⍭he ℱallen

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by Hyuge ✧, May 14, 2013.

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  1. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    As they walked into the warehouse, they were greeted by a man. He said something, although they had no idea what since it was in Norwegian. This was not good, though not unexpected.

    "Ah, dammit. We don't have any way of talking to this guy without a translator." Sam scratched the back of his head as he spoke. How would they convince him to come along? Talking was pretty much out of the question unless he could speak in English, and fighting him unprovoked would leave a bad impression on him. There weren't many options for them. "Anybody have any ideas?"

    "Umm... N-none that I can think of at t-the moment..." The pale girl spoke up.

    "Great... This is just perfect." Sam had an utterly annoyed look on his face. He could only hope that, through some kind of miracle, he could speak English. Even just a little. Enough to understand a greeting at the very least. He ran his fingers through his hair. "Do. You. Understand. English?" He spoke slowly, putting added emphasis on each word. Although at this point, it seemed like there was slim to no chance of this guy speaking any English.

    OOC: Phone posts are fu~n
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    His eyes snapped open in reaction to the familiar presence. The two warring consciousnesses had no other choice but to set their anger towards each other aside and wake up. He ran downstairs, the scent and sight of smoke thick in the air. Iris was nowhere to be seen. She was no longer in the house. He clenched his fists and shook as he walked through the flames towards the remnants of the mist, unphased by the heat. He narrowed his eyes as the mist vanished leaving him in nothing but the fire and the knowledge that Lu had done this. It had been a mistake fighting with him and prolonging their conflict for so long. Because he had been distracted, Temeluchas had been able to slip away with the Iris and the twin nephilim she was carrying.

    This was his worst failure. Hatred that could not even be directed towards his enemy was all that remained but after a moment of thought, one last hope stayed with him. Even if Iris could not be saved he knew that it was still possible that his own influence would be stronger than anything Lu could bring to his nephilim. Even if that was even partially true, it would buy him time. His eyes shifted towards the spreading flames as he raised both hands, palms facing outwards towards the blaze. "Can't let the place burn to the ground." He muttered in a dark tone, twisting his hands and balling them into fists in one smooth motion to suffocate the fire. It took several moments but the flames had been extinguished. He took in a deep breath, for the first time in decades remembering how weak the human body was. The damage to the first floor was extensive but nothing had been lost that could not be replaced. Nothing except for Iris.

    Lei touched a hand to his forehead to wipe off a drop of sweat, his anger only intensifying at how long and how much effort he needed to put out the fire. 'I better save all the flashy stuff for killing Lu. Now either I find her or I lure her back to us.'

    'Can you even do either?!' Henrik's own thought's pushed into Lei's.

    'Maybe not. I should, however, posses sufficient strength to kill her. That is, however, if you don't mind the risk of destroying this body.'

    'How can I believe you? What good is that if we can't even save Iris!?'

    Lei touched a hand to his forehead, or rather Henrik's, and shook his head to clear the headache that came with Henrik's mental shouts. 'She's nothing but a pissy sidekick to me. If she's still on this plane I might be able to track her through her little vanishing act. Getting to her would be another story. I can't just start wasting our strength on teleporting about. If she isn't on Earth though...I'm sorry.'
  3. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood

    Harbonah watched as Adam seemed to struggle with what to say. Ah. So he was beginning to surface. At least they were communicating with one another now. Adam blinked before he spoke, He says he is sorry.

    She raised a skeptical brow.

    Adam gasped for a moment before his eyes almost shined brighter, No need to be dishonest pretty boy, you are really going to piss me off with that." Adam grinned and continued, I said I was sick of you toying around with him, but it seems I have spoken out too late. He can't even say out loud how sick of it he is. He even falls for every trick in the book...

    A dark smile spread across Bonnie's face and she coiled her fingers in the hair at the back of his neck. Well now, this was quite the development.

    Adam bowed his head slightly in respect then looked back into Bonnie's eyes, It is nice to speak to you again Harbonah. But you know I don't like being led. I like being followed, or at least in equal standing. And it isn't long until pretty boy feels the same way.

    Semyaza, Semyaza, Semyaza. She chided. Her blue eyes gazed deeply into his, finally seeing the flicker of a spirit long forgotten. "Adam needs my help. You've been lazy for too long. Without me, he'll just die. They'll come for him and he'll be too weak to do anything without my assistance. As much as I'd like for him to rise to your former glory and be the leader he is meant to be, he is not there yet. Surely you must know that. She smiled and rubbed her thumb lightly against his cheekbone. Adam dear, I'm not trying to hurt you. I'm trying to help you. You have so much potential and I just want you to excel at what you do best. Lead. You see that right? Her tone was pleading. It's why I let you have a day off from training, so that I wouldn't run you into the ground. Even athletes need to take a break, right?

    She patted him lightly on the cheek. Semyaza, we both know that if you take control of his body for too long, he'll die from exhaustion. He can't handle this yet. Adam needs more conditioning to be able to host you in an active state. You know what happens if he dies. You go back to sleep in a newborn. Then what sense of purpose do you have? Doesn't it feel better to be alive? I just need Adam to be complacent for a little bit longer is all.
  4. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Friday, October 18th, 2013 | Day 27: 3/4 | Music | Location: --- | ooc:
    Semyaza, Semyaza, Semyaza. Adam needs my help. You've been lazy for too long. Without me, he'll just die. They'll come for him and he'll be too weak to do anything without my assistance. As much as I'd like for him to rise to your former glory and be the leader he is meant to be, he is not there yet. Surely you must know that.
    Adam raised an eyebrow and spoke, "Lazy? I wouldn't put it that way. More so, obstacles. And I know how weak he was and still is, I have to thank you for getting him at least this strong."
    Adam dear, I'm not trying to hurt you. I'm trying to help you. You have so much potential and I just want you to excel at what you do best. Lead. You see that right? It's why I let you have a day off from training, so that I wouldn't run you into the ground. Even athletes need to take a break, right?
    I know...
    Semyaza, we both know that if you take control of his body for too long, he'll die from exhaustion. He can't handle this yet. Adam needs more conditioning to be able to host you in an active state. You know what happens if he dies. You go back to sleep in a newborn. Then what sense of purpose do you have? Doesn't it feel better to be alive? I just need Adam to be complacent for a little bit longer is all.
    What? I'll die?! Then stop it!
    Give me a minute longer kid, I'm almost done.
    "I know what would happen, I've already accidentally killed a previous human that way. Do what you want with him, I don't want to control him all the time, that would get seriously annoying. But if you or something else threatens his life, I'm not going to just let it happen." Adam closed his eyes and his grin slowly disappeared, "Until next time."
    It was almost as though the gasp he had when he was controlled was released. And Adam's head collapsed on Bonnie's shoulder. He felt like all the energy he had not too long ago way wiped out in an instant, and Adam slowly moved his head up and looked at Bonnie with a tired face, "I don't like that..."
  5. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Out of all the places for them to end up at, the last one he expected was a abandoned warehouse. He couldn't help but wonder why someone would be here in the first place. Still when they walked in they were greeted by a man, not that he understood just what it was that he'd said. Great, that just made things even more complicated, noe how were they suppose to explain anything.

    Unfortunately his mind drew a blank when it came to any helpful idea. They could try to act out what they were saying, but aside from looking ridiculous that'd probably add on to the confusion that they already were experiencing. His mind continued to sort through possible idea that could remotely help them, but not a single one of them ended up being suggested.
  6. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood

    I know what would happen, I've already accidentally killed a previous human that way. Do what you want with him, I don't want to control him all the time, that would get seriously annoying. But if you or something else threatens his life, I'm not going to just let it happen.

    Harbonah rolled her eyes. I wouldn't threaten his life when I very much need him alive. She shook her head and the white bangs brushed against her eyelashes.

    Adam closed his eyes and his grin slowly disappeared, Until next time. Adam's head collapsed on Bonnie's shoulder. He looked tired -- utterly and completely drained. Adam slowly moved his head up and looked at Bonnie with a tired face, I don't like that...

    She stroked his hair and gave him a knowing, concerned expression. I know puppet. No one ever does. she cooed. Bonnie gave him a kiss on the forehead. Let's go home. You could use some rest after such an experience. Just remember that it will get easier as you grow stronger. There was a tender smile on her face. Threatening Adam would do her little good. Semyaza would be useless as a baby. She needed Adam alive and well. Try not to be so reckless next time, she whispered softly into his ear as the swirling black mist worked its way up their bodies. Everything went black, and rain began to shower down once more.

  7. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Richard bare liksom sto der og ser på folk som han skulle ha snakket med. Yup de var utlendinger alright. Det var som de ikke synes å forstå et ord han hadde sagt i det hele tatt, om enn de var bare tre ord, men likevel. Da mannen begynte å snakke med ham i noen form for språk som han hadde absolutt ingen anelse om hva han sa i det minste. Han viste til sin mystiske mannen motstander mannen og sa: "så hva tror du om dette?"

    "Vel," han så ut til å være grublet, "korrigere meg hvis jeg tar feil, men jeg tror han snakker på engelsk." Han trakk på skuldrene litt og sa, "men er ikke engelsk som en super felles språk eller noe. Burde ikke du har lært det på et tidspunkt."

    Richard ga sin felles apatisk utseende til ham og sa: "du fortalte meg at du kjente meg, så forteller du meg?"

    Han startet nikker hodet på det spørsmålet, "høyre, høyre, for lat til å lære at andre språk. Vel, hva vil du gjøre?"

    "Kom tilbake til fekting jeg gjette. Også hvis engelsk er et slikt felles språk hvorfor ikke du snakke for meg i stedet?"

    Da mystiske mannen begynte å trekke seg litt unna, med en nervøs se på ansiktet hans, "godt du se ... vente som faktisk oppsummerer det opp perfekt. Du ser. Gjør de ikke. Bare du kan høre meg eller se meg . til de andre sannsynligvis du ser ut som du snakker til deg selv eller noe. " Richard øyne .... ikke virkelig endre på uttrykket i det hele tatt. "Å, så du er ikke sint da, at jeg ikke fortelle deg det ennå?"

    "Har egentlig ikke forandre noe nå virker det?" Han sukket og så på mannen som var tydelig fremmed herfra. Han gjorde egentlig ikke vet hva du skal gjøre i denne situasjonen annet enn skuldertrekk og gå over til hans. Plukke den opp han tilfeldig begynte å gå ut av lageret, egentlig ikke ønsker å håndtere denne situasjonen.

    Ooc: For the Not Norwegian speaking

    Richard just sort of stood there looking at the people who he was supposed to be talking with. Yup they were foreigners alright. It was like they didn't seem to understand a word he had said at all, albeit they were only three words, but still. Then the man started to speak to him in some sort of language that he had absolutely no idea what he was saying in the slightest. He turned to his mystery man opponent man and said, "so what do you make of this?"

    "Well," he looked to be pondering, "correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe he's speaking in english." He shrugged a bit and said, "but isn't english like a super common language or something. Shouldn't you have learned it at some point."

    Richard gave his common apathetic look to him and said, "you told me that you knew me, so you tell me?"

    He started nodding his head at that question,"right, right, too lazy to learn that other language. Well what do you want to do?"

    "Go back to fencing I guess. Also if english is such a common language why don't you speak for me instead ?"

    Then the mystery man started to retreat a bit away, with a nervous look on his face, "well you see...wait that actually sums that up perfectly. You see. They don't. Only you can hear me or see me. To the others you probably look like you're talking to yourself or something." Richard's eyes....didn't really change in expression at all. "Oh so you aren't mad then, that I didn't tell you that yet?"

    "Doesn't really change anything now does it?" He sighed and looked at the man who was clearly foreign from here. He didn't really know what to do in this situation other than shrug and walk over to his. Picking it up he casually began to walk out of the warehouse, not really wanting to deal with this situation.
  8. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DAY 27 ⦙ 3/4 DATE Friday ⦙ October 18, 2013
    LOCATION Northampton [Hotel] INTERACTION

    They had just checked into a hotel in Northampton, doing their best to avoid the mayhem that seemed to follow the moment the jet touched down in London. Things had clearly spread, but now that Hana thought more on it, she was starting it wonder if it had even originated there to begin with. With the way the rest of the country was looking, it seemed doubtful. Things were only getting worse. They had to fight off a few on their way this far north, which wasn't very far at all. Hana didn't want to stray too far from London, given the fact that they had no idea where to go, but she also wanted to get out of the city desperately.

    When they were about to head to the rooms, she asked Leo for his phone. It would be faster and cheaper to make a call from his cell phone rather than going in search of a payphone, plus, she didn't want to risk heading outside on her own. Her number was already programmed into the device given the number of times they had spoken to one another. She wondered if Sam would still be obliged to answer if he saw Jun Tae's name appear on the caller ID. Hana stood out in the hall holding the phone up to her ear and clenching Luria in her other hand. When the ringing ended, and the phone line clicked, she scowled at the wall.
    We're back in England since it took you guys too long to finally come get us. she said without any formal greeting. What is taking so long? I figured you would be back on that plane by now. Hana sounded snappy and frustrated -- she was snappy and frustrated. They were losing too much time like this. We need to hurry up and regroup.
  9. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Friday, October 18th, 2013 | Day 27: 3/4 | Music | Location: --- | ooc:
    I know puppet. No one ever does.
    Puppet... that is a lovely thing to be called...
    Bonnie kissed him on the forehead and spoke, Let's go home. You could use some rest after such an experience. Just remember that it will get easier as you grow stronger.
    Adam nodded at her and looked at her as she smiled. He'd smile back if he had the energy, but he didn't. She moved towards his ear and whispered softly,Try not to be so reckless next time,
    As soon as she said it the black mist began to engulf them. At this point the mist was something he was used to, so he didn't freak out like he normally would. He just continued looking at Bonnie across from him. As it fully engulfed the two he finally thought to himself.
    If that was as reckless as you are making it out to be, I am afraid of what is supposedly worse...
    She had brought him back to the house and hold him to lie down, which he did unarguably. He stopped paying attention to what was going on in the room after that, he was so exhausted. After a little while he closed his eyes.
    Don't you start thinking that because I had you run off I mean for you to start betraying her, kiddo.
    Adam opened his eyes and he looked over at the wall.
    I did it for two reasons, one was for Harbonah to know I was finally in your head. The second was to see if you would actually listen to me.
    I have a name you know.
    Oh really? I honestly, thought you had no name.
    Would you mind calling me by it?
    Alright Graham, we can do that.
    Adam's eyes widened in response and he looked to another part of the wall.
    My name is Adam not Graham.
    Your name is Graham Pike the Third but you go by your baptismal name Adam. And I really hate the name Adam.
    Well don't call me Graham.
    It's either Graham or no name at all pretty boy.
    Fine fine, don't call me by anything, Angel dear.
    Oh no, you aren't doing that one.
    Why? Name preferred?
    Yes, Semyaza is preferred.
    Well I really hate the name Semyaza.
    There was a silence in his mind, so he closed his eyes again.
    So... Adam. How does it feel to have someone else in your head?
    Annoying when you are trying to sleep.
    Well you won't have to worry about me. I will stop talking as much after today.
    And the whole controlling me thing?
    I didn't think it would work.
    Adam opened his eyes again staring at the ceiling and he whispered out loud, "What?"
    I thought you'd be too weak for it. I was chancing your death there... it was why I was trying to give you your own freedom to speak for me at first. I know, you must HATE the idea of having someone completely take over everything you do. With Harbonah she does her best to keep you liking her, and doesn't force you to do anything. Sooo, so far you must really hate me.
    I don-
    Don't lie to me, I hate it too. So how about this, you listen to what I tell you, I give you freedom.
    Sounds like America...
    Funny. Do we have a deal then?
    What do you mean... listen to what you tell me?
    Smart one, it means you do whatever I tell you to.
    Hell no.
    So you would rather me control you and have you die?
    I'm not doing everything you tell me.
    I'm not going to tell you to do anything stupid or life threatening. It'd be more, "Hey Adam, you see that apple tree? Cut it down."
    That sounds stupid to me.
    I am just giving a bland example.
    Fine, but on one condition.
    Adam turned on his side and stared at the wall that was across from his room, rather than next to his bed.
    If you want me to speak for you, I can choose whether or not to actually say it.
    There was a loud laughter that ran through his head that quickly gave him a headache. He grabbed his ears to block it out, but realized it was in his head. He gritted his teeth until the laughing subsided and he sat up pissed off.
    What the HELL was that for?
    You wish to censor me? Why?
    I don't trust you.
    Or is it that you don't want me to upset anyone?
    That is part of it.
    Then it is a deal then. It will be fun working with you.
    Adam grabbed his head and layed back down on the bed. He did not like how this was starting off at all.
  10. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    W E A R I N G W R I T I N G M U S I C



    It was annoying as hell for Hay Sun to be mothered over about her damned leg that was already feeling universes better, compared to when the adrenaline from escaping from the whorehouse wore off. She couldn't stand the thought or to see others worrying about her in such a paternal way because it brought back unpleasant/pleasant memories that she never seemed to be able to escaped. A part of her hoped that being with asshole-Jun Tae would lessen some of the angst, but even he seemed to worry and care for her in his dumb, convoluted way.

    Now she was spread out on one of the beds in the the shared-with-her-brother room, laying on her back and staring at the ceiling that seemed miles away. ❝I'm surprised to let her use your phone.❞ she commented.

    Jun Tae was sitting in a recliner in the corner, tapping away at his laptop. His initial reply was a simple shrug of the shoulders that Hay Sun didn't see, and she scowled, turning her head to look at him only to find that he was staring back. Okay, that wasn't expected. ❝Is there something on my face?❞ she asked, almost snapping.

    Beside that repulsive mouth of yours?❞ he retorted, and she came to a sitting position to jump out of bed and strangle him. He shook his head and she felt like she was willed to sit back down. ❝Your leg is still injured.❞

    Hay Sun was lying on her back again, staring at him more. ❝You know you can't restrain me for long.❞ she told him, almost conversationally.

    You let yourself think that.

    . . . Man, she really couldn't stand this guy. ❝Reeeeeed . . . ❞ she complained out loudly, her voice echoing off the walls, ❝Get this asshole away from me before I kill him.❞ She moved to flip to her side, and Jun Tae resumed to type at his computer.

  11. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 27 - 3/4 | DATE: October 18th, 2013 [Sunday] | LOCATION: Abandoned warehouse in Kristiansand, Norway

    The guy seemingly had a conversation with himself before going to leave the warehouse. As Sam went to go after him, without warning, Red's phone started to ring. He pulled it out of his pocket and looked at the Caller ID. Sam wasn't too pleased with the name that it showed: Jun Tae. He had an extremely annoyed face the moment he read his name. "What the hell does this asshole even want?" Sam was in for a pleasant surprise when he answered. Not even a sound had escaped him before the voice on the other side spoke.

    "We're back in England since it took you guys too long to finally come get us," she said without any formal greeting. It was Red, calling from Jun Tae's phone. Great, so that meant he was with them at that moment. "What is taking so long? I figured you would be back on that plane by now." Red sounded snappy and frustrated. He didn't like the sound of that. "We need to hurry up and regroup."

    "Well hello to you too. Anyways, it's a good thing you called. We're having a bit of trouble talking to this guy..." He looked to the guy who was leaving the warehouse. "See... we... or rather... I kind of... sort of... might have gotten into a fight with someone in front of his house.... So..." Sam started to scratch the back of his head. "We didn't exactly convince him to come along with us... So... we need you to talk to this guy for us because, well, we can't speak Norwegian..." He had no idea how she was going to react, but for now, he should give the phone to that guy. Sam ran up behind him and put his hand on his shoulder. "So, I'm just gonna hand this phone off to him and..." Before he finished speaking, he held out the phone to the stranger and motioned for him to take it.
  12. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Richard was continuing his walk to leave the warehouse when suddenly a phone went off ringing. Really that didn't change his pace much as he listened to foreign conversation without knowing at all what was we being spoken. He had almost left when the big, most foreign looking, one of the group handed the phone off to Richard. 'Great,' he thought. This meant that he could either be a rude ass and just leave them be, or go and take the phone. "Oh come on Richard my boy, take the phone. They probably got someone who speaks your language on the other end so, it'd be wise to take it."

    Richard gave his same bored expression to the man before sighing and deciding to take the phone. He really didn't want to have much to do with this, but it wasn't like he had much of a choice in the manner. He took the phone in his lethargic manner and brought it up to speaking into it. "So who am I speaking with? And why exactly am I speaking with you?" Richard wasn't really being the most polite of people, but he wanted to get to the point of this seemingly pointless intrusion on his fencing time.
  13. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DAY 27 ⦙ 3/4 DATE Friday ⦙ October 18, 2013
    LOCATION Northampton [Hotel] INTERACTION Hay Sun, Samuel, & ??

    The phone was held to her ear as she tapped her foot impatiently. Well hello to you too. Anyways, it's a good thing you called. We're having a bit of trouble talking to this guy... What guy? What happened to having everything under control? See... we... or rather... I kind of... sort of... might have gotten into a fight with someone in front of his house.... So... She groaned in frustration. Could he be any less useful? We didn't exactly convince him to come along with us... So... we need you to talk to this guy for us because, well, we can't speak Norwegian...

    Well hurry up and put him on then, she quipped in annoyance.
    So, I'm just gonna hand this phone off to him and... There was a pause.
    Reeeeeed . . . Hay Sun complained out loud, her voice echoing off the walls, Get this ******* away from me before I kill him.

    Hana popped her head into the open doorway and glared daggers at the girl. Hay Sun, you should have more respect for your brother. He's family and family is the most important thing there is. she snapped. Last I checked, you hurt your leg, not your eyes. I'm on the phone. Her tone was sharp and final as she stepped away from the door and began to pace in the hall. There was a noise on the other end of the line and she sighed.

    So who am I speaking with? And why exactly am I speaking with you? It was definitely Norwegian.

    She pressed her lips into a fine line. If the others had messed up enough to lose the one person that could translate for them up there, then she was really in no mood to do it herself. The only problem, they would need whomever it was on the phone with her. My name is Xathanael. You can call me Hana. We are speaking because you reacted with a compass I received from an Archangel by the name of Gabriel. The compass led the others to you, which means you are an angel as well. I can't tell what one specifically as I am not with them at the moment, but I can assure you this is no joke. Recently there have been a lot of strange events occurring throughout the globe. Those events are products of the Dark Angels and their demon underlings. I'm sure whatever angel that is buried deep within you must understand this and we need your help. Why did she always have to sound crazy? Hana pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes. She could already feel a headache working its way through.

  14. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    My name is Xathanael. You can call me Hana. We are speaking because you reacted with a compass I received from an Archangel by the name of Gabriel. The compass led the others to you, which means you are an angel as well. I can't tell what one specifically as I am not with them at the moment, but I can assure you this is no joke. Recently there have been a lot of strange events occurring throughout the globe. Those events are products of the Dark Angels and their demon underlings. I'm sure whatever angel that is buried deep within you must understand this and we need your help.

    Richard listened to the explanation given to him by this Hana, or Xathanael, or whoever she really was. His facial expression didn't change the entire time he heard her talk about angels, magic compasses, dark angels, demons, and how all of these strange events around the world were somehow connected to each other. In short it sounded like complete an utter bullshit to him. Not to mention the fact that he was apparently an angel as well. Who exactly would believe any of this if some random stranger on a phone, from a group of foreigners told them this? Well Richard actually did. Sort of. He figured it would be just as plausible an explanation for everything going on around the world and to himself as well, as any other he could've heard. When he heard the whole "whatever angel that is buried deep within" part his eyes darted towards the mystery man. He simply gave a nervous grin and disappeared in his puff of white flame. However this was going to be a real bother, and he really wanted to be sure who he was working with. And honestly he was just really pissed off at his whole fencing time being interrupted.

    He muttered something into the phone though, before handing it back to the man who gave him the phone. White mist emanated from his body before he drew out his sword. He glared at the motley crew before him with a more serious expression than he had had on before. So what had the man said. Simple.
    "I want to be sure of who I'm working with, so tell them to bring out their strongest in a one on one fight against me so I can see just what you 'angels' are actually made of, and if you'll be worth my energy to help."
  15. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood

    There was a light knocking at the throne room doors before they glided smoothly open. A delicate timp timp timp sounded across the black marble floor and he looked up to see a white - haired beauty approach him. She held her posture perfectly, as poised as ever, and clasped her hands together behind her back. The Morning Star gazed at her sardonically and waved his hand to command her to speak. Harbonah nodded once before coming to a stop directly in front of the throne.

    "My Liege, I come bearing good news."

    "Go on," he replied.

    There was a triumphant grin on her face and he gazed at her expectantly. "Semyaza has surfaced finally. He is awake. It is only a matter of time before he can gain full control of the boy's body." She looked as if ready for praise.

    "Is that it?" the sound of his voice floated in a musical sneer through her mind. It was apparent that Harbonah had not been expecting such a reaction. Her expression rapidly changed.

    "I thought you would be pleased my Liege. This means that -- "

    "This means that you have spent all this time with the boy and the most you have managed to accomplish is to have Semyaza surface just now. If you were expecting to be rewarded Harbonah, you are sadly mistaken. Perhaps I should send Temeluchas to deal with him after all, for it seems that you have lost your touch." he interrupted.

    She looked outraged. "I do not need her to handle Adam. I am doing a fine job on my own."

    "It does not appear that way on my end. It took you this long for him to appear and you haven't even killed one of those impudent Fallen that think they can actually stop my plan. What point is your creation of those possessed if they aren't going to kill anyone? How far have they even truly spread?" His question was rhetorical. So far, she was a failure. "If you want to do me any good, then go destroy something. You are the Angel of Annihilation, Harbonah. Destruction should be as easy for you as it is for Abaddon. Look at how many of your creatures he's slain. What do you expect to do about that?"

    Harbonah was silent. She had been rendered speechless. Her head lowered and she bent down on one knee. "Forgive me my Liege. I have failed you. Please allow me the opportunity to make up for it."

    He watched as she fought the urge to lift her head and look at him. His fingers rapped on the ends of the armrests before footsteps sounded down the hall. He smiled, pleased to see the figure taking shape in the darkness. "Temeluchas, glad you could join us." Harbonah's muscles tightened. She was visually displeased to hear that they had a guest. He smiled darkly.

    "My Liege." She bowed her head before continuing forward. "I have come to tell you that I brought the woman. She is resting with the others." There was an evil smile that spread from ear to ear and he beckoned for her to come closer. Temeluchas knelt in front of him, the same as Harbonah, but he watched as the brunette shot the other girl a look of victory.

    "Well done. I would like for you to take Harbonah with you to Norway. She seems to have lost her touch."

    Her head snapped up. "Lucifer, Adam can't be -- "

    "Silence!" No one was ever allowed to speak out of turn. Her head lowered and she mumbled an apology. "You will do as I say. Someone else will tend to Semyaza during your absence. That is final. You are both dismissed."

    The two women rose to their feet. One looked confident and proud, the other wounded. He watched as they left the throne room and he tapped his ring. Danel. Come to me.

  16. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 27 - 3/4 | DATE: October 18th, 2013 [Friday] | LOCATION: Abandoned warehouse in Kristiansand, Norway

    The guy handed the phone back to him before drawing his sword. He put the phone to his ear, unsure of what just happened. "Red, what did this guy just say?"

    "He said, 'I want to be sure of who I'm working with, so tell them to bring out their strongest in a one on one fight against me so I can see just what you 'angels' are actually made of, and if you'll be worth my energy to help.'" A smile crept across Sam's face.

    "That's all I needed to hear. Thanks for the help, Red." He hung up the phone and placed it back in his pocket. "I know you don't understand me, but I'll gladly take you on." Sam reached into his other pocket and pull out his wand which transformed in his hand. He held the blade in front of him, holding it out to ready himself to counter his move. The blade glowed red as he held it. "Bring it on!" A pointless suggestion since he couldn't understand, but he felt the need to say it.
  17. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Richard stood there waiting for his now foreign opponent to engage him in battle. He could tell two things right off the bat about this man. One he got the message. Two, the tell tale sign of the message was the man smiling, so obviously this guy was some sort of fighting addict or something along those lines. He reached into his pocket and pulled something that seemed all too familiar. It looked like some sort of wand shaped thing that transformed into a sword. So his suspicions were true. The man started to glow a faint red color and seemed to be egging him on with whatever he was saying in english. With that out of the way he held his blade in front of him, as if it were going to help him any.

    Richard guessed that he was supposed to make the first move in their altercation, which would only further hinder this man's chance of victory. His stance seemed abysmal, like someone who just picked up a sword and started swinging it around thinking that they're some sort of sword master. Furthermore he was holding his blade out, which was a mistake that could end up costing him his life against anyone who actually knew what they were doing. Richard figured that going full on fencing wouldn't work against this man though, because he was fairly certain he wouldn't move in a straight line the same way Richard would. Richard brought his blade in close and then shot off at his opponent. As an a saber speed was quite an important thing to have, and it wasn't something Richard was lacking. When he got close enough to the man his saber ignited in its white flame and he went in for his attack. Rather than doing what he thought the man would think he would do, which would be to attack head on, Richard instead swung at the over extended blade. Hitting the blade would cause him to be jerked around by his moving sword, giving Richard an opportune moment to thoroughly carve him up. Once he beat his blade away he extended his blade forward, aimed for the man's not sword arm.
  18. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood


    I don't need your help," she scowled. They were standing outside. There was a warehouse in the distance and Harbonah crossed her arms. Why are we here anyway?

    Temeluchas rolled her eyes and tightened the bandages on her body. I could care less if you need me. The Dark Prince asked for me to accompany you and we're here because they are inside that building. She pointed to the large warehouse a hundred yards away. Honestly, if you weren't such a failure Bonnie, I wouldn't even need to be wasting my time supervising you. I could be watching my babies as they finish their last few days in those wretched mortal wombs.

    Harbonah wrinkled her nose in disgust. So just go then. I can do this easy - peasy. I just blast the building into pieces and unleash more of my creations. The instructions are simple. It's not like I'm going to screw that up. She pursed her lips. Mist thickened at her ankles and began to worm its way in every direction.

    That's not what he thinks. The Morning Star has clearly lost all faith in you and it's no surprise. It's starting to look like spending all that time with the mortal has turned you soft. You're not going to change sides are you? Lu raised a skeptical brow.

    Of course not! she snapped. Adam has done nothing to me. Honestly. You and Danel sound exactly the same. What about you? Huh? We both know what you did with Azrael's host. Real smooth Temeluchas. Bonnie made and X over her heart.

    Lu rolled her eyes again and snapped her fingers. Enough. We have work to do. How long until more of your machinations arrive? she asked impatiently.

    Harbonah bent down to tug on one of the taught black lines. Any minute now. In the mean time, can we watch those brutes beat each other up? It sounds like fun and it will make our job that much easier! She had already begun to skip forward. With one forward bound, she was off the ground and flying through the air. Harbonah came to a stop in one of the windows and watched from high above. Temeluchas appeared beside her in a cloud of mist before it disappeared. They each balanced perfectly in the broken window open window. Abaddon and Maalik seem pretty evenly matched. How interesting. Her white brows raised in wonderment and there was a derisive snort from Temeluchas.

  19. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Staying at the house was never going to get them anywhere. If Lu was going to go after them, she would be able to find them no matter where they went. She was obviously no on Earth. Not yet anyways. That only meant she dragged Iris to Hell. Their only option now was to stalk the others and pounce when she decided to show herself again. The other Fallen might not like the fact that they're being followed but Lei could hardly care about what a bunch of lowly humans thought. If they got in his way...well there could hardly be any negative consequences of that to him.

    'Við þurfum eitthvað að sofa. Nema þú myndir vilja sofa í bíl.' Lei winced as Henrik cut in with a language that took him several moments to place. Several moments too long which caused Henrik to continue with, 'It's Icelandic. I said we need to find somewhere to sleep unless you'd rather sleep in a car.'

    "Since when do you know Icelandic?" Lei knew exactly what languages Henrik had learned and that was not one of them.

    'I went through some of your memories. I guessed that angels would know hundreds of languages and I was right. Tomorrow I'll learn Arabic.'

    "You can't learn two languages in two days, Henrik. Especially not ones as difficult as those." Lei paused before he spoke again. "...Are you even holding up in there?"

    'My wife's been taken off the face of the Earth, she might be dead, and my two unborn children are going to face some unknown fate while I'm stuck without control of my own body. Yeah. Couldn't be better.' Henrik's anger only brought back the headache Lei had from before. 'And of course I can do something as trivial as that. I can count the number of people with an IQ near mine with one hand.'

    "You were right about angels having an ego." Lei muttered in annoyance as he returned his attention back to the road. Now that Henrik had mentioned it, he hadn't considered the possibility that Henrik would be able to sift through his memories just as easily as he had been able to do to Henrik. Lei hated to think of what would happen if his own past was exposed. Thankfully, Henrik seemed to be preoccupied with more...academic pursuits to keep him distracted.
  20. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 27 - 3/4 | DATE: October 18th, 2013 [Friday] | LOCATION: Abandoned warehouse in Kristiansand, Norway

    It was clear from his movements that the guy was trained in this manner of fighting. His form was flawless, with his execution making it seem like he's moving in slow-motion. It was definitely a sight to behold, and it was easy to forget that this guy was in a fight. As he distractedly watched the man move, he closed in and swung at Sam's blade, forcing it to move aside along with his arm. With this opportunity, the stranger stabbed at his injured shoulder. Again with the shoulder, what was it with everything happening to his shoulder? This was beginning to get annoying. He used his bare hand to deflect the saber. His hand got cut, but it was much better than getting stabbed in the shoulder yet again.

    He backed up a little bit to have some breathing room. That was something he wasn't fully expecting. When he looked at his hand, not only was it cut, but it was also a burnt. This guy has definitely been training to use his powers. It looked like there wasn't much for him to lose. He had been able to ignite his fists before, so maybe he could coat his blade in flames as well. Sam had never tried it before, but now was as good a time as any to try. He took a couple of deep breaths and pictured flames on his blade. Sure enough, scarlet flames coated his blade. I'll win no matter what!! He dragged the tip of his sword along the ground and swung his blade upward at his opponent, sending flames upward.
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