⍭he ℱallen

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by Hyuge ✧, May 14, 2013.

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  1. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood


    Danel appeared in the living room. He could feel the link breaking. His dark brown eyes rested on the white - haired girl. Her skin was pale and her lips were bluing. It didn't look like she was even going to wake up once more. He sat down beside her and gave her a slight nudge. "Harbonah. Hey. Are you in there?" The boy was sitting in the living room as well, but Danel didn't acknowledge him, not at first. All he cared about was the woman with the life seeping out of her.

    Barely. I don't think I can wake up.

    He sighed. "Do you need anything?" he asked her.

    I don't think there is really anything you can do. You should give Adam my ring though. This way he can ask you for help should anything happen.

    Danel shook his head. "Do you want to talk to him?" She didn't respond. He slipped his ring off his finger and handed it to the boy. "Here. If you want to say anything to her before she's gone, you'll be able to hear her with this." He leaned back on the couch, putting a bit of space between himself and Harbonah. The boy looked pretty broken up.

    "Bonnie? Please tell me this guy isn't just lying about me hearing you..."

    He wondered what she might be telling him, but it didn't really matter. Danel pursed his lips and rose to his feet. He moved to the window and sighed.

    "You're dying... I thought you said you wouldn't... because he didn't hit somewhere vital."

    Danel spotted figures in the distance. It wouldn't be long until they found Adam. Would the boy want to come with him?

    "Please don't die, I need you... I still don't know what I am doing... I..." the boy choked.

    The people were getting closer and he glanced back at Harbonah. Her face had scrunched up in discomfort. She obviously was having a tough time. It's time for us to go BonBon.

    "It's because of that knife... why did that knife have to be used at all... aren't you... are you scared at all?"

    "Adam ..." he started softly.

    "I'm sorry I couldn't help you. I wish I wasn't so weak or I would have..."

    Danel shook his head before returning his gaze to the window.

    "I'll try... thanks Bonnie, for everything you've done for me. I'm just sorry I have to see you go..."

    They were almost to the door now. Danel turned around to face the boy. "Adam, I'm taking her with me. Do you want to stay here?" He approached Harbonah's lifeless body and lifted her into his arms. Danel sighed and held her close.

    "...yeah... I'll stay here... please take care of her..." he replied.

    Danel nodded. "Of course. If you need anything, you can call for me with that ring. It has a link with the one on Harbonah's finger, along with Temeluchas. I'll be taking Bonnie's. It looks like you're about to have company too." He pointed to the front door.


    There was a knock at the door and he shrouded himself in the black mist. Danel gave him a long sad shake of the head before disappearing. "Later."

  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    'How long has it been since you slept?'

    'Two, three, maybe four days. I don't remember.'

    'So suddenly someone with your mental capacity can't remember something so simple? You're dragging your feet already. Go a few days without sleep and suddenly you humans are weak and slow as children. Just let me take over and-'

    'No. While you were human I saw you kill your own wife, you'd have no reservations on killing the others the moment I give you control. What the hell's your problem anyways? You're Fallen too.'

    'If I was going to kill them, don't you think I would have let those weaklings die back at Norway? They deserve to die. Don't you dare lump me in the same group as--wait...'

    'What? No witty comeback? Getting soft?'

    'How did you know that woman I killed was my wife?'

    'I just...knew.'

    'Digging through my memories isn't something you should be doing.'

    'Like you haven't done the same to me. Is killing anyone who gets close to us something you get your kicks out of? You killed your wife and you were ready to kill mine too!'

    'Goddammit Henrik, just shut up. NOW. You're just a human you wouldn't-'

    'What? Did I piss you off? I thought you were above petty human emotions. Is this a touchy subject? IS IT?'

    'This isn't the first time we've made nephilim, okay!?'

    'What. Are. You. Saying?'

    'The further we go in our reincarnations, the more memories and powers we lose. Two lifetimes ago...I don't know how, but...I couldn't let it come into this world. I wouldn't. Not when I knew what kind of attention could be drawn.'

    'So you-'

    Henrik crossed his arms once they arrived, having kept silent the entire trip. A recent argument, if it could really be called that, with Lei left him unsettled. His thoughts returned to that of Iris and his unborn, or possibly already-born, children. Every moment they wasted here was a moment he was away from his family. Did they really need anyone else to add to their group? Last time he checked, Shane had done nothing other than stop a blade with his chest. If their battle plan was to march straight into Hell and use all of the weaker members as fodder, then maybe he would have agreed with such an idea but given that there was still only a handful of them that hardly seemed logical.

    Of course, they could train...but that too would take too much time. He sighed out and raised a hand to rub his eyes to shake off the weariness he was feeling. The longer they waited, the more appealing storming the gates of Hell with the much more powerful Lei in control seemed to be. The only reason why he hadn't tried that was Lei's own attitude towards nephilim. If Lei somehow managed to survive and even triumph over any resistance he found, if he ran across Henrik's own children... That in mind, Henrik tried to keep his anger in check.
  3. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Monday, October 21st, 2013 | Day 30: 2/4 | Music | Location: --- | ooc:
    The male angel from yesterday had appeared in the living room and ignored Adam and walked straight up to Bonnie and asked, "Harbonah. Hey. Are you in there?"
    Adam almost found it insulting, but apparently from the sound of things he was talking to her. Could he read her mind or something? Adam sat forward in curiosity.
    "Do you need anything? Do you want to talk to him?"
    After a moment the male angel slipped a ring off of his finger and handed it to Adam stating, "Here. If you want to say anything to her before she's gone, you'll be able to hear her with this."
    Adam's eyes widened as he slipped the ring on his finger and he looked towards her, "Bonnie? Please tell me this guy isn't just lying about me hearing you..."
    He's not. I'm here
    "You're dying... I thought you said you wouldn't... because he didn't hit somewhere vital."
    I was wrong. Obsidian weapons are tricky. I didn't die immediately because of it, but they have special properties. I thought the stitches might help since it slowed the excessive blood loss, but it wasn't enough.
    Adam wanted to cry, but managed to hold the tears in, "Please don't die, I need you... I still don't know what I am doing... I..."
    I'm sorry Adam. I really am. If there was something I could do ... Danel and Lu can help you. She's a *****, but she's strong. Danel is more level-headed. I wish I didn't have to go.​
    Oh his name is Danel...
    "Its because of that knife... why did that knife have to be used at all... aren't you... are you scared at all?"
    I'm a little scared. I really don't know what to expect. It isn't natural for angels to die. I've seen what happens to humans after they die, both good and bad, but never an angel. The ones that are like you, they would normally recycle and be reborn; but not when they are attacked with obsidian.
    "Adam ..."
    He heard it but was too busy listening to Bonnie to respond.
    It does things to us. We die permanently. I've been alive for so long... I won't come back and I don't know where I'm going. I wonder if this is what the mortals feel like ...
    "I'm sorry I couldn't help you. I wish I wasn't so weak or I would have..."
    Adam, there's nothing you could have done. You can't blame yourself. I'm sorry I couldn't train you longer, but you'll do fine. I know you have it in you to lead. You just have to believe in yourself the way Semyaza and I do.
    "I'll try... thanks Bonnie, for everything you've done for me. I'm just sorry I have to see you go..."
    Goodbye Puppet. I think ... I think I have to go now...
    "Adam, I'm taking her with me. Do you want to stay here?"
    Adam looked over at Danel. He felt safe here, he still felt safe here. He didn't want to know where he would be taken if he went with him. So he shook his head and replied, "...yeah... I'll stay here... please take care of her..."
    "Of course. If you need anything, you can call for me with that ring. It has a link with the one on Harbonah's finger, along with Temeluchas. I'll be taking Bonnie's. It looks like you're about to have company too."
    Adam looked at him with confusion before he responded, "Company?"
    There was a knock on the door and Adam quickly turned his head towards the door. He turned back to Danel to see him shaking his head, "Later."
    "Hello, anyone home?"
    Calm down and just open the door.
    Adam looked over at the door again in concern, who would be visiting him? He wasn't going to just walk up unprepared. He took the ring off of his finger and put it in his pocket, then he walked over to his grandfather's cabinet and pulled out his hunting knife(covered up with a plastic) and he put that in his other pocket.
    Adam slowly walked over to the door, it may have taken him about a minute to actually go and answer the door. Before Adam opened it, he inserted the sliding chain lock and then unlocked the bolt lock. He opened up the door slightly, to see the group of people he had seen yesterday, only... much closer. He knew it was them, he could just tell.
    The person in front of him was a boy around his age. He looked him directly in the eyes for a second before looking at the rest of the group and politely smiling, "Good morning... I didn't know people were still around."

  4. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 30 - 2/4 | DATE: October 21st, 2013 [Monday] | LOCATION: Adam's Grandfather's House in Carlisle, England

    The morning hadn't been good for Sam. From the moment he woke up, he was sore in pretty much every part of his body. He was still sore as they walked over to wherever this Adam kid was. The feeling was just absolutely horrible, any sort of movement made him feel pain. Suffice it to say, Sam was not fond of the idea of walking in the least bit. At least it was relatively short. Relatively. It felt like a long time as they walked.

    When they finally got to the house, Sam was relieved. He wouldn't have to walk anymore. He could relax a little bit and let his sore muscles take a break. It was at this point that he could really go for a dip in a hot tub. Let the heat take away all of the pain and let the bubbles tickle his skin to relax him. Unfortunately for him, that dip in the hot tub wouldn't be happening any time soon.

    The kid knocked on the door and asked if anyone was home. If the compass was anything to go by, he should be in there. Well, should be. Whether or not it was this Adam guy, they had no definitive way of saying. For all they knew, this Adam that Harbonah mentioned could be somewhere else entirely. Fingers were crossed that he was there, though.

    After hearing some locks being fiddled with, the door opened slightly and a kid peered out from the other side. "Good morning... I didn't know people were still around."

    "We're not exactly from around here." He scratched his head. Even doing that much hurt. He really pushed himself the other day. "Anyways, is your name Adam?"
  5. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Monday, October 21st, 2013 | Day 30: 2/4 | Music | Location: --- | ooc:
    Adam looked at this group of people, many of them looked exhausted as he scanned through them. He still had little to no trust in them, but he opened up the door a little more.
    "We're not exactly from around here."
    He traced the voice to a man and stared at him while keeping his thoughts from appearing on his face.
    It's him! He's the-
    Don't be stupid. I know what you want to do. Don't. He is Abaddon the Angel of Destruction. Who knows how connected this man is with his angel. If it is a strong connection, he could kill you without trying.
    "Anyways, is your name Adam?"
    Adam didn't know whether to be surprised or not that he knew his name. He raised an eyebrow and spoke, "Yes, it is. Do I know you?"
  6. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Brandon was quite delighted to see the person answer the door. He seemed to lock eyes with Brandon and then quickly scan the entire group behind him. Looking behind him Brandon did take note of how this probably looked really weird. Then when he turned his attention back to the boy, Compadre walked in front of him. He seemed to think that this person was indeed the Adam they were looking for. And after mere seconds later it was revealed that he was indeed Adam. Woohoo. Brandon turned to face the now known to be Adam person and decided to introduce himself. "Hey there Adan, I'm Brandon."

    After the introduction he thought about what to do next...only for him to not really end up putting any thought into his next action. "You see, as far fetched as it seems, we're fallen angels who're are banning together to stop the forces of hell from destroying the world and causing a whole hell on earth scenario." Brandon continued to think about what to say next. He hadn't really done this whole recruiting thing before, and wasn't entirely sure what to do now that he was talking to the person they were trying to recruit. "Sooo, what do you think?"
  7. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood

    Lu appeared in her bedroom and eyed the already awake Alistair. She shook her head and twisted her long brown hair around her finger. She looked tired and out of sorts. Temeluchas felt the connection break and heard Danel say something about burning Harbonah's remains. She didn't feel like attending that funeral pyre. They had been bound together and while she did not necessarily care for Danel or Harbonah, breaking the connection left her drained. "Alistair," she said exhausted, "Would you care to go on a little trip?"

    She knew what she wanted to do with Iris now and she was interested in seeing the outcome. Lu motioned with her pointer finger for him to approach and she opened her bedroom door, heading down the hall. She needed to gather the resting woman and wake her up. This would also give Alistair the opportunity to do something rather than just be a ****ing idiot and waste her time. He agreed to help them and yet he was doing nothing to grow stronger. She was tired of that. Even the kid was strong than the Angel of Death.

    "You really have been doing nothing to improve your strength and regain your powers. This will not be tolerated. It's an embarrassment to be completely honest." She unlocked the doors and came to a stop next to the metal table with the woman asleep on it. She looked so peaceful and it disgusted Lu. "You're going to need this." Temeluchas snapped her fingers and a thick coat appeared on Alistair's shoulders. "And she's going to need to wake up. That's unfortunate. I like her better like this..." Lu pressed her pointer finger to the woman's forehead and black mist seemed to seep out of Iris and coil its way up her arm. It only took half a second before the woman began to stir. With that in mind, Lu dressed the human in the same manner as Alistair and grabbed them both before the woman could completely awaken.

  8. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    W E A R I N G S O L V E ? M U S I C

    TRAVELING with a half-injured party was no easy task and although this wasn't really his operation, Leo couldn't help but feel annoyed at the sluggish pace in which the group was moving. He was a patient guy, so it wasn't all bad, but much longer like this and they would all be trying him.

    Although most of the time, Hay Sun's tongue annoyed him, he was actually glad she seemed to be back to her normal self. Seeing her thoughtful and quiet was completely out of character [ although it wasn't that hard to discern what she was thinking about ] and almost annoying . . . Maybe a little worrying, as well.

    Brandon knocked at the door once they arrived at the given location from Harbonah, and then a moment later the boy named Adam cautiously answered – Leo took a long moment to see him as Semyaza and narrowed his eyes. Raziel and the Grigori had an . . . Well, 'interesting' was one way to put it, but their relationship had been relatively strained, as had Raziel's relationship with most others, and he had to admit, Leo thought it went the same way with the Grigori. There were few in the Angel ranks that trusted the Watchers, and Raziel was one of them.

    Good morning . . . I didn't know people were still around.

    We're not exactly from around here. Samuel replied. Anyways, is your name Adam?

    Well, at least they weren't beating around the bush when it came to identifying and pursuing. He eyed Samuel's movements and realized that the group was more worn out than Leo originally thought. They really weren't trained very well or for long enough, were they? This made him almost anxious about their future against the Dark Angels.

    Adam firstly raised an eyebrow, and although the suspicion wasn't unexpected, Leo was a bit disappointed. He had definitely been around Harbonah for too long. Just how too-late were they? Yes, it is. Do I know you?

    Hey there Adan – . . . Adan. Leo thought that he could strangle Brandon right then and there. He seemed to have a bad way with names, but it was honestly pressing on his last nerve. – I'm Brandon.

    More like Brandumb. Hay Sun muttered under her breath. Leo almost vocally agreed with her.

    And then BranduBrandon began to explain the situation, right then and there, outside, in broad daylight, to a boy who none of them had ever seen before, who had been in cooperation with Dark Angels, and . . . Leo could list every single thing wrong with this situation, and it took nearly every ounce of his strength to resist palming his forehead.

    Sooo, what do you think?

    I think that Adam might as well call the warden of the nearest nuthouse and try to check us in. Hay Sun said before Adam could reply.

    Tsk. This was the smoothest operation yet. Leo looked at Adam to gauge his reaction, but decided to talk before he could get anything. Excuse us for imposing. Would you mind inviting us inside He tossed a narrow-eyed glance at Brandon – so that we can better explain the situation? In case more of the Possessed show up. We're not fit for another struggle against them yet . . . You, as well. Could you not try a sneak attack on us? We're too tired for that, though I'm sure we'll have no troubles putting you down if we have to. Betraying him, Leo's voice actually sounded exhausted and tired at the end.

    ιllιlı.ıl L lııl E lııl O lıιllιlı.
  9. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Monday, October 21st, 2013 | Day 30: 2/4 | Music | Location: --- | ooc:
    "Hey there Adan, I'm Brandon."
    Adam turned his head to a boy who looked about his age, and sounded as though he was from the U.K. He simply responded, "Hello Brandon."
    "You see, as far fetched as it seems, we're fallen angels who're are banning together to stop the forces of hell from destroying the world and causing a whole hell on earth scenario."
    Adam just stared at the boy for a moment and wasn't sure how to respond. He was impressed by how fast Brandon was willing to just say, Hi, we are fallen angels.
    "Sooo, what do you think?"
    I personally find this to be rather humorous, I don't know about you. No background checks? No, "Have you had prior experiences with angels?" nothing. He just jumped right in there.
    Adam opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by another voice.
    I think that Adam might as well call the warden of the nearest nuthouse and try to check us in.
    Adam let out a chuckle involuntarily at that.
    Excuse us for imposing. Would you mind inviting us inside
    Adam looked over quickly to the new voice who had spoken.
    – so that we can better explain the situation? In case more of the Possessed show up. We're not fit for another struggle against them yet . . . You, as well. Could you not try a sneak attack on us? We're too tired for that, though I'm sure we'll have no troubles putting you down if we have to.
    Adam stared at him for a moment longer before he looked at the rest of the group, "I was starting to think you were all clueless." he looked back over to the man who had spoken, "Better explain what situation exactly? Yours or mine? I think I know my situation pretty well. How about all of you?"
    Good start, do you need any help with anything?
    What do you think I should say?
    Adam repeated the words Semyaza spoke to him, "You all look horribly lost, exhausted even. You look like you don't even know what direction you are going in. What are you doing? Why are you gathering together? Amuse me."
    Adam shut the door and pulled out the sliding lock and opened the door again a crack, "I'll listen if you respect me enough to not pull that gorgeous little knife on me. I like existing." he fully opened the door and waved them in and walked towards the kitchen, "Would anyone like some tea?"
  10. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DAY 30 ⦙ 3/4 DATE Monday ⦙ October 21 , 2013
    LOCATION Carlisle [Adam's] INTERACTION Adam

    Hana was physically restraining herself from ripping out her hair. How did they manage to do anything while they were in Rome? At least Jun Tae stepped in to do damage control before things could get any worse. She sighed.

    Excuse us for imposing. Would you mind inviting us inside so that we can better explain the situation? In case more of the Possessed show up. We're not fit for another struggle against them yet . . . You, as well. Could you not try a sneak attack on us? We're too tired for that, though I'm sure we'll have no troubles putting you down if we have to.

    Perhaps he wasn't doing that much damage control after all. Hana shook her head from in the back of the group, burying her face in her hands. This was a complete and utter mess. Were any of them able to actually talk to strangers in a relatively normal manner?

    Adam was silent for a long moment. Hana lifted her head to get a real look at him. Semyaza. No wonder the Dark Angels wanted him. With him on their side, he could easily persuade other Fallen to join their side without threats and torture as an advantage. I was starting to think you were all clueless. he looked back over to Leo, Better explain what situation exactly? Yours or mine? I think I know my situation pretty well. How about all of you?

    That didn't really seem like a good start. How much of his situation did he exactly know? Better yet, how much of it was accurate? Dark Angels would tell a person pretty much anything they wanted to hear if it meant cooperation. If he was with Harbonah, then he could believe any number of things by now.

    You all look horribly lost, exhausted even. You look like you don't even know what direction you are going in. What are you doing? Why are you gathering together? Amuse me. Adam shut the door and pulled out the sliding lock, reopening it just a crack. I'll listen if you respect me enough to not pull that gorgeous little knife on me. I like existing. he fully opened the door and waved them in and walked towards the kitchen, Would anyone like some tea?

    Hana took a seat on the couch, leaning on the armrest with her head in her hand. Tea sounds wonderful, thank you Adam. she replied courteously. He disappeared into the kitchen for a few minutes. She took the time to think over his questions. When he finally returned with a pot of tea and clean cups, she took one graciously and leaned back into the soft cushioning of the couch. I'd first like to apologize for how rude so of the others. Adam, my name is Xathanael. You may call me Hana if you wish. She lifted the tea cup to her lips and took a small sip. It was heavenly. No one had eaten properly in a few days and sipping down the hot liquid really hit the spot. You need not worry about the Obsidian knife. No one intends to use it on you, even if a fight were to break out. Killing someone with one is one of the most severe of crimes.

    She sighed softly. Ambriel did not deserve to die and she would never wish it upon anyone -- even Harbonah. Had the Dark Angel survived? We are here because we're trying to gather help. The Dark Angels, Lucifer himself even, are planning an Uprise against Paradise. I have a feeling that given your unique source of knowledge, that you know this much. The more we can recruit, the more likely we are to stop them. Everything they have been doing to the humans is purely to gain power and they already have. Hana rubbed her eyes wearily. I would be interested to hear what they've told you, Semyaza.

  11. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Monday, October 21st, 2013 | Day 30: 3/4 | Music | Location: --- | ooc:
    Tea sounds wonderful, thank you Adam.
    Regardless whether or not someone had said yes, Adam was making it anyway. He needed it if he was going to make it though this conversation without going completely insane.
    What do I do?
    Good question.
    What, no help?
    As long as no one is pulling a knife on you, obsidian or not, this is your show.
    Adam walked back in with clean ups and a teapot. He took one and poured himself a cup and brought it to his lips and drank it as he listened to someone speak.
    I'd first like to apologize for how rude so of the others. Adam, my name is Xathanael. You may call me Hana if you wish.
    Adam simply smiled in response and spoke, "Nice to meet you Hana."
    You need not worry about the Obsidian knife. No one intends to use it on you, even if a fight were to break out. Killing someone with one is one of the most severe of crimes.
    Yes, but how do you punish one already punished to the point they don't even know they are being punished?
    We are here because we're trying to gather help. The Dark Angels, Lucifer himself even, are planning an Uprise against Paradise. I have a feeling that given your unique source of knowledge, that you know this much. The more we can recruit, the more likely we are to stop them. Everything they have been doing to the humans is purely to gain power and they already have.
    Adam thought about his school and he felt his pinky twitch for a moment, but stopped it. He watched Hana rub her eyes and speak, I would be interested to hear what they've told you, Semyaza.
    Adam placed his cup down and leaned his hand against his chin pondering it, what exactly had they told him that wasn't the same thing in a reverse setting, "They worded the same situation as a fight for equality rather than a fight to conquer."
    And you stopped yourself there why?
    I don't know what else...
    Are you kidding me?
    I have been going along with Bonnie all this time because she made me feel good it was only until 3 days ago I actually got into a real focus of things.
    Well say something.
    Adam picked up the cup of tea again, his inner defeatist rose out as he mumbled, "That's all I know, I've been following them like a good little pu-"
    Adam stopped talking in mid sentence and quickly looked down. He could only feel his hands and lost his sight.
    And this is where I stop you from getting stupid.
    I thought you said it was my show.
    I didn't expect you to give up so fast because you couldn't find an exit.
    Oh god no...
    "Ignore me, I'm tired. I just watched someone die." Adam chucked, looking up again and continuing, "But a fight for equality made... sense to me. No side likes to be held down while another is praised. And I thought about the situation... on Hell's side, everyone is fighting and willing to help. Is Paradise helping you?"
  12. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "But a fight for equality made... sense to me. No side likes to be held down while another is praised. And I thought about the situation... on Hell's side, everyone is fighting and willing to help. Is Paradise helping you?"

    Lei wanted to answer this in Henrik's stead and he could feel the angel pushing on his consciousness wanting to strike out towards Adam. 'Relax. If we need to stab him you'll be the first person I'll come to.' Henrik cleared his throat and, since no one else seemed to step up to respond to Adam, he chose to do so. "The problem with that kind of thinking is the assumption that Fallen, or even Dark Angels, deserve equality. They don't." He narrowed his eyes towards Adam. "Paradise, has helped enough. The less intervention we have from those who haven't fallen, the better. It's not their fight."

    Henrik pulled out the obsidian knife though he did not point it towards Adam, not yet at least. "If they want equality, they can have it in death."

    'Finally, something we can agree on. Now kill him. That's Semyaza you know. We don't need his kind here. He's already on their side.'

    'And if I threaten him now that hardly guarantees us his trust.'

    'I didn't ask you to threaten him. I told you to kill him. He's one of the worst there is. We'd be doing everyone a favor by finishing him off now. Even without my help you should have the power to-'

    Henrik silenced Lei with a bit of willpower, something that he had been working on to get control over his own mind, and stuffed the knife back in his coat pocket. If Adam, or Semyaza, refused to join them that only made him their enemy and the less they had, the better. Henrik pulled his hand away from his pocket but kept his mind focused on where the blade was in case things went south. "No need to be so selfish. There's more to fight for than just yourself. Unless, of course, you'd prefer the Earth to look like a wasteland."
  13. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Monday, October 21st, 2013 | Day 30: 3/4 | Music | Location: --- | ooc:
    "The problem with that kind of thinking is the assumption that Fallen, or even Dark Angels, deserve equality. They don't .Paradise, has helped enough. The less intervention we have from those who haven't fallen, the better. It's not their fight."
    Adam raised an eyebrow at this statement before he noticed the man pull out a knife, although Adam was freaking out inside, a smile appeared on his face.
    "If they want equality, they can have it in death."
    Then after a moment the man put the knife away and continued, "No need to be so selfish. There's more to fight for than just yourself. Unless, of course, you'd prefer the Earth to look like a wasteland."
    Adam shook his head and laughed loudly, "This is an uprising against Paradise, and it isn't their fight? That is like saying a declaration of war in Italy is Canada's fight. I appreciate the indirect threat with the knife, it either shows your lack of reasoning or self control."
    Adam stood up from his seat and started pacing the room, "I am well aware there is more to the fight than myself." Adam was then released from Semyaza's control and he stopped where he was, but Semyaza still spoke
    "But I am human after all, and if I want to survive I will make a smart decision. Look at you all. You all are exhausted because you have been fighting what Hell has created. This is clearly only the beginning, and I would hate to think that you all want to keep fighting like this, exhausting yourselves all the time."
    I am giving you a direction to go. Take it and run with it. I'll tell you a couple things to say every now and then
    Adam held his head because he was dizzy, but tried not to show it, "You all have a right to what you believe in, it is always stronger if you back up your beliefs and I am all for that. But I believe you all are making a mistake... some of you have to be smarter than this..."
    He let go of his head but this time he knew his face showed his exhaustion and he hated that he lost his control of hiding it, "I don't think the underdogs are winning this one... I have seen firsthand how these dark angels can change people and how they can kill them. Have you met my...friend, Alana? I know you have." He looked directly at the purple haired girl in the room as he spoke of Alana and then he looked away, "I can't stop you from doing what you wish to do, but I am offering perspective."
    He sat back down again in his chair and spoke, "You are all fighting with little to no help from Paradise, to help a place you were all cast out from. You are willing to stand up against the forces of Hell, a place that has unlimited potential to make more forces from any other human around here. You are all willing to become harmed, or even die, to back up a world that already appears to be destroying itself."
    Adam closed his eyes again and felt his dizziness go away, before he opened his eyes again and looked at the group, "Or maybe it is just me being negative or naive. Go ahead and tell me if my reasoning is flawed. I just figured I'd say what I think."
  14. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Brandon was sitting there, listening to all this Adan had to say. He was trying to throw at them all of these different reasons why their war to save Paradise from the forces of Hell was flawed and there wasn't much of a reason to do so. He had to admit the kid did bring up some good points, but at the end of the day, everything he said was kind of lost on Brandon. It wasn't that he couldn't understand or couldn't comprehend what was said, but more so because of his own beliefs at the moment. Once all was said and done, Brandon sat up straight and raised his hand. "If I may say something." He lowered his hand down.

    "I think I get what you're saying about how we stand no chance and we are fighting a war that doesn't technically have anything to do with us, but I think that's wrong. You see, you said that you're human, and you also said that you've seen what the dark angels and hell can do. But the thing is, I'm human too, and I've also seen what they can do. They caused earthquakes that wrecked the city, a massive electrical storm that ravaged throughout Europe, blew up a plane, and caused a massive demon zombie invasion thing to happen. So if you see it like this, they're destroying the earth and killing humans all along the way to Paradise. Now I fight this not because I'm an angel, but because I'm human, and want to protect my home that I live in, not some Paradise in the sky above. And if I don't it's not like there are many more who can." Brandon slouched down for a second before coming back up to finish what he was saying. "So yeah, I guess it would be stupid to say a declaration of war on Italy is Canada's fight. But when that same declarer decides to march on Canada and destroy everything in it before going to Italy, don't you think it becomes their fight too? I'm not going to sit back and watch the whole world burn down when I could've done something about it."
  15. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DAY 30 ⦙ 3/4 DATE Monday ⦙ October 21 , 2013
    LOCATION Carlisle [Adam's] INTERACTION Adam

    Hana watched as Adam paced around the living room. She sipped her tea in silence, her blue eyes never leaving him. It hurt, the validity in his words. He did have good points. Most of the others had joined blindly, even with her attempts to explain the situation. Adam was well informed. Convincing him would take a lot of work and even if they did manage to break through to him, it didn't mean he would follow. Adam was Semyaza. He was a leader and his words were hypnotic. Hana almost wanted to give into them, but she knew what that would mean. If they could manage to coerce Adam to join, he would make for an excellent recruiter. She sighed and sipped away at her tea.

    He sat back down in his chair and spoke, You are all fighting with little to no help from Paradise, to help a place you were all cast out from. You are willing to stand up against the forces of Hell, a place that has unlimited potential to make more forces from any other human around here. You are all willing to become harmed, or even die, to back up a world that already appears to be destroying itself.
    Paradise is not destroying itself. She didn't need to be in Heaven to know that. The humans, however, were destroying their home and now the Dark Angels were helping with that. Humans are so easily swayed. Their emotions cloud their judgement. They make rash decisions and do the wrong thing because it is the easiest. That's why doing what is good feels so rewarding. It is easy to do the wrong thing. Doing good requires hard work and dedication. One does not always receive recognition for doing what is right and that can be discouraging, but if one does not try, then hope slowly starts to disappear.
    Or maybe it is just me being negative or naive. Go ahead and tell me if my reasoning is flawed. I just figured I'd say what I think.
    The sound of Adam's voice broke her of her thoughts. Hana noticed a hand go up in the air and she almost tossed her tea cup to the floor wanting to jump across the room to stop Brandon from saying anything. They were already making a rather unsuccessful attempt at recruiting. If I may say something. He lowered his hand down. Please don't, she pleaded internally. Hana buried her face in her hands after setting the cup down on the end table.
    I think I get what you're saying about how we stand no chance and we are fighting a war that doesn't technically have anything to do with us, but I think that's wrong. You see, you said that you're human, and you also said that you've seen what the Dark Angels and Hell can do. But the thing is, I'm human too, and I've also seen what they can do. They caused earthquakes that wrecked the city, a massive electrical storm that ravaged throughout Europe, blew up a plane --
    Planes, she corrected.
    -- And caused a massive demon zombie invasion thing to happen. So if you see it like this, they're destroying the earth and killing humans all along the way to Paradise. Now I fight this not because I'm an angel, but because I'm human, and want to protect my home that I live in, not some Paradise in the sky above. And if I don't it's not like there are many more who can.
    Brandon slouched down for a second before coming back up to finish what he was saying. So yeah, I guess it would be stupid to say a declaration of war on Italy is Canada's fight. But when that same declarer decides to march on Canada and destroy everything in it before going to Italy, don't you think it becomes their fight too? I'm not going to sit back and watch the whole world burn down when I could've done something about it.
    Hana lifted her head and stared at the blond boy dumbfounded. She honestly didn't believe that an intelligent thought could come from his head and yet here he was, proving her -- and probably everyone else as well -- wrong. Her lids opened and shut as she blinked in astonishment. It took far too long for her to regain her composure. She nodded her head and clapped her hands together. Right. Brandon made a significantly wonderful point. You see Adam, angels are not supposed to meddle in the affairs of humans. Until the Dark Angels actually make it to the Gates of Paradise, they are technically not allowed to involve themselves. I don't want you to believe that this means they are leaving all the work to us. They are counting on us -- hoping -- to do what we can to slow down or prevent an Uprising because they are not suppose to leave Heaven unless under orders. The ones that have been involving themselves -- she gave a sideways glance to Hay Sun, then back to Adam, have already been punished for doing so.
    She mashed her lips together in thought for a moment before finishing with: Heaven has to be on the defensive in this situation. That is another part of the reason why swarms of angels aren't rushing down to Earth to help. They need to ready themselves in the likelihood that we cannot stop the Dark Angels and they manage to reach the Gates. Just imagine what it would be like for the other humans for a moment. So many of them spend their lives believing that we don't exist or they spend their lives putting too much belief in our names. If the angels still in Paradise came now, before the war took full force, it would honestly shatter their minds and belief systems. So many people only call upon us when they are desperate, rather than asking for help immediately. That is the life they have built for us. We can't help every mortal, but we can do our best to maintain the balances of nature.
    There is an imbalance growing that only gets stronger as each day goes by. If you think of it from a mythological standpoint, even the Gods could not destroy Titans without the help of the Demigods. In this situation, the other angels and Father are the gods, the Dark Angels and Lucifer are the titans, and we -- The Fallen -- are the demigods. We are not as strong as what we once were, but none of us are weak either. We need all the help we can get to save Canada and protect Italy.

  16. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    [/url] Lu always had quite the convenient timing and just before he could do anything the girl had appeared before him. Unlike her usual haughty self, she looked weak and fatigued, something Alistair immediately took notice to. He wondered just what it was that caused this and began to think about the other day. Despite his medical workings the white haired girl's situation must have worsen and seemed to affect Temeluchas. It wasn't emotional fatigue, Alistair could see that, but he was sure the scenario must have worsened.

    Regardless of this thought, it had seemed Alistair's prediction had come true and that his medical experience was just a mere wast of time for the white haired dark angel. Lu began to signal him to come with her and without a word Alistair merely sighed as he followed without a word. She began to speak about how weak and lazy he was about his powers and Alistair merely closed his eyes and merely chuckled softly as he shook his head.

    It wasn't a mocking chuckle like his usual one, but one that just came out. He knew he hadn't really been advancing in the slightest and the blades he could summon were nothing impressive. He really was slacking, but it wasn't the easiest thing to do, especially with everything going on. "That is true...though you cant blame me...after all with all the slicing, yelling and special trips, I've really hadn't the time to really work on this" Alistair said. In general the powers that he did unlock were no help from Lu.

    With that said, Alistair merely followed his mistress into the room that held Iris. He was quite curious about what exactly Lu was going to do with the woman, but Alistair would see soon enough. The jacket that rested on his shoulders made him even more curious and soon enough Lu grabbed him and Iris.
  17. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Monday, October 21st, 2013 | Day 30: 3/4 | Music | Location: --- | ooc:
    Adam stared for a pretty long time after this boy spoke. His points were valid, the way he spoke about it was true to him, and it was actually very inspirational.
    Well damn, can I have this kid that Barachiel is fortunate enough to have? I mean, granted, he could use a little work but he's got more confidence than you.
    Adam frowned listening to Semyaza and then realized Hana was speaking, and he listened to her as well. Brandon's speech had lit a flame in a couple of people in the room, maybe it was just because the kid proved himself somehow?
    There is an imbalance growing that only gets stronger as each day goes by. If you think of it from a mythological standpoint, even the Gods could not destroy Titans without the help of the Demigods. In this situation, the other angels and Father are the gods, the Dark Angels and Lucifer are the titans, and we -- The Fallen -- are the demigods. We are not as strong as what we once were, but none of us are weak either. We need all the help we can get to save Canada and protect Italy.
    Adam had no idea how to respond to any of these two points, they were so passionately spoken. So instinctively he started to applaud, when he was done he put his hands on his knees and spoke, "I love the meaning behind your words. You are truthful to them, they aren't being forced out. I can't get enough of that."
    Adam took a deep breath as he spoke, "I think it is sad. Hearing about angels getting punished for actually trying to get involved. What a way to tell someone that doing what you feel is right is not approved of. But I guess not everyone thinks the same way." he scratched the back of his neck as he continued, "But, sometimes, you have to abandon your home. For your own sake. What better way to describe it then this city. Everyone left here to protect their lives, and most of them succeeded. Sometimes, your life is more important than your home. A man can have no home but still have a life, but when you have no life, who needs a home?"
    He put his hand back down again and spoke, "Yeah, I'm selfish as you clearly put it." He said as he looked over to the man that housed Araquiel and then continued, "But who isn't? Don't tell me you aren't." He then looked back over and chose to look at Hana, "I like living, and if it means I have to walk a path disapproved of by some, so be it. As long as I'm still breathing it is worth it."
  18. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 30 - 3/4 | DATE: October 21st, 2013 [Monday] | LOCATION: Adam's Grandfather's House in Carlisle, England

    After hearing Brandon speak, she was simply amazed by how he could just come out and say that so confidently. Even Victor and Tessa were shocked.

    "Di... Did... Did that kid just make sense?"

    "Thaaaaaaaaaat'ssssssss~ something I did NOT see coooooommmiiiiiiiiinnnggg~!" It was certainly impressive that he could say something like that. They started to doubt if that was the same person from before. He certainly looked like the same guy, but the words that came out of his mouth didn't sound like him. It wasn't rambling in the hopes of making people feel better.

    Afterwards, Hana spoke and Adam responded. Though, the entire time he spoke, he didn't even once mention anything about coming along with them. Would he come? That was the whole point of them coming there.

    "Why do you guys even care about having another person tag along anyways? We just got rid of some people. Why can't you be happy with the size of our party?"

    "Buuuuuuuuuuuut~... if this guy makes more fun, I certainly wouldn't miiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnd~"

    "Well I would, so butt out, dumbass." It was because the group got smaller that they had to work harder to get people. They needed a whole lot more people if they were gonna be able to do anything against those Dark Angels.

    "S-s-so..." The timid girl tried to speak. "Wi-will you be coming with us?" The voices in her head started to bicker again as she awaited an answer.
  19. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Monday, October 21st, 2013 | Day 30: 3/4 | Music | Location: --- | ooc:
    "S-s-so... Wi-will you be coming with us?"
    Adam searched to find the voice and matched it up with a girl who was so white it instantly reminded him of Bonnie.
    Damn, call her Snow White she's so pale. I like apples, maybe she likes app-
    Ow! No need to shout!
    Stop it, stop it!
    On appearance Adam was grabbing his head in horrible pain and on the verge of tears, "Stop it... stop it... stop it..."
    Adam looked up realizing he was shouting out extremely loud and looked back over at the girl who apparently was hosting Azazel. Adam looked over at Hana afterwards and then at the rest in the room, and out of no where Adam got up and walked out of the room holding his head whispering as tears poured out of his eyes, "Just go..."
  20. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood

    The mist dissipated into the icy temperatures of the snowy tundra. The lands were vast and empty. Off in the distance lay signs of a small town. Snow was falling lightly around them and Temeluchas had a firm hand wrapped around Iris's bicep. Her wings fluttered behind her back, brushing off snow, and she exhaled slowly. "Welcome to Syberia lady and gent. I do hope you enjoy your stay, for it will be awhile before anyone comes to find you." She shook Iris's arm and gave her a push forward.

    "Alistair," she snapped with a smile on her face, "I have something for you to do and until you can do it right, you are not leaving here either." Lu held out her free hand and his possessions appeared in it. The mist engulfed it all before it was gone and and she continued. "There is a man here. He currently has no memories and I want you to find him." She spoke as she continued to push Iris in the direction of town. "He has golden blond hair. It's all A - symmetrical or what-the-fuck-ever. There will probably be some long necklace hanging from around his neck with a large pendent on it. His eyes are so pale - gold they look almost white. And he has golden - bronzed skin. Fucking cheeky golden bastard." She muttered the last part to herself.

    "He'll probably be radiating that whole 'touched by an angel,' good guy vibe. When those others figure out where he is, they will undoubtedly come for him. You need to destroy him before then. I don't care if you kill him or demoralize him, but he can't be fit to join them when the time comes. This will give you the perfect opportunity to test out your powers." She waved her hand in the air. "Go crazy. Kill some townsfolk. Rape some women. Whatever. Oh wait ... That's riiiiiiight." Lu stopped walking for a moment and she locked eyes with him. A smirk crossed her lips and she chuckled to herself. "How a man of your age hasn't had sex yet is beyond me. Hm. You could rape some women and pop your cherry." She laughed and poked him in the chest before giving a dark glance at Iris.

    Lu continued to march them to town. The cold did not affect her, so she was dressed in a skirt and sweater as always. The other two were so bundled up it was disgusting. When they reached the edge of town, there was not a single person in sight. It only made sense for all of the inhabitants to be warm inside their homes and businesses. She snatched Alistair by the wrist and a coil of mist went from Iris's hand to his. It wrapped around like a rope before disappearing out of sight. "This has the both of you connected. You can't run home without him and he's not going to be flying off to bring you beck to Henrik soon." She made an X over her heart. "Have fun you two." Then disappeared.

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