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Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by Jayn, Nov 12, 2012.

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  1. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    {Tumblr Psychosis- Normal Mood: Flustered Location: DOM's House}
    {OOC: --- WearingDay 15.2 Thursday December 14th}
    Altair pulled her closer to him and turned her to face him. "Heidi you won't be caught," he said as he placed his hands onto her shoulder "I won't let them capture you...do you remember what I told you when we first met? I told you I would try my best to make sure they didn't find you. I'll stay true to my word and even if they do catch you, you'd better damn well expect me to break you out." He immediately embraced the girl. She jumped at the sudden embrace. Her face was red and her cheeks burned. The closeness was vaguely familiar and she had the urge to wrap her arms around him as well, but refrained. "You'll come with me and stay with me at Brookridge, I don't want you to think of yourself as a burden...because you're not. I made my decisions and I will stay true to them with no regrets." he said, stroking the top of her head as he looked down at her. That flutter in her chest came back and she turned her head away. Letting go of her, Altair placed his hands on the sides of her arms and stared at her face to face with a smile. "I want you to smile more...you look nice when you do." That was embarrassing. No one ever told her to smile.

    She chewed on her lip as his golden eyes bore into her brown ones. The warmth of his body still lingered on her skin and her cheeks were still a rosy shade of red. Isn't that sweet deary? He wants to take you with him. He wants you to smile. Aww. Their sarcastic tone rang out in her mind. Heidi frowned, not a fan of their teasing. They knew how to ruin everything. The butterflies in her stomach were gone and the excess of color drained from her face until it was back to normal. "A-all right..." she muttered. Her gaze dropped to the floor and she stared at her feet, unable to continue eye contact. "If you say so." She wasn't really sure if she could believe him. They always seemed to find a way to find her. It was only a matter of time. Her eyes roamed upwards briefly, stopping at his chest. "Promise?" she asked rather sadly. They knew how to ruin everything. Heidi sighed as she turned away.
  2. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    OOC: Bloody post coming up


    A chuckle escaped the lips of Haller as he held the girl's hat and hair "you'll see soon enough" Haller said. His grip tightened on the girl but suddenly a loud bang echoed throughout the area as the doors were immediately swung open. "what the hell? who the hell? I thought I told you idiots to wait outside" Haller yelled as he turned his attention to the newcomer but immediately froze as he saw just who entered "Z-Z-Zeke" Haller stuttered upon witnessing the arrival of the black clad teen.

    "My, my, my, that surely is no way to treat a lady, now is it Haller?" Zeke said nonchalantly as he began to walk forward towards the two. "You disappoint me Haller" Zeke said.

    "W-what the hell are you doing here?! your suppose to be out of town!" Haller yelled out in fear at the teen that had made his appearance. Immediately dropping the girl, Haller rose to his feet and stared at his boss. With just the mere presence of the teen, everything was ruined for the man. He had only just gained the control over Coy and now it was all gone in a mere instant. "I-Its not what it looks like! the girl! she saw us she saw us! she needs to be taken care of!" Haller yelled

    "Enough of your babbling" Zeke suddenly said as he stopped in his trek and placed his hands in his pockets and stared at him coldly "You sicken me Haller, a woman dies and you merely ransack her house...no, whats worse is that you'd dare to harm a girl that had only just lost her mother" Zeke said with scorn as he closed his eyes "Your time in Coy has been terminated" Zeke said

    "I...you cant..I" Haller continued to stutter as his body began to shake. Everything was gone, but he wouldn't let it end like this, if Zeke died he could probably work with his death. Letting out a yell of anger, a gun was immediately drawn out and pointed at Zeke and a gunshot was immediately fired, but the only one who let out a yell of pain was not Zeke, but Haller himself. The gun immediately dropped out of his hand and Haller held his shot shoulder

    "Its time we brought this to an end Haller" Zeke said as he continued to point his own gun straight at the man. "You've sealed you fate Haller" Zeke said as a smile crept across the mouth that was hidden by his mask.

    "P-please! I-I didn't!...YOU NEED ME!" Haller yelled in fear as he slowly began to back away.

    "That silver tongue has always been your strength" Zeke said as he suddenly rushed forward and stood before the man "too bad it doesn't work with me" Zeke said as he drew out a knife and with one thrust forward the knife found it's way piercing through Haller's throat. The man began to scream as blood began to spew, but Zeke merely kicked the bloody man to the side and walked up to the girl and looked down at her.
  3. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    "You'll see soon enough."
    At those words she purposefully had shut down her mind in fear, she didn't want to remember it, it was almost instinctive and she had only ever done it once before on the night her father had died.
    She finally came back into reality when she heard a gunshot and her head shot up, her eyes wide as she watched the scene before her.
    "Its time we brought this to an end Haller."
    She watched the new figure continue to point a gun at the man who was up at her not long ago. He was holding his shoulder.
    "You've sealed you fate Haller."
    "P-please! I-I didn't!...YOU NEED ME!"
    "That silver tongue has always been your strength... too bad it doesn't work with me."
    She found herself looking down as the man... Haller? She didn't want to remember that name, drop to the ground. She found herself staring at the body in semi-horror but at the same time a relief.
    It took a minute or two for her to realize eyes were now on her. Bronagh looked up rather slowly at this man and found herself just staring at him.
    What do I say? Do I say anything?
    Am I safe? Or am I not?
    Who is he?
    Don't cry Bronagh, now is not the time to start crying.
    Do I thank him? Is this even a deed to be thanked?
    Bronagh looked back down at Haller again and found herself speaking without actually thinking about any of the words that came out of her mouth, "Lucky, not a lucky guy, can only imagine it felt like choking before black... dead... nice gun though, same type that shot dead dad... dead dea- dad dead."
    Bronagh shook her head, at that moment she probably would have slapped herself or hit her own head against a wall but there was nothing she could do at that moment before she started shaking.
  4. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    Thomas was so energetic that it was almost...annoying? Madeline's eyes followed him as he twisted in the center of the motel room and beamed at her, childlike eyes aglow. A small sigh left her lips.

    "No camera, see? ...Let me buy you breakfast, and we can talk, about everything."

    Her lips pressed together, forehead crumpling with a slight grimace. Food. Typical. Perhaps she would eat, but then... Her stomach turned.Maybe just some tea would do. She had fallen out of practice, lately, and a head ache started up as soon as she even thought about purging. Why did humans need food? She wished they--she--didn't. She wanted to stay small--wanted to be nothing but skin and bones. A shiver shot down her spine.

    Despite being slightly put off by his cheeriness, Madeline nodded timidly when he was done and grabbed her coat. It would be nice to leave the stuffy hotel and sort through some things with him.

    "Sounds good."

    Once finished slipping the green coat on, Madeline stepped into her shoes and out of the motel room, waiting for Thomas to lead the way.
  5. FuzzyBlueLights Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 20, 2009
    Owl City
    Thomas was glad she agreed, he bet she probably didn't even eat yesterday. So he nodded an affirmative to her acceptance and lead the way to a tea shop. He truthfully wanted something bigger and better, but a cafe was out of the question at this point in his life.

    He kept silent as he walked with her down the streets, his body walking on the side nearest the curb until they finally came upon a quaint and small tea shop. It was the perfect replacement for this talk, instead of some busy cafe. He selected a booth for them and hopefully without her knowledge he checked under the table between the both with his eyes before waiting a split second to allow her to sit first. He rested his arms on on the table and laced his fingers together,playfulness still in his eyes but not in his voice as he stared into her emerald gaze. "Where do you want to start? I think there's a lot to be said but, we should both pick a similar spot and then talk it out without interruption. Then we can ask question." Thomas figured it was as good a plan as any, and it would last until someone came to take their orders.
  6. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    [​IMG]___ [​IMG]___ [​IMG]___ [​IMG]

    Yes, yes. Everyone must leave today. I hope my actions have not come off with ill-intentions. I enjoy helping people, and everyone needs help in different ways. As for your sister, I do see vague similarities between the image you have shown me and the girl I remember from my memories. Most prominently, the shape of her face and that short bouncy hair. They both seem to be rather small and petite.

    Theodore listened and felt his nerves rising up again, along with an overwhelming sense of urgency. He needed to find a way to get to her--outside of his dreams. If she was apart of this whole...game thing, did that mean that she really could stop it? He ran his fingers through his hair as he tried to take it all in, remembering his last dream, and what she had said...She didn't want to end it, she wanted him to win. Why? And...could he? He brought his eyes up to Marina's, catching her fingers lifting slowly to her cheek--slightly redder than the other.

    I did not mean to disturb you, I only came into your room to seek refuge from my mother and so we could speak; since you wished for us to do so in private. I appreciate you feeling comfortable enough to share that with me. It means a lot. If you wish, I shall leave you to prepare yourself for departure.

    As she lifted herself up, he frowned and slid completely out of the blankets, crawling towards the edge of the bed.

    Your mother?

    His voice was laced with both curiosity and genuine concern. He had already pieced part of the situation together. Her cheek--hiding from her mother. But this treatment was not unusual in these kinds of households. It was none of his business and Marina was most likely used to it.


    He lifted his fingers to her cheek, brushing away a hair that slipped from the thick dark braid, and moving her fingers down to get a better look.

    Are you alright...? I mean, really?

  7. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Pulling down the mask that covered his face, Zeke crouched down and placed one finger on her lips "Shhh, no need to talk at the moment...I won't hurt you" Zeke said as he brought his hands to the ropes that bound her and began to undo them "I know that this may be overwhelming but please do try your best to calm down for now" Zeke said as he finished undoing the ropes and released the girl from it's grasp. "Let my formally introduce myself, my name Zeke" Zeke said with a smile

    "I promise, until my last breath I will make sure they will not find you" Altair said and closed his eyes once more with a smile. He could tell the girl was unsure of his words, and he knew her trust couldn't be gained that fast, but either way he knew that if he showed her that he could be trusted then surely she could place her trust into him. "I want you to know that if you need anything at all, just tell me and I will do whatever I can" Altair said opening his eyes and he looked over at the door and back at her "shall we depart? I...have somewhere I want to go to before we reach to Brookridge" Altair said
  8. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    She felt his finger on her lips but at that point she had pretty much already shut herself up.
    "Shhh, no need to talk at the moment...I won't hurt you"
    Oh thank god...
    Or at least he says he won't hurt me...
    I can only rely on good faith at this point...
    "I know that this may be overwhelming but please do try your best to calm down for now."
    Oh believe me, I'm trying.
    She felt the ropes loosen up and eventually release her. She stood up straight but was not looking at the guy next to her. She was staring at the one on the ground although she was trying her best to look away.
    "Let my formally introduce myself, my name Zeke."
    She didn't turn his way when he spoke, she was quiet for a little bit as she tried to stop herself from shaking. When she did she turned to him and realized Zeke's mask was down and he was smiling. Although normally she would have smiled back she couldn't bring herself to do so.
    "I am Bronagh... um... thank you." she figured if she kept talking she would go off into a ramble again. She then found herself looking at the man on the ground again. Finally she just turned her back from the man on the ground completely.
  9. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    The walk to some obscure tea shop called Short & Stout was tedious. She hadn't even heard of this place before. And, really, didn't Thomas have a car? Her mind flashed back to his mother driving them last night, answering her own question. ...Quin had a car. Her face flushed as she mentally scolded herself for thinking that way.

    The flower-and-herb scented tea shop was a bit cramped on the inside. You were greeted by a long glass counter containing teapots--presumably for sale--with a small register on the top. Walking past, you had to go through a small hallway to reach the tiny dining area holding just enough chairs for around twenty people. Business looked slow, but the servers looked content with themselves. It seemed to be a family business, most workers to be seen blessed with dark, silky hair and even toned coffee skin.

    They were seated and as soon as the tall woman left to bring them some kind of crackers, Thomas started talking.

    "Where do you want to start? I think there's a lot to be said but, we should both pick a similar spot and then talk it out without interruption. Then we can ask question."

    Strange. Now he seemed rather stern. Madeline was becoming more and more aware of the fact that she knew nothing about Thomas. She'd been clinging to the fact that he liked her, asked her out, and showed up...She clung so hard that she had ignored everything else, letting her feelings invent someone to be in love with. She clicked her tongue and tried to keep the glare off of her face.

    "...How long have you been out of the hospital? When did you wake up? Has anything weird happened to you--regarding that...email? Have you been safe? How are you okay--? You were in really bad condition not too long ago..."

  10. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    [ DAY : 15 - 2/3 ] • [ DECEMBER 14, 2012 ] • [ LOCATION : HALLWAYS ]


    Harley had been pretty tired today, so there wasn't much for him to do. Vanille was gone before he had even woken up, no trace of her left behind. He shrugged; she seemed self-sufficient, so it wasn't any big deal to him. As long as the chick hadn't stolen his car, it was fine. He dressed in the same clothing from yesterday and set out to find Marina, to tell her that he was going home.

    The trip had pretty much been a waste. All of them had learned practically nothing, which was fine because it left him to find things out on his own, which would put him at an advantage.

    Distantly, he heard piano playing, and he pegged it as Marina, as she played the instrument so well yesterday. He followed his ears and it led him to the same parlor, and he cracked open the door to have the rich sound become louder and more flowing, but it wasn't Marina.

    Ah. Kallisti.

    No, not today. He quietly shut the door and left, setting out again to look for the hostess. If he didn't find her within the next twenty minutes, he'd probably head home to wait for his letter from BAE.

  11. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Theodore lifted his fingers to her cheek, brushing away a hair that slipped from the thick dark braid, and moving her fingers down. ❝Are you alright...? I mean, really?

    "Hm?" Marina sighed softly before meeting his green-eyed gaze. Theodore seemed rather sweet. She gave him one of her genuine smiles of a appreciation that are only received by three other people in her life--her father, Nathan, and Dylan. They were the only ones she ever shared anything about herself with, and even they received very little. "I am fine. Do not worry about me." Her fingers grazed over the stray lock of hair that Theodore had brushed aside. She gave his knee a reassuring squeeze and batted her dark lashes. Just a moment ago he seemed rather put off by her actions, now his face was within inches of hers. Men were so easily roused by vulnerability--how predictable. She decided, however, not to take advantage of it. She did not enjoy using people's weaknesses against them, only to get them to open up to her. Granted, she would never reciprocate that same informational generosity. Marina despised talking about herself.

    She pulled her legs back onto the bed and tucked them neatly to the left side of her body. "You know," she began in her harmonious soprano voice, "I do an exceptionally well job at reading people. It comes with the job." She was referring to the divination. "I most people only think three things of me. The first being that I am crazy. It comes with the territory of being psychic. We are nothing but a bunch of hacks and phonies and while I agree that many are, I know I am not. I never would have taken up this field if it were not for the connections I felt growing up." Marina sighed softly and spread her peachy lips into a small smile. Why was she sharing this with him? "The second being that I am a slut or easy. I always wonder why it matters. We are told to do what we love, and I love sex. It is great and it helps people feel better. All I have ever wanted to do is make people feel better. My services offer more than my lower body--an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on, my psychic powers. They are all a part of what I enjoy doing and how I enjoy helping those around me." She turned her head away and stared at her reflection in a nearby mirror. She could see Theodore beside her, but kept her gaze locked on her image. "And the third being that I am rather pretentious. Those around me do not care for the way I speak to them. They think I am talking down on them, when really this is just how I was raised. I was taught to speak with articulation, confidence, charisma, proper grammar--all of it. While everyone else looks at me these ways, I do not. I refuse to. I tend to come off over-involved or pushy because of it. I dress strange because it reminds me that at the end of the day when I take off the crazy wig or wild dress I am still just me on the inside, no matter what anyone else thinks."

    She removed her gaze from the mirror and turned back to face Theodore. "My apologies. I never speak of myself so extensively. It is selfish of me to tell you all of this and I am sure you do not want to listen." Marina pursed her lips and climbed off of the bed. She stood with her back turned to him and her hands resting on the dresser below the mirror. Her blue-eyed reflection stared back at her and she smiled sadly, watching Theodore in the mirror behind her. Marina did not point out the fact that she knew he thought all three, but it was present in the way she had said things. Oh well. She was used to it. No one understood, but that was probably her fault, refusing to get close. Love was for the weak. She loved no one. Her only friend was someone she rarely told her problems too. For being such a confident outspoken person, she was rather introverted--how ironic.

    [ooc: --- wearing client: Theodore]
  12. FuzzyBlueLights Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 20, 2009
    Owl City
    He blinked calmly and considered her questions, all of them fair enough, he noted as he mulled over what to say. When he had selected the choice words he wanted to say, he spoke. "Just a few days, three at the most I woke up a week or two ago, I was bedridden for a while. I don't know what email you're even- oh! You mean the spam? Other then it still be undeletable and a sign falling on me...I have experienced anything weird. Well...I did stumble on you in a old building. "

    He watched her face at that before moving on and continuing, patience was a virtue and he would have his turn soon, he spoke again to answer the rest of her questions. "Um, I've been safe. I just can't wind myself, it takes longer then normal to catch my breath. It's why I couldn't catch you in that hallway. A lot of things were damaged. And I mean damaged real bad, Maddy. Truthfully, I don't know how I got better, especially so quick! Doctor's called it a miracle. I might have even been on the news after waking up, if not for the weather being weird and messing up the school." He pushed his glasses back onto the ridge of his nose, after taking care of that annoyance, he paused to wait for more, or start up his round.
  13. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    "Just a few days, three at the most I woke up a week or two ago, I was bedridden for a while. I don't know what email you're even- oh! You mean the spam? Other then it still be undeletable and a sign falling on me...I have experienced anything weird. Well...I did stumble on you in a old building. "

    She smiled slightly.

    "Um, I've been safe. I just can't wind myself, it takes longer then normal to catch my breath. It's why I couldn't catch you in that hallway. A lot of things were damaged. And I mean damaged real bad, Maddy. Truthfully, I don't know how I got better, especially so quick! Doctor's called it a miracle. I might have even been on the news after waking up, if not for the weather being weird and messing up the school."

    A waitress came over with a tray of crackers and cookies placed between Thomas and herself. She then asked what they wanted to drink. Madeline ordered a cranberry green tea.

    "I see."

    There wasn't much more to say to that, how ever suspicious it sounded. It was kind of cute to her that he still didn't believe in the email, though. Of course, she probably wouldn't either if she had been cooped up in a hospital that long.
  14. FuzzyBlueLights Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 20, 2009
    Owl City
    "Well, what about you? How are you? And you had to be in school during that flood? Are you alright? I haven't really found out anything since I was hospitalized. " He hadn't eaten breakfast and he took considerate but hungry bites out of his currently evaporating cookie, he was still recovering after all.

    He finished the cookie off and this time he seemed to be trying to bore deeper into her eyes then ever before, this time he didn't care about her comfort, he was too sad to.

    " Why didn't you come see me, Maddy?"
  15. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Upon hearing the name Bronagh, Zeke's eyebrow rose. The name Bronagh was quite an uncommon name, but oddly such a name was quite familiar to him. Tossing the thoughts aside, Zeke closed his eyes still smiling "Well its a pleasure to meet you Bronagh and please...there is no need to thank me" Zeke said. He true purpose was really to take care of Hallen due to the apparent rumors about his deeds in this town and the fact that he wished to overthrow him. Saving the girl was by chance, but it wasn't like he didn't want to. Hallen's actions were sickening and so he decided to kill the man right then and there. "what are you plans now Miss.Bronagh? do you have a destination? I would be glad to offer you a ride" Zeke said
  16. Haseo Knight of Light

    Dec 29, 2007
    Land of Slush and Plateaus
    [ tumblr /// mood: tired ]
    Ben's eyes flicked open. He lifted himself out of the bed, slipping on the still dirty clothes. He sighed. This was the third day he had awoken at Marina's house, and yet they had barely accomplished anything. They had only managed to get a few of the Bellhurst students to speak with them, and even then it was just going over what he and Marina had already known. Still, they were still alive. He supposed that was something he should be thankful for.
    Ben picked his cellphone off the nightstand and checked the date. December 14th. Only two more days and he would be back where he started. Though it felt like an eternity had passed since then, in this timeline it hadn't even happened yet. What would happen now? The fact that he, Marina, Olivia, and possibly others could remember the original course of events must have some influence on the game. But what?
    Ben shook his head. There would be time for asking questions later, especially since he doubted he would receive any answer to these. He stuffed the phone into his pocket and walked into the hallway. As he passed one of the rooms, he heard two voices speaking. One of them sounded like Marina. What was she doing in one of the guest rooms. He paused, considering whether or not to listen in on them. He decided not to, merely standing outside the room. He would need to at least say farewell to Marina before he left her home.
  17. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    "Well its a pleasure to meet you Bronagh and please...there is no need to thank me."
    I did anyway, not saying thank you to that would have made me feel guilty for not...
    "What are you plans now Miss.Bronagh? do you have a destination? I would be glad to offer you a ride."
    Bronagh thought about it, at this moment if she went back to her home, now deprived of most of her objects. There would be cops there... if there were cops there they would take her and have her questioned for reasons why she didn't respond or come home, then have to go through all this legal stuff before she was sent off to a foster home or something...
    Her issue wasn't necessarily cops in general. It's just that she is fifteen years old and although for many years she pretty much had to take care of herself, she would still be treated like a kid and locked under a watchful eye after being a runaway, at least until she was eighteen... no... not even eighteen, the rest of whatever days she had left. She wasn't keeping count at this point.
    "I do not have any plans nor do I have a destination." she said straightforward as she resisted looking at the body behind her, she smiled sadly as she spoke, "Not anymore... what part of town is this place?"
  18. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    {Tumblr Psychosis- Normal Mood: Unsure Location: DOM's House}
    {OOC: --- Wearing!!Day 15.2 Thursday December 14th}
    "I promise, until my last breath I will make sure they will not find you" Altair said and closed his eyes once more with a smile. "I want you to know that if you need anything at all, just tell me and I will do whatever I can" Altair said opening his eyes and he looked over at the door and back at her. "Shall we depart? I...have somewhere I want to go to before we reach Brookridge."

    Heidi blinked in confusion. "N-now?" She stared at him dumbfounded, but then shook it off. "O-okay. L-lemme change. Then go..." The brunette pulled away from him before scurrying up the stairs and to the pale blue room that was now her's. She couldn't believe that. This wasn't her home. In reality, she didn't have a home. Heidi didn't belong anywhere. It was only a matter of time. Yup, don't get too attached deary. Pretty soon they'll drop you like a hot potato. "They might not." They will. Wanna bet on it? We'll scare them off. "Why can't I just be happy with them?" Happy is boooring. They retorted. She stood in front of the large mirror staring at her reflection. They hovered in the background behind her. Their shadowy forms loomed over her and reached out to latch onto her shoulder. Heidi closed her eyes and shook her head twice.

    When she opened them again, they were gone from her vision, but not from her mind. "Please go away," she whispered into the mirror. Not even if your life depended on it. They smirked and laughed a deep hollow chuckle. Heidi bit on her lip, anxiety rising from within, as she quickly changed. Her hands began to tremble as she slipped on the skinny jeans. Until recently, she had never worn a pair, but they seemed to fit her slender body much better than anything. She was rather lacking in the curvature department and the snug-fitting denim seemed to rid her of that problem slightly. Once the leather red jacket was on, she stuffed some more clothes inside of a multicolored backpack and slung it over her shoulders. The leather smelled undoubtedly real and she cringed at the thought. Just how much had Mr. Marshall spent on her wardrobe? When she was ready to go, Heidi exited the room and returned to the bottom of the stairs to wait for their departure.
  19. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    [​IMG]___ [​IMG]___ [​IMG]___ [​IMG]

    He wouldn't lie, this was a bit much to process out of no where. Theodore listened, though, all of the way through. When enough silence had past that he knew she was finished, he rubbed the back of his head and diverted his gaze, feeling a bit ashamed--but just a bit. He wasn't sure what to make of the 'i love sex' thing. It wasn't so much that he disliked sexually active women--or women who were fond of sex. He disliked promiscuous women because he found them to be, in his experiences, less loyal and...He pressed his lips together. He didn't like the thought of being compared to however many else there had been, or being under constant internal pressure to be remembered--if something went wrong.

    Someone who wasn't a virgin was fine and all, but sex wasn't such a casual thing to him. It was lust at first sight with Marina, but he was a romantic. She seemed to just want to cut to the chase. If there wasn't an ounce of compatibility on that end, he was alright skipping out on this one. Maybe that was childish of him, but he couldn't help it. Then again, maybe it was too soon to tell? With her vent he had picked up on a few things, at least.

    Marina turned to look at him.

    My apologies. I never speak of myself so extensively. It is selfish of me to tell you all of this and I am sure you do not want to listen.

    He wanted to say something prominent, but he did not know what. He couldn't help but wonder what had made her open up to him, if the only reason wasn't to make him feel guilty as hell. Finally giving up on trying to be any sort of charming, Theodore stood up and grabbed his jacket, slipping it on and shoving his phone into his pocket.

    Thank you for sharing that with me...It isn't selfish of you, I care to know. But for now... I won't push it any further.

    Now wasn't the time.
    Before leaving the guest room, he leaned down and very innocently gave her a peck on the cheek--his own cheeks glowing. He quickly diverted his gaze and mumbled, Stay safe. Before stepping out of the room and walking briskly towards the front door.

  20. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    { DAY : 15 - 2/3 } { DECEMBER 14, 2012 } { LOCATION : HOME }

    xxYou dare stand there, to taunt me?
    xxxxxxI am not to be made a fool of. I will not have it.
    xxxI swear, if you take this much further, you will regret it, dearly.

    Playing the piano had given her a great comfort, she realized. After the heated phone call with Lorinda, she had felt like . . . like . . . killing something. It had been an extremely unpleasant feeling, and it was better for her to have not given into the murderous urge. Something like that could easily become a habit, and no one would want that, not from her.

    Just before the song was over, she had heard the door click shut, and one of her hands went to her lap as she turned around, but no one was there. They must have not wanted to bother her; and with good reason that they were unaware of.

    She sighed as she moved away from the instrument. She no longer had any reason to be here.

    After searching for a servant, she told them to send Marina her gratitude, and that she was leaving.

    Some two hours later, she was home, and her father was, too. It was surprising, but she found him in the hidden library, gazing up at his painting of her mother. Upon seeing him, her face softened and she realized that she had missed him so much. It had been days since their last physical encounter, and she was suddenly feeling so childish. He turned around to see her, a soft smile on his face, and she could feel tears welling up in her eyes.

    " Welcome home, Kalli. " he said, holding out his arms, and before she knew what overcame her, she was running to him, and crashed her face into his chest, crying like she hadn't before. She had missed him - as much as she didn't want to admit it, she had missed her father. She was only a teenager, after all - could she really be expected to pull the task of Adonis?

    Towards the end of her hug, she realized what had been said, about them not actually existing before the game, or even after it. None of them had existed. She had not know her father, her mother? Those horrible things that she had done, those horrible things that had happened . . . They really didn't?

    It was a large pill to swallow, and it was one that was having no effect on her. She wondered what effects it would have on say . . . Madeline. Her heart beat louder than normal at the thought. Perhaps she could text her? No . . . Madeline would not want to hear from her.

    She cooped herself up in her room.

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