the necklace she had on. She also at the same time, listened as her father admitted, perhaps not able to hold it, that the dress was for a occasion, a ceremony. "Ceremony?" And of course, her suspicion form the get-go were proven true when it was for Norrington...Commodore Norrington, as it seemed he was getting a promotion. She sighed, peeking at him with her head only. "I knew it..."

    She went back after giving her father a pout, though she was only being playful. Naminé was always very comfortable with her father, and other than her girl friends, she opened up to him more and was less shy and fragile. Not exactly a very pirate trait, she thought. That would include Roxas in how she was very free, but...

    "He's to become a Commodore," he explained, wanting his daughter to understand the importance of this, and how special it was, especially as he had been serving years in the service. And among other things, which she didn't know how she will take. "A very fine, gentleman. Charming, Pristine. Courteous. He does fancy you, do you know that?..."

    Oh yes, she did, it wasn't like he kept it a secret, but she was highly unfocused as she concentrated and was having trouble, real trouble, as Kairi attempted her best to close and tie up the strings in her back for the bodice of the dress, making her almost unable to breath as she gasped for air. Each tug was like a painful trap of her lungs, and her friends were giving her pitiful looks, as they knew she wouldn't say anything to disappoint her father and complain. She bit her lips, and tried to act at least normal, though she hissed when another tug was done. The corset that was sewn into this dress was horrible. She was going to die in this...

    "Is everything alright? How does it look?"

    Naminé made sure not to wheeze. "It's...quite....something."

    His brow crunched together, nearing closer, noticing from the tone that there was something off about her. "It's the latest fashion in London."

    "Then I sent my congratulations on their discovery on how to hold their breath in," she replied in a rasp, placing her face in her hands, as she winced, and groaned a little as it pressed her body, like if it was something heavy flattening it until she will become nothing, but a stick. She wasn't much for fashion anyway, and she would prefer to have worn something...where she was able to move properly, and feel comfortable in. She had briefly heard someone step in her room, saying that her father had a visitor, and he then excused himself, hoping that he would soon see her. Naminé didn't really listen as she hugged Kairi tight as Xion continued to struggled with the outfit, saying that it was going to be over in a while.

    She didn't think so, as she had to go on the whole day, or at least for the remaining hours, not inhaling or exhaling.


    Ansem went down the flight of stairs with his right hand man and aid, staring back up to Naminé's room, as she did not sound so well. He was worried, of course. He didn't want anything to make her feel in a any way force or uncomfortable. He supposed it will have to wait as he was not the type to keep a guest on hold for so long. And as he stepped below, holding the banister, he searched to see who was the man, and a polite smile broke into his face once he spotted the young, blond male, not getting over how much he had grown from the time he had first thrown himself into their lives. And quite skillful with a sword. He could conclude that he was there to deliver what he had asked for him to put together. He was truly fond of him, needless to say, and as he regally walked over to him when he reached the leveled ground, he greeted, his tone quiet and calm, "Mr. Strife. Pleasure to see you."
  6. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    "Ah...forgive me...Mr. Norrington if you will miss..." he said taking off his tricorn and bowing slowly. He recomposed himself, placing his hat back on his head, "oh I am sorry...I just figured I would help if need be..." he said softly. He turned around and left the shillings on the table however, "if you find time...I would like to invite you to the ceremony today...there will be a very fine gathering and it would be great to see you there...good day miss..."

    He bowed once more before walking off, figuring that was a good enough walk for the day and he should be heading back to Royal Fortress. He walked slowly thinking about how he had first joined the navy, he was apart of a rather poor family to start out with himself, and the next day he found himself enrolled in the navy due to his poor behavior.

    He laughed softly however realizing how thankful he was for enrolling, it proved to be the exact discipline and respect he deserved to show to the world he would now be protecting. He remembered that exact day when he was given the title captain and how he felt so humbled and belittled that they would bestow it upon him. None the less he promised to strive to his last dying breathe to uphold that title.

    Then his thoughts crossed over to the process of becoming a Commodore, what would be expected of him, and how much more he could do for Port Royal. He smiled walking into the fortress once again receiving the congratulations and a few are you ready, its almost time statements. He headed to his office and sat down, removing his hat, and placing his fingers together closing his eyes.
  7. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    "Uhhh.....o-okay...." Angel was still shocked that a man like him would even notice someone like her. .....I was probably a bit too snappy....yeah....that's not very good. I wish I could apologize. I can't believe he actually called me miss. Oh! He left his money! I better find him quickly to give it back! "Wait here and I would like to have a small loaf, please!" She quickly told him and grabbed the money off the table and ran into the market. How hard could it be to spot a man in an officer's uniform? Apparently very hard. Especially since she last saw his hat, it was heading toward the fort. And lots of soldiers were running around. Awwww man.....well....I'm sure he probably won't mind....too much....*sigh*....I feel like I just stole. Better go and get my bread before it gets cold. Not like it's going to stay warm.
  8. SpazticFantaztic >:3 Kingdom Keeper

    Hope it's not to late to join!

    Name: Kage (No last name)
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Saïx's Crew/Axel's Crew: None ATM, but will become part of Axel's
    Strengths/Powers/Skills: Strengths: Swordfighting, hand to hand combat Powers: Basic Manipulation of Water
    Weakness: Emotional: When someone challenges his freedom, he goes crazy. Physical: Every time he uses his powers to hurt someone, 30% of the damage is inflicted upon him, as well.
    Weaponry: Broadsword.
    Bio: Kage was born in a small town in New Orleas, where he learned basic French, how to play guitar, all the things an upper middle class child of his age should learn. But he wanted more, so he ran away, and was caught eventually, forced to stay at home until he became 21. Obviously, KAge would never have this, so he would confine himself to his room, though he loved his parents very much, to plan to escape. Eventually, he made a homemade ram out of a small shelf, and got out of his house through his room. It woke his parents up, but he was fast, and he was already gone by the time they ran downstairs to check on him.
    RPing Example [we need people who can post at least five sentences each reply]: Kage ran through the endless forest of palm trees, trying to keep the tears to completely pour out of his eyes. Do I really wanna do this? he though, wondering whether breaking the law and risking never seeing his parents again was worth freedom. I never... even got to say goodbye! He hastily wrote a note from parchment he stole o arriving back into town, saying how much he loved his parents, and how much he would miss them. He left iton the door, and ran once again to the shore. A Dinghy, no more than five feet long, waited for him, as if by fate. As he was taught to sail when living the "proper life", he pushed the boat into the water, adjusted the sails and the boom, and felt lucky that it was a windy night as he twisted the daggerboard to the left until he found his heading: Jamaica
  9. Perfection.

    You are in, Steal the Hail =3.

    And it's never too late xD.
  10. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    I'll be taken a hold of Xigbar and I shall be adding my OC. I hope I got everything right.

    Name: Sigrùn
    Appearance: (picture to come hopefully)
    Hair-Sigrùn has a short haircut that just about reaches the collar of her shirt. As for her hair colour, it is a very dark brown
    Eyes~A muddy brown-almost hazel, with a shine to them
    Blah(?)~Sigrùn has tanner skin despite her origins that trace back to Germany and is a slightly short but is rather thin.
    Clothes~Sigrùn wears torn-up and faded jeans and has on a dark blue T-shirt with a long sleeved white shirt underneath that covers the tops of her hands to make it easy to hide her weaponry, she also has a white bandage wrapped around both her hands and wears a black bandanna around her neck however, Sigrùn will normally wear a brown cloak whenever she is off the ocean to blend past most of the other civilians, unless she is with crew members.
    Personality~Sigrùn watches out for anyone part of her crew but steers clear of any adults unless they need her aid or if she knows them well. She easily gets aggravated when people undermine her because of how young she is or if she looks like a boy because of her short hair, on occasion she will subside this but most of the time she will interrogate the persons who are responsible for talking about her until they apologize to her.
    Other than the part where she can get very defensive she is out-going and laid-back, friendly but shy around new people and prefers to stay away from them. Very rarely will she attack any crew members unless Sigrùn is confronted with important information like a mutiny, and most of the time only acts when she is given the commands, she is also known on occasions to prank around with anyone on board, even the captain, she can be either a totally rebellious punk or a civil subordinate.
    Saïx's Crew/Axel's Crew:Axel's Crew
    Strengths/Powers/Skills: Sigrùn has a bundi blade hidden at the top of her knuckles on her right hand which she mostly uses in cases to take out anyone that could be trouble to a crew. She is known to assassinate anyone who is a threat to them and is very rarely caught most due to the fact that she is very swift with attacks and movement, she is also very quiet and stealthy.
    Weakness: Sigrùn is easily able to be attacked if she looses her footing most because she takes a few seconds to react. She also isn't one of the strongest members of the crew and is easily spooked and can get clumsy. Sigrùn is also left with a weak defense if she fails to make a swift kill or attack, which results in leaving herself open to attacks.
    Weaponry:Bundi blade hidden on the top of her hand
    Bio:Sigrùn was never one to really trust adults, as she had bad experiences with her parents until it came to the point when she distanced herself from them, mostly her father because he was abusive to herself and her mother. Once her mother left, having had enough of Sigrùn's father, Sigrùn ran off only a few weeks later and came to where she is now.
    RPing Example: A thin figure stood in the far up distance on the roof of a Church, taking in the views of the village from this point-it wasn't big and this figure stood out at this time during the night, every other civilian was at Church and this one was not. This night was different there was a new wind in the air, it didn't have the scent of the ocean's saltiness-not to this one anyways, it was the aura of blood lust. The figure was now present now that the full moon had come out from hiding behind the clouds-tonight it was different, the figure didn't glance back at the lunar moon with it's bright red glow of shadows. The figure hopped down from the Church onto a wall that sat behind the Church just as the bells started to ring at the hour. It was an alarming sound to the person, as it was easy to see it had nerved that person up but it seemed to be quickly hushed away as they stood on the thick wall. As the silence of the bells hung over the air the sounds of humming were coming from this figure, or rather just whispers in a rather feminist voice, young but female.
    "The king and his men...." She whispered as she strode forward towards a lone British guard that stood watch over his part of the territories. "...Stole the queen from her bed..." She hushed, "And bound her in her boat-" The daring female murmured as she quickened her pace, the hood of her brown cloak covering her face. She showed no fear.
    "Hey! You! You shouldn't be he-!" The guard started to yell and reached for his sword tightly drawn as a companion at his side.
    "The seas be ours...And fight for powers...Where we will we'll roam...Yo Ho, all together, hoist the colours high, Heave ho, Thieves and beggars-"

    "LEA-!" The guard shouted but was silenced as the female ran forward and jumped into the air landing on the guard with her hand on his throat though she put no pressure.
    "Never shall we die." The girl said as she pulled away from the guard the sound of metal clinking as she got up and with a snap of her hand the object she had used to end this guard's life was back in it's dispenser about her hand. The assassin of this poor man kept her hood up and quietly left the scene of the murder.
  11. You have Xigbar automatically, and your OC seems wonderful =3. I accept it. Though now you got to wait for Serious's acceptance if he hadn't already [we both get to accept people and stuff].

    But yes, we are filling up Axel's crew members =P.
  12. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Loleth. No one likes Saix/Barbarossa. XD

    BIC- Angel arrived back at the bakery with the baker looking a little impatient, eager to get rid of this street urchin most likely. She smiled kindly at him and thanked him for the bread, paying him the amount and gently taking the still warm bread, before leaving. She took a small piece and ate it. It tasted delicious. Even though it had no flavoring with it. Such was a peasant's life. After eating at least a quarter of the bread, she placed it in a pocket under her jacket and went back to her usual place.
  13. SpazticFantaztic >:3 Kingdom Keeper

    God, after a while, the open sea can get kinda lonely. Kage thought as he tied up his boat at the dock and tried to sneak past the authorities, as he had no money, just clothes and a knife. The guards were too busy chatting to notice anyone like him, anyway.

    He ran into town, trying to be inconspicous. He looked around. Weapons shop... taverns... pubs... where should I start? After a good amount of thinking, he walked into a tavern. It was only just getting dark, and there were already so many drunken sailors and pirates. He spat at the name. Pirates, he thought, What a bunch filthy pigs.

    He walked up to a young, female bartender. "Excuxe me, miss?" She looked up. "Aye? What is it?" She had a rough, slightly scottish accent. "Do you happen to know where a young lad like me could find some... adventure?" he asked.

    She slapped him across the face and stormed off. "No, I didn't mean it like that!" He shouted back.
  14. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC:..You'd really need to give him a reason to bring a 14 year old along..and a girl at that.The bio works otherwise, your in..

    Also..I'll hold off on Axel until Namine reaches the ceremony.

    Getting incredibly bored with waiting, Roxas looked around a bit more, seeing if anything interesting caught his eye.It turned out that a candle sconce was hanging on the wall near his hed, close by the hanging clock.It seemed pretty old and fragile, but to test this, Roxas reached for it with his right hand and tugged on one of the candle handles(lol rhyme).

    Boredom can make me take interest in anything.. Roxas thought, wondering what was taking the Reinholde's so long.Without remembering how much pressure he was putting on the handle, it suddenly broke off with a loud tick.

    ..Uh-oh. Roxas looked around, hoping no one was nearby and heard the noise.Thankfully,it looked clear, but now he was holding the broken piece.He had to hide it!He quickly looked around the room to find a suitable place to hide his piece, and looked down to find a container which held umbrella's and canes.He quickly bent down and put the piece inside, just as a Butler carrying a tray of tea came into the room.

    Roxas quickly stood back up and straightened his posture, smiling nervously.He gave the butler a quick nod and looked up toward the stairs, hearing the sound of footsteps drawing closer.

    Finally, it was Ansem Reinholde, Governor of Port Royal.Roxas smiled and bowed slightly before raising his sword case up and approaching the man."The sword you've requested." he smiled with pride at his own creation, and was eager to explain the features to Ansem when he opened the case.
  15. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    When Angel had settled down again, she saw a boy walk into the tavern. And following his entering, she heard a loud slap and sensed that all was not well in there. Wonder what he got himself into. Seems kind of young to be drinking too. Oh well. Decisions in life are what you make with them. She leaned her head back against the wall and closed her eyes. What a peaceful place to be. There's no way anything bad could possibly happen to this small port town.
  16. "Perfect," Ansem had muttered quite gracefully with a pleased smile at the case, presented to him. And with a flicker of his hands, he opened it, the hinges resonating high pitched sounds as he marveled at the masterpiece within. Taking it gently on both his hands as he unhooked the knobs, he held it before him, switching it to grasp in one hand now. It didn't take long to unsheathed it from its scabbard as it slid off, the blade appearing with a sharp glint of light as he studied it intently, checking the smooth surface, and the pointy, sharp end... and of course, it's gold handle. With a second glance over, he focused then on the blond young man. Impressive. "Quite marvelous, if I say so myself..."
  17. SpazticFantaztic >:3 Kingdom Keeper

    Kage noticed the girl by the wall. He walked up to her. "Um, excuse me, miss, aren't you a little, err, young to be in a place like this?" He asked, trying not to sound overprotective when really he was only curious.
  18. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    She's outside. And she's older than your character. >_>....just pointing that out. Though I guess I should've elaborated. Is Kage still inside or outside?
  19. SpazticFantaztic >:3 Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: She's still not old enough to be in a bar. KAge just kind of acts this way sometimes... Kage is outside now.
  20. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Pleased that Ansem had already taken a liking to his work, Roxas tried holding back a cheerful grin.It was always a Blacksmith's pleasure to know that his work was appreciated and enjoyed, and from someone such as Governor Ansem, that feeling was returned tenfold.But he wanted to explain his creation more, just to have Ansem appreciate it in a greater way."The blade is folded steel." he said, hiding the excitement in his voice as he remembered the time it took to create such an amazing weapon."And that's gold filigree laid into the handle."

    But he didn't think telling would be enough, perhaps a demonstration would be better."If I may?" he said politely.Ansem had willingly handed over the sword.Roxas balanced it on his fingertips, and tried his best to remain calm. "It's perfectly balanced.The tang is nearly the full width of the blade." he smiled at Ansem and tossed the sword into the air, letting it spin around three times, and them catching it, upside down, by the handle.He ran a finger down the flat side of it and nodded toward Ansem, letting him know he was finished.
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