⍭he ℱallen

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by Hyuge ✧, May 14, 2013.

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  1. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 45 - 4/4 | DATE: November 5th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Boat in Australian Waters

    It was decided at some point that they would go out and drive around the place to find more people. Joslyn, because of Azazel's warning to be cautious of everyone, sat at the back again. She held onto the cracked compass and tried her best to bark out directions for them to follow. It seemed to be somewhat effective, though she still stuttered like crazy. However, she didn't want anyone else to find out that the compass had been cracked, especially since any one of them could've done it. She had a bit of trouble reading the compass from inside her bag, but letting everyone see that it was starting to break would've been worse. Though when they find Hana, she would definitely have to ask her about repairing it, as well as tell her about her angel's suspicions.

    After coming up to the water, they made their way all the way back to Inverloch. There, Brandon made use of his angel powers to get a "free" boat. And by free, they meant stolen. She didn't like the idea of just taking a vehicle without consent, but they were pretty desperate. Not to mention, the idea of getting on another boat after what happened was not appealing in the least bit. Still, if the others ended up on another island, getting a boat would be mandatory. As the others went onto the boat, she apologized to the man laying on the floor before following.

    "Remember honey, anyone could try to come up to you and break the compass, so be very, very careful. I'll be keeping a look out for you, you just keep an eye on the compass, got it?" The ghostly girl nodded silently before giving directions.

    Through her navigation with the obscured compass, the group made their way to a separate island. She had no idea who they might encounter there, but she hoped it would be Hana. The issue of the compass was very pressing and she wanted to let her know about it ASAP.

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 45 - 4/4 | DATE: November 5th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Boat in Australian Waters

    The idea of getting on another boat was absolutely repulsive. But, since the compass was pointing to some place not on the island they were on, they had to get one. The only solace he could find in the situation was the fact that the kid tased a guy to steal a boat. As they journeyed on the boat, he could feel the churning in his stomach intensify. He leaned against the side of the boat and just let loose into the ocean below. There was no way he'd be able to keep it down. Not on a boat. Travelling on water was his least favorite thing. Well, one of his least favorite things. The only thing he could think of that was worse than travelling by boat was Ocelots. He feared those things quite fiercely. When they finally made it to an island, he jumped off the boat and lay on the shore. "Oh god, this feels so good..."

  2. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    "Well Lauren, my name is Salvatore Osorio. Though please, call me Sal."​
    Lauren liked his name, it reminded her of a salamander. She was half tempted to call him that too. But she kept from it. When they made it to Mikey, he was a little hesitant about giving up his clothes to a stranger, but he did in the end.
    When they found out the bus was leaving, she mentioned it to Sal trying to not go into detail really, and he ended up tagging along with them for Birdsville. On the bus, Lauren and Alice both had a silent conversation while Mikey was passed out nearby. They were both checking up on each other, seeing how the other was doing. Often Alice let out a giggle in response to some of the things they talked about.
    Lauren kept constantly looking over at Sal. There was something about him that was almost... drawing. She couldn't figure it out. She pet Avery who was on her lap, and she tried to crack a window on the bus for fresh air. Only for her to accidentally break it and have it stay halfway open.
    Lauren was not excited about going to her parent's house clearly, and it kept her awake. But after Alice fell asleep leaning on her she fell asleep as well not long after her.
  3. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    W E A R I N G S O L V E ? M U S I C

    HIS entire day had been spent out of commission and completely useless. For hours on end, Leo had slipped in and out of a cloudy consciousness accompanied by a hot body and sniffling, coughing, and shivers. It was perpetually annoying, disgusting, and disorienting. He had things to be doing, and in this time of such . . . human weakness, he was completely useless.

    The woman who was his caretaker, during the times that he was awake, kept him posted on Vincent's condition and took care of him, asking little to no questions about how he ended up here and why he had been soaked. He was grateful to her.

    She called herself Amelia and she had three sons, two of which were in college and another a doctor abroad in some third-world country that Leo didn't pay much attention to.

    Her care was tender and he hated that he was a liability at the moment and someone else had to take care of him. He had only be able to check his phone once, but then they were all in the boat crash, and not everyone was as prepared as him. He sent the message anyway.

    To: Hana
    Sick. In a woman's home in Yanakie.
    Farmland. Vincent's with me. Don't
    know where Hay Sun is. Watch your

    If the two of them were lucky, Raphael's powers would magically kick in during the moment of need and get them both on their feet, but until then, Leo would just have to rely on his accelerated healing. He would be better tomorrow, he hoped as he closed his eyes.

    ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
  4. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood


    Alistair didn't pull away and he actually felt pretty froze. That was wonderful. His stupid smug mouth was speechless. She bit his lip and pulled away, still clutching the tie between her fingers. Temeluchas felt accomplished. Alistair had a dazed look on his face and she smirked. Lu tapped him on the nose and her fangs stuck out. "You're much more tolerable when you're not talking." she told him. He was in such a stupor.

    Lu started to chuckle. This was too good. She licked up upper lip and unwound the bandage on her arm. She shoved the bandages in her pocket and ran her thumb over the bite on her forearm. Temeluchas raised the brow over her blue eye. "Come on Pet, what happened to that smug grin of yours? That look on your face is so stupid." she laughed.

    She grabbed his hand and mist surrounded them. The black smoke swirled at their feet until they were consumed and reappeared in her room. Lu pushed him onto the bed. Men were too easy. If she couldn't make him do what she said by force, then she could get him to do it with sex. "This is better."

  5. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013

    Vincent Antonio Zeppeli
    DAY: 45 - 4/4 | DATE: November 5th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Old Woman's House in Yanakie, Australia

    Vincent lay there as an elderly woman continually came in and out of the room to check up on him. At the very least, the person who owned the house was a kindly old woman instead of some sick twisted pervert who gets off on cutting people up. Cliched horror movie plots aside, the lady informed him that there was another person who had brought him there. Somebody by the name of Leo. If he remembered correctly, he was the Asian guy who could apparently pull strings to get them things. That was lucky, he was washed up with possibly the best person to be stranded with. Though, he imagined that his condition was not much better than his own. Still, better that they were still alive and sick than dead and at the bottom of the ocean.

    As the old lady tended to him, he started to feel his headache go away. The pain was less potent and the burning was pretty much gone already. Either this lady had some really good medicine, or there was something else going on. After a while of being treated, it seemed like his condition was more or less normal. No more pain, the throbbing in his head was barely there anymore, the burning had subsided. Although by that time, it was already night time. He couldn't afford to get up and leave, especially since he had no idea where to go. Not to mention, Leo probably wouldn't be in as good a condition as he was. It would be a good idea to rest there for the night.

    Laying on the guest bed, he thought of what they could do in this situation. With no idea of where to look for the others and no magic compass to guide them, randomly wandering around wouldn't be such a good idea. Leo may have an idea or two, but right now, he couldn't think of anything. All he could really think of was ask people if they found people who had washed up that looked like their companions. Although, with what happened recently, it wouldn't be a stretch that a lot of people washed up. Chances of it being their group were slim to none. Nothing he could come up with was good enough. He hoped that Leo would come up with something as he fell asleep in the strange bed.

  6. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Tuesday, November 5th, 2013 | Day 45 : 4/4 | Music | Location: Somewhere... beyond the sea| ooc:
    Adam's headache never quite went away fully after that, but it deterred him from worrying about the compass for now. At one point, they found out they had to go to an island, so they drove back to Inverloch and Brandon somehow got them to steal a boat.
    Adam didn't see the point in being awake, and he really did not want to be awake on this boat. So Adam took another headache medication and placed his sweatshirt over his eyes. He kept his bag close to him, he didn't like the idea of someone looking through it during that time.
    He closed his eyes under the sweatshirt and fell asleep, annoyed by the rocking from the waves.
  7. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Amber eyes became dull, as he stood there. The kiss had ended, but nothing changed for him, he just remained as he was. Eyes just stared at her and he could only continue to watch her merely flirt with him. What was wrong with her? why was she doing this? so many thoughts were running thought his mind but at the same time there was something calling out to him.

    "Come on Pet, what happened to that smug grin of yours? That look on your face is so stupid."
    "what happened to that smug grin of yours? That look on your face is so stupid."
    " That look on your face is so stupid."
    " so stupid."
    Do you understand? It is so simple....
    Mist crept across his body and whisked the two away. For a mere split second, the unchanging face had moved, the end of his mouth merely moving a smidge upwards. They appeared to the bedroom and the dazed and frozen Alistair fell to the bed upon his mistress' push. Dull eyes stared over at Temeluchas and nothing more. He did not react, not did he move. He just closed his eyes calmly and laid on the bed of the angel of torment. Temeluchas...was too easy....
  8. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Day~45{4/4}Location~Birdsville, Australia Tuesday, November 5th, 2013

    After helping the locals with drying some library books with a blow dryer, mopping up a whole bunch of watery mess, and helped to hang up some very soggy and wet clothing, Elsie collapsed on her bed in the Birdsville Hotel and stared at the ceiling. Finally, she was able to have a decent shower and a cooked meal. She didn't realize how much she missed the little things like that till she was stuck in that storm shelter for a few days. The girl turned on her voice recorder, listening to what she had said previously before she shut it off. Elsie set the voice recorder on the nightstand and got under the blankets of the bed. For her hard work, she got the food and the boarding for free. Nuzzling into the pillow, Elsie sighed out in content and drifted off into a deep sleep.
  9. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Brandon was quite happy with the way things had gone when it came to rescuing the island gang. Sure they didn't really have a real place to sleep, so people started just passing out on the boat left and right. Brandon wondered where he should drive this boat to, seeing as Inverloch was probably way out of the question now. Sure, stealing a boat wasn't that big a deal, but he didn't really want to go back there and have to taze the same man again for stealing his boat. Regardless, Brandon felt the need to fall asleep and rest up before actually going on his grand boating journey anyway, so he just passed out on the boat. Richard eventually found someplace on the boat as well and fell asleep, bound to waste the journey away.
  10. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 45 - 4/4 | DATE: November 5th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Boat in Norman Island, Australia

    The sun had disappeared behind the horizon and night had fully set in. As she sat in the boat, looking around, she noticed that some of the others had started to fall asleep. It was getting to be around that time, but Joslyn was a little more than concerned about what could happen if she were to fall asleep. After all, someone had managed to crack the compass while she was asleep. There was no way she wanted to have to deal with that again.

    "Yeah, if you fall asleep, the person who cracked it before may come back to finish the job. We'll have to hide it somewhere."

    "But where?"

    "Well, for now, we could try hiding it in your clothes."

    "But... If someone were really serious... I don't think hiding it in my clothes would stop them.... And..." The pale skinned girl looked away for a minute.

    "Oh. Right, I hadn't thought of that. Well, what can we do?"

    "I don't know." The both of them became silent as they thought about their next move.

    "Well, if we bury it, we might not be able to find it the next morning." The angel said, breaking the silence. "Maybe, if you're lucky, the person won't search you that thoroughly. Well, anyways, if someone starts to touch you, I can wake you up, so it'll probably scare them away. They should run away if you start to wake up. The person doing this would want to keep their identity hidden if they keep attacking during the time you sleep, right?"

    "You're right. But... Where do I hide it?" Silence fell upon them once again.

    "...Your bra?"

    "W-w-wh-wha-what?!" She asked as she began to blush violently.

    "Well it's either there or your panties. Which one do you prefer?" The embarrassed teenager remained silent as she weighed her options. Considering that others may touch the compass, it was a far better idea to just stuff it in her bra than down her panties. She'd at least prefer it that way. Quietly, she lifted up her shirt and pulled the cracked compass from her bag. With a bit of hesitation, she lifted one of the cups off of her breast and shoved the compass in between. The cold press of the compass against her bare skin shocked her for a little bit.

    She pulled her shirt back down and lay down on the seat she was on. "Th-there."

    "I know this sucks honey, but you have to deal with it for tonight. It'll be fine, trust me."

    "Are you sure?"

    "Positive. Good night, honey."

    "A-alright then... Good night." With that out of the way, and the compass pressing against her, she slowly fell asleep.

  11. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "So you actually suggested sailing off the island with a raft?"

    "Making one seemed feasible. I guess we'll never find out if I'm sailor material or not. Pity, Captain Brandt did have a nice ring to it though." Henrik leaned against the railing on the deck, taking in a deep breath as he stared out into the dark ocean. He shifted slightly, feeling Iris lean against him. After having reunited for the second time, Henrik wasn't sure what to do or say to Iris. He was just glad to still have her after everything that had been happening.

    "They're not dead..."

    Henrik tilted his head and looked down at Iris. "Mother's intuition?" To this, Iris nodded slightly. He turned his attention back towards the ocean and remained silent. Soon after he could tell that Iris had drifted off to sleep right on the spot. He smiled faintly and allowed himself to relax for a moment. Sleeping was hardly something he needed anymore but even so his body felt heavy. Henrik closed his eyes for a moment, listening to the waves. He too soon fell asleep.
  12. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DAY 45 ⦙ 4/4 DATE Tuesday ⦙ November 05, 2013
    LOCATION Norman Island, Australia [Shore] INTERACTION Samuel


    Hana had gone for a walk around the shore after Henrik and Richard came back. She needed some time to herself. Her mind had been too scatterbrained after waking up. When she came back, there was some sort of commotion and she could see a boat. A boat! Hana broke out into a run. There were more human shapes than when she left the others and they all looked awfully familiar. Her breath caught in her throat and at the sight of the large tanned man with black hair laying on the beach. Hana bit her bottom lip before walking slowly across the beach. She nudged his shoulder with the toe of her boot. Sam, she breathed.

    He looked up to see who nudged him. Hu- Uh... Han- Sam looked around to see if the others were within earshot. Hana.

    When he looked back at her, she pressed her lips together and her heart raced. She knelt down beside him. You're - you're here. Her blue eyes sparkled in the light and she swallowed a lump in her throat.

    Sam sat up, looking right into her eyes. Yeah... I'm here...

    He was so close. She glanced past him to the others then moved her gaze back to him. I'm glad you're here. I mean, are you okay? You don't look so good.

    Yeah, I'm- He brought his hand up to his mouth as quickly as he could. Oh shi- Sam turned away from her and threw up whatever he could. Okay, I'm not in the best shape. He managed to say through coughs.

    Hana wrinkled her nose and slid back a few feet. That was pretty disgusting. Um, she pat his back, feel better.

    Ugh. Sorry you had to see that, he said as he spat out whatever was left in his mouth. But, I'm really glad to see you're safe. He turned to look at her again.

    She nodded her head. Yeah. I'm - I'm glad you're okay too. It's good to see you. It felt like forever -- she knew a thing or two about forever -- since the last time they really talked. Hana inched back closer. Her knee brushed against his thigh and she bit her lip unsure. I missed you.

    I missed you too... He placed his hand on her knee, gently brushing his thumb against it.

    Her heart hammered in her chest and it was like electricity surged from his touch. She took a sharp intake of breath and rested her hand on top of his. Sam, she said breathlessly. Hana squeezed his hand and got to her feet. Maybe we should ... go somewhere else ...

    He looked around, making sure no one else saw. Yeah, sure. Let's. With a little bit of difficulty, he got up onto his feet.

    She pulled him away into the trees. The island was conveniently deserted aside from all the birds. Hana came to a stop about a hundred yards away from the shore and stood behind a tree. She held both of Sam's hands in hers and bit her lip. Her blue eyes met his dark ones and she inhaled deeply. There was a flutter in her chest and she pursed her lips. Her fingers played with his and there was a sharp breath before all the air was knocked out of her and they were kissing again for the first time in days. Heat seemed to radiate off of him and her arms wound around his neck. It was overwhelming. Hana was breathing heavily and felt delirious when they pulled apart. Sam... she panted. I -- we ...

    His breathing was as heavy as hers. Yeah... I just... I can't help it now. He held her head as he pressed his forehead against hers. It had been so long since they had been together. So long since they were together alone. If you really want to... We could...

    Her breathing hitched and she bit her lip. The feel of his rough calloused hand against her cheek sent a tingle down her spine. Could what? she asked hesitantly. Right now, all Hana cared about was being there in that moment with Sam, but the others were probably ready to go and wondering where they went. Her mind was just so clouded with the kiss and everything Sam.

    Sam chuckled as she asked that question. Well... you know... If you're in the mood for it... He paused as he started to move his lips against the bare skin of her neck. We could have sex. As he pressed his body against hers, she could feel the enthusiasm building within him.

    Her heart started racing and her face burned crimson. She let out a small gasp. Sam's lips against her throat sent a flurry of butterflies throughout her body and her limbs were going numb. O-oh! She chewed on the inside of her cheek and parted her lips. Hana's breathing was growing sporadic and she felt dizzy. But the others ... they're - they're probably waiting for us and ... and it's so open. Her blue eyes shifted back and forth. It was growing dark in the woods.

  13. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Alistair and Lu had sex...and went to sleep....the end...you want me to explain what happened?.....perverts....

    Regulus just worked on dissecting Jehoel all night long, he was quite dissapointed to find out that Jehoel's body was like any regular person's....it was like getting a rock for halloween.
  14. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 45 - 4/4 | DATE: November 5th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Forest on Norman Island, Australia

    "They're probably asleep already," He said as he continued to kiss the nape of her neck. "I know that this is a bit public, but I can hardly contain myself right now."

    I -- Sam ... she whispered. I just ... Hana pressed her hands to his chest, but she didn't resist. She sucked in a sharp breath. Sam, I've never ...

    He stopped and looked into her bright blue eyes. "Never?"

    Hana swallowed and her face flushed further. She shook her head and her red bangs draped over her eyes. No... Never...

    "Well..." He pulled her tightly into his embrace, softly stroking the back of her head. "We don't have to if you don't want to."

    She buried her face into his chest and breathed in deeply. Sam, it's just -- Hana paused, I ... she was at a loss for words. It's not that - that I don't want too... I just ...

    "Nervous?" He loosened his hug on her. "It's alright, that's natural. I was nervous my first time too."

    Hana slid her hands down to his arms and tightened her grip. But you're not thousands of years old.

    His eyes widened at her. "You mean... In all of that time, you've never...?"

    She looked away from him, unable to meet his gaze. No. When I said never, I meant it. So I could understand if this well ... if this were to be really strange for you.

    "It is a little strange that you've gone without for that long..." He went back to running his lips against her neck. "But that doesn't really matter to me." Her body seized up as his lips returned to her neck. She moved her hands upwards and wound her fingers in his hair, lifting his chin and his face back to him. She mashed her lips to his and pressed her back to the tree behind her.

    As she had her back against the tree, he started to feel around all over her body, slowly exploring territory unseen by him. The warmth of her lips pressed against his set fireworks off in his stomach. His emotions were running wild as he caressed her younger body. Slowly, he started to lift off her clothing. She gasped at the contact of his skin against her body and the rigidness of the treebark to her back. Hana fumbled, her hands shaking, to pull off Sam's clothes as well. Birds cooed in the trees above, but the only other sound was coming from the both of them. She pressed her lips to the side of his throat and breathed heavily. Hana was doing what she could to follow his lead.

    As she pulled up his clothes, he could feel the cool breeze against his skin as the birds sounded their cries. He pulled away from her for a moment to get his shirt off, haphazardly tossing it aside before pressing his lips against hers once more. Despite the breeze against his skin, he was burning up from the excitement. He pulled her closer to him as he stripped off her top. Her chest was bare and they lowered to the ground. The twigs and leaves crunched under back. She pulled Sam against her and had this odd mixture of warmth and chills. Their bodies were so close and their breathing heavy. There was a sudden paralyzing chill as her pants came off and she froze underneath him. Sam's touch slowly thawed her and then it was happening and the ground around them started to smoke.

    Slowly, rhythmically, he thrust forward, feeling skin against skin. Each push was punctuated by a breath, sweat forming all over. The combined heat of their bodies made this start to smoke, but that mattered little to him. He continued to thrust, slowly speeding up as they continued. She dug her nails into his shoulders and bit down on her lip. It was, so intense. Hana gasped Sam's name breathlessly until it was too much anymore. Her image flickered in and out and she cried out into the darkness of the woods.

    As she cried out, he, too, let out a cry of passion. He slowly came to a stop as he reached the climax. His breathing was heavy, sweat coated his body, a smile adorned his face. He pressed himself closer to her, kissing her neck once more. "I love you," the satisfied man said as he rubbed his face against her bare body.

    I love you too, she whispered into his throat. Hana disentangled herself from Sam, suddenly feeling incredibly exposed. Her clammy hands reached for her clothes and she shakily got to her feet. The ground was stuck to her back and she had to heavily brush the dirt off her back and she pulled on her clothes. Hana slid back down to the ground, her back pressed against the tree, and gave Sam another kiss. He reached for his clothes as he received Hana's kiss. After getting his pants back on, he sat on the ground next to her. He slowly pulled his shirt over his body, covering the new scar on his shoulder.

    Are you okay? she asked tiredly. That scar looked fresh. I could - I could heal that if it hurts.

    "Oh, that." The smile disappeared from his face. He remembered that Abaddon was the one who made that scar on his shoulder. The thought that he needed to destroy something flew to the forefront of his mind. "No, that's alright. It doesn't hurt that badly anymore." He didn't want to trouble her with it. Besides, it wasn't necessary anymore, the wound was pretty much all healed up now. The one that still affected him was the one on his thigh, and even then, it was for the most part healed up aside from some minor pain here and there.

    All right, if you say so. she said with a yawn. If you change your mind, feel free to ask. Hana leaned into Sam's side, shutting her eyes. She felt really sleepy. Is sex always this draining? she murmured.

    The smile came back to his face. "Yeah, usually. We should go to sleep now, it's pretty late now."

    Her head moved up and down against his shoulder. Mm yeah. The others -- they might be worri -- she was interrupted by another yawn, I don't - I don't think I can walk all the way back to the boat. she mumbled before dozing off.

    "Unbelievable." He muttered before putting her on his back and carrying her back to where the boat was. When he got there, he lay the sleeping figure gently on the shore near the boat. He lay down beside her, staring up at the starlit sky. The goofy grin that he had still lingered. It made him extremely happy that he had finally had time alone with Hana. It made him even happier that things went down the way they did. He grabbed Hana's hand and gently caressed the back of it with his thumb. At that moment, he realized that he needed to make sure she survived, by any means necessary. He let go of her hand as he fell asleep.

  15. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DAY 46
    Wednesday, November 6, 2013



    Danel walked down the beach alone. Sand found its way into his shoes and he sighed. Danel came to a stop beside the sleeping couple on the beach and rolled his eyes. It was a little too easy. They always left themselves so exposed. He dug the toe of his shoe into the scar on Sam's shoulder. "Hey. Wake up, dilhole." Samuel had thoroughly made a mockery of him the last time they met and Danel hadn't gotten over that fact. He kicked him in the side and took a step back, sliding his hands into the front pockets of his trousers. "Did you have a nice time last night?" he asked with a smirk on his face. "I was going to talk to you last night, but you ah, seemed to be a bit busy."

    "Ugh, what th- You!" He got up as quickly as he could manage. "Just what the hell do you want, Chicken Wings?"

    He kicked at the sand in front of him and his brown eyes locked onto Samuel's dark ones. "To make observations. Isn't it obvious? I mean, you look so determined, which is amusing. Or did you forget the whole 'strangling' thing already?" Danel raised a brow and took a step forward. "Even if you can protect her from us, which I doubt, by the way; how are you going to protect her from yourself? You're a bigger threat to Xathanael's safety then all the rest of us put together. You're here to stop us, but who's here to stop you Samuel? You are the Angel of Destruction and you're bound to destroy whatever this is." He pulled his hand out of his pocket to point back and forth between Sam and Hana.

    He just stared at him, angrily. "I'll manage something. I don't care what I am or what I have to do, I'll do whatever it takes. So you mind your own damn business." His fists were clenched tightly, smoke rising from them.

    "You say that now, but it'll happen eventually. Maybe not right away, but it will. If you come with me and help us, then I can one hundred percent guarantee Xathanael's safety. She won't have to die at any of our hands and you won't risk hurting her." He rocked back on his heels and shrugged. "It seems like a fair deal to me."

    His gaze fell on Hana as he spoke. He remained silent for a long time, switching between looking at her and Danel. "...Yo-you can guarantee it? You can guarantee she won't get hurt?"

    Danel nodded his head slowly. "Yup. All you have to do is agree to come with me and help us. Nothing will happen to her here. She won't have to die at any of our hands and you won't risk hurting her."

    He let his hands fall limp at his sides. Sam knelt next to Hana's sleeping figure, brushing her hair with his hand. "Sorry, it looks like we won't be seeing each other for a while... But, I'm doing this for you. Whether or not you can hear me, I want you to know that." He grabbed her hand one more time and held it tightly in his own. Decided on his course of action, he stood up, dropping her hand. "Fine. I'll help you. But if you ask me to kill anyone of these people, I'll turn against you, got it?"He let his hands fall limp at his sides.

    Danel nodded his head. "Sure thing. You don't have to kill any of them. There are plenty of other tasks for you to do. Now let's go." His wings flapped behind his back and he caught Sam by the wrist. Mist swirled around them before disappearing from the beach.

  16. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    He had arisen from his bed quite early, having not taken much time to sleep. For him there were so many things going on that sleep seemed just so unnecessary. Dressed in his suit he arose to his feet and placed his jacket on and began fixing the tie around his neck. "That was quite amusing really...You always manage to entertain me in many different ways Temeluchas" Alistair said quietly with a chuckle not even caring if the girl heard him or not. "Well, see ya later" Alistair said.

    He walked out of the room with a satisfying grin. Had she become that desperate? that she would use her on body like a mere whore? Where was the prideful human loathing Temeluchas? Had she been forced to resort to this? had she lost her pride? He wanted to see how far this would go an even through all it he still not expect to see the girl having sex. Every advance, it was all her choice all her.

    A string of the puppet had snapped, but instead of disaster in the performance it had taken quite the pleasing turn. He had to at least praise Temeluchas for her move and hell maybe he might actually have to try against the woman. He was quite looking forward to their future encounters, but he did wonder if there was any negative effects for having sex with such a woman...oh well he'll find out eventually.
  17. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DAY 46 ⦙ 1/4 DATE Wednesday ⦙ November 06, 2013
    LOCATION Norman Island, Australia [Shore] INTERACTION X


    There was a breeze and chill wracked her body. Hana shivered and rolled over in the sand, groping the air for the body that had been beside her all night. Her endeavor came back fruitless as her hand connected with the shore. The only thing beside her was salty air and sandy beach. Her blue eyes fluttered open immediately and she sat up in a daze. Her head spun -- lack of food and dehydration -- and her mouth was dry. She wet her tongue and looked around, expecting to see Sam nearby. He wasn't. Hana struggled to her feet and spun in the spot. She shielded her eyes with her hand and squinted. There wasn't anyone. The boat sat rocking with the waves on the beach, but no one else seemed to be outside. Sam? she called out. Hana cupped her hands around her mouth and called again. Sam? Nothing.

    She started running. Her legs ached and her body felt unusually sore as she rushed towards the boat. Hana climbed up the ladder as quick as she could and her feet slammed against the deck. Sam! Her heart was racing and everything felt a mixture between fiery and freezing. She flung open the door to the cabin to see everyone else asleep. It banged against the wall and her blue eyes searched frantically. They scanned over all the faces in there, none of which were his.

    Hana spun on her heel and took off back to the deck. She reached down, pulling Luria out of the side of her shoe and lifting the wand up to her throat. She tapped it against her skin and in a load, booming voice that could easily overpower any megaphone, she called out again. Sam?! It would be heard throughout the entire island. Birds cawed and flapped their wings. There were rustling noises in the trees and they all took off in flight from the sound of her voice.

    She fell to her knees on the bow, gripping the railing in one hand, Luria in the other. Hana bit down hard on her bottom lip until she drew blood and tears pricked at the backs of her eyes. She could feel it. He was gone. If Samuel had still been on the island, she would have been able to sense it. There was nothing, just the remnants of his being here. She slammed her fist against the metal and cried out in pain. It made this choke up garbling sound and she clutched her hand. Footsteps sounded from the cabin and the others were coming up to see what happened. She lifted her head, her red bangs falling in her face. Tears stained her rosy cheeks and her lip trembled. He's gone, she muttered to no one in particular, He's really gone ...

    Did he leave by choice or by force? It was gnawing at her. If it had been by force, there would have been a struggle. Sam was so strong. He wouldn't have gone down without a fight and it wouldn't have gone unnoticed. If he left by choice -- she didn't want to think about it. Why would he just go with them? Had it - had it all been a trick? She couldn't believe that he was still possibly working with the Dark Angels, but what other explanation was there? What if it had just been some sort of trap to get her to drop her guard and open herself up to vulnerability. Hana had done such a good job at staying on the offense for so many hundreds of years. She remained invisible and didn't let anyone in for a reason. It showed weakness and she had a job to do -- a job she had been doing pretty lousy at as of late.

    He left... she whispered. How could I have been so stupid?

    There was a noise behind her. The sound of wings flapping could be heard and she chalked it up to more birds. Does it matter? You're leaving now too. came a voice from off the boat.

    Hana jumped to her feet and turned. There hovering directly in front of her was some sort of winged creature. She screamed from the surprise and dropped Luria. The beast flew above her and wrapped his talons around her shoulders. There were shouts and the talons dug deep into her shoulders until blood was drawn. Hana was lifted up off the boat, her feet kicking air, and disappeared into blackness.

  18. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood


    SHE PRESSED A COOL CLOTH TO HIS FOREHEAD AND LOOKED WEARY WITH CONCERN. "Papa, maybe I should call for Auntie Lu. She might be able to help." THE CHILD PLEADED WITH HIM.



  19. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Alice woke up before Lauren had, and looked towards her with a smile and rubbed her head. They should almost be at Birdsville by now, and she knew how much Lauren hated coming back here. Alice had been her "roommate" for two or three years now, even though they had only been married for not even a year. Alice's parents were very accepting of it, but Alice assumed it was a cultural thing, but she couldn't ask if that was the case because Lauren probably didn't want to know.

    Alice noticed the man Lauren had asked for them to give new clothes to. Lauren never said what his name was to her, and she was quite curious. She had asked too but that didn't end easily.

    When she noticed he had awaken, she politely waved at him and spoke out, "chào buổi sáng... Good morning." She realized she hadn't heard him speak either, he just kind of greeted himself, thanked them for the clothes, and that was it.

    She rubbed Lauren's head, who had fallen asleep on her shoulder. She smiled a bit and then looked back over at the stranger, "I never did catch your name. And when I asked Lauren she... well, she was being Lauren I guess."
  20. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 46 - 1/4 | DATE: November 6th, 2013 [Wednesday] | LOCATION: Boat in Norman Island, Australia

    Joslyn woke up from the sound of the cabin door being slammed open. She drowsily rubbed her eyes as she looked to the source of the sound. In the doorway, she saw Hana. That was great, now she could tell her all about the compass, and hopefully find a way to fix it. However, as she got up to greet her, she saw that the fiery red-head was completely distraught. There was panic in her eyes as they darted all around the room. Before Joslyn could even make a sound, Hana had turned around and made her way to the deck of the ship. There, she pulled out her wand, put it to her throat and with a loud, booming voice, she cried out for Sam. Had he gone missing? What happened? When the pale skinned teenager looked around in the cabin, he was nowhere to be seen.

    Worried, she made her way over to Hana, but stopped when she had punched the metal on the side. She let out a garbled cry of agony as she held her hand to her body. The sound of the others coming out of the cabin could be heard as they came to see what was going on. She lifted her head, turning to face the others. Her rosy cheeks were stained by tears as her bloody lip trembled. He's gone, she muttered to no one in particular, He's really gone ... Gone? Gone where? How could he have disappeared from an island without the boat? Surely he was somewhere on the island hiding away, surely.

    "Oh my god, I've never seen Xath so broken up like this. What could've happened?"

    "I... I don't know... But... It has to do with Sam."

    "Were they in a relationship? That's the only real reason I'd see her being like this."

    "I can't really say..." The only thing she really had to go on was that one time she found them sleeping in the same bed. But that's the only thing, there's nothing else beyond that she could think of. Still, for her to be so distraught, so hysterical over his disappearance, it had to mean something. However, seeing Hana, her only real friend, like this, it made her heart ache. She so desperately wanted to do something to comfort her, but she had never really been in this position before. The ghostly girl just stood there, watching her closest companion cry, unable to do anything about it.

    He left... she whispered. How could I have been so stupid? Unable to take it anymore, Joslyn started to approach her, trying to think of something she could say to her. However, before she could even make it halfway to her, something had spoken.

    "Does it matter? You're leaving now too." At the sound of the unfamiliar voice, she looked to where it came from. A winged creature swooped down and grabbed Hana by the shoulders. She was unable to fight back, having dropped her wand in shock.

    "N-n-noooo! L-le-let her g-go!" The astonished teenager called out as it lifted Hana off of her feet. She gave chase in a futile attempt to save her. Before she knew it, they had disappeared into blackness. Stunned, the girl dropped to her knees as tears rolled down her cheeks. This was the second time she couldn't save Hana from being kidnapped. She was powerless to do anything about it again. Her crying intensified as she started to sob out loud. "Ha... Hana...."

    "They won't get away with this." Her voice was laced with utter anger, her tone was deeper than it had been before.

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