⍭he ℱallen

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by Hyuge ✧, May 14, 2013.

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  1. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Contrary to what Alistair believed, Iris had not been knocked out (because Alistair hits like a girl) but the blow to her gut did cause her to lose her breath. By the time she regained control Alistair had treated her like a human backpack. She had been through enough crap to be treated like this. Luckily for her, she knew how to get out of a situation like this. The reason how she learned would remain secret between herself and Henrik. Once her feet touched the ground she pulled back on the invisible bond between Alistair and herself to slow the man down. She would not be following him in this.

    'Are you going to say anything?'

    'No. Scooby Gang's got it covered anyways. Besides, aren't you going to tell me to kill this one too?'


    Henrik folded his arms, watching as one of them revealed their weapons in front of the male they were trying to persuade to "tag along". That was easy. Henrik wondered how things would have played out if the current group tried persuading him while he was still back in Norway. The most...unpersuasive of the bunch were the ones Henrik had first met but Hana and the others might have proven better at such a task. Too late now. Henrik did not really have a choice. After Lei forced him to save some of them, just to stick it to the Dark Angels, Henrik hardly had any other option but to stick with them.
  2. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    The hunt was such a pleasure to run and the thrill of slashing was just a pure thrill. He ran as he got closer and closer to the target, but something stopped him. He felt the sudden weight on his shoulders come off and another tug soon after. Just feeling that stopped his advances instantly and immediately Alistair just stood there and rubbed his temples "You know...your a real cockblocker you know?" Alistair said shaking his head as he turned his attention to the woman.

    Watching her struggle and try to hold him back before was cute, but now it was finally starting to get on his nerves. It was so pitiful and he just couldn't comprehend why she was so meddlesome. "Struggling around like that won't do shit...I had to crank up the strength a bit just to carry your fatass around" Alistair said closing his eyes with a sigh. Was Tempy getting a good laugh from this? was the reason she wanted Iris alive just to mess with him or something?

    "Now then...working together will not work and your just holding me back..." Alistair said as Arondight returned to its pimp cane form. "I have no use for you, but Temeluchas does...too bad I don't give a damn about what she wanted. I chose to save your life, would be a shame to make you lose it..." Alistair said as his eyes narrowed with a sinister glare "Bottom line is I'm stopping playing the nice guy here...stop messing with my **** or I'm going to tear that arm of your off" Alistair said
  3. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Through some defiance of logic the stunt Brandon had pulled off managed to convince this new kid whose name they did not know into joining. Though Brandon was not surprised at all. Not in the slightest. Turning his sword back into it's more manageable form to carry, Brandon let out a bit of a whoopie at the prospect of a new team member and he was ready to go do more of this stuff. After all that was said and done the gang eventually left with their new team member in tow and decided to get a move on to their next place of rest, which was just some hotel that Jun Tae hooked them up with at Hamburg. Over there he distributed keys to everyone as per the norm and they went to their respective room to sleep.

    Once there he was almost going to immediately get to bed when he started to hear a phone ring from a backpack he had completely forgot to mention he had for the most part. Regardless he pulled the phone out of his bag and answered it.

    "Helllooo, who's this?"

    "...Who is this? I could have sworn I... is this Cassandra Hansen's cell phone?"

    "Oh, so that's who this belonged to. Yeah I guess this is Cass's phone."
    "Can you put her on? Her mother is worried sick about her. I only saw her note and would have assumed she would have called me by now. New York is still like hell over here and we know she went to Europe and we are... you all are alright, right? You aren't in England?"

    "Oh, um, yeah we aren't in England anymore. Actually we're in Germany right now. But um, sorry to say this, Cass died. Got mauled to death by a zombie."

    "Wh-what? I don't think I- I heard you right."

    "What do you mean. One of those zombie freaks, or I guess more officially their demon possessed people, yeah one of those just barreled through a window and killed her."

    "Aha, did C-Cass tell you to tell me that? Man I miss her sense of humor... please just put her on the p-phone."

    "Um, I'm telling you, as much as it pains me to tell you, she's dead."

    And then there was silence for a moment.

    "Hello? Helllloooo?"

    "H-hi... sorry I-I'm still here..."
    "I j-just I... I..."

    In the background a "Sis why are you crying what's wrong?" could be heard.

    "Um, yeah...sorry, not really much we could've done. But hey at least I'm pretty sure it was painless"

    "D-did you get it for her?"

    "Get it?"
    "The d-demon. D-d-did you kill the ****er?"
    "I would h-have..."

    "Oh that thing. Yeah it was dead in like an instant after."

    "I-I guess I am sorry for disturbing your day... uh, um...."
    She took a breath before continuing."Cass' pin for her card is 2008... i-if you all need money to st-stay safe over there... she's got a lot of it... her job..."

    "Oh um, okay. Thanks. Well um, again, sorry to tell you about this, especially like this."

    "N-no... it-it's fine... I don't know if I ever would have found out if I didn't call... you all. You all stay safe o-over there..."

    "Yeah, you to in um, over there. Well, good night."

    "O-oh, Germany... time zones... good night to you too..."

    With the phone conversation over with Brandon hung it up and decided to actually get some sleep now. However now he felt really odd. Sure he didn't really know Cas that well, in fact they hadn't really exchanged much more than a few sentences with each other, but having to tell someone she was close to that she had died, well that was just a down right bummer. In the end though, as bummed out as he had become from that call, he had to go to bed. And so he slid into it and fell into a deep slumber.

    Meanwhile Richard fell asleep in his own room and Sal fell asleep in a hotel in Toulouse, France.
  4. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013 | Day 32: 4/4 | Music | Location: Hamburg, Germany | ooc:

    Adam had fallen asleep in the car because they were all taking too long. But when they all got back they had succeeded in getting this guy. This struck his curiosity. What on earth did they say to these people that got them to join so willingly and so quickly they'd just walk out of their everyday lives?
    They all stopped and went shopping, they all got new clothes because everyone had theirs for quite a long time. He got himself some clothes too while he was there and a bag to carry it in. He put the ring in the bag in one of the zipped pouches, because he knew he wouldn't lose it in the wash that way. He also got food, man he missed food. He also kind of missed apples, and ran off and stole himself an entire bag of them at the store. He left 2 dollars where it was though because it was all he had.
    When they all finally settled in for the night, Adam realized he hadn't heard Semyaza since he took his nap. But he payed it no worry, he assumed he'd probably hear from them tomorrow or even the second he closed his eyes.
  5. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Not too long after arriving at the hotel, Logan found himself a room to stay in and headed inside. He did really care who he'd ended up rooming with, since it wasn't long before he fell asleep on the bed.
  6. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 32 - 4/4 | DATE: October 23rd, 2013 [Wednesday] | LOCATION: Old Gym ==> Hotel in Hamburg, Germany

    After they had successfully managed to recruit the new guy, Logan as they would later find out, they spent the rest of the day shopping for clothes and supplies and the like. Some of them had been wearing the same clothes they had since London, including underwear. It was definitely time for them to get some new clothes, that was for sure. During the shopping spree, everyone got a bag, some extra clothing, and various other assorted items.

    It was stupid, but Sam had actually gotten that Rubik's Cube Red had suggested he get to keep his hands busy. Almost immediately after paying for it, he started to fiddle around with it. Since it came already solved, he had to scramble it himself so that he could try to figure out how to solve it. It sounded like it would be easy to unscramble something he had messed up himself. Nothing could be further from the truth. As he continued to fiddle with it, the more and more it seemed to get messed up. He could solve one side of it, but then he'd have to mess it all up again to try another side. As he suspected, this was very frustrating, but it did keep his hands busy.

    Before going to a hotel, they had gotten a bite to eat with everyone. There was no need to worry about money now, since Jun Tae was "some how" pulling strings. With nothing to worry about, most of them, especially Sam, stuffed their faces with food.

    At the hotel, Sam, in a different room from Red and Joslyn, fell onto his bed and patted his belly. He had definitely stuffed himself full with an inhuman amount of food. As he lay there on his bed, he thought about Red and her little friend, and how it was awkward that she had found them sleeping together. He had hoped that she wouldn't say anything about it to any of the others. Well, with the way she is, she probably wouldn't. Probably. Not wanting to think about it any more, he placed his head on his pillow and fell asleep.

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 32 - 4/4 | DATE: October 23rd, 2013 [Wednesday] | LOCATION: Old Gym ==> Hotel in Hamburg, Germany

    After everything was said and done, and Joslyn finally had some new clothes to wear, she sat on the bed in the hotel they were staying in. She was going to go to sleep with Hana, just like before. Joslyn was still curious about why she was in the other bed with Sam that morning. She didn't want to ask because it felt weird, but she did want to know about it.

    The pale skinned girl went to the bathroom and took a quick shower before slipping into some new underwear and clothes. It was refreshing to wear some new clothes. After drying off her hair, she went into the bed with Hana and quickly fell asleep.
  7. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    'So your wife's in another country, your children are in Hell, and the Scooby Gang decides to spend their time shopping. Remind me again why-'

    'Is it possible for me to kill you?'

    'Whoa. Now where'd that come from?'

    'Stay quiet or I'll make you. I don't need to be reminded about that.' Henrik paced back and forth in his room, tossing the key to his room up in the air and suspending it in place. Lei made no effort to respond to Henrik's threat which only surprised him. There should have been some sort of witty remark or challenge but Lei simply chose to remain silent. Whatever his reasons were, Henrik was glad to have his mind to himself, at least, just for a moment. Without Lei to give his anger some focus, his thoughts returned to his own family. It took most of the night before Henrik was able to sleep.

    And Iris was indifferent to Alistair because she had better things to worry about than a manchild making pointless threats to her. Wherever they went for the night, Iris would not sleep. She had enough sleep for this RP. Too much actually so she could stand a few sleepless nights.
  8. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    DAY 33
    Thursday, October 24th, 2013

    Sal woke up in his very average hotel. He didn't feel like blowing a ton of money on finding a place to stay in Toulouse, France because he wasn't planning on staying in it for very long. He was really just passing through the city on his way to Venice, Italy where he'd probably spend at most, a week there. Getting out a change of clothes he went and did his morning business of showering, getting dressed, and other things regular people do when they're getting ready for the day. After having some breakfast he then exited the hotel and began his long intrepid journey to Venice. He really didn't like the constant amounts of driving he had to do, in fact he didn't even know why he didn't take a plane in the first place. But then again it was still nice to be able to look at all the cities and areas he passed through on his way. In fact, he was starting to think of maybe just going to even more places after Venice was over with. Though for now he just hopped in his car and drove away.

    Brandon had awoken that morning kind of groggily. Despite feeling majorly bummed out about what had just happened the previous night with the phone call, something made him feel at peace at the moment. For some reason he felt it might've had something to do with a dream he had, though all he could recall from the dream was being in a field of white roses. Oh well. Brandon pulled himself out of bed and decided to just get a headstart on the day.
    Looking at the gear he had picked up he smiled. What with his new clothing that he got (which looked exactly the same as his old clothing but Brandon insisted that they fit better than the old ones,) and new set of tennis balls, and a new tennis racket. After so many ignite serves being done his old racket and especially his old ball were taking quite the toll, and as such he had to retire them to get newer ones. So he got dressed, got his new racket and one of his new tennis balls and started bouncing it on the top of the racket.
    He decided to go get some fresh air and maybe some more tennis practice before getting food. As such he went to the roof, because he figured it'd be kind of odd and difficult to practice in a parking lot and just generally outside the hotel, and he didn't want to wander too far away from the rest of the group. Once there he just bounced the tennis ball back and forth from the wall to his racket.
  9. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    The morning had arrived in the cold snowy land of Siberia and with a loud yawn Alistair rose from his sleepning area stretched his arms out with a loud groan "Well...didn't expect to have such a nice rest" Alistair said to himself closing his eyes with a smile as he got himself ready for the day. His eyes caught attention to the woman that was bound to him and raised an eyebrow as he noticed the woman had been still awake.

    That woman was so foolish and after two days of no sleep how the hell was she going to act? The two of them had a real busy day ahead of them and he wondered if she could keep up. She didn't even pay heed to his word the other day and though he wished to act and cut her arm off the very moment, Alistair held back, as if a force told him he had to go to sleep.

    Her fate rested in her own hands and if she wanted to be a dumbass and blindly act like a tough person then it basically served her right if she did die. He gave her a chance the last day, but he wondered what would be the out come this time. Once he was ready, Alistair merely closed his eyes and tugged on the invisible bounds. "Oi! woman its time to go" Alistair said.
  10. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Did you say today is October 24th? I know the year is 2013... The 33rd day of what? I know the day is 1/4 over. I'm in Launceston, Australia. I'm wearing work clothes. I have nothing else to say.
    Naturally, you'd expect the Zookeepers to be the ones tending to the animals and helping out some of the tourists on site. There was a big difference between being a Tour Guide, and being a Zookeeper however.
    One of the tour guides purposefully took her group over to the Kangaroo section, one reason was because the kids were shouting about it. The other reason was because, much to the tour guide's dismay, Lauren was working with the Kangaroos that day.
    Lauren walked cautiously out into the open section to search for the kangaroo with the Red Tag. She kept periodically ducking into bushes and slowly peaking out to make sure the coast was clear. Then she'd continue on her adventure. When she finally got to the Kangaroo with the Red Tag, she let out a big grin.
    Red Tag meant the kangaroo was sick and needed their medicine. Normally, the Zookeepers would wait until the animals were asleep to give medicine, but Lauren was not one of the normal.
    "G'day little boomer." Lauren whispered as she ducked back into the bushes and continued pursuit.
    Alice was telling little facts about Kangaroos as she was asked, and noticed Lauren peaking her head out through the bushes, "Oh no..."
    Another tour guide who was working with Alice turned their head at her words, then she turned in the direction Alice was looking and hollered, "Ay! What is fruit loop doing?"
    Lauren finally quickly tiptoed out of the greenery, blocked from the kangaroo's view. And then pulled out the medicine needle. She set it just right, and got close enough to get the Kangaroo in the neck. The kangaroo made a noise and Lauren backed up with her large grin and spread out her arms.
    Half a second later the kangaroo jump kicked Lauren in the face.
    Alice covered her mouth and whispered in a low volume, "Shitshitshitshitshit"
    The coworker let out a sigh and turned on their walkie and spoke, "Medical? WALKER is down again..."
    Which WALKER?
    "What other WALKER would be down again?"
    Alright, an offsider is heading your way. Is WALKER conscious?

    At that moment a laughing could be heard and the two tour guides looked out to see Lauren getting up holding her nose, "Little Joey you've got a lotta kick. Good onya."
    Lauren then walked up closer to the kangaroo and tried to pet it's head, "Sorry mate."
    "It appears she is."
    Alice quickly grabbed the walkie from her coworker and changed the channel of it, "Lauren please get out of there."
    Oh boy what is that dipstick doing now?
    Mikey, not over the walkie.
    Big deal, did she even remember to carry it?
    Alice looked to see Lauren paying no mind to anything, jumping back on occasion from the kangaroo. Usually when Lauren had the walkie and heard her name she would have stopped what she was doing and started talking nonstop on the walkie.
    "Nope, she didn't."
    May God have mercy on her soul...
    Not too long after, Lauren was sitting on a bench outside of one of the lodges. She kept giggling to herself until she saw the familiar boots of another Zookeeper, "G'day Mikey~"
    "G'day... what the hell were you doing to the red tag."
    "Having a little fuuun."
    "Mate... that joey is ill."
    "Which is why I spooked 'em. Woke em up I bet."
    "Are you trying to make it so he carks it?"
    "Why wo-"
    "Heart condition."
    Lauren gasped as she covered her mouth and spoke, "Blood pressure medicine, oh damn."
    "Joey alright?"
    "Oh shit, I an't given another joey a heart attack have I?"
    "Better not, I'll be as mad as a cut snake. I helped raise that joey."
    Lauren looked up and looked up at Mikey who's eyes widened, "Oh lord, karma's a *****."
    "You're face."
    "My face?"
    "That's a shiner alright. Concussed?"
    "Dunno yet, mate... probably not. My hear is only ringing a little bit compared to the last one..."
    "Your ear is...? Ah um, nevermind."
  11. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Brandon had been having fun an all doing his tennis routine but things needed to get a move on. Going downstairs he went to go get something to eat, and eat something he did. Hotel food was always nice to have primarily because the fact that it was the only food he had had in the past few days. The last time he hadn't eaten at a hotel was when he went to eat at Adan's house and that was just some loaf of bread that may or may not have been past due. Even now he wasn't sure. Regardless he walked around the hotel noticing that...absolutely no one else was awake. Brandon knew he wasn't being an early bird in this scenario, if anything he was being late, but nevertheless they had a mission to do and that was one that needed to be executed rather swiftly. Grabbing his tennis racket and a tennis ball he started wandering around the hotel.

    Finding out where everyone's room was he decided to give them a little bit of a wake up call. Serving a ball as hard as he could, (though not the Ignite Serve) he smacked the ball into the door of each person's door thrice before moving onto another persons door. Wealthard had exited his room giving a Brandon a look that could probably kill a man...if ya know, looks could kill. Feeling satisfied with himself Brandon got all his travel gear ready and went down to the lobby of the hotel where he saw Wealthard...sleeping in a chair. The man could sleep just about anywhere.
  12. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Thursday, October 24th, 2013 | Day 33: 2/4 | Music | Location: Hamburg, Germany | ooc:
    Adam woke up with a jump at the sound of something flinging itself into the door. Adam was immediately irritated and quickly got himself out of bed, grabbed his bag, opened it up and grabbed himself one of his many apples, and then walked out of the room taking a bite out of it.
    When he finally got himself down to the lobby and looked over at Richard and Brandon in the room. He assumed it was one of them, and he had a pretty good feeling it wasn't the one sleeping in a chair.
    Adam marched up to Brandon, taking a bite out of the apple, then saying with an irritated voice, "So, what the hell did you throw at my door? A brick?"
  13. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 33 - 2/4 | DATE: October 24th, 2013 [Thursday] | LOCATION: Hotel in Hamburg, Germany

    Sam had woken up fairly early in the morning. However, when he looked at the time, he went right back to sleep. He figured that no one was awake at 6, so he went back to sleep. For a few more hours, he managed to get in some extra sleep. It was wonderful getting that extra amount of sleep, really hit the spot.

    However, his extra hours of sleep would be interrupted by a sudden, loud bang on his door. He was so startled by the sudden noise that he fell off of his bed. "What... the fuck... was that?" After staring at the ceiling from the floor for a few minutes, he got up and opened the door to check what the hell happened. He saw that the kid was hitting tennis balls on the doors to wake everyone up. He is so getting it later. Sam shut the door and went into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

    After he got out, he put on some of the new clothes he got, gathered all of his things, and went to the lobby. There, he saw that the kid was already there, waiting for everyone. Sam saw two other people from the group were there but focused his attention on Brandon. He dropped his bag and put his arm around the kid's shoulder. "Hey man," His shoulder slowly started to close around his neck. "Next time you wanna wake someone up," Now his arm was fully wrapped around his neck and his fist was grinding against his head. "Try knocking regularly first, dipshit!"
  14. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    {♚}Location: Hotel {♚} Mood: Somewhat Irritated {♚} OOC: {♚}

    For the most part Logan's sleep was pretty peaceful, so peaceful in fact that he actually decided to sleep in. Since that wasn't something that he always did, he really wanted to enjoy it. That was until he heard the thumping on his door. So much for that idea.

    Since he was now up and had little intentions on going back to sleep, he merely got up from the bed and went to take a quick shower. Afterward he placed on a fresh pair of clothes and left the room. By the time he'd gotten to the lobby, he saw the kid who done most of the talking yesterday in another noogie. "Guess now I know who's responsible for the thumping noise." He plainly stated.
  15. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Brandon was chilling out in the lobby with his sleeping teammate Wealthard, when suddenly Adan came into the lobby. The wake up plan was already working. Woo~. Adan then asked the stupid question of whether or not Brandon hit the door with a brick. "Silly, you can't hit a brick with a tennis racket and expect it to go very far at all. No I used these," he pulled out a tennis ball. After explaining that to Adan, Compadre came over looking quite a bit annoyed. Dropping his bag, Compadre walked over to Brandon and wrapped his arms around Brandon again, only to rub his fist vigorously on Brandon's skull. The second time around didn't feel any better than it had the day before. In fact he was thinking that if this happened again, Compadre could very well injure Brandon's skull. As much of an exaggeration as that was, when the fist on head contact had ended, Brandon walked away, panting for air once more. He saw the newest guy, Brawler, walk into the mix. Well nearly everyone was here at this point and they were just now waiting on...well actually about half of the group. Once Brandon finally regained his composure, Wealthard, with an annoyed look on his face briefly awoke and hit Brandon in the back with a kick before falling asleep again.

    Time Skip
    7 hours later


    Once everyone had awoken and gathered together they finally decided to leave Hamburg and go to where their AFC(angel finding compass,) told them to go. The car ride there was uneventful as usual, and Richard, as usual, had slept through it all. What was apparently a seven hours car trip had taken them all the way from Hamburg to Munich. It was in front of a library that the group stood, where apparently there next angel was to be found. Walking towards the library, the kid, Brandon, started enthusiastically walking towards it like he was going to-

    'You know what must be done.'

    Richard walked over to Brandon and put an arm on his shoulder. When Brandon gave a confused look at Richard it was replaced with one of simple compliance. Richard was giving him a cold death stare, as if telling Brandon to not jump into the angel conversation again. However, the group still walked into the library to go and find their new angel crew member.
  16. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    LOCATION Library Munchin, Deutschland

    Kai in the wooden chair at his desk cataloging the old books. Frau Meinster apparently had more for him to enter into the system. They were in the process of converting everything from an analog record keeping to a digital one for productivity. Quite frankly, Kai preferred it the old way. It was part of what gave their library its charm. It was big, old, dusty, and unique. Hardly anyone used the card catalogs anymore for record keeping and it was a pain to convert. The new computer at his desk was open to the library's new internal catalog system which he was responsible for adding every book too. This was his punishment for not coming for Anneliese on his day off. Somehow, she managed to luck out from having to do it with him. Apparently he was the only one on staff responsible for adding all the books to the system -- and it is a large library. Fifteen employees and he is the only one Frau Meinster has doing it. Das schrullige alte Blässhuhn.

    He opened the front cover to a book on German poets and ran his finger over the brittle old paper. This book had years of wear on it, dating back to 1987. It was ones like this that he enjoyed the most. They were classics. He didn't really think others had the right to check them out. They were obviously allowed to read them in the safe confines of the library, but he wasn't a fan of them leaving the building. Now, people would be able to easily look up the books they want on the computer, rather than ask him for help, and these works of art would disappear overnight without his knowledge. It made him uneasy. He entered the ISB number into the system, then set it on the shelving cart to be returned to its proper place. This was going to take ages by himself.

  17. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Thursday, October 24th, 2013 | Day 33: 3/4 | Music | Location: Munich, Germany | ooc:
    It was clearly getting to the point where Adam was bored out of his mind. All of them were out and about looking around for the angel in the library, which he didn't understand why it was so difficult when they had a compass that could lead them directly to it, but he didn't bother with it. He decided to wander off on his own and look around the library.
    It wasn't necessarily that he hated books, he just didn't like libraries. The quiet atmosphere always bugged him, or maybe it was the people. Either way, it wasn't his favorite place to go. And in the end, he didn't read too many books either.
    Adam wandered more towards the back of the library, paying attention to the books more so than the people. He was trying to make a guess what they translated into. He was failing at it horribly though and he could tell. One book he picked up was called Reizende kleine Liebhaber, he was fully convinced it had something to do with underwear because the middle word sounded like Klein, like Calvin Klein.
    Adam stopped in front of a shelving cart, and he picked up a couple of books and scanned through them. Finally he picked up a book in English and he looked at it and whispered to himself, "Wow... didn't think there'd be one I actually understood..."
    Hey, you know German. Can you read me a German story if I get one? ...Semyaza?
    He looked out of the corner of his eye and saw there was a desk with someone working at it.
    Fine I'll learn it on my own if I have to...
    He put the English book down on the cart again and decided to walk over to the desk and leaned his elbow against it, "Do you know if there are any books that teach German to English speaking people? Even if it is just basic? I know absolutely no German..."
  18. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    LOCATION Library Munchin, Deutschland

    Footsteps sounded, permeating the silent sanctuary that Kai called home. He glanced up from the book in front of his face to see a young blond - haired boy approaching him. He had striking blue eyes and seemed to be headed directly for him. Kai groaned internally and shut the book. He hated it when patrons came to him for help. They always thought he was just coming off snobbish by not saying anything to them. They were always, "It's a library, I get it. That doesn't mean you can't tell us ...." and so on. He couldn't wait to see what this one had to ask. The boy came to a stop at Kai's desk and rested his elbow on the dark wood. He narrowed his reddish - brown eyes at the kid's elbow and pressed his lips together into a flat line. Do you know if there are any books that teach German to English speaking people? Even if it is just basic? I know absolutely no German...

    Ah Brits. If he didn't know German then why was he even in a German library? Kai clicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth and grabbed a pen. He wrote down on a sticky note the location of the language books and pointed towards the non - fiction on the north end of the building. Auf diese Weise. Hopefully the kid would get it because he didn't feel like writing in English or attempting to change the language on his phone.

    He glanced at the time on his computer and then looked back at the teenager. It was almost the end of his shift and he wanted to get out of there before Frau Meinster made him stay later to continue working on the cataloging. The only thing really holding him up now was the kid. He sighed and grabbed another sheet of paper.

    Is there something else I can help you with?

    He wrote in English, ensuring that the kid would understand. If he needed a language translation book, then the odds were pretty high that he didn't know how to read even the simplest of German sentences.

  19. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Ah libraries. Of course a fallen angel would be hidden out in such an establishment. Why was it so obvious that an angel would be here? Brandon didn't actually have a reason, he just thought that it was. Regardless somewhere along the line the gang split up to go hunt for their angel friend who was hidden away upon this never ending sea of tomes. Whilst searching for the man Brandon kept looking at all the different books. Feeling like a kid in an adult shop, he had absolutely no idea what anything meant. Despite his confusion he continued onward until he ran into a person browsing through a section. Walking up to him the boy cheerfully said, "hello. Would you happen to be a fallen angel?" This question was met with a look of utter confusion by the person. The person wondered if the boy was alright and did say no, and then just sort of awkwardly walked away from Brandon. This process continued for about two other library goers until Brandon finally found Adan talking to some guy. Wondering if Adan was on to something Brandon decided to walk to where the two were. "Hey there Adan, is this the fallen angel guy we were looking for?"
  20. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Thursday, October 24th, 2013 | Day 33: 4/4 | Music | Location: Munich, Germany | ooc:
    Adam was entirely sure why the man wasn't talking, but he wasn't going to bring it up. For all he knew, the man in front of him could have been mute, had a sore throat, or just didn't want to talk. Adam was just glad the man knew how to write English.
    Is there something else I can help you with?
    Adam was going to speak before he heard a voice that totally threw him off.
    "Hey there Adan, is this the fallen angel guy we were looking for?"
    Adam was looking in the direction of Kai at that moment and although he wasn't sure if Brandon was the expression he made. Unwillingly Adam's eyes had narrowed and his expression screamed Are you ****ing kidding me.
    Adam slowly turned to Brandon with a straight face and crossed his arms and let out a breath, "Brandon." Adam looked up at the ceiling to compose himself for a moment before he looked down, "Most people don't casually walk around asking people are you a fallen angel. And even if I did ask him, how do you know if he knows he is a Fallen angel? I didn't know about it at first, you probably didn't know about it at first. So just casually walking up and expecting a why yes I am a fallen angel as a response it just... not normal at all."
    Adam looked over at Kai and spoke, "Now that you probably are confused or think we are crazy... Have you noticed any strange experiences in your life lately that made you question why it was happening?"
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