⍭he ℱallen

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by Hyuge ✧, May 14, 2013.

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  1. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    W E A R I N G W R I T I N G M U S I C
    MOOD ※ WARY DAY 35 ※ 1/4 DATE ※ 10/26/2013 LOCATION ※ ROME, ITALY



    Mutie pulled a fast one on her without even having to try. Only a small, more conscious part of her had noticed he was there, but without physically acknowledging it, it was safe to say he scared the living shit out of her and she almost snapped his neck upon realizing he was actually there.

    Red took the moment to explain to their two guests about what they were doing in a relatively obscure way that suggested there may or may not be danger – but Hay sun knew better. Shit was gonna hit the fan, and she would make sure of that.

    Doesn't seem like anyone's been here. So what did you have planned for the Big Bad? And what are you going to try to do if he isn't here?

    Her eyes danced from wall to wall, remembering how quickly her flames consumed the place. That had been really . . . amazing, if she thought about it. She hadn't been able to do anything like it since. Truth be told, her training had been coming to a standstill and that bothered her. ❝If they're not here, we're going to see if the bastards left traces so that we can track them down.❞ she explained, hopping onto a large pile of rubble and examining the expansive, charred area around them. ❝We will find them.

    So the four of them set out to start searching for anything out of the ordinary. Hay Sun easily leaped around but decided it would be good to keep an eye on Mutie and Italie. Neither of them were trained in combat yet, so it would be extra work to defend them when something did happen, but she figured between her and Red, they'd be clear for safety.

    What felt like a long-ass time passed, and they were coming up dry on and clues as to where their targets were. Hay Sun sighed loudly and crossed her legs while sitting on a broken balcony that overlooked the ballroom. ❝Those assholes.❞ she murmured to herself, narrowing her eyes.

    Just as she was about to jump down, footsteps resounded throughout the decaying room. Her muscles tensed and she began looking for the source. All four of them were stopped and Red moved closer to Mutie and Italie. Hay Sun reached into her pocket to reach for the pendant that would turn into her sword.

    Who's there?❞ she called with a cold edge to her tone.

    From the shadows of the main balcony, out walked the ever-suited douchebag from hell.


    Hay Sun landed on the ground immediately. ❝It's you.❞ she practically growled, remembering their talk on the roof. ❝What do you want, Danel?

  2. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Richard woke up that morning feeling no sense of drowsiness whatsoever. With all the traveling they had done recently, Richard had fallen asleep for more than two-thirds of the days on average. Really he probably could've stayed up all night with the amount of energy he had saved up...but sleeping was just so much better. As he got out of bed he noticed a bed on the opposite side of him was rather unkempt. Was someone else here last night? Oh well, that didn't quite concern him at the moment. He simply went about his morning hygiene and got himself dressed for the day. After that was over and done with he got himself downstairs and started eating breakfast. He filled himself up enough for the moment and just went to the lobby. Once there he found himself a seat to sit down in and reclined back. He closed his eyes for a moment and began to sleep. Roughly two minutes later he snapped back awake when he realized they weren't actually leaving the country this morning...well this was odd. Maalik appeared in the seat next to him and just nonchalantly smoked his "cigarette." "Stuck without any plans today?" Richard stayed silent for a moment. "Thought as much." Maalik continued to just puff out the white mist being generated until he finally continued with his own suggestion. "You know that thing you did awhile ago? Ya know, the massive amounts of work that you did against one of my past selves which got you as far as it did with your powers? Just a thought, but maybe you'd want to go at it again. Only this time with someone who isn't part you." Richard continued to sit there silently just taking in the suggestion.

    He sighed and got out of his seat ready to do some training or whatever. If memory served correctly there were six potential candidates to train with here. There was the two newcomers, Logan and Vincent, but they'd probably prove to be a bit difficult to fight, if nothing else because Richard would probably kill them by accident if he did. Next there was Joslyn who didn't seem to be the greatest physical competitor at the moment. After that was Jun Tae who always seemed to have a personal agenda to fill, and Richard doubted he was a part of that agenda. That left Adam and Samuel. Samuel had proven to be a respectable challenge in the past, but he was actually curious about what the Adam kid could do. Not to mention it was always a good idea to try and refine yourself off of a few different opponents before challenging the same ones. As such he went to his door and knocked on it waiting for a response.
  3. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Brandon woke up ready to get a start on with his day...sort of. He was always excited to get his angel stuff up and running but being with Heinry was weird. It wasn't so much that he minded Heinry as a person, he was a pretty cool guy just like all the other angels on their team, but he seemed pretty eager to leave Germany and go on his way to do wife saving stuff in Antarctica. Brandon was all for doing the wife saving thing, but he didn't really think it was a good idea to do it just by themselves and not wait for anyone else to come and join them. Without Xana's infinite supply of money and Lion's angel powers to get them free stuff, there was only a finite amount of traveling they could do, food they could eat and hotel's they could stay out before they were flat broke. Not to mention Antarctica was cold, like really much so, and they didn't really have any sort of winter gear to be going into a snowy hot-,er, coldspot of the world. Regardless Brandon still did his usual thing of getting dressed and going to get food as usual. After that was done he just went to the lobby of the hotel and started bouncing his tennis ball around a bit on his racket, in the lobby waiting for Heinry to get out and start whatever he was going to end up doing.
  4. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    W E A R I N G S O L V E ? M U S I C
    MOOD ※ QUIET DAY 35 ※ 1/4 DATE ※ 10/26/2013 LOCATION ※ VENICE, ITALY

    IT wasn't a long time waiting before the door was answered, and Leo slipped his phone back into his pocket once it was.

    He watched as a look seemed to pass over her face, as if in thought, and then she took a deep breath. H - Hello there, Leo. How a - are you?

    Externally, it seemed that he was regarding her coolly. I'm fine. I hope you're well, too. he returned, and then continued. Have you been training during your time with Hana? If Hana had been specifically keeping her from training, that could be both a good and bad thing.

    A - Ah, no. I haven't.

    He was a bit afraid of that. He sighed, a little annoyed with Hana, but then looked directly at Joslyn again. Would you be adverse to start training with me?

    Ah, well . . . she trailed off, and a silence settled. He raised an eyebrow when she murmured to herself. I know, I know . . . And then there was another silence. She was clearly talking to someone in her mind, and it was either schizophrenia that comprehended the situation and didn't tear her mind apart, or Azazel was a separate entity from Joslyn. Okay, I'll train with him. Him? I mean, I - I'll train w - with you.

    He nodded in reply, and then turned to start walking down the hallway. Follow me.

    With zero conversation, Leo led Joslyn down the elevator, towards the back exit of the hotel, and out into the cool October air. He didn't feel it so much, but the girl looked like she would shatter if a snowflake touched her. He handed her his jacket.

    The pair was walking into an apartment building that looked empty from the outside and then into the abandoned dining room that was on the the first floor. It was just as large as he wanted it. Wind gently blew in from the broken windows and the cracks in the aging walls. He cleared away the area and then stood across from her, giving a once-over in where his eyes flashed.

    You have been confined to a hospital all your life with voices talking in your head and have seen little to no constant sunlight, much less any physical activity. Your build is small, weak, and your endurance and stamina is most likely low. he explained in a detached manner. You have yet to exert any sort of ability that involves your Glamour, and your sword has seen little to no use. Your abilities only spark when you're in danger, but that isn't reliable. As a training goal, when we are done, you should be able to successfully use your sword with level power while defending yourself. It also helps to be trained in hand-to-hand combat, so we'll begin that as well.

    Setting up a chair in front of Joslyn, he took a step to be beside her and then motioned to it. First, I will measure the extent of your current ability. Destroy this chair in any manner you see fit.

    ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
  5. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Saturday, October 26th, 2013 | Day 35: 1/4 | Music | Location: Venice, Italy | ooc:
    Adam heard a knocking at his door, and jumped slightly. He wasn't expecting a knock or rather, a gentler knock than Brandon knocks. He zipped up his sweatshirt and walked himself over to the door.
    There was a clear look of surprise on Adam's face when he saw Richard standing in front of him. It was one of the last people he actually expected to show up at the door. Then again, what could he expect these days.
    "Oh... hello."
    "Hey. So, Maalik told me to do some training, and I thought I'd ask you if you wanted to train."
    Almost immediately after Richard's face showed a twinge of pain and Adam blinked at him and rubbed his own head in response, "...are you alright?"
    "Yeah, I suppose I should've said I thought it'd be a good idea to train."
    Aha, word choice. How to make an angel freak out in less than 10 seconds.
    Alright Miss.
    "...anyway, you game?"
    Do I need to teach you another lesson about how angels do not have GENDER? Damn I thought I got it through your head last night when Joslyn-
    I'm just pushing your buttons...
    "Oh man... angel disagreements. Love em. Alright, why not? I've got nothing better to do."
    "Alright then. We should probably find some secluded place like a parking garage or something."
    Adam stared for a moment in complete confusion, "A parking garage is secluded?" It seemed like the total opposite in his head.
    "When no one's there it is. Though I suppose people are leaving early in the morning. The roof?"
    "The roof..."
    Adam liked roofs, he liked that idea. He wasn't sure how secluded a roof was though, "Sure, but probably a side blocked by something, so people walking past don't freak out."
    "Okay. Let's go then."
  6. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 35 - 1/4 | DATE: October 26th, 2013 [Saturday] | LOCATION: Abandoned Apartment Building in Venice, Italy

    The entire walk from the hotel to the abandoned apartments was filled with silence. Not a single word was uttered between the two of them.

    "Man, this is totally not what I had in mind when I said I wanted to do something today. I guess Razzy is as to the point as ever. It was nice of him to give you his jacket, at least."

    When they got into the dining room of the building, Leo cleared away the area and stood across from her. He looked her over, his eyes flashing. When he was done, he gave an extremely accurate description of Joslyn's physical capabilities. It was incredible that he was able to do that just by looking at her. When he finished, he set a chair in front of her before stepping to her side. "First, I will measure the extent of your current ability. Destroy this chair in any manner you see fit."

    "Well that seems easy enough. You have my weapon, right?" She felt around her pockets and checked to see if she had it. After a little bit of searching, she found the wand in her butt pocket and pulled it out. "Oh good, you have Aconitum."

    "Aconitum?" At the mention of its name, the weapon transformed into a rapier. She jumped at the unexpected action.

    "Yes, my weapon's name is Aconitum. He's a reliable partner, so do try to learn how to use him." She gripped it tightly as she prepared herself to attack the chair. It seemed silly, but if Leo wanted to see her destroy it, then she wouldn't ask any questions beyond that. After taking some time to settle her mind, she attacked the chair with everything she could muster.

    She repeatedly hit the chair with the sword, adding more knicks into the wooden chair each time. Each time she connected, the blade would get stuck in the wood, forcing her to yank it out after. It took her several minutes to hack the chair down into a pile of wood, and even then, the chair was mostly intact. The legs and armrests were the only thing she managed to cut off. When she was done, she looked to Leo, winded from the activity. "H-How was that?"
  7. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    After his brief conversation with Adam the two of them had they both walked up to the roof of the hotel. It seemed empty enough right now but there was always the chance someone could just climb up here and seem two people with swords fighting with fire and...whatever Adam could really do. The both of them ended up finding a secluded area to the rooftop when he turned to face Adam. "So, you ready to fight or am I going to have to tell you how to fight?" Maalik was standing right next to him with an unamused expression on his face. In fact, based on Richard's response, he looked ready to smack him in the back of the head again.

    'I'm fine.'

    Maalik backed off from Richard and said, "alright then. Oh and do try and refine your powers a bit more. They're still a little rough around the edges, and certainly no where close to their purest form, so try and be more technical with them." With that Maalik disappeared and left Richard to fight the Adam kid.

    "Alright, we'll start on three." Richard drew El-Harriss in his left hand. With his right hand he held up a three and counted down. When it reached zero he dropped his hand down to signal the start of the fight. Richard just felt like seeing how the kid would react to a sudden attack so he just went for something quick. Coating El-Harris in its white mist, without moving his feet an inch he raised his blade into the air and swung it down. After the slash it released a wave of white mist, which aside from maybe feeling warmer from it, the wasn't actually going to do any harm to the kid.
  8. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    W E A R I N G S O L V E ? M U S I C
    MOOD ※ QUIET DAY 35 ※ 1/4 DATE ※ 10/26/2013 LOCATION ※ VENICE, ITALY

    AFTER Leo presented the chair, Joslyn seemed to fumble around for something and then reached for her back pocket. A wand was pulled out, which he recognized as Azazel's sword, Aconitum. Aconitum? Joslyn asked, and then flinched when it transformed at the sound of its name.

    Akasha resonated with the other sword almost hungrily and he distinctly remembered almost being killed with it. As Joslyn began the prepared exercise, Leo watched with scrutinizing eyes as her body moved and the soft muscles shifted from under her clothing. There was a long way to go, he thought, but if they continued for several hours every day, she would be capable of bringing down the country of Holland by the time they were nearly done.

    At least she is putting all of her effort into it. With her seemingly fragile mental state that he hoped Azazel would be working to improve, he saw that if she tried, she could hold the determination and confidence to do what it took to survive and dominate. If he was right about her, then it was this potential that Lucifer was so interested in. She would make any power-mad demon an incredible and beneficial companion.

    As she tried to hack the chair to pieces, he circled her, observing her form and the way she held her sword, and then finally, she was done. H - How was that? she asked him.

    The chair . . . If he would have been anyone else, he would have facepalmed.

    The chair is still there. he said, stating the obvious. From the chair to the girl, his eyes switched, and then he squatted down next to the chair, settling on looking right at her. Maiming is not the same as destroying. He held out a single finger to the chair and then lightly poked it. It completely disintegrated. He stood up and then moved towards her, motioning to the way she held her sword. You attacked too desperately, and it was more like you were a barbarian waving a club. You waste more energy that way. Leo adjusted her hands to be more parted on the hilt and for her fingers to relax around the grip. For us, our swords are not simply companions, they're extensions of ourselves. You have to treat the sword as fluidly as you would a wave of your own arm.

    He then adjusted how she was holding her body. Relax your body and always keep your breathing steady when you're attacking or moving, you'll be able to keep your cool. Don't think about destroying the chair, think about it disappearing. At least that way, the body of it will be broken.

    Leo set another chair in front of her. Again.

    ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
  9. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Saturday, October 26th, 2013 | Day 35: 1/4 | Music | Location: Venice, Italy | ooc:
    Semyaza decided to just stay quiet, and he only assumed they were just going to observe and pop in if something went too far. He watched Richard collect himself for a moment, before he spoke, "Alright, we'll start on three."
    Adam unclipped Nakhosh from his neck and Nakhosh prepared itself for him as Richard counted down to one. He was disappointed when he saw Richard go almost immediately. This was exactly like the training he had with Lu that one time, he was hoping for something a bit more clever.
    At least he still had his ankle this time.
    But Richard had one hell of a form when holding the sword that he did not expect, and rather than try and block it when he swung low, he jumped back a few meters to miss it's hit, but quickly got back into a ready position. The white mist surrounding Richard's sword quickly left it and Adam felt its warmth for a moment.
    Adam grinned a little bit before his flicked his arm slightly and his mist came out of his hand and engulfed his own sword, "Prior training?" he didn't really give Richard enough time to answer before he moved a couple steps in and swung back at Richard's legs. His form was of course imperfect, but to make up for it he had the mist reach off the sword and reach out like a hand made out of fog. He wasn't going to pull him in to stab him, he just wanted to get a grip.
  10. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Richard watched as the kid evaded his sword swipe and had stepped back only to be enveloped by the mist he had used. He just sort of took it before responding with some sort of mist of his own. Interesting. It looked a bit darker than the mist that Richard was using so he figured it probably had some sort of different effect. As to what he had no real idea. "Prior training?" Without giving Richard anytime to respond whatsoever he charged in with his mist covered sword. The kid swung at Richard's legs but the sword wasn't really the main attraction to that attack. Instead it was the mist that came from his sword that was what he was really going for. The mist ended up covering Richard's legs and felt as though something was tightly gripping onto it. Well that was certainly a bother.

    To respond Richard used his own mist that started producing out his body to envelop the mist that was gripping his legs. At that point his own mist condensed into fire and ignited on the gray mist around his legs. He felt the grip loosening before he returned to focusing on sword play. With El-Harriss he simply took a step backward away from Adam and parried away his blade by pushing his own at it. After that he simply whipped El-Harriss upward so that it was inches away from Adam's face and said, "You could say that," before bringing his blade back in close.
  11. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    At the sound of footsteps, Hana's heart froze. She instinctively stepped closer to Sal and Kai. This was exactly why she didn't want anyone else to come. They were inexperienced and a liability. Hana swallowed nervously and pulled Luria out of her hair.

    ❝Who's there?❞ Hay Sun called from the balcony.

    The only reply was the sound of footsteps. Hana tightened her grip on the wand and filled the space between the men. Out of the shadows stepped a tall, slim man with wings spread wide. Hana sucked in a sharp intake of breath.

    Hay Sun landed on the ground immediately. ❝It's you.❞ she practically growled, ❝What do you want, Danel?❞

    A deep chuckle came from across the ballroom as he continued his approach. A bright flash came from her hand and Luria took his full shape. She pressed her lips firmly together. Kai gave her a questioning expression and she just shook her head as if to say, 'not now.'

    "Come now Puriel. No need for the hostility." Danel smiled at Hay Sun and Hana took a step forward. "Xathanael, what a pleasure. I'm surprised the both of you brought along Dumah and Zachariel, risky move."

    "Danel!" She snapped, "Get to it." Hana was seething. The last thing she wanted was to fight Danel when she was looking for Israfil.

    He rolled his eyes and tucked his wings in behind his back. "The both of you need to relax. I haven't even done anything. Why don't you have a seat." He stuck out his arm and a blast of air sent them all back against the wall and his mist creeped up their legs, holding them to the floor. Hana struggled against the smoke substance to no avail. "That's better."

    "Why are you here?" She asked him.

    "The same reason you are. You came for Israfil, but I took care of him shortly he threw the lot of you out. That's too bad about Cassandra. I liked that one. She wasn't as hostile as the both of you."
  12. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Saturday, October 26th, 2013 | Day 35: 1/4 | Music | Location: Venice, Italy | ooc:
    So this is the fire trend you were talking about.
    Indeed. But, this is expected from Maalik. The guardian of hellfire.
    Although Richard had responded with, "You could say that," it was definitely clear he had prior training. He had no idea what it was, but he had a pretty good feeling it was fencing or something. Unless he was one of those people who spent their lives training how to use swords for fun.
    The sword, Richard's, was pointed at Adam's left side. Nakhosh was currently in Adam's right hand. He realized at this moment, he had not trained with something he hadn't assaulted to it's demise. Now, he was against a human, someone he couldn't just put all his energy into and kill. Imagine if he did.
    Adam let loose a small chuckle, a nervous one really, but not the nervous chuckle where he felt he was weaker, but a nervous chuckle due to overestimating. Adam stared at Richard for a moment longer, "So you are good with swords... how good are you with powers then?"
    He felt the numbness again through his body and held in his breath as he quickly moved due to the mist. About 3 seconds later, he was on a different part of the rooftop, sitting on an Air Handler
    "I can tell you right now." he paused for a moment as he placed Nakhosh on his lap, "I am terrible at swordfighting, I got trained yeah, but, I'm not that good at it. So instead of us lunging at each other getting nowhere in the process, you help a guy out? I'll help with whatever I can."
  13. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    W E A R I N G W R I T I N G M U S I C
    MOOD ※ ANGRY DAY 35 ※ 1/4 DATE ※ 10/26/2013 LOCATION ※ ROME, ITALY



    Come now, Puriel. No need for the hostility.❞ Hay Sun rolled her eyes as he smiled at her. ❝Xathanael, what a pleasure. I'm surprised the both of you brought along Dumah and Zachariel, risky move.

    Now that she looked at it, the douche was probably right, but there was no undoing it now. Red snapped at Danel, an then he tucked in his wings while rolling his eyes. She couldn't help but think again about how she missed her own. ❝The both of you need to relax. I haven't even done anything. Why don't you have a seat.

    Why don't you suck my di -

    A strong blast of wind slammed the group into the wall and Hay Sun's mouth opened with silent agony as the shock set across her body. Thick mist began to climb up their legs and Hay Sun forced herself to a standing position before it could catch her arms too. Great, now she was stuck to the ground. ❝That's better.❞ Danel said and she growled ferociously at him. Her eyes darted to Mutie and Italie, her expression almost apologetic. This was a bad way to show them anything, but it was always like this, now that she thought about it. They would have to get used to the bullshit if they were going to stay with them.

    Raziel told her to take care of Zachariel, and remembering that, she sighed.

    Why are you here?

    What the hell do you want?Red and Hay Sun spoke at the same time.

    The same reason you are. You came for Israfil, but I took care of him shortly after he through the lot of you out. That's too bad about Cassandra. I liked that one. She wasn't as hostile as the both of you.

    Heat flooded through Hay Sun. ❝Don't talk about her.❞ she spat at him with narrow eyes. ❝You can't be here for the same reason as us, if you already killed Israfil, you dumb fuck. I wanted to tear his windpipes out and shove it back down his throat. Now I wanna do the same to you.❞ She rolled her neck. ❝What are you really doing here? If you're looking for Leviathan still, none of us know where he is, and even if we did, we sure as hell wouldn't tell you.

  14. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 35 - 1/4 | DATE: October 26th, 2013 [Saturday] | LOCATION: Abandoned Apartment Building in Venice, Italy

    She was completely amazed at the sight of Leo disintegrating the chair with a single touch. It was something that she could never hope to accomplish. Afterwards, he came over to her and helped her to adjust her posture and how she held her sword, Leo set another chair in front of her. "Again."

    Azazel let out a sigh. "Man, I wasn't planning on having fight training this soon after establishing a connection with you. But, I guess Razzy is just concerned about having capable fighters with him, not that I'm surprised." Joslyn tried to concentrate on how she was holding herself and holding her weapon. "Well, if we're going to get anywhere, you're going to have to thoroughly destroy that chair."

    "But, I'm not sure if I can."

    "I know that you can. You really can do this, you just have to believe."

    "But you saw what I did to that cha-"

    "Okay, okay. I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this, but I'll lend you a hand with this one. I'll help show you what you can do." Afterwards, a complete calm came over Joslyn. Her mind went blank and everything around her seemed to fade away. There was nothing but her and the chair in the room. Her breathing slowed as her focus intensified. A faint purple glow surrounded the blade as she lifted it. Then, with a swift, clean motion, the blade fell on the chair, gliding through it like a hot knife through butter. The chair fell in to separate pieces as Joslyn became aware of everything around her. The glow faded after she came to her senses.

    "Wh-what the...?"

    "See, when you are in the right state of mind, you can do anything."

    "I... I did that?' She watched as the halves of the chair slowly disintegrated from where it was cut.
  15. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "You're not made of money, Henrik. How will you pay for everything once you're in Russia?" Lei headed out through the door before Henrik.

    Henrik unlocked the door and as he walked out of his room, sighed out in frustration. It had been a long while since Lei had last made himself visible to Henrik outside of a dream. He preferred it that way. 'Do you have any idea how popular I am within the Russian scientific community?'

    "Oh right. You're like a rock star over there aren't you? But how's that going to help?"

    'I can call in a lot of favors. It means we won't be able to stay in a fancy hotel but we won't be sleeping in a cardboard box in the cold.' Henrik finally arrived down at the lobby to find Brandon already there. That was good, the boy was punctual. At least more punctual than himself. "We're heading to Moscow if you're still coming along."

    "Why Moscow? I doubt Iris was there when she called."

    'And what reason would she have to not go there? She wouldn't leave Russia and make it harder for me to find her. The only reason why she hasn't called again is because she isn't wasting any time getting there.' Henrik knew his wife very well just as she knew him. That would be the place to search. Henrik's conviction was even enough to keep Lei quiet. Though Lei did not waste any time poking a finger through Brandon's head even though the boy could neither see nor feel Lei. For some reason the shadow of an angel had a strange liking for acting as if he was tangible.

    "Come on. Let's get to the airport. I'm not able to pull the kinds of strings the others were able to but I've got some influence over at Russia." With that, Henrik started to head out of the hotel.
  16. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Morning had arrived and Alistair rose from his bed with a loud yawn as he stretched his arms out. It felt quite wonderful to wake up in such a nice scenario. No longer was he attached to that annoying woman and he could now change into such a nice suit. Walking off he merely head off to the bath and took a relaxing soak with a relaxed sigh. Things felt wonderful, and though he knew Tempy would screw things up, he still enjoyed it.

    Placing on his newest white suit and placing on his new white fedora, Alistair grabbed the nearby cane and with it in hand he walked out of the room. Heinrik was still roaming about but he wasn't scared of him. If the situation called for it he was more than happy to face off against the man in another battle. Ever since his battle with Leon things had improved a great, but at the same time he wondered about how the kid was doing. Tempy was sure to act, and in the situation Leon was in things were not good. He spared the boy's life, but he hoped that was not a waste, he had much potential after all.

    This thought remained in his mind, but Alistair merely placed it to the side as he walked down and head over to a nearby cafe. This place was quite nice, but it held a sense that it wasn't all fulled with snooty rich people, something Alistair liked. With that he merely took a seat and took a sip of tea to start his day. There was many things he could have done, but it was just so hard to decide.
  17. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Hay Sun snapped. ❝Don't talk about her.❞ she spat at him with narrow eyes. ❝You can't be here for the same reason as us, if you already killed Israfil, you dumb fuck. I wanted to tear his windpipes out and shove it back down his throat. Now I wanna do the same to you.❞ She rolled her neck. ❝What are you really doing here? If you're looking for Leviathan still, none of us know where he is, and even if we did, we sure as hell wouldn't tell you.

    Kai watched the Korean girl nervously. She looked super pissed. He glanced around at the other two and noticed an uncomfortable shifting from Hana. What was that look on her face?

    "I wouldn't jump the gun my dear Hay Sun." Danel patted her head before kneeling down in front of Hana. "One of us here knows the location and I must say, this is a rather unbecoming reception towards the person that slaughtered the man who humiliated you so traumatically. How are you enjoying Italy by the way? Seeing the sights, enjoying the food? It must be better than your la --"


    Kai jumped at the volume from the red haired woman. He never wished more for the ability to talk.

    >Just because we live in silence does not mean we cannot speak.

    He looked around frantically but no one was speaking to him. Kai swallowed nervously. Coming here was a bad idea.

    "You are far too noisy Danel. If you don't have anything else, we would like to leave." Hana was still snapping at the winged man and he laughed. The sword in her hand transformed back to that wand thing she had and sparks flew out the tip.
  18. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    [/url] How the situation had changed rather quickly. Between the black and white winged angel man appearing and where they were now, well he found it to be rather amusing. He figured this Danel was most likely a dark angel, and that for whatever reason dark angels possessed most of their strength whilst all the fallen angels clearly weren't in any contention against them. Just yesterday he was told by Jun Tae that being by himself would basically make him a free kill to the dark angels, and that being a part of their group would probably ensure him safety. Now he was with three members of the group and was bound to the ground without any real means of fighting back the very next day. Rather funny actually. Oh well, regardless of how the situation was escalating he calmly sat through it all just observing the rather explosive reaction from the fiery asian girl and the extremely boisterous Xathanael. The two of them must have some sort of rough history but he wouldn't both Zachariel for a history lesson. Or at least not at the moment. Though through all of this the only person he really felt anything for was the person he assumed to be Dumah. That guy just looked like a scared child shrivelling in the corner.

    Regardless something needed to be done about the situation at hand, and honestly the two enraged behaviors of the ladies was not doing anything to help. This was rather clear by the fact that Danel was just laughing at her. So, despite coming here as an observer, Sal decided to speak up. He looked to Xathanael and spoke in a calm voice. "Now, now. Clearly Danel here has something he'd like to say to us. Otherwise he wouldn't have been lying in wait in those shadows for us when we came here, and we'd all probably be dead by now." Turning over to face Danel he figured he'd see if being cordial would get them anywhere. "I know it sounds like we're repeating the same question a good deal, but would you be so kind to tell us what it is you came here for?"
  19. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood


    "Now, now. Clearly Danel here has something he'd like to say to us. Otherwise he wouldn't have been lying in wait in those shadows for us when we came here, and we'd all probably be dead by now."

    This kid was interesting. Danel nodded at Zachariel. "Ain't that the truth," he muttered to himself.

    "I know it sounds like we're repeating the same question a good deal, but would you be so kind to tell us what it is you came here for?"

    "To give you a piece of advice. Well, actually, two pieces of advice. First," he pointed to Xathanael, "stop recruiting. You're all better off if you don't get involved. Second," he pointed to Uriel, "if you actually intend to go for Ariel, I suggest you do so soon. In his current state, he won't be able to handle another attack. He's lucky he survived the current one. Oh! And just a bit of forewarning, if we don't receive the location to Leviathan's prison soon, Hana, Jehoel will not last much longer. Beelzebub has done an exceptional job on breaking him down and it would be a shame to lose another angel's soul for good. It's never the same when an angel has to die for all of eternity."

    "If you are referring to Harbonah that's not --"

    "You should watch that tongue of yours. Perhaps you could learn a thing or two from Dumah over there." He directed that to both of the women. The chestnut male with the reddish-brown eyes seemed to squirm uncomfortably at the comment. "What? Is there something you want to say?" He shook his head no and Danel moved away from them all. "Well I'll be seeing you, unless there's something else?" Danel cocked a questioning eyebrow and stretched his wings.

  20. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    {♚}Location: Hotel {♚} Mood: Bored {♚} OOC: Not in the best mood to make a better post{♚}
    After waking up and basically lying back for a bit a the hotel, Logan eventually got bored and decided to go get some fresh air. There just had to be something for him to do somewhere and he always thought better whenever he was walking. It was one of his more relaxing qualities that he had. A destination wasn't always needed, what was needed however was time for him to be alone and not bothered by anyone else.
    Sometime during his walk he ended up near some apartments. Well he really wasn't quite sure what he was suppose to do here, but figured that he might as well take a quick breather.
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