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Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by Jayn, Nov 12, 2012.

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  1. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    After checking the distance from the school and the Antilum, Vergil chose the right time to leave since it wasn't going to be a short walk. Since he did get an early start in walking, he arrived with a few minutes before the meeting would start. Making his way inside, he began to look around for anyone who looked like they were part of the email, or to a lesser extent out of place. What he saw was a small group of people forming nearby. The people he saw fit both the descriptions he was looking for, so he headed over to join them.


    After hailing a taxi to the Antilum, Nate had walked in and looked around. The place certainly didn't have the 'school kids meeting' vibe to it. Though it wasn't the meeting place that matter. What matter was what actually got done while they were there. Hopefully it wouldn't be a complete waste of time. It didn't take long for his eyes to spot the brown haired boy walking up to another group of people. Best guess is that's where everyone else is. Shrugging his shoulder, he started to head that way also.
  2. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    [​IMG]___ [​IMG]___[​IMG]___[​IMG]

    With a flex of his finger, he switched the television off. A soft buzzing from the doorway alerted him that the guests were arriving. The comfort he had with Elliot would not be carried over. Despite contrary belief, Theodore was not the socialite his father was. This was simply imitation. Personality had become an enormous asset in America's recent years. Dr. Timothy made sure he knew that. Even if he loathed every single one of these kids (though he didn't), not a trace of that hatred should slip out. No, everything dark should remain locked up inside. Tonight, he was an actor.

    Hey, nice place you've got here. You sure you want C to destroy it?

    He pulled himself off of the couch and walked around to greet the familiar voice. Though he made sure to force out a friendly chuckle, Theodore found himself actually quite pleased with the idea of Antilum being destroyed. It was a glorious facility--and his father didn't deserve it. Terrible things had happened here.

    Nice to see you again, Harley! I'm hoping this get together will prove effective in stopping C, not encouraging her.

    He smiled both at him and the young lady to the side of him.

    W-would C...No...Wait...Hello.

    Ah, so easily flustered. Theodore raised an arm to Elliot's shoulder and gave a reassuring squeeze before placing his hands into the pockets of his suit casually. He raised his voice to be a bit louder, making eye contact with the young dark haired girl who just entered, and then he introduced himself to the two boys who joined next.

    Well, welcome to you all so far. Enjoy your stay and feel free to unwind for now. I hope to begin the meeting when more people arrive. Help yourselves to anything.
    This was already becoming exhausting. Another disappointment happened to be the age range. It seemed that everyone was relatively young. Both sad and disturbing.

    He quietly dismissed himself and made his way over to the food table, fixing a small plate of white chocolate chip cookies, which he proceeded to dip into the chocolate fountain and snack on while he waited for more 'victims' to arrive.

  3. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Tumblr |Music| Outfit| 2/3 | Location: Dorm Room
    She seemed to get it at the worst times possible.
    At least this time she hadn't wheeled herself out of the house.
    Bronagh wasn't necessarily sleepy sick, she just didn't want to move. She boiled herself a cup of tea and propped up a temporary table next to her bed. She didn't want to check her phone for emails, but she did anyway. One of the messages she received was about the email, from a kid named Theodore...
    wait... Theodore?
    She remembered Theodore!
    During the body swapping, he was the one with Marina and herself. She had totally forgotten about him.... but at that moment she got concerned for Marina...
    Oh man I hope you are alright wherever you are...
    Send to: Theodore Walden
    Subject: Re: Weird email?
    Message: Hello, I am Bronagh Williamson. We met during the whole body swapping thing, I was in Marina Sario's body... Unfortunately I happen to be sick today. If there is a way to get whatever is discussed sent to me afterwards it would be very much appreciated.
    Bronagh coughed as she leaned back in her bed and sipped the tea again, for the girl with the unusually healthy immune system, she sure was getting sick a lot lately.
  4. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    The time had finally arrived and Casey began his preparations to leave. Having taken a shower and entering his closet, Casey pulled out a suit deep inside it and placed it on. With a sigh Casey glanced at a nearby mirror and smiled lightly. He always liked wearing formal clothes, but at the same time Casey didn't feel good about leaving Heidi all alone. He wished to see her again, but after speaking to her like that it was best if he avoided her for a while. A meeting that involved alcohol and games....Casey began to believe this meeting was more of an excuse to have having a good time...something he didn't like it. Nine kids just died and one of them was his precious brother. How could they have fun with such a tragedy. Casey severely hoped that he was wrong and that they were merely able to get somewhere.

    After getting prepared, Casey left the house and began on his way to the meeting. Casey was never one for formal gatherings, his parents were usually one to represent the Heckles name, but in this case he felt he should do the job. It was funny when he thought about how a multi-million dollar company started off with his mere fisherman of a grandfather...though then again this mere fisherman was technically a legend. With a sigh, Casey entered a taxi and soon enough reached his destination. Closing his eyes with a sigh, a cheerful smile crept across his face as he entered the room. Quite impressed with the interior, Casey glanced around awestruck.
  5. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    [ DAY : 45 - 2/3 ] • [ JANUARY 13, 2013 ] • [ LOCATION : ANTILUM ]


    Harley didn't like the look that the boy with black hair and bright blue eyes gave Heidi. It was judgmental. He seemed like the nervous sort though, so he made no comment on it and turned back to Theo when the host replied.

    " Nice to see you again, Harley! " he began in, what was to Harley, a too-chipper tone, " I'm hoping this get together will prove effective in stopping C, not encouraging her. "

    He tried not to snort, he really did, but it slipped out anyway, " Uh . . . huh. " Obviously, Theo'd never been involved in any incidents with Crestatia. Why always the BAE kids? It was kind of annoying.

    This was definitely not the Theo that he'd met in the library. What was he trying to prove by acting this way? He clicked his tongue as three more people came in and Theo introduced himself. Harley didn't speak to them, and Heidi made no motion to move or speak either.

    When they were on the way here, he remembered that she didn't do too well in crowds, so he knew that he couldn't be away from her for long.

    He sat down one of the couches, the one across from where the other boy with blue eyes sat, and let go of Heidi's arm, remaining close to her, " I take it you're Theo's friend? " he asked the boy, hoping that he wouldn't stammer in his reply, " I've only met him once, but . . . Is he always like that? " He really hoped not.

    Another set of footsteps entered the large room, but Harley didn't bother looking over his shoulders to check who it was.


  6. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    [ Contact Information Mood: Uncomfortable Subjects: Too many to list OOC: N/A ]

    More were arriving now. More than he liked. But he wished for many view points so he would just have to deal. Though it would have been nice to be somewhat distracted from the mass of people, but without the TV and Theo it didn't seem like an option. And the reassuring gesture he made would only last so long.

    Every ounce of attention he had would be forced towards interactions. Currently that meant talking to the one who seemed to have leered at him, though hopefully that was just in his imagination. He really did not wish to have someone out to get him... There was already this C thing, after all.

    At least the questions thrown his way were easy to answer. "Yes," the part that was where he should have introduced himself flew right over his head. However he thought he was doing rather well at this interaction thing and was hoping he made a good impression, as his subjects should like him. At least this time since it would be helpful.

    "And I-I wouldn't say he is."
  7. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    ( OOC :: WEEEEE! )
    ( DAY :: 45 - 2/3 ) • ( JANUARY 13, 2013 ) • ( LOCATION :: ANTILUM )


    Remember, you're there to make an impression, not scout, okay? she told her as she fixed her hair that always wanted to stay indefinitely messy, Tonight, you're a normal girl.

    The first thing she did after the woman stopped touching her was grab her black and white mask and stick it to her face.

    The woman sighed, You have such a beautiful face, love, I don't know why you hide it . . .

    She thought about replying. Thought about it. Thought. Thought. But shook her head. Nopenopenope, she would not reply to that.

    The valet helped her out of the car and her creamy-orange converse touched the ground as her body met the cool air. She almost giggled at how refreshing it was. It took all of her power not to skip into the building and through it when the servant met her.

    Antilum was a place she knew very well, but this was her first time coming as a guest . . . And she got to officially meet Theodore Weldon, Elliot Anderson, and Harley Jackson! Exciting, exciting. She could also meet that girl who was with Harley, too. She was excited for tonight, but she had to be on her best behavior, mom told her, she had to treat it like one of her missions, but have fun and be . . . normal at the same time.

    It shouldn't be too hard, right?

    Her feet carried her into the large room were the party was being held and it was all she could do to not jump up and down with excitement. Another servant took her jacket

    Immediately, she spotted the three boys she had been so eager to meet, and the girl who sat next to one of them. Three other people were already there, too, but she didn't care about them right now. Well, except maybe the girl, but definitely not the two boys.

    Calmly, she strode past the couches where Harley and Elliot sat and went over to the snack table to make a small place of delicious sweets. She wondered if they had ice cream here.

    I've only met him once, but . . . is he always like that? she heard Harley ask about Theodore.

    No, he's not, she sang to herself after grabbing strawberries and sugar.

    Whoops, that sounded stalkerish, she thought to herself. That's the one thing she hated. Just because she knew lots of things about people who didn't really know her, didn't mean she was a stalker. Her mood suddenly shifted and she put down her plate.

    Tonight, you're a normal girl. Mom's words rang in her mind.

    Normal meant no sudden mood swings, so she tried to control her overwhelming sadness and managed pretty well. Right after that, she saw that Theodore was standing next to her. He was taller than her, no fun.

    Hello, she managed to say elegantly.

    Normal. She had to act normal. Hopefully, he wouldn't drop his plate or anything.

  8. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Such a beautiful and wondrous message had entered the phone of Laurence McClean. They wished to gather, they wished to speak the name of the goddess! Oh it was such a magnificent feeling, it had been ages since he got the email and now he could finally meet the others that were chosen by god as well. It was as if god has led him to this Brookridge Academy and told him to meet with such wonderful people.

    It was glorious and Laurence could remember the exact first moment he received the email. Though the email was one of praise, the moment when he got the email was nothing but sickening. When he first got the email he first thought it was nothing more of a hoax and something that should be cast aside, oh how ignorant the man was to the truth! when he noticed that some of the people from the list were slowly dying off a revelation reached the mind of Laurence and Laurence realized that god had graced him with 100 golden days of enlightenment! He was heartbroken to have know that he merely tossed aside the email of his precious god. He couldn't forgive himself and such a crime was unforgivable. Immediately at that time Laurence bought a katana and immediately attempted to commit seppuku, but when he realized that suicide was not allowed as well he cried as he almost broke a rule set by god himself! It was a tragedy! but Laurence would follow his god till the end and with tears in his eyes he chose to march forward in the 100 days of enlightenment!

    Laurence was never one for formal attire so he marched out in the casual jacket he usually wore and marched towards the party of praise. It took him a while but soon enough Laurence reached his destination. The place was marvellous and just seeing it brought a flood of tears in his eyes. This place was surely a shrine to his god C and just seeing the devotion put into this place was incredible. Placing his hand into his pockets Laurence reached the door and kicked it open with a thud. Casey got squished by the opening doors, but who cares about Casey when we are talking about GOD! "GREETINGS MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS" Laurence yelled out in glee.
  9. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    « Updates Interactions: Lots Location: Antilum Labs Day: 17 (45 & 2/3) Wearing!! »
    Dress nice. Originally, Bernadette was just going to wear her previous attire to the party, but after rereading the email and seeing the response from Theodore, she had decided to change into something a little more classy. It was a good thing she did. She entered the room and slipped off her jacket. A servant approached her from behind and slipped the jacket over his arm, taking with him her clutch as well. She stared at the room in wide-eyed wonderment. It was incredible. Everyone there seemed to be having a good time as well. She felt disconnected. There was no one present that she was acquainted with. Bernie chewed on her bottom lip nervously.

    All the food looked incredibly delicious, but she didn't have much of an appetite with feeling like such an outsider. She wasn't even sure what to believe in. She hadn't given the email much consideration until yesterday during her talk with Eleanora. Would Eleanora be coming? Would Bronagh? She hoped they would. They were pretty much the only ones she- Elliot! She hadn't seen him since that first day of her class, but she recognized him. However, he seemed rather engaged in conversation. it would be rude of her to interrupt him, but he was the only one she knew.

    Bernie decided to make her way over to the drink table before going to Elliot. She poured herself a mixed concoction of she didn't know what. Either way, she would tough it out. She took a sip of the crazy mixture and winced. It was a poor idea. Too late now. She took another sip and slowly inched her way over to the couch where the others were seated. The carpet was very plush and made walking in her heels awfully difficult. As Bernadette reached the couch that Elliot was sitting on, the toe of her peep-toe-pump stuck in the carpet and she tripped. The dark liquid was sent jutting out of the cup and raining down on Elliot. Her eyes widened in horror as she stood up and looked at him now drenched in her beverage.

    "Oh nein Elliot! Es tut mir leid. Sind Sie okay? Lassen Sie mich das!" Bernadette panicked. She didn't even have time to think about speaking in English. She rushed over to the food table for some towels and came clomping back to him in her heels. Bernie fervently began to dab the towels on his suit. Her cheeks burned a vermillion red in embarrassement. Her heart was pounding in her chest and a lock of hair fell out of place in her face. Was für ein toller Start in die Nacht. Herzlichen Glückwunsch Bernie. Sie werden nun zum Gespött der Nacht sein.
  10. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    [ Contact Information Mood: KJDHESNVBHLW Subjects: Too many to list OOC: N/A ]

    While waiting the other boy's reply Elliot's eyes began to wander.

    A girl passed them wearing a mask and all he could think of was how odd it was, completely disregarding how he always dressed. However not much time was given to examine that one as someone came in shouting, tearing his attention away from her.

    Though he couldn't even get a good look at that one as a familiar figure was seen approaching him. Dear lord, things were already-

    Suddenly...everything stopped. Elliot hadn't even seen it happen but it was easy to put the pieces together as he felt the liquid soaking through his clothes. Soaking through to...no! He cannot freeze now. He had to act.

    The boy got to his feet and removed his jacket, though then realized that since he was not in his normal attire that was all he could peel off. How awful. And to make matters worse it was getting hard to breath as the boy was beginning to panic. Not even the towels the girl was used would help this mess. Though he did try to thank Bernie for them, only for his words to come out muttered and incoherent.

    Looking around his eyes desperately scanned the room for something or someone to help more with this matter though it was then when he realized that his glasses were not spared from the drink so he took them off, dropping them down to the couch.

    Dear lord. Even his mask had been hit. It couldn't stay. But to take it off...with all these people around... He couldn't. He really shouldn't. Oh but his air was already being tainted, with alcohol no less! That thought increased the panic to the point where he simply tore it off and disposed of it as well.

    Oh no. No no no no nononono. He was lucky enough that this happened in the labs, a place he trusted to be clean, but the people here...

    Feeling faint he fell back to the couch, luckily missing his glasses that remained sitting safely on another cushion.

    He didn't even know how to react now. Everything was so overloaded that it all just shut down. And so he sat there, staring at the ceiling with dead eyes.
  11. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    [ DAY : 45 - 2/3 ] • [ JANUARY 13, 2013 ] • [ LOCATION : ANTILUM ]


    Well, he figured the night would be interesting, but not so quickly.

    " Yes, " the other boy had answered, " And I - I wouldn't say he is. " Harley thought not - or actually, he'd hoped not. It'd be a lie to say he hadn't gained a bit of interest in Theodore, but it was nothing special.

    Before Harley could reply, a few things happened.

    The person who had walked in was oddly clothed, with a short, strapless dress, Converse, and a mask. He recognized that small figure - and he had seen her before. What was she doing here? Augh, don't tell him that she was on the list of names, too. Which one was she? There were a few he'd yet to meet, but she could be only one of them.

    It was against his better judgment to get up and go talk to her because of Heidi, but he wanted to soon.

    Then there was the flamboyant, annoying blonde boy. Who said that kind of thing? 'My brothers and sisters'? Seriously. What a strange character, so Harley decided to ignore him.

    And then there was the German girl. She was quite the looker, he had to admit, but she seemed nervous. Probably because she didn't know anyone around ( or it seemed like that to him ) .

    He watched as she looked over in their general direction, but made no motion to move, so she grabbed a drink instead. After tasting it a few times, he saw her moving over. Oh, boy. She tripped. Harley almost laughed, but the girl seemed to be in horror as things went down. Unfortunately, he wasn't fast enough to catch the drink or the girl and that poor kid was drenched with who-knew-what.

    Harley should have known that the kid was a germaphobe - he'd been wearing a medical mask after all, and now, to be dirty . . . He didn't want to imagine how he felt. The girl was spewing out German he could barely understand, trying to help out Elliot ( what she'd called him ), but Elliot was a bumbling mess and decided to give up.

    Harley was on his feet, making his way towards one of the servants, " We seem to have a little . . . mess over here, could you help out and get this kid some clean clothing and a new . . . mask-thing? " he asked the one standing by. The servant nodded and began to move into action.

    " Hey, " Harley said to Elliot, " You alright, kid? " he said, moving a hand in front of his face, " One of the servants is gonna help you out. "

    He looked back at Heidi, and then to the others around the room. What an interesting bunch they were.


  12. FuzzyBlueLights Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 20, 2009
    Owl City
    Duncan arrived. Observing all but not saying a word. He disliked the brightness of this place. Maybe he could talk to the staff about dimming a corner of the room for him. After all, this was for them. Right? He continued his broad sweeping stare as he headed over to the food. The white on this tux could go too, but he didn't have anything dark on underneath it. He sighed grumpily as he began to pile a plate with food. Nothing worth listening to was being talked about, otherwise there'd be more arguing and less helping people off the floor. He shook his head as he continued piling. Free food. The only thing worth coming here so far.
  13. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    Antilum was terrifyingly intimidating. As soon as she arrived, she was immediately offered a beverage and practically whisked away through the quiet lobby and along a carpeted sky-bridge. She had a twisting knot in her stomach during the elevator ride. Being in a circular pod...thing...was nerve-wracking somehow.

    She suddenly felt very self conscious, too. Her hair was up in a high bun with loose curls to the sides of her face, and she had decided to wear one of the 'fanciest' outfits she had purchased with her new funds. Had it been just a few months ago, this experience would have been entirely different. Luckily, she had remembered to take her medication before leaving so nothing weird should happen.

    If she were honest, it did bring her a bit of pain to be without her old companions. Sometimes she really missed the 'magic' (or, the crazy) in her life. Everything was much more fantastical and interesting with magic.


    The 25th floor was actually rather empty looking. The hall lights were dimmed; old portraits of strangers were plastered onto the walls...There were a few plants marking the beginning and the end of the hall, from what she could see, and a tall window at the end. Honestly, she had begun to feel a little over dressed. That is, until the butler opened the door to the lounge.

    Muffled bass she had managed to tune out before came to life. Her breath caught in her throat as she took a nervous look around. First thing she noticed were people, naturally. Then she took in everything else from the table of food to the tall window with the moonlight pouring in... She barely even noticed when someone came up and took her coat from her. Instead, she just sort of stood near the entrance frozen like a rabbit.

    Now, of course, she didn't feel good enough to be here at all.

  14. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    [​IMG]___ [​IMG]___[​IMG]___[​IMG]

    Cookie after cookie after cookie...He must have looked like a pig... but he needed this. Food was his go-to. Though, usually, it would bring him more comfort to cook than to eat. His father wouldn't let him into the kitchen. Naturally, he wouldn't let him do anything that brought him joy. So instead, here he was practically drinking up the chocolate fountain. His fingers were getting sticky and there were a few crumbs on his tux...He was just too deeply in a daze to notice (that or Elliot's freak out).

    He nodded and gave a short smile to everyone new who joined them, finding himself somewhat pleased with the turn out...Though he partially regretted going all out for a bunch of children. It couldn't be helped.


    Sweet god almighty. He visibly flinched and his dark eyebrows creased as he swiveled around to put a face to the sudden voice. There was a little girl with dark hair, a plate of strawberries and a mask possible peering up at him. He muttered a swear under his breath and took a calming breath of warm air, forcing his facial muscles to relax.


    His voice was clearly apprehensive. Before he flashed a smiled, he ran his tongue over his teeth and sighed lowly. His fingers reached up to dust cookie crumbs away from his collar.

    Nice to meet you, ...?

    He waited for her to reveal her name, trying not to feel too uneasy about the fact that she was wearing a mask. That paired with the rich tone of her skin...Tsk. He would have to keep a watchful eye on her. He did not feel like being stolen from today. Dr. Timothy would never let it go.

  15. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Laurence stood in amazement, he awaited a reply to his wondrous greetings but as he stood there nothing arrived. OH THE SORROW HE FELT AT THAT MOMENT. It was purely saddening to have been ignored, he couldn't take it any more! he had to commit Sudoku for this tragedy...and so he did....he took that damn puzzle he held in his jacket pocket and began to fill in the numbers. Such a game was calming to his advanced intellect. After giving up at the first attempt to fill in a number, Laurence decided to give up. Such clearing of the mind made him realize that the people in the room were merely shy of his radiant devoted self, after all nobody was a bigger worshiper of C. "Oh great and mighty C, please cure these wondrous people of their shyness" Laurence muttered quietly to his god. With his prayer done immediately a buffet of wondrous food caught his eyes and immediately Laurence skipped his way towards it.

    Casey merely stood there amazed at how amazing the room was, unfortunately his mistake was that he stood in front of the doors. A force had knocked the doors forward and immediately pushed the teen into the wall and swished him in between the walls and door. Pushing the door away, Casey stood there and stumbled forward in a daze as the pain took over. Shaking away the pain, Casey marched over towards the idiot that was the culprit, but in the end it seemed the person had gotten away. With a groan Casey sighed and glanced back a the wondrous hall. For a simple meeting, Theodore really went all out. Closing his eyes, Casey shook his head and smiled. There was nothing much for him to do other than to mingle and to eat. Scouting for somebody to speak to, Casey spotted the nearest person to him who had also seemed to have been as surprised as he was about this place. With a big smile, Casey walked up to the awestruck girl "Hey there, pretty amazing place we've been invited to" Casey said
  16. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    ( OOC :: SHE'LL STEAL . . . ALL THE FOOD! )
    ( DAY :: 45 - 3/3 ) • ( JANUARY 13, 2013 ) • ( LOCATION :: ANTILUM )


    Vanille almost giggled when he jumped and heard him curse under his breath. A bit witless, wasn't he?

    Uh . . . Hello.

    She tilted her head and watched him try to be relaxed and not . . . stiff. It seemed that he was having a hard time, wasn't he? Maybe he wasn't good with talking to people. Being around people? Hmm. Well, not everyone could talk like her, but she couldn't overwhelm him with herself on their first meet.

    Nice to meet you, . . . ?

    Vanille.she said with a smile, popping a strawberry covered with sugar into her mouth. She took a moment to chew and swallow, then continued, Vanille Frost. It's nice to meet you, too, " she said cheerfully, and abstained from grabbing his hand to shake it.

    So maybe she was a little too excited about meeting people, especially people her age, but it had been a long time since she didn't meet someone who was over 25.

    As she studied his tense face, she realized that he must have been suspicious of her, and her hand self-consciously went to her mask. It seemed to cover up the tattoo on her cheek fairly well, so he probably - hopefully - didn't see it.

    Do . . . you like my mask? she asked, slightly tense, her tone changing into something stranger, I made it a long time ago . . . I like making masks. It was very relaxing, and to show off her work by wearing them, that made her feel even better.

    There was something in his stare that bothered her, but she tried to shove it away as she heard a bit of a commotion on the other side of the room. From her peripheral, she saw that someone had spilled something, but it was already being taken care of.

  17. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    [Mood: !Panic! ~ OOC: ~ Listening to]

    Zoey was running as fast as her body would permit. For once, her body wasn't in control during a run like it'd normally be. It was frantic, her breathing was out of rhythm and her form was terrible. Everything ached and hurt, her body screaming at her to let it rest, that she shouldn't be moving like this yet. Her unsupported chest leapt around underneath her shirt as she continued to move, her long hair trailing behind her.
    She couldn't stop though. She just had to get there. She had to get there fast, even if it was already too late.
    ...There it was. The boys dorm came into view, and by this point, Zoey was feeling sick. Half from her dreadful run with the terrible state of her body, and the other half from the rising panic and fear in her gut and her heart. Her speed didn't break as she climbed the stairs, her body ready to give out, but Zoey was a fighter, she was determined. At last, she rounded the corner and his door was in sight... already... the sight of it stopped her in her tracks.
    It was covered in yellow tape, warning anyone not to enter. ...Zoey dropped to her knees, not noticing the pain from the impact with the ground. Once again, just like when she had learned of Tyler, she was in agony again, and that was dulling any other pain.
    ...Part of her hoped that this was one of Matt's usual terrible jokes. That he'd come out the door any second and say it was just a bit of fun, and then she'd hit him for it and that'd be that. But no... she could tell that it was true. Matt was dead.
    ...Was it because he had confessed his feelings for her? ...Zoey didn't know what to think.. her mind was in shambles. She'd lost yet another of the few people she had.
    It was just too horrible. ...Tyler... Matt... all of the ones who had died. Altair who Heidi and Casey had lost, and everyone else. Why? Why? Why? ---

    Zoey didn't even know how she got back to her room. Her brain wasn't functioning right. She couldn't recall the journey back.
    She didn't even remember climbing into bed (without actually getting undressed), and she certainly didn't remember the escape that sleep provided her with, even if only briefly.
  18. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    [​IMG]___ [​IMG]___[​IMG]___[​IMG]

    Vanille. Pretty name.

    Do...You like my mask? I made it a long time ago...I like making masks.

    What an odd thing to ask. He took a better look at the black and white mask covering her face, wondering if she was deformed or something underneath. It was a pretty nicely made thing, if she had really done it herself. How well crafted it was didn't take away from the creepiness, though. Despite that, he gave her a genuine smile.

    It is very well made. Fantastic job.

    He was about to ask her if she normally wore a mask and why that was but he realized time was winding down and the day was nearing an end. He had rooms for his guests to stay in if they had to, but he really wanted to get this meeting out of the way. He bowed his head politely to excuse himself from Vanille and stepped back towards the television and fireplace. His fingers dragged down a digital slider embedded in the wall after tapping in a pass code, and the music faded down.

    I do hope that you've all been enjoying yourselves thus far. However, I believe we should get started on this meeting if we're to finish before midnight. If you would all please follow me to the conference room...

    His muscles were tense. He was in serious need of a massage, all of this stress. How did anyone live their lives doing this all of the time? It was exhausting and obnoxious and it put him in an overall sour mood. He had to concentrate just to keep a glare off of his face as he descended past the bar and down a hall way. He typed in yet another pass code and opened up the conference room area, holding the door open and allowing the group to take a seat.

  19. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    Hey there, pretty amazing place we've been invited to.

    Nora lifted her eves to see a boy with ... ridiculously gorgeous hair smiling at her. Timidly, she smiled back. It had taken a lot of effort not to jump at the interaction. Her heart beat quickened just a bit but she swallowed the strange feeling down.

    Mhm! It's a bit overwhelming, haha...

    It was true. Everything about this place screamed luxury. Theodore hadn't been exaggerating at all. Her fingertips lifted to shyly brush some bangs from her face. Before she could say anything else, or properly introduce herself, Theodore spoke.

    I do hope that you've all been enjoying yourselves thus far. However, I believe we should get started on this meeting if we're to finish before midnight. If you would all please follow me to the conference room...

    She pressed her lips together nervously and tried to shake the feeling of dread off before following the rather small group into the meeting room. When she spotted Bernadette, the feeling of dread lifted away just a bit more and she found herself weaving through the people to poke the girl's shoulder playfully.

    Bernie! I didn't know if you would come. I'm happy to--...see you.

    The host of the party shot her a glare and she went quiet right after finishing her sentence. Apparently now wasn't the time to be socializing. Eleanora scurried hurriedly to a seat.

  20. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    [ DAY : 45 - 3/3 ] • [ JANUARY 13, 2013 ] • [ LOCATION : ANTILUM ]

    Harley had let the servant attend to Elliot after Theodore had called them all to attention. The night was moving along and it felt like there wasn't much time for this meeting that was planned.

    He warily looked over at the snack table where the girl with the mask was, standing next to Theo. Did they know each other? It wasn't outrageous, he guessed, if Theo lived in a place like Antilum.

    It seemed that a few of the other guests weren't moving, but Harley didn't pay attention to them, took Heidi's arm and led her in the direction that followed Theo. Just when he thought the building couldn't be any bigger, the hallways stretched on even longer. Impressive.

    The room that Theo held the door open to was needlessly large, but he supposed all of the doctors were rich and were used to spacious rooms like this. They could afford not to be cramped. He clicked his tongue silently as Heidi let go of him and they both took their seats.

    They waited for the rest of the people to fill the room.

    ( OOC :: YEP. )

    Vanille. Pretty name.

    She tried her best not to blush, and was glad that her mask covered up her embarrassment. His eyes wandered over the art on her face and at this time, she always hoped that whoever was looking at her mask liked it. When they didn't, Vanille tried to shrug it off as no big deal, but she liked approval of her jobs and art.

    Those were the kind of things that made her feel like she was worth something.

    When Theo smiled, her whole face turned red, ❝It is very well made. Fantastic job. It was all she could do not to squeal. It wasn't that his praise was particularly special, but she did value what others thought of her . . . quirks, even when she didn't show her.

    Thanks! she responded brightly.

    There was no time for him to say something else because he seemed to realize that it was getting late, ❝I do hope that you've all been enjoying yourselves thus far. However, I believe we should get started on this meeting if we're to finish before midnight. If you would all please follow me to the conference room . . .❞ And he began to walk off.

    She followed, a little hop in her step and looked over her shoulder to those who were following. Maybe this meeting room would be a good place to talk to people. Unless Theo was really serious about this and wanted to talk about nothing but C.

    To be honest, Vanille didn't know if she believed in C. or not. Nothing had happened to her that proved the person's . . . demon's(?) existence, but she had heard of all the things that happened in Coy City, and at Brookridge. They all started happening after she got the email.

    It might have been coincidence, she first thought, but as the weeks went by, she found herself marking off the names on the list attached to the email. From Thomas Adams to Temperance Spike to . . . Kallisti Lein.

    Some part of her knew that their deaths had something to do with the email, but Vanille wasn't sure if she was ready to admit that to herself or not. It was a bit scary, the whole thing.

    The conference room was spacious and very modern, matching much of the rest of Antilum Labs. Come to think of it, it looked a bit like a room on a ship. Harley Jackson and his friend were already sitting down near the head of the table and she decided to take her own seat across from them, a chair or two down.

    Harley gave her a look that might have been a glare, but she only smiled at him.

    So exactly . . . Harley started when more people came, is your goal here? Or do you want this to be a team effort? He almost sounded a bit sarcastic at the end. That wasn't a good way to make friends. Nopenope.

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