⍭he ℱallen

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by Hyuge ✧, May 14, 2013.

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  1. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    W E A R I N G S O L V E ? M U S I C

    JUST before there was any reply to his tense question, the other bedroom door opened and Vincent appeared, looking as if Leo never had to carry his unconscious body to this house in the middle of nowhere just two days ago. Being Raphael clearly had its advantages.

    His dimmed blue eyes narrowed when he wrapped Joslyn in a hug. Italians. he thought to himself, and of course, the actions went straight to Joslyn's nerves. When he let the frail girl go, Leo looked pointedly at her, waiting.

    I - I can't s - say where S - Sal is, w - w - we haven't f - f - found him. A - As for Hana and S - Sam . . . Well . . . A tenseness returned to his shoulders as she started fidgeting. S - Sam just d - disappeared all of a s - sudden, and . . . H - Hana was k . . . ki . . . Leo quickly sat up in his chair, his entire mind coursing with thoughts and plans for their next move, having expected the worst of her stuttering voice. Hana was k - kidnapped . . .

    . . . Kidnapped. He leaned back. Just kidnapped. Not killed. There was a drop of weight in another chair. Samuel was gone. Hana was kidnapped. Samuel was gone. Hana was kidnapped. His eyes closed and he recalled his dream. The fire didn't represent Samuel, but Leo couldn't smother the feeling that he had something to do with their sudden disappearances. Abaddon was never to be trusted and how Xathanael had even formed that kind of relationship with him, Raziel didn't know or care – but this situation was not coincidental.

    Jun Tae? Hay Sun said with a good amount of uncertainty.

    He looked at her and then at the rest of the group, now leaderless. This is troublesome. He covered a sneeze and then sighed. We came to Australia to recruit. he stated. Now that the compass has lead you here, is there anywhere else it points to?

    ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
  2. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Mikey was finally at the point where he was questioning why he was even bothering anymore. It had nothing to do with Sal, and it certainly had nothing to do with Sal at this point. He was more irritated by the fact that he was going to Lauren's parent's house.

    He was certain his opinion about Lauren was pretty damn clear, but Lauren never took the hint. If Alice wasn't such a nice girl he'd have left by now. Lauren just, hurt his brain. It was a shame that both Alice and Lauren in his opinion were very attractive. Lauren's lack of common sense turned him off, but it just made Alice that much worse for him.

    He only caved about the clothes because of Alice, and he had in fact given Sal his favorite shirt, so he kept eying at it, making sure the man wouldn't do anything to it. He was going to ask for it back sooner or later.

    When they arrived at the Walker residence, Mikey waved at them and said, "I'll stick out here thank you..." and he grumbled to himself as he sat on the front porch.

    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] * [​IMG]*​
    Lauren nervously walked into her house and was immediately met with hugs from her younger siblings. She bopped them on the top of their heads and they ran off crying because she was a little more aggressive then she meant to be.
    Alice pushed her a little bit further into the house and Lauren walked around until she found her mother sitting in a rocking chair. Her mother stood up and walked over to her and gave her a big hug and smiled, "You made it a'right!"
    "Aye, ma."
    She turned and looked over at Alice and Sal, and smiled, "Nice to see ya again Alice."
    She then turned over to Sal and tilted her head at him, "This is your co-worker? He doesn't look like he'd work at a zoo."
    "Mrs Walker I do not think you should assume things based o-"
    "His name is Salamander, but he prefers Sal."
    Lauren's mother stared at Lauren for another moment before turning to Alice, "What is his name really?"
    "It's Salvatore, shortened to Sal."
    "She was surprisingly close, are you getting smar-" her attention focused on Lauren's hand, which she raised up and pulled a wedding ring off, "You put the ring on the wrong finger Laur."
    Lauren looked quickly over at Alice who hid her hands behind her back and slipped her ring off and then spoke, "Sal is not a co-worker. We found him on the way here, he's a-" Alice cut off and looked over at him and wanted to ask a question but stopped.
    "Then where is your co-worker?"
    The mother crossed her arms and spoke, "I don't... have room for 4 people... I prepared for three-"
    "Ma, I'll sleep in the yard."
    "No you won't."
    "I'm not kickin anyone out ma, kicking'll hurt them..."
    Her mother walked out of the room and Lauren looked over at Sal and spoke, "It's a'right mate, I've got ya saved." Lauren then tripped and fell, breaking a vase.
    Alice ran over and helped her out as her mother walked back in, "Your Pa says you can steal the couch."
    "That's how he said you'd respond."
    Her mother then left again and Lauren sat down on the couch and chuckled to herself.
  3. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    "ohohohoh such a kinky woman you are Lulu" Alistair said glancing around the area at the torture room with a grin. Torture devices and all sorts of crap was there and he knew that Regulus would have loved to experiment in such a room. He was tempted to go into the room, but who know what kind of things these devices would do and what ridiculous thing would happen. He closed his eyes and closed the door before heading off again.

    Back at the fork, he head down the operating room in order to see if he could find out anything else to open. The first door that came up was opened up and Alistair looked in.
  4. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    "....looks like a room that does give a **** about anything...booooooooooring" Alistair said closing the door before heading up to the door that was next to Danel's room. Who knew what was awaiting him in these room and hell for some odd reason he though he heard an idiot singing down the halls about how he was in the castle of god...but it turned out that it was his imagination....this post is random babbling...nope..no way...
  5. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Alistair was disappointed to find out that the door would not open, so he said "Fuck this" and walked on to the next room when all of a sudden NINJAS CAME OUT OF NOWHERE AND SURROUNDED ALISTAIR. Alistair however was a tough mofo and and was all like "*****, you all are pansies" and then proceeded to bitchsmack each one of them checked the next room......disregard the ninja parts....all he did was open up the next room
  6. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Unlike the previous room, this room was unlocked and Alistair was allowed in. He began to wonder who's room this would be and for him it wasn't hard to deduce that another bedroom would come up. Excluding Lu's pleasure room, everything he found so far were all just bedroom and nothing really of interest. There were still 5 more room for him to check out and 2 of them were probably bedrooms for other angels as well.

    He heard voices in the room and he decided to check it out. He walked in with his bright smile and held onto his cane. Who knew what was in the room and he had to be careful. This could have easily been the room of some sort of demon...or it could have been the room of the children, either way he would have to find out at some moment and this was the time. "Yo, hope you all don't mind my little entrance" Alistair said happily
  7. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 46 - 3/4 | DATE: November 6th, 2013 [Wednesday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell

    After sulking in his room for a good amount of time, Sam finally stood up. "So what do I do now?"

    "Are you so helpless you need to ask me what you should do? You're more pathetic than I thought." Sam clenched his fist as he spoke. "Fine, if you need direction, why not explore this palace? I believe it'd be a good idea to get acquainted with your new home." Though he despised the sound of Hell being his new home, it was something he could do. Reluctantly, he pulled the door open and stepped out into the hallway. According to the nutty doctor's map, the hallway on his right had stairs that lead down to the basement. With a heavy step, he headed over there and down the stairs into the level below.

    The moment he got into the basement, he was confronted by the sight of several demons trapped in cells. A few of them were empty, but for the most part, they contained monstrous creatures you would expect to find in Hell. A dungeon if he had ever seen one. He knew that he was told not to go into the dungeon, but fuck what that chicken winged bastard had to say. As he walked through the rows of cells, something he was quite familiar with, he noticed that there were doors at the end. Since he was exploring, he figured he'd open one of them.

    The first door he opened, which was on his left hand side, held what looked to be a bedroom. At least, he thought it was a bedroom. There was a shape of a bed in there, though it was covered in copious amounts of blood. In fact, the whole room had more than its fair share of blood splattered across the walls, floor, and ceiling. A rancid scent permeated the air, which most likely came from the scraps of flesh and bone strewn about. It was clear that this room belonged to some kind of torturer or other monstrous being.



    "Though I have little to no memories of this place, I do remember Beelzebub. A torturous, basically mindless creature who revels in tormenting others. As brainless as he is, though, he is not something to be trifled with. In your current state, you wouldn't be able to stand a sliver of a chance. We can fix that, in time, but for now I suggest you avoid him." He made a mental note of this bit of information. Though there was a door in the room, there was no way he wanted to wade through all of the gore within to get to it. The door couldn't be shut quick enough before he moved on to the next room.

    Standing in front of the other door, he could hear the sounds of screams coming from within. It seemed like someone was busy getting tortured inside. Cautiously, he opened the door slightly to let him see what was going on. There, he saw a massive figure laboriously hitting another creature. That must've been the source of the screaming. With his limited vision, he could see some other torture devices within. He could only count two or three more contraptions, though he was sure there were more of them there. It was clear that it was a torture room for the prisoners in the dungeon. Unfazed by the sight of something being beaten to death, Sam closed the door and made his way back to the upper level. He had enough of watching someone getting tortured for one day.


    __// Rooms Unlocked
    __// Beelzebub's Room
    __// Torture Chamber
    __// Basement Floor Completed.​

  8. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "I told you, I don't want to play."

    The raven-haired girl frowned and sat down, crossing her legs in front of her brother as she stared up at him. Soren sighed and knelt beside Anna, placing a hand on the girl's shoulder. "We can do something later but it's my job," He pointed towards himself as if to show some kind of authority, "to take care of you." He was the older brother, even if it was just by minutes, so he knew he was responsible for his sister. Anna continued to stare up at him with her bright curious eyes without saying a single word.

    Soren shook his head towards her. "I know, I know...but..." He lowered his voice, "We can't leave yet." He faked a smile for his sister to assure her that it would be alright but it only caused her to frown even more at him. Soren gave up trying to get through to her and sat down in front of her, his eyes shifting towards the other children. They were weird. He didn't like them. Anna on the other hand seemed to be indifferent towards everyone save for himself. Soren hated this place and he especially hated that lady, "Momma Lu". He wanted to hit her...like...really hard. Including that guy Alice who had the nerve to think he could teach them anything. Soren narrowed his eyes towards the other kid, there was a fourth who had left to go somewhere, wondering why no one never spoke out against the grown ups. Were they afraid? Maybe it's because they were younger. At least, he thought they were younger. Soren was the tallest of the bunch so he thought that must have meant he was the oldest and strongest. They were getting stronger every day too... Maybe soon it would be enough to get away from everyone. Anna tilted her head at him. He knew that she was asking "where" they would run to. He didn't know, but he couldn't stand this place.

    "Yo, hope you all don't mind my little entrance"

    Soren immediately turned his head towards the voice, seeing Alice at the door. Without any thought, Soren spoke up. "Go away."
  9. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood

    Cal[/url] had been sitting on her bunk bed reading like she was instructed. Over the last few days, they all hit another growth spurt. They were rapidly becoming less child-like and it was a strange thing to adapt to. Momma Lu said it was easier if they just continued with their lessons and tried not to let it bother them too much. Just yesterday she still felt about eight-years-old, now she was ranging on ten(?) or so. The twins were on the other side of the room doing their own thing. They always stuck together. It made her feel excluded since Mali left. That was one of the reasons why she liked to follow Azrael around so much. He was a strange person, much too laid back for her image of the Angel of Death.

    Soren and Anna were going back and forth. Cal could only roll her eyes as she listened to the shared discussion for the millionth time. "We can't leave yet." he told his sister. Where did he honestly expect for them to go? Hell was outside. None of them knew how to control the Mist yet. They couldn't shadow travel. Trying to exit the Underworld through the circles was suicidal. His best hope was to get an assignment like Mali did and then be free. Cal didn't see it happening. Momma Lu knew where the twin's obvious loyalties stood. She wasn't going to let them leave here. It was a pipedream at best.

    He's wasting his time, she thought.

    The door around the corner opened and her ears perked up. Cal closed the book shut and leaned forward. A voice came from around the corner and she smiled wistfully. "Yo, hope you all don't mind my little entrance." It was Azrael.

    Cal jumped to her feet in time for Soren to respond. "Go away." he announced.

    She glowered at him. "Shut up, Soren!" she snapped, "He can be here if he wants." Cal walked away from her bed and around the corner to see Azrael. She gave him a wave and a smile. "Watch ya doin' here?" she asked him curiously. Azrael had never come to visit them in their room before. They were usually in the classroom on the other end of the palace.

  10. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    The first response was quite the rude one, but Alistair had at least been able to figure out which room this actually was. Though his effort to find the room wasn't even strong, it still pleased him to find the room that held the nephilim. As suspected there were no other nephilim other than the three that he was told to teach, but this fact did make him even more curious about the fourth child that he had brought out that fateful day.

    Soren was a douche that basically embodied the bitchiness of his parents why Anna was just too frowny for him. It was no wonder that Cal was his favourite little student and just hearing her yell at Soren and defend him like that brought a smile to Alistair's face. "My my my, somebody's a grumpy little fellow aren'tcha" Alistair said replied back to Sorren.

    With that said, Alistair turned and faced Cal again and raised his hand and waved back at her as he walked in further to the room "Oh you, know the regular...exploring around and stuff. I should have found this room a long time ago, but regardless I'm glad I found it now. It means I can visit you kiddos more often now" Alistair said crossing his arms as his smile became more brighter. They had grown so much and more and more he felt like a old man despite not really aging as rapid as the children. "So anyways, I assume you know about the new baby coming up tomorrow? excited?" Alistair asked Cal.
  11. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    LOCATION Amelia's Yanakie, Victoria


    Kai sat off to the side drumming a pen and notepad -- that he had swiped from their hotel room -- on his thigh. He could freely communicate with the others now. There were no more insufferable games of charades to be played with Brandon. Kai was beginning to believe that Brandon secretly enjoyed making him miserable, and everyone else for that matter. He began to notice how Brandon had a way with him that slowly drove everyone mad. It was interesting.

    He did his best to conceal the pain he felt in his ankle. The swelling had gone down, but it still hurt like no other. Kai listened quietly as Joslyn shakily explained the situation to Jun Tae. The guy seriously gave him crazy vibes, but he couldn't quite pinpoint whether it was a good or a bad thing. Watching the person that had been working so hard to recruit everyone all this time just be picked up off the boat like a startled mouse had really messed with his head. It was so easy for them to just be gone. What chance did any of them really stand?

    Jun Tae? The sound of Hay Sun's voice broke him out of his miserable reverie long enough to start paying attention once more. Kai lifted his head and his reddish-brown eyes settled on the Korean man wrapped up like a sickly small child in the middle of winter.

    Jun Tae's gaze moved from Hay Sun to the rest of them before speaking. He covered a sneeze and then sighed. We came to Australia to recruit. he stated, Now that the compass has lead you here, is there anywhere else it points to?

    Kai watched Joslyn covertly glance at the compass without letting anyone else see it. He raised a curious brow at the action. Kai had noticed the same thing on their way to finding Vincent and Jun Tae as well, along with the island folk. She had suddenly become incredibly secretive and protective of the compass for some odd reason. It had to have been more than just Hana getting abducted, since the act started prior to that. The albino girl nodded her head and told them Northwest, back the way they came. That would figure. With a sigh, they all prepared for the inevitably long journey.

  12. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DAY 47
    Thursday, November 07, 2013
    LOCATION Car & Hotel Birdsville, Australia


    Kai felt like a pretzel after being trapped in that car for so long. He hated being squished in between people for extended periods of time. Long car rides with tons of people just did not bode well in his book. When that car had stopped, it was like everyone couldn't get out fast enough. Jun Tae had managed to acquire a few rooms at an inn out in some rinky - dinky town called Birdsville. They drove for a day and a half and not once did they ever get a reading about Sal. It had him on edge. Kai didn't really know Sal well, but they had both gone with on the trip to Rome. In Kai's mind, it bonded him to the other three somehow. Now, there was only Hay Sun left and she didn't look like she would be talking to him any time soon.

    They shuffled inside and the clock on the wall read 9:30. It was late already and some of the others had already begun the ascent up the stairs to find their rooms. Kai halted. It was just eating at him too much. He pulled out the notepad and pen he had swiped from their last hotel and scribbled on it quickly to show those that still remained in the lobby. He needed to voice his concerns, one way or another.


    He held up the paper and waited for the others to reply. Kai was just as exhausted as the rest of them, but he knew he wouldn't be getting to sleep any time soon. His ankle still hurt for the most part and there had been too much that happened. Every time he shut his eyes, nightmares plagued his every thought. He didn't even have to be asleep for the visions to begin burning their scars on the backs of his eyes. He shouldered his now dry, bag and shuffled uneasily. So far, all of his journals seemed to be ruined. Could things get any worse?

  13. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Day~46{4/4}Location~Birdsville, Australia Wednesday, November 6th, 2013

    Elsie peddled through the early night on her mountain bike, using her headlights as a guide through the dark streets of Birdsville. The old lady kept her at her house nearly all freaking day. Elsie wouldn't have mind it if it was on any other day, but she really needed to let her friends know she was alright. She at least managed to call her mother back in the states in between chores and long talks with the crazy cat lady, but there was one friend she was worried about...

    Elsie flew past the hotel she was staying at, seeing that there were more cars there and a ton of people filing out. "What in the world? What are they doing in a place like this?" Elsie wondered out loud as she shook her head. She could be asking herself the same thing. The girl could have gone to her hotel room to connect to the laptop, but she was hungry. And the only place that was opened that offered food and free internet was the restaurant and bar. She wasn't too fond of bars, but this would have to do with the current circumstances.Soon, the twenty-one year old hopped off her biked, locked it up good and tight, and scuttled into the dreary atmosphere with her backpack on hand. Quickly, she was given a booth to sit at, already had her order in her head and told the waitress what she wanted. She then whipped her laptop out and plugged her headset in. As soon as it buzzed to life, she could see she was getting a call from no other than-

    "Nasir! Hey! I'm so sorry man." She barely got her words in before she had an earful from the other end of the line.

    "What happened? You should've contacted me sooner and not fucking kept me waiting!" Elsie winced and quickly turned down the volume to save her poor eardrums from the wrath of her so called friend. Why was she still friends with this guy? She had no idea herself. "Dude, chill, the towers were out. I couldn't contact you or anyone else for days." She sighed, and then proceeded to draw invisible designs on the table with her finger. "Look, I'm really sorry... Everything okay where you're at? You didn't get a freak storm, did you?"

    "Nothing freaky here except the shitheads that keep coming to buy... things from me." Elsie rapped the table top and rolled her eyes at that comment. Many times she had told him to get another job or another life, but tonight she wasn't in the mood to lecture. "I still think you should've found some way to contact me sooner," he continued to bitch, "anyone with a brain would be able to find some other way to do it."

    "I don't know morscode..." The twenty-one year old held back from calling him stupid (because that was just childish. Instead, she giggled a bit. "Still a jerk as ever. I didn't know better, I would think you were worried about me this whole time."

    She heard a scoff, just as she was expecting. "As if!" the male voice proclaimed. "Awww, you still have a heart after all!" she continued to tease. He didn't pay attention to it long though. "I just need someone to rant to that's not going to lose their shit at the things I say."

    "Mhm, sure you do. You wouldn't be calling me if you were so worried." The waitress came back and gave Elsie her glass of pink lemonade, and Elsie mouthed a silent thank-you before she took a sip of the cool drink.

    "So what's been going on your country Nasir my friend? Besides getting freaky weirdos coming around your place... You should really move or something. Or, I dunno, get another 'job'." Elsie casually took another sip, waiting for the response on the other end. She didn't realize how extremely thirsty she was until just now. Cookies and milk could only cover for a few hours.

    "My job is fine, I make a lot of money from this shit." Nasir was always such a modest chap.'"In fact, I've been doing so well lately that I've been thinkin of using the money I've made to go over to Australia."

    Elsie snatched a napkin to catch the drink that was about to spew out her mouth from shock. She coughed, swallowing what she had left in her mouth and rubbed her forehead. "Y-you... You what?!"
    "I was looking at some of the flights earlier, but with these storms it's going to be fucking difficult to get there"

    The blonde pounded her chest with her fist, trying to clear her airway of all lemony goodness so she could talk clearly. "Well no duh, Sherlock. We just had a freaking freak storm! Besides, it's suicide to go by airplane. Do you know what happened this year? Yeah. Two plane crashes, TWO! And they were freak accidents. Uh-uh, no way man. You're staying put where you are. I'm a big girl. I'm doing just fine in the Downunder Land."

    "I wasn't going there for you, blondie, I've got some interested clients that are willing to pay big money for the stuff I've got riiiiight here" She heard him tap on something and wanted to cringe."And no amount of demonic voodoo bullshit is going to stop me from getting my hands on that."

    Elsie wanted to smack herself in the head. This guy... THIS GUY.... The nerve he had. She figured that the drugs probably burned some very important brain cells in his head. It was her turn to scoff. "Yeah, um, good luck finding me if and when you get down here, mate. If you decide to try to look me up while you're here." Her food was then placed beside her laptop and more napkins were given to her, just in case she was going to cough up her drink again.

    "So, I'm going to pig out now cause I've been busting my butt cleaning up water all day with this crazy cat lady, and I'm starving. Milk and cookies just doesn't do it after a while. You're going to stick around and hear me eat? Or you got more to say?"

    "If I wanted to hear a fat pig eat, I live two blocks away from a police station, so I think I'll let you go. Catch ya another time, blondie"

    "Heh, you are the weakest link. Goodbye!"

    Elsie slammed her laptop lid harder than she wanted to and winced, patting the top of her worshiped object gently. "So sorry, baby. Mommy didn't mean to..." She stroked it a few times before she took off her headset and then slumped against the booth, sighing out heavily. So that little bastard was going to try to come to Australia. Ha. Ha, ha, ha, HA! "Good luck with that," she grumbled as she took a bite of some mash-potatoes and gravy.
  14. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 47 - 4/4 | DATE: November 7th, 2013 [Thursday] | LOCATION: Obsidian Palace in Hell

    With no indication of what time of day it was, it seemed like the day was passing so slowly. He had spent that time moping on and off. During the time he wasn't laying about in his room doing nothing, he had walked around the palace and familiarized himself with the layout. On his first few walks, he had looked at the doors along the hallway and read the names on each one. One that stuck out to him was the one towards by the stairway to the Main Floor. Azazel. He was sure he had heard that name before. Sure enough, after a condescending rant from the residing angel, he found out that Azazel was the white haired girl that Chicken Wings told him to kidnap. Boy, how that failed.

    On another one of his walks through the palace, he found Lucifer's room, which was hidden beyond the Weapons and Training rooms. He didn't actually go in, but he figured that the big man's room must be bigger than everyone else's. After he read the name on the door, he went on his merry way checking out where to go around the palace. Much to his surprise, there was an actual kitchen on the Main Floor.

    After a couple more restless walks, he had, for the most part, familiarized himself with the layout of the palace. He knew where the important things were now, like the throne room and the conference room. Although, he had stumbled upon one room that made absolutely no sense to him. All that was in the room was mirrors. Nothing but mirrors all along the walls. It was so strange. He couldn't for the life of him figure out what the mirrors did. He tapped at them and looked at all of them, but nothing happened for him. Not that he particularly cared about it or anything.

    One of the rooms he found on one of his walks was a Classroom. That was one room he just didn't like at all. He was never one to excel at school or anything school related, so having something like this here just seemed off putting. A quick glance was all he took in there. He didn't even remember what the hell was in the classroom, though it was probably for the best that he forgot about it. No need to lose his head over something that didn't concern him.

    At the end of the day he just lay in bed, completely bored and with nothing to do now that he had been familiarized with the layout of the palace. Nothing much left for him to do. He just lay on the bed in his room, his head hanging off of the edge. Nothing left to do but wait for something to happen.


    __// Rooms Unlocked
    __// Araquiel's Room
    __// Azazel's Room
    __// Lucifer's Room
    __// Hall of Mirrors
    __// Classroom
    __// Middle Floor Completed
    __// All Rooms Discovered​

  15. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Day: 47(4/4)
    Date: Thursday, 7th November 2013

    Location: Kimbe, New Britain Island, Papua New Guinea

    Nasir flopped into the seat in front of his desktop computer with a thud. He had had a fairly successful day, selling plenty of his 'product' and making a rather large profit. He hadn't gotten rid of it all; that would've been a very poor move on his part if he had, especially considering that there were certain people around the world "interested" in the specific drug he had access to. He looked down next to his seat and at the box that lay next to it. To many people, it would be seen as a risk of being caught, to Nasir though it was a large sum of money simply waiting to be collected. Nasir wasn't completely without worry though, but it wasn't for the drugs.

    After hearing about the storms occurring around Australia, he had attempted to contact possibly the only person he could call a friend several times, but not a single time had he gotten a response. Nasir lifted a cigarette to his mouth and after fiddling around a little bit with the lighter he held in his hands, he lit the cigarette and began enjoying the slight relief it brought. The man then opened up his internet browser and logged into his emails for signs of both a response from Elsie, and a response from one of his many contacts. He sighed as he saw the screen that his email provider had brought up; no dice. Just as Nasir was about to sign off for the night and get some sleep, a small, familiar icon appeared in the corner of his computer screen; which meant that Elsie had just signed on. Nasir wasted no time, quickly attempting to start a call with Elsie.
    "Nasir! Hey! I'm so sorry man."
    "What happened? You should've contacted me sooner and not ****ing kept me waiting!" Nasir couldn't help himself, he opened up his mouth and the words left his mouth before he could think, as was often the case.
    "Dude, chill, the towers were out. I couldn't contact you or anyone else for days." Nasir heard a sigh from the other line. Regret maybe?

    "Look, I'm really sorry... Everything okay where you're at? You didn't get a freak storm, did you?" The drug dealer stopped and thought for a moment. He didn't remember any storms at all, let alone any 'freak storms'. Business had been pretty standard for him, something which pleased him. He exhaled some smoke, before taking another puff from his cigarette and then opened his mouth to answer. His voice came across incredibly calm, something he seemed to be able to portray most of the time. "Nothing really freaky here except the shitheads that come to buy...things from me" he explained, as casually as he could. He paused. Did he want to continue speaking? In his mind, Elsie was pretty thick, but then against most people were, there was a chance she could catch on though. "I still think you should have found a way to contact me sooner, anyone with a brain would be able to find some other way to do it" he said, stretching out his arms a little as he spoke. He sure was tired, sleep was sounding more appealing to him with each passing second. He was letting his thoughts drift away a little, he barely heard the comment about Morse code.

    "Still a jerk as ever. I didn't know better, I would think you were worried about me this whole time.' This comment surprised Nasir. He began losing his balance on his chair as he was rocking on it, nearly falling over. He managed to regain it without a sound, and now sat alert in front of the computer. "As if!" he exclaimed. "Awww, you still have a heart after all!" He ignored this part of the teasing; reacting to it would only give Elsie more ammunition to use against him. "I just need someone to rant to that's not going to lose their **** at all the things I say" he explained. It was the truth; if there was one thing Nasir was good at aside from selling drugs, it was keeping people away from him. Sometimes he wondered why Elsie herself even spoke to him, he wasn't really nice to her well, ever.

    "Mhm, sure you do. You wouldn't be calling me if you were so worried." To this Nasir found himself unintentionally rolling his eyes. While it was true he found a small amount of enjoyment talking to Elsie, the girl seemed to think he cared a lot more than he actually did.
    "So what's been going on your country Nasir my friend? Besides getting freaky weirdos coming around your place... You should really move or something. Or, I dunno, get another 'job'." Nasir found himself silently choking the moment he heard Elsie speak. So after not contacting him at all for the last bit, she decided the first conversation they had to lecture him on his career choice? The girl had some nerve. If it were anybody else, Nasir would have exploded on them there and then, yelling abuse until the night was over, but he bit his tongue. He would get her back, he knew.

    "My job is fine, I make a lot of money from this ****" he said. Now to drop the bomb. "In fact, i've been doing so well lately that i've been thinkin of using the money i've made to go over to Australia" he said. The next thing he heard was Elsie coughing a little, which was good; it meant he had surprised her.
    [FONT=andale mono][COLOR=#993300][COLOR=#ff0000][FONT=andale mono][COLOR=#993300]"[COLOR=#99cc00]Y-you... You what?![/COLOR]" [/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=#993300][COLOR=#ff0000]"[FONT=tahoma]I was looking at some of the flights earlier, but with these storms it's going to be ****ing difficult to get there"[COLOR=#333333] he said. It was half true, it would certainly be difficult to get there. Had he been looking at flights though? Not at all, but he had considered it. Elsie didn't need to know that though. [/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][FONT=andale mono][COLOR=#993300][COLOR=#ff0000][FONT=tahoma][COLOR=#333333][FONT=andale mono][COLOR=#993300][COLOR=#ff0000][FONT=andale mono][COLOR=#993300]"[COLOR=#99cc00]Well no duh, Sherlock. We just had a freaking freak storm! Besides, it's suicide to go by airplane. Do you know what happened this year? Yeah. Two plane crashes, TWO! And they were freak accidents. Uh-uh, no way man. You're staying put where you are. I'm a big girl. I'm doing just fine in the Downunder Land.[/COLOR]"[/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT]
    [COLOR=#993300][COLOR=#ff0000][FONT=tahoma][COLOR=#333333][FONT=andale mono][COLOR=#993300][COLOR=#ff0000][FONT=andale mono][COLOR=#993300][FONT=tahoma][COLOR=#ff0000]
    "Wasn't going there for you, blondie. I've got some interested clients that are willing to pay big money for the stuff i've got riiiiight here" [COLOR=#333333]Nasir responded, tapping the boxes to his left with his fingers. To the right buyer, they were worth a lot of money. [COLOR=#ff0000]"And no amount of demonic voodoo bullshit is going to stop me from getting my hands on that" [COLOR=#333333]he added. He did indeed have contacts in Australia that wanted their hands on what he had, but he hadn't finalised any plans.[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR]

    "Yeah, um, good luck finding me if and when you get down here, mate. If you decide to try to look me up while you're here."
    Nasir had to stifle a laugh at that. The use of the word 'mate', as simple as it had been, had amused him. Elsie, you still assume you're the main reason I want to go there, now who's the caring one? he wanted to say, but the words remained in his head alone, so he stayed silent.

    "So, I'm going to pig out now cause I've been busting my butt cleaning up water all day with this crazy cat lady, and I'm starving. Milk and cookies just doesn't do it after a while. You're going to stick around and hear me eat? Or you got more to say?"
    It appeared he was finally going to get to sleep. Part of him wanted to continue chatting like that, it wasn't often he actually enjoyed a conversation with someone, but at the same time he really didn't want to listen to Elsie eat. He exhaled one more puff of smoke, then put out his cigarette and threw it in the bin across the room. He didn't care whether it actually landed in the bin or not, either way he would probably have to clean it up later. "If I wanted to hear a fat pig eat, I live two blocks away from a police station, so I think I'll let you go. Catch ya another time, blondie"
    "Heh, you are the weakest link. Goodbye!"

    Nasir closed the communications program and logged off from his email, then he shut down his computer and stretched once more with a yawn. Maybe tomorrow he would book a flight for Australia and meet up with the interested client. While he wouldn't earn as much money because he would be travelling, one attraction was that people would get desperate and he could probably charge higher prices when he returned, which could turn into a huge profit if he played it correctly. Another yawn indicated that it was time for bed. He didn't bother to get changed into any pajamas or anything of the sort, Nasir simply collapsed onto his bed and fell into a deep sleep.
  16. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    The doors to the operating room had opened up and with that Alistair walked inside nonchalant with a smile. After having finished his lessons with the children and also finding out all that was needed to know about the castle he had finally decided to search for Regulus and see what he was up to. "Ah, I figured you'd still be here" Alistair said walking deeper into the room and walked up to the operating table."Your son was born a while ago, not going to see him?" Alistair asked.

    "I'm not interested at the moment" Regulus said still working on Jehoel. Jehoel's body rested on the operating table with his chest wide open. The skin that was once used to cover the chest was now stretched out to the sides and nailed down. The heart and other organs were still working, and with his scalpel Regulus continued to tinker with the body, trying to find anything that he could deem interesting. "The child is still but an infant and with that has not caught my interest in the slightest...regardless Temeluchas took the child away so I can't even experiment on him if I wanted to" Regulus said continuing to work. "Its only though his growth that he will be something of interest...and judging from the growth of the precious little Calamitosum you so proudly speak about, this child's growth shouldn't take long..." Regulus sad.

    The last part about Cal had caught him off guard and Alistair scratched his head bashfully as he let out a small chuckle before glancing down at Jehoel. "So...has Jehoel said anything interesting so far?" Alistair asked before noticing a woman a bit away from them. Metal hooks were pierced through both her shoulders and the poor woman hung there unconscious, the blood falling down into a bucket underneath her. "and Im surprised you chose to keep alive at the last minute" Alistair said. The stomach that was cut open was slightly healed, but in a crude and incomplete way.

    "In hell it may be more harder to find a living normal human without a request from the dark angels..so it would be best to hold onto the woman....for now" Regulus said poking the lungs of Jehoel with his scalpel "and on the topic of this man I have yet to hear a word from him, but that may be because I do not care what he has to say at moment" Regulus said.

    "Aww thats a shame...though I guess we won't find out anything verbally if your on the case...." Alistair said looking down at Jehoel's face "You should know we don't give a damn about the location of Leviathan...but do tell us is there anything interesting you'd like to say?" Alistair said with a smile.
  17. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Jehoel just glowers painfully at Alistair.
    He refuses to make even the slightest acknowledgement of pain.
  18. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    "You tough...thats good..." Alistair said turning away and smirked "well I've seen whats needed so I'm heading off...See ya later" Alistair said raising a hand in farewell as he head back into his room There was nothing else for him to do so all he had to do was fall asleep at bed. Who knew what would await him in the future and with the new child things were sure to grow more exciting. With that he fell asleep.

    Regulus remained indifferent, it didn't matter whether Jehoel said anything or not. He had figured that Jehoel would remain the way he was and stay strong no matter what. He stared down at Jehoel's body and his eyes glanced over at Jehoel's wing. That was surely inhuman, but it looked fragile so he would have to be careful with it for now. With this he head to his bed getting the necessary sleep his body needed.
  19. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Sal had felt quite welcome here at the Walker household, despite appearing quite out of the blue. He did feel bad about staying here but seeing as they were willing enough, he couldn't turn them down. There were a few things he did pick up on after staying here for only a day though. First and foremost, Lauren was an idiot. Well idiot might've not been the correct way to think about it. She had a very skewed way of thinking and was often wrong about- okay yeah, she was kind of an idiot. Secondly, Lauren broke everything she touched. He didn't exactly know how one person could be so clumsy and destroy so much in one day. He felt like he was being too harsh towards the girl. Positive traits would her being friendly and accomodating. Anyway, another thing he picked up on was the hostility from Mickey. He didn't really know why, since he hadn't been around the man for too long, but he seemed to be quite angry with basically everything. There was seldom a moment where this man didn't have a scowl on his face. Oh well.

    After eating dinner and thanking the Walker's for the meal, and the place to stay once again, he walked off to the guest room. It was unfortunate that he had to share the room with Mickey, such negative attitudes being around did not do anyone good. Sal didn't say really anything and just crashed and fell asleep for the night.
  20. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood

    Black[/url] smoke cleared and Lu was standing inside Harbonah's old room. A dark smile spread across her face and she approached the bed in the center of the room. She took a seat on the edge, beside the sleeping red head, and pressed her pointer finger to the woman's forehead.

    Xathanael began to stir and a whimper escaped her. Lu waited impatiently for the prisoner to wake up. She gave her a light slap to the cheek and the Hidden One finally opened her eyes. "It's about time," she grumbled. Xathanael's blue eyes widened and she struggled against her bindings. Lu waited for the inevitable cry of pain and was not disappointed. "Fighting the restraints is useless. The more you move, the more they burn your skin. It's best for everyone if you just stay still."

    There was a long pause before Xathanael finally spoke. "Where am I?" she asked.

    Lu snorted. "Isn't it obvious? You're in Hell darling. Courtesy of your friend Samuel." There was a dark rumble of laughter and her long brown hair bounced atop her shoulders.

    "You're lying." Xathanael cut in.

    She stopped laughing abruptly and cocked her brow. "Excuse me?" Lu asked i a condescending manner.

    "I said: you're lying. Sam wouldn't do this." She was so laughably confident in her words.

    "Do you honestly believe that? Even after he tried to steal Azazel and choke you to death?" countered Lu.

    "He changed. He's not like that anymore! What did you do with him? Tell me!" demanded Xathanael.

    Lu rose to her feet and leaned over the red head. She pressed her finger to the underside of Xathanael's chin and lifted her head up off the bed. "Nothing," she confided. "We didn't do anything to him. His job this whole time was to get you to drop your guard by any means necessary. He decided to use what you told him about Rome to his advantage. Soon enough, he managed to get you to do the one thing you haven't done since you were created. It's funny really -- seeing you cave so easily. He chose to come home afterwards and now Azazel is left unprotected. Judging by that look in your eyes, you actually believed him. Love is the best for of torment if I do say so myself, and I know a thing or two about torment." She gave a satisfied wink and dropped Xathanael's head back onto the pillows.

    Her lips trembled, but she still managed to put some strength into her words. "You're lying. He wouldn't - he wouldn't do that."

    "Oh really?" Lu cocked her head to the side. "Because, I can plainly hear the uncertainty in our voice. If you want proof, I can show you that he's here. However, he made it painstakingly clear that he wants nothing to do with you, so don't expect him to come visiting any time soon." She brushed the stray red locks out of Xathanael's weary face.

    "Why am I here? If you are going to kill me, than why keep me in this room?"

    Temeluchas began to chuckle. "Oh deary, deary, deary, who said anything about killing you? For now, we need you alive." She smirked. Lu pressed her finger to Xathanael's forehead once more. "Now sleep." As she gave the command, the red head's eyes snapped shut and her body went limp. "Much better." She was shrouded in mist and went it cleared, Lu stood in the hall in front of a new door.

    She knocked. "Oh Samuel," Lu called cheerfully, "come out and play."

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