⍭he ℱallen

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by Hyuge ✧, May 14, 2013.

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  1. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Alistair was up quite early leaving the bed that had been occupied by Lu and stretched as he placed on his jacket and hat on with a silent yawn. He didn't know why, but Hell always seemed to at least get him out of bed instead of usually sleeping in. With that he walked off a bit casually with his cane in hand. Excluding Lu's room and the room where he chopped out the babies, Alistair hadn't really seen the wonders of hell. He was curious, but not that much. He thought back to the three children and realized that one of them were missing. Just what dd Lu have planned, and just what was going on with Leon at the moment, those were the two things that interest him.
  2. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Well this was certainly the interesting development for the group. He was apparently right on the mark about the whole idleness=death thing, and was quite intrigued at the other indirect means the dark angels used to try and kill the angel gang. Next up that compass was quite interesting as well. It guided them, though how it actually worked was rather vague but Sal didn't really care about the inner mechanisms of it. Not now at least. Finally to learn that Hay Sun/Uriel was probably on a mission to find Ariel was slightly double edged. On the one hand it meant she was most likely not dead, on the other hand it meant that she was just sort of left without warning. What a group they truly were. Sal continued to stand around and try off his clothing when he figured that since they were all already awake they might as well do something with it before they went back to sleep.

    "Well I think for the time being we should just stay here for now and compose ourselves for tomorrow's activities." He then thought of what to do with the group. He still felt that this group was no where near a team yet and as such thought some team building would be in order. As far as he was concerned about this group two types of team building were necessary for really any team. First being synergy, how well they work together, use their skills together, and whether or not they fight in harmony with one another or just as individuals against the same opponent. The second one was, "but before we get to sleeping how about we work on some team building. One key part of team building is trust, and one way to build trust is by getting to know someone. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but other than the angel they are, their name, and their ethnicity, you don't really know much about the people you're alongside right now. So let's start off with something simple like hobbies. For instance, I enjoy streetball and play a mean acoustic guitar. Now, who wants to share something about themselves next?"
  3. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 38 - 3/4 | DATE: October 29th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Hotel in Padua, Italy

    After Hana had told everyone about Hay Sun, the guy who had been questioning her suggested they do some team building. He said that everyone should share their hobbies. "Hobby?"

    "You don't know what a hobby is?"

    The white-haired girl shook her head as she continued to dry off her hair. "Uh-uh."

    "Oh, honey, you're so sheltered. A hobby is something you like to do when you have the time to."


    "If you don't have one, it's alright."

    "Well, does playing count?"

    "Playing what?"

    "With myself." After a moment of silence passed, both Victor and Tessa burst out laughing. Confused, the girl stopped drying her hair and let the towel hang off of her shoulders.

    "Uhh, honey..." Azazel started. "I, um. I don't think- HEY, SHUT UP, YOU TWO!" The laughter died down a little bit.

    "Haaaahahaha, oh man~ That was just too good to not laugh."

    "Well now, can you really blame us, Azzzzzaaaaaaaaazzzzeeeeelllllll~?"

    "I really can't, but you should still shut up," The angel said curtly. "Anyways, as I was saying. I don't think that's a very good... umm... choice of words."

    "What's wrong with saying I like playing with myself?" The two demons in her head burst into laughter once more.

    "Honey, honey. You really shouldn't say that out loud."

    "How come?"

    "Well, it's just that... Ummm... Do you... Do you really not know about, you know, sex stuff?"

    "Huh?" Joslyn became even more confused. "What does that have to do with this?"

    "Wow, you really are sheltered. Ok, well, as you probably haven't heard, there's a thing humans do called masturbation." The girl merely nodded. "Masturbation is when a human puts their hands on their private part down there and then, umm, repeatedly touch themselves down there."


    "Yeah, and when someone says 'playing with myself', they usually mean masturbation."

    "I see..." The girl started to turn red thinking about what she had just said. Thankfully she hadn't spoken loud enough for everyone to hear.

    "So, for your own sake, I suggest you say something... less suggestive." Joslyn remained in thought for sometime as the laughter in her head died down. She tried to think of something she could say as her hobby.

    "Umm, w-well," This time she spoke louder for everyone to hear. "I-I like t-to shower?"

    "Okay, that's better."

  4. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Tuesday, October 29th, 2013 | Day 38: 3/4 | Music | Location: Padua, Italy | ooc:
    Days without sleep: 2

    Adam was half paying attention to everything going on, because he was completely out of it. They all finally got somewhere safe for a little bit, and they were gathered, but Adam had little to no attention span to listen to small talk. Then when he bothered to sit up and crack his neck, and he realized he was nearbye Joslyn, then he heard a conversation going on,
    "-but before we get to sleeping how about we work on some team building. One key part of team building is trust, and one way to build trust is by getting to know someone. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but other than the angel they are, their name, and their ethnicity, you don't really know much about the people you're alongside right now. So let's start off with something simple like hobbies. For instance, I enjoy streetball and play a mean acoustic guitar. Now, who wants to share something about themselves next?"
    "Hobby? Well, does playing count?"
    Adam pulled out his bottle of water and was drinking and almost out of a scene from a comedy the timing was perfect.
    "With myself."
    Adam tried not to spit out the water but it ended up going down the wrong way and Adam ended up suppressing the urge to cough. When he recovered he heard Joslyn say out much louder than her previous comment, as though this one was intended to be heard.
    "Umm, w-well, I-I like t-to shower? "
    Adam let out without thinking it over first, and didn't feel a sliver of regret afterwards, "I was not aware you were that kind of girl. Showeeers. Steamy. But remember playing with someone else, or hell in a group, is more fun than playing alone."
    Adam blinked heavily as he sipped the water again ands poke, "Hobbies you say? Hm... I like to party? Nah you probably want something else... hm... I can't think of anything. I'm yakking now, I like snogging? Nah... no... something different..." Adam trailed off in thought and he looked completely lost. What do I do for fun?
  5. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Richard had found a seat and was clearly tempted to sleep in it. Sure he had slept for two days straight without moving at all, but more sleep never hurt. However, they were apparently supposed to do some team building because they apparently didn't know enough about each other. This was clearly true but Richard didn't exactly feel like putting too much effort into fixing it. Nevertheless he couldn't simply fall asleep at this point due to the combination of people actually participating, and more importantly Maalik's looming figure near him. Oh well.

    Despite only three of the ten actually saying something it still had suddenly become odd. The Joslyn girl apparently liked to shower. Well that was certainly different from the usual hobby. Then the Adam kid sounded something like an inebriated sex addict. Richard had no opinion on this. Regardless he decided to that he should at least throw in his own input, no matter how concise it might end up sounding. "I like to fence and sleep." The latter of which he could really enjoy doing right about now. The former he could go for at a time that wasn't stupidly early in the morning.
  6. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    {♚}Location: Gondola {♚} Mood: Why not? {♚} OOC: {♚}
    After finding himself somewhere to sit and get situated on board the boat, he simply went back to being his quiet self as the others started talking. From what he'd heard they were talking about what there hobbies were and things like that. So far only three people had gone, some of which had said some 'interesting' things for hobbies.
    Eventually he decided to speak on what he considered to be his hobbies. "You could say that I like to fight. Whether it be physically or in some game." Wasn't the most detailed explanation, but it was good enough for this.
  7. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Sal wanted them to share hobbies. It went over all right. Everyone started to share their hobbies. Hana remained silent. She couldn't actually think of any hobbies. It wasn't something she really thought about. Guarding Joslyn hardly seemed to count as a hobby. After, she headed up to the room and decided to send a message to Uriel and Brandon. They needed an update on the situation. Hana renamed Cassandra's number in her phone to Brandon so there would be less confusion.

    To: Hay Sun, Brandon
    Flood in Venice. Moved
    to Puada, Italy. We'll be
    leaving the country soon.

    She tossed the phone onto the nightstand and buried her face in the pillow. This was becoming too much and a lot of time was being wasted. Hana took a deep breath and shut her eyes for sleep.

    Kai was still invisible as the others talked about hobbies and eventually just slipped away from them and went up to his room to sleep.
  8. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Brandon did absolutely nothing for the entire day...again. Well absolutely nothing would be a bit of a lie. What he had done was simply play tennis with himself and worked on theory for how to make his ignite serve all the better. Hopefully it would go over alright when finally put to practice. Though what with his constant electric jacket and constant tennising the boy eventually became tired and decided that it was bed time. Before that though he had received a text from Xana. Flood in Venice? Gang in Padua? Timmy fell down a well? Wait, Brandon was pretty sure that last part was not in the text. Regardless he was glad to be recieving an update on the group and as carefree as he was, he was starting to feel impatient. At this point all he really wanted to do was rejoin the gang, but he had to stay here for Heinry and he couldn't just leave a bro behind. Oh well. With that out of the way Brandon eventually fell asleep in wherever the two of them ended up staying for the night and yeah.

    Meanwhile Sal was rather pleased with how things went with the his little group discussion. The first girl who spoke up, Josyln/Azazel, had an interesting little tidbit to share. Contrary to what one might think Sal has some spot on hearing, and heard from her that she liked playing with herself and showers. Well playing games with oneself is a good way to pass the time when by yourself, and showering did help one feel nice and cleanly. Next up was Adam/Semyaza who revealed to be quite the Casanova. A man who thinks with his dick so to speak and speaks before processing what he says. Oh well, he'd just chalk that up to being tired, since he was sure not many people had gotten any sleep. Next up was Richard/Maalik who revealed to like to fence and sleep. Well it was good to have a person who enjoyed swords on the team, and sleeping was always a good way to replenish ones energy. Next up was Logan/Samael, a rather scrappy fellow. Scrappy fellows were good underdogs indeed...or complete douche holes. Sal was hoping he was the former. In the end though he didn't get anything out of the two people he really wanted to here from the most. That being Kai/Dumah and Jun Tae/Raziel. Kai just seemed to not want to make himself known for whatever reason (to the point where he was having less presence than the "Hidden One",) and Jun Tae was just a big mystery in general. These two would need to break out of their shells eventually but tonight was a good enough start. With that done, the entire gang disbanded and went off to sleep for the rest of the day.

    Also Richard found his own room an went to bed there because he can and he's motherfucking Richard and sleeping is like one of his main attributes. And as such Richard went to further perfect this attribute and sleep away the rest of the day.
  9. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    {♚}Location: Puada, Hotel {♚} Mood: Why not? {♚} OOC: {♚}
    After sharing his little fact about what he considered to be one of his hobbies, Logan went back into silence. For the remainder he stayed in his own thoughts, though he was listening to anything else that was said, it didn't give any effort to focus on the topic at hand anymore. Eventually he left the group and headed up to a room. After the events that'd just happened, he was looking forward to climbing into the bed and getting some rest. So with a quick change of clothes, he did exactly that.
  10. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 38 - 4/4 | DATE: October 29th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Hotel in Padua, Italy

    As Sam sat there in the lobby, a towel draped over his head, he tuned out the others in the room. They started talking about hobbies, or something. Nothing that really interested him.

    "Don't you remember what I told you yesterday?"

    "Lay off, I haven't had a good opportunity."

    "Then slip out right now and find something."

    "And what are you gon-"

    "You know exactly what I'm gonna do. I'll even do it in front of all of these people, it doesn't matter to me who sees." He let out a discontented groan as he pulled the towel off of his head and made his way outside of the hotel. It didn't matter to him if the others saw it as rude to leave in the middle of a conversation, he didn't want to have more of his body destroyed.

    "You're a real pain in the ass, you know that?" There was an alleyway nearby that he went into.

    "And you're just a worthless criminal who was lucky enough to be let out. A shell like you should mind his manners when addressing me." Sam stopped in front of a dumpster that was in the alley. "Is this what you intend to destroy?"

    "And if it is?"

    "I'll let this first one slide, but you should find bigger things to destroy next time around." The infuriated criminal clenched his fist tightly. His shoulder still hurt, and his other arm was essentially rendered useless for awhile. This would mark the second time his arm was put out of commission. Although, the first time was considerably worse.

    With the lid closed, he brought his fist down on the dumpster, warping its shape. He pulled his fist out of the metallic mass before slamming it down again. The repeated action of smashing the dumpster sent a rush down his spine. He had forgotten how good it felt to be breaking things. How good it felt to actually hit something. It was a marvelous feeling.

    When the dumpster was nothing more than a pile of metal, he started to step on it. He furiously brought his foot down on it, repeating the action over and over and over and over. A smile had crept across his face as he did so.

    "Hmph, I can see you're really getting into this." There was no answer as he continued to step on the dumpster.

    After he stopped, and the dumpster had been converted into little more than a sheet, he leaned against a nearby wall. The smile still lingered.

    "Well, for the first thing you've destroyed in a while, that was acceptable. I would've left nothing but dust, but this is a good start." Abaddon pointed out dismissively. "I guess I'll throw you a bone and teach you something about my powers you've never thought of."

    "How generous," Sam remarked sarcastically.

    "Cute. At any rate, the flames that you control are the Flames of Destruction. Whatever they touch is marked, after which I can destroy said object at my leisure."

    "How exactly?"

    "To put it in a manner you can understand, you can blow up whatever the Flames of Destruction touch." Sam made his way out of the alley as he continued to explain. "Explosions are a great way of causing wide spread destruction very quickly. And, of course, they come in handy when in a fight. When fighting, you can decide how massive or contained the explosion is. But bear this in mind when you do use it in a fight, your explosions can hurt you too. Granted, the damage is reduced, but you will still receive some on your end if you are close enough."

    "Thanks for the lesson, professor. I'll be sure to keep that in mind." By the time Abaddon had finished explaining, Sam was already in his room and lying on the bed. As he lay there, staring at the ceiling, Sam rubbed his injured shoulder. The pain was still there, reminding him of its existence. It was really annoying, and it pissed him off to no end that Abaddon did that to him on a whim. Though to be fair, he had stopped wantonly breaking things. Something that he enjoyed deep down inside, even without his influence over him. As these thoughts floated around in his head, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

    Vincent Antonio Zeppeli
    DAY: 38 - 4/4 | DATE: October 29th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Hotel in Padua, Italy

    When he finally got into his room, he immediately plopped onto one of the beds. He had barely gotten any sleep the night before thanks to the sudden flood. Not to mention he was totally exhausted from rowing the gondola and bailing. It was tiring, to say the least. His arms burned a little as he lay there and tried to not move them. To think that it has only been four days since he met them. Only four and there was a flood. Hopefully, they wouldn't have to constantly deal with things like that. Otherwise, he'd think his heart would give out from the intense stress of having to deal with things like that day in and day out.

    Eventually, fatigue overtook him and he fell asleep.

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 38 - 4/4 | DATE: October 29th, 2013 [Tuesday] | LOCATION: Hotel in Padua, Italy

    After getting into the room she shared with Hana, she went to lay down on one of the beds. She thought about what she had said earlier and turned as red as a strawberry. The pale-skinned girl curled into a ball and put her hands over her face. "I can't believe I said that..."

    "Aww, it's alright, honey~ You didn't know what you were saying... shockingly..."

    "To top it all off, that Adam kid totally thought you meant the other thing." Tessa started to laugh as Joslyn squirmed in the bed.

    "Alright, shut it. But yeah, it's okay. I don't know how Semy deals with that kid, but I'm sure he's just... yeah..." It seemed that the angel had no idea what to say about him.

    "He seemed nice when I talked to him, but I don't know what to think of him now. Especially after he... he..."

    "It's okay, honey. That could happen to anybody, especially in the morning. Just brush it off and you shouldn't have a problem."

    "I know you said that, but... Now he has the wrong idea about me, and he saw me like that..."

    "Alright, alright. Let's just leave him alone for a little while and then see where that leaves us afterwards. I'm sure there's... something going on with him.... I hope."


    "C'mon, honey. You need to get some sleep. You barely got any because of that whole flood happening." The dejected girl nodded her head silently at the suggestion and readjusted her position on the bed. "Hopefully, things will be better tomorrow, so try to cheer up, ok?"

    "Okay. Good night, Azazel."

    "Good night, honey~"


    "Niiiiiiiiiight~" After that little exchange of words, Joslyn quickly fell asleep.

  11. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Henrik walked back--limped to be more accurate--towards his room. Winning the fight had proven more troublesome than he had anticipated. The pesky one was much more creative than he gave him credit for. It shouldn't have given him this much trouble. Perhaps he had just gotten soft or rusty with age. No, that wasn't likely. It was had to be something else. Something more. If he wasn't careful, the stress of their conflict would break the body for its time.

    He pushed the door open to find Iris already in bed. She lifted her head to look at him when he walked in. The pain in her eyes was apparent. They were still no closer to getting the children back while they just waited here with no clear path to take. Maybe his own plans would have to wait for now. He was hardly in the mood now to follow through with what he wanted. Not with Iris giving him those sad eyes of hers. They only reminded him of a time long since past. He sat at the side of the bed, keeping his back towards Iris as he could hardly bare to look at her.

    "Good night, Henrik..."

    "Good night, Iris." Humans were weak, their emotions got in the way, they could never reach their full potential with all those flaws. This body, mind, and spirit would fight him at every instant and in turn cause harm to itself in the battle for dominance. He was counting on it to push back with everything it had. He would wait this night out and see if his human vessel was capable of picking himself up for another beating.
  12. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Tuesday, October 29th, 2013 | Day 38: 4/4 | Music | Location: Padua, Italy | ooc:
    Days without sleep: 2
    Adam saw everyone head to rooms to nap or sleep for the rest of the day, but Adam didn't move when the others did. He leaned up in a chair in the group room with a cup of coffee. As soon as they all got up, he'd keep going. His arms were shaking and he put the cup down to stop it from spilling all over him
    Adam, please stop it. I get it.
    Adam blinked and rolled his eyes and whispered under his breath, "What do you want?"
    You aren't going to be any help to any of them while you are in this state, please... just sleep.
    "Make me."
    I would but...
    But what?
    Adam took another sip of coffee and listened as Semyaza's voice seemed to turn into one of concern, a voice a professor would have given him if his grade was failing.
    If I tried to the other day, it would have been fine. I would have put you under full control and knocked you out... but now, because of how little energy you have, I am worried I might accidentally kill you.
    Adam chuckled, "You should have thought of that earlier."
    Look kiddo... I cannot stress enough how terrible things could go if you continue to stay awake. They are already bad right now.
    "What are you talking about I feel fine, just fine." Adam was silent for a moment before he continued, "Besides, if I sleep you're just going to have me killed."
    I do not want you dead Adam! This was not the intended route I was going for. Please, I will eve-
    Shut it.
    Pardon me?
    I don't want to hear anything from you. You won't listen to me anyway.
    I feel like this situation is reversed, Adam. I am kindly asking you to go. to. sleep.
    I am not taking orders from you, maam. Frankly, I don't feel you deserve it. You training with pain involved not even thinking how it would affect me psychologically. Well look now, are you happy?
    You shouldn't be.
    There was a silence before something was finally spoken.
    Adam... I am so sor-
    Adam felt a sharp stabbing pain in his arm and he looked to see a cut had appeared. He stood up and turned to see the apparition of Semyaza holding a knife.
    "Are you not aware of the damage you are doing to yourself, it is to the point you won't even consult me. Mention me. You cannot forget that I am here, and I do not like it when I am acknowledged only to be insulted. You are just a child, a stubborn child. Hate the feeling of pain? You will feel worse. You dare yell at me, trying to order me around. There is a lack of something going on upstairs, when all I am doing is asking you to go to sleep."
    "I'm not going to."
    "Adam, your health is my number one concern, and if it means I have to re-evaluate how I train y-"
    "I said I am not going to. Go away."
    Semyaza placed a hand on Adam's forehead, started to disappear, and said in a concerned voice that only made Adam shiver, "God help you..."
    Adam gritted his teeth and sat back down in the chair, and struggled to stay awake for yet another lengthy amount of time.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1382502983][/DOUBLEPOST]Because cstar forgot about Lauren:

    Lauren and Alice ate lunch, then went out and bought a new curtain rod. Had a fun day with each other, went to the beach for a little bit (they didn't swim), and then they went home and fed all of their pets, and both fell asleep cuddling because I don't know...
  13. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    "Alllllllllllright kiddies with that we can say class is over" Alistair said taking off his hat and giving the kids a mock bow before letting the kids off to do what they needed. In the two days he had made quite the progress with the kids and he could say he was quite pleased with what was going on. A yawn was let out and before he knew he was off to the bed that Lu owned and drifted off to sleep.
  14. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    DAY 39

    Wednesday, October 30th, 2013
    Sal awoke that morning feeling positively jubilant. His body was no longer sore and his sleep was free of getting pulverized to near death multiple times. Those two probably did have some sort of direct correlation to each other. Regardless Sal was ready to leave this flooded country of Italy and get on with bigger and better things. If Venice were anything to go by then the gang would need to get their act together soon enough or else they may just end up dying horrid deaths. Not fun. Unfortunately Sal had abandoned his clothing in the flood and as such was only stuck with his striped pajamas and night cap. At the very least they were comfortable and that was a plus. Nevertheless he began to walk downstairs in the hotel to get some good old fashioned breakfast food. After devouring a meal that even professional eaters could only stare in amazement at, he went to the lobby to do his average waiting.

    Sal had, however, wondered what exactly that orb thing was that he picked up at the end of his training. He hadn't really felt any different and didn't get time to get it explained yesterday what with all the team bonding and flooding. "Well if you wish to know what the fruits of your labor are simply go outside to utilize them." Zachariel was a cryptic one indeed, especially since she always seemed to know what he was thinking. Regardless he went out of the hotel to look for a place to hang out in, which is where he found a nice convenient alleyway. He noticed what looked like a flattened dumpster and was quite intrigued by what did it. Really did like a steam roller or something fall from the sky and crush it. Regardless it was the optimal place for him to practice his powers in private. "Alright then, now we shall begin the demonstration."

    Sal began to have a faint golden aura coming off of him and was a bit intrigued by it. "So what exactly is this?"

    "Run to the other end of the alley." Pretty sure that wasn't an answer. Nevertheless he went with and ran to the other end of the alley. However when he got there he noticed one odd thing. He had gotten there far too quickly. "And there you have the first power. Aura of the Sun rank one. The ability's classification is known as overcharge, a process in which you gain so much more energy and can use so much more that you are able to move and react faster much normally than you normally would."

    "Well that sounds neat an all, but I thought you were the Command of God or something. so what does the sun power have to do with anything?"

    "While I am the Command of God, I also have a secondary title and a three minor domains. Those domains being Sun, Earth, and Healing. All of the powers you will gain through those three are known as Auras, or simply put a augment to your physical capabilities. There are three ranks in each domain, but for now we won't worry about those. Now that you have gained some familiarity with your power, you should go back."

    Sal was quite interested in all of the other powers that he was to gain, excited even. Though the prospect of it did sound great, it obviously had the downside of most likely only being obtainable through vicious mental beatdowns. Oh well, only time would tell at this rate. The golden aura ended up dissipating around Sal and as such he walked back to the hotel and simply sat around in the lobby waiting for others to show up.
  15. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Richard awoke that morning to simply drag himself out of bed and get moving on with the day. He simply went about his morning duties, only that he had to get changed back into his same clothes since all his other ones were left behind. Not that Richard entirely cared too much about it. After the usual undefined morning stuff was taken care of, Richard simply went on his way to go to his usual post. That being the lobby chair, with him asleep in it. When he opened up the elevator door however, there stood the familiar smoking angel. Great. "Come on, we're going up. There's things you need to do." Even more great. Richard complied with the angel and took the elevator to the top floor. He then followed him all the way up to the roof, where Maalik simply turned around and exhaled a large puff of mist. "Now then, why you're here is simply because you've been slacking off. Really you've been sleeping for two days straight and were barely awake the third day. I'd say it's impressive if not for it being a completely worthless accomplishment."

    "Are you going somewhere with this?"

    "Yes, yes I am. The point here is that you've done barely any sort of training recently, and I'm here to rectify that." The cigarette in Maalik's hand transformed into a saber, one that looked similar to, yet slightly more decorated than his own. "Draw." Richard reluctantly pulled out El-Harriss and got into his en garde stance ready to take on Maalik. Maalik simply ignited his saber and waved his arm at Richard, sending a wall of flame at Richard, who didn't have any real counter towards. He tried his best to backfire against it, but alas it was not enough contend with Maalik's flame. "And that's why you won't be able to win. You're still only using half of your power. I'll tell you this right now, I may be the Guardian of Hellfire, but I'm not the only hellfire user. So think, about what you can do to stop me if your flames are too weak."

    Richard stood there, trying to think of what he could do against this wall of flame. If some sort of backfire couldn't work, what exactly would? That's when it hit him. A memory from all the way back when he first joined the gang. It was when Samuel had lit his hand on fire at the end of their battle and Richard simply had mist pour over it. Well it was worth a shot if it got Maalik off his back. Maalik swung his blade again and sent out a wall of flame once more. Richard responded to that by sending out a wall of hellfire mist towards the flame. The mist acted as a wall towards the flame and eventually extinguished the white hellfire. "Guardian mist. Having the ability to mitigate and if strong enough, neutralize hellfire. That's step one to getting your final ability and for now, I'll leave you alone since you actually learned something." With that, Maalik disappeared in a plume of mist leaving Richard alone on the roof. Thinking that that was good enough for now Richard simply went to the hotel lobby and slept in a chair.
  16. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Wednesday, October 30th, 2013 | Day 39 : 2/4 | Music | Location: Padua, Italy | ooc:
    Days without sleep: 3
    Adam was standing in the bathroom, staring into a mirror intensely. He was staring at the underside of his eyes in disbelief at how dark they were. His eyes were bloodshot and he knew he looked terrible. This wouldn't do at all. Adam had gotten himself eyedrops and some makeup at a store nearbye, not legally but he got them. He used the eyedrops and the red started to go away.
    He grabbed the concealer and started putting it on under his eyes.
    I hate having to put on makeup, I'm no lass.
    Adam put the makeup in his bag and blended it in more before he left the bathroom. He felt fatigued, and he hated that feeling. He sat down in the lobby waiting for the others, assuming that they would be leaving that day. If not, it was a good way to pass the time.
  17. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DAY 39 ⦙ 2/4 DATE Wednesday ⦙ October 30, 2013
    LOCATION Padua, Italy [Hotel] INTERACTION Sal


    Hana walked down to the lobby with her bag over her shoulder. She saw Sal standing around and nodded her head at him; doing the same when she saw Adam seated nearby as well. Richard was sitting in one of the chairs asleep, like usual. The toe of her boot connected with the side of his shoe and she cleared her throat. Wake up, she commanded. Hana waved Sal over. We're leaving today. You said you wanted to see us work as a team before you've made any decisions. I hope you've seen enough because we're leaving, even if that means without you. Hana sighed and brushed the hair out of her face. However, odds are low that you'll be all right on your own now.

  18. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    {♚}Location: Puada, Hotel {♚} Mood: ... {♚} OOC: {♚}
    Upon opening his eyes, Logan found that he wasn't in the room that he'd fallen asleep in. In fact he had no idea where he was. All he could see was that the where he was completely white and that there was mist surrounding the floor. "Okay, so it's safe to assume that I'm still asleep then." That was the only thing that made sense to him at the moment.
    "Correct you are." Said a voice from somewhere in the mist. Though not too long after the voice had spoke, a part of the mist cleared revealing a man sitting on what appeared to be a throne adorned with skulls. "At last we meet face to face."
    "And who're you suppose to be?" While he was now having some doubts about this being a dream, he was certain that he's never seen this person before.
    "Ah. I am Samael otherwise known as the Lord of the Wicked." He paused to rise off the throne he was sitting on. "From here on in I'll be here to guide you in the right path."
    "Yeah, like I need your help." He replied with blatant sarcasm. All he got in response was a chuckle from Samael before he snapped his fingers, causing a shadowy figure to appear next to him.
    "Even if you had a choice, this is also in your best interest." With another snap the figure took up a fighting stance before vanishing. "After all, don't you wish to get stronger?"

    While he didn't fully understand what was going on, it was clear that he was here to stay. Beside the offer was tempting after all. So with a small shrug, he spoke. "Fine." His words brought a small smirk on Samael's face as he sat back down.

    "Good, as much as I would love to start right now, it's time for you to fully awake. Just remember, I'll be keeping my eye on you." Well that was reassuring. Still just as he'd finished speaking, Logan slowly started to lose consciousness until everything went black. When he woke up this time, he was in the bed at the hotel. Well...that was something. That definitely was more than a just a dream, but he had no clue what to call it. Right now however, he merely got out of the bed and headed towards the shower.
  19. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013

    Vincent Antonio Zeppeli
    DAY: 39 - 2/4 | DATE: October 30th, 2013 [Wednesday] | LOCATION: Hotel in Padua, Italy

    Vincent woke up feeling rather sore on this particular morning. Probably something to do with all of that rowing he had to do. It was a pain to get out of the bed, to say the least. He rifled through his bag for some clothes to wear before going into the bathroom. Despite hearing that things like the flood tend to happen to them, he had really hoped they wouldn't have to deal with more things like that. At the very least for his own sake. Dealing with that kind of stuff on a regular basis could kill him.

    After changing his clothes and fixing himself up in the bathroom, he stepped out of his room and into the lobby. As soon as he saw Hana standing there in all of her crimson beauty, he made a bee line straight for her. "Well good morning, beautiful. Hopefully you're doing well this morning?" He placed his arm around her. "And, umm... hopefully no flood shenanigans today?"

    "Hey, asshole," The voice came as a hand fell on his shoulder. "Keep your hands to yourself."

    "Ahahahaha... forgive me. I had no idea this was your girl." He said nervously.

    He was silent for a few moments before answering. "It's nothing like that. I just hate it when guys get too comfortable with chicks is all..." The muscular man protested.

    "Right, and I'm into guys." He spoke under his breath.

    "What was that?"

    "Nothing, nothing," Vincent said as he made his way away from the clearly irritated male. "Nothing at all." Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead. There was no way he would want to get into a fight with a guy like that. Just from a glance, he could tell that this man could pummel him in a matter of seconds. "Oh, I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting before. My name is Vincent Zeppeli, what's yours?" The Italian man extended his hand to shake his.

    "Sam." He just stared at him as Vincent held his hand out. After a while, he awkwardly pulled his hand back.

    "Right. Well, nice to meet you."

    "Yeah, whatever." Sam walked over with his bag and plopped himself down on one of the seats available. Definitely someone he wouldn't want to piss off. Though he would like to be friends with him, considering that it didn't seem like he had very many of them in the group. In fact, it seemed that he didn't have any at all.

    "Ok. So, umm... What's the plan now?" He scratched at the back of his head awkwardly.

  20. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Once again Alistair had awaken from his slumber and gotten out of bed, walking off do do his own thing with his cane in hand. More and more staying in hell just made him wonder just what was going on up above. How many of them had died? how many of them had joined? it was such curiosity that made things so much more interesting. He merely stood there and glanced down at his hand "...Azrael..." Alistair said quietly as he clenched his fist and smiled. Did he truly hear the words of Azrael? Those moments where he made the greatest changes, the moment where he stared at death, it was those moments he got a mere glimpse of the being he used to be, the being of death. Maybe it was time for him to schedule another meeting with the angel of death. He could only chuckle as he moved on with lazing about before getting the kids tutored.
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