⍭he ℱallen

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by Hyuge ✧, May 14, 2013.

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  1. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DAY 14 ⦙ 3/5 DATE Saturday ⦙ October 05, 2013
    LOCATION Albany, NY [Warehouse] INTERACTION Hay Sun
    I know my limits, Red. Hay Sun told her. I know when to quit. I'll be fine.

    If you say so, Hana replied. At the sound of the door opening, she glanced over to see Joslyn walking in and taking a seat. Joslyn could use some training too, at least to defend herself. She was such a frail little thing. Blue eyes moved back to Hay Sun and Hana watched as the other girl entered the box on the floor and stretched.

    Ready to go, Red. she said, popping her neck with a rolling motion.

    Hana nodded and followed after her. She crossed over the line on the floor and exhaled deeply. All right. She lifted her arms up and bent her knees slightly. She wasn't exactly dressed for fighting, but it was a little late. Hana lunged forward, swinging her arm and disappearing from sight. Her fist connected with Hay Sun's shoulder. She stood behind the other girl, bouncing on the balls of her feet. Her glamour faded and she was prepared to use it again as soon as Hay Sun fought back. Using it only worked on them because of human soul within them. If they were their whole selves, then they would be able to see right through it. Her disguise was the strongest. It was what she excelled at. The Hidden One.

  2. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    W E A R I N G W R I T I N G M U S I C


    Red joined her in the ring and Hay Sun hopped into a loose fighting stance, beginning to bounce on the balls of her feet. She was lunged at and she tried to move out of the way, but Red's seemingly disappearing fist connected with her shoulder and she winced.

    Her ears alerted her to the presence behind her and she hopped back, steadily breathing in and out through her nose and mouth. She squared the girl up for a second. As a reference to her research, Xathanael was known as The Hidden One, which Hay Sun guessed related to her powers. This was going to make it hard to defend.

    She swiped a fist forward that just barely grazed Red's arm and she clicked her tongue, immediately leaning in to use the momentum for her other fist, which had success in connected with her opponents other arm. She lurched back and gazed over Red's limbs. It would prove beneficial to take out her legs, wouldn't it?

    She smoothly weaved around to the left side of Red, dropping to a squat and shooting out a low kick which she hoped would connect with the other's ankle.
  3. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    And so Alistair's search began for a shirt for his new mistress. "Man already she is a pain" Alistair said totally not realizing that pain was much more accurate than a simple statement would state. Since he lived alone in this manor he couldn't necessarily find anything girly at all. Taking the time he removed his own bloodstained clothes and changed into a nice fresh pair. Though this new pair would probably be stained later on, it still felt nice to change into fresh clothes. Continuing his search he soon came across a white blouse and soon enough began to head back to the girl.

    As he walked on Alistair's eyebrow raised as he watched her glance at the mist that had imprisoned him before was now showing her the images of others that weren't in the best situation. To no surprise to him, the girl was watching and giggling at their pain, watching their misery. His eyes trailed over to the heart that was resting on her chest and he merely stared at it for a mere second before continuing on. For all he cared she could have his heart, a load of crap it would do for her. He was merely a human and she refused to give him powers....what good was he to her? was he some form of entertainment to her? She'd best not thing that he was some sort of puppet otherwise he'd feel the same about her. He'd rather their relationship was more of a mutual thing where he entertained him while she entertained him.

    He was interested in the things to come and just what she was planning on doing with him. He was nothing like the other humans and he would show her just that fact. "Sorry to disturb your despair fetish...but here is your shirt...tis the best I can do for a lady" Alistair said holding up the blouse for her to take from him. What he was expecting was some form of rude curt reply or something.
  4. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 14 - 3/5 | DATE: October 5th, 2013, Saturday | LOCATION: Hotel ==> Warehouse in Albany, NY

    After waking up, Sam stretched a little bit and popped his neck a little bit. He quickly put on his jacket and went out and leaned against the same wall outside of the hotel. It didn't seem like much was going to happen this day, so he just leaned against the wall for some time. He just watched people come and go on the sidewalk. It wasn't much, but it was something to do. Although sitting around for a while with nothing do did seem a little boring. Maybe I should see if people are training in that warehouse... With nothing better to do, he walked over to the warehouse.

    Along the way, he picked a couple of pockets and made a cool four hundred dollars. It wasn't too hard to swipe those people's wallets anyways. As long as people aren't paying any attention, it's easy to slip something out of their pockets, let alone back pockets, without them noticing. All it takes is a deft hand and boom. Easy money. It was almost a laughable how easy it is to steal from people. Oh well, maybe they had it coming to them.

    At the warehouse, he opened the door to find something already going down. Hay Sun and little Red fighting. This would be interesting to see. He leaned against the wall and continued to watch the fight as it unfolded. Hay Sun certainly knows her way around a good fight, but I wonder how she's gonna deal with the invisibility? An curious smirk crawled across his face. At the very least, this would make for an interesting match.
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Henrik pulled the covers over Iris as she slept. The doctor didn't know what was wrong and only told them to come back if the situation worsened. Thirteen pounds. That was how much Iris had lost in just a few days. Her nightmares had worsened, she was getting paler...she was ill and the doctor had nothing useful to say about it. Henrik clenched his fists. He hadn't been feeling the same ever since that angel attacked him. Iris got weaker while he grew stronger. He was sure it wasn't some kind of "vampiric" effect. Touching Iris didn't cause him to get stronger. No, he had a different feeling when it came to whatever powers were stirring inside him.

    It would have taken others much longer, several days longer, to even come close to reaching this conclusion but the end result was the same. Henrik had no idea why Iris was getting sick. He was changing because of that crazy angel and Iris soon began to grow ill afterwards but was it just a coincidence or something more? He had no way to test his hypothesis without putting Iris's health in further danger and even if he did figure out what was causing it, he still had no way to make it better. Or maybe it was normal complications. Henrik was cautious and borderline paranoid, traits that were polar opposites to Iris's more trusting attitude and traits that were only intensified now that she was pregnant. He had too much to lose to not feel this way.

    He shook in anger as he sat on the bedside. 'It's not right. She shouldn't be feeling this way.' Black mist began to creep up from his legs but he paid no attention to it almost as if it was entirely natural. Henrik's eyes fixed on the stone Danel had given him. Henrik refused to call someone like that over. Besides, would Danel even help him? What would it cost if Danel agreed? What if he just turned on Henrik and hurt Iris? As his frustration built up the rock split in two by some unseen force. Somewhere, deep down, Henrik had made his choice.
  6. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DAY 14 ⦙ 3/5 DATE Saturday ⦙ October 05, 2013
    LOCATION Albany, NY [Warehouse] INTERACTION Hay Sun
    Hana winced when one fist grazed her arm and the other connected. She took a step back. Hay Sun got low nd began to sweep her leg. This again. Samuel had tried the same thing. She jumped straight up, getting a little higher than most humans would be capable of and landed gracefully. One swing. Two swing. Glamour. One swing. Two swing. Glamour. It was becoming a mantra. Agility and invisibility were her allies. She had always been fast. What she lacked in strength and overall power , she made up in speed and her namesake. One swing. Two swing. Glamour. Give up? She called out to Hay Sun when she was a few feet away. Hand panted and wiped her brow with the back of her hand.



    "Sorry to disturb your despair fetish...but here is your shirt...tis the best I can do for a lady." Alistair said holding up the blouse.

    She nodded without looking at him and snatched the blouse out of his hand. Her blue eye was focused on the smoky screen. "Thanks," she said flatly. Lu pulled the blouse on over her head and pressed her lips together in a fine line. She stroked the heart hanging from around her neck as if it had always been there. It made for an awkward bulge under the top,but she cared little. Temeluchas swatted the smoke away and the mist disappeared.

    Her gaze flashed to Alistair and she furrowed her brow. "Would you like to go for a trip?" Her voice was void of all emotion. It was time to collect that soul and then to check on Harbonah. Dealing with Azrael seemed far less appealing than causing mayhem in a private school.

  7. Shadox D. Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 13, 2009
    The Angel was still frozen for a few more minutes, even when Samuel awoke and exited the room. For some reason he couldn't move no matter how much he willed to. After the other Angel left the ice dissipated into vapor and Dante was free to move once again. His joints were stiff like if he hadn't moved for days. A slow recovery was sure to come, for each joint had to be independently moved around. His shoulders took most of the time needed to be able to move freely again, but he was still sore.

    What the hell happened? And what was with that crazy dream? Why am I so ****ing cold?

    The questions kept running through his brain as he made his way to a standing position. It was a slow process but it worked nonetheless. He felt like he couldn't get rid of the accursed cold.

    I have to see Xathanael, she will know what is wrong with me.

    He couldn't put on his jacket, so he was missing that. Forcing his legs to go, he limped over all the way to the curb next to the hotel. The Angel caught the attention of a cab and directed the driver to the warehouse. Joe, the driver, was clearly uncomfortable going to such a shady location, but he could not deny his customer service.

    Salgiel caught Samuel going into the warehouse and quickly paid the driver. He stumbled as fast as he could in after the other Angel and soon found himself in the warehouse. Hana and Hay Sun could clearly be seen fighting, but that didn't matter at the moment. Salgiel was starting to fall forward. In an attempt to catch himself, he grabbed Samuel's shoulder.

    His skin was as cold as ice. His eyes still glowing brightly.
  8. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    It seemed that Alistair didn't get the response that he was expecting, which probably meant her interest or attention was on him and more focused on whatever she was witnessing in the mist. The fact that she actually thanked him caught him slightly off guard and only furthered his belief that she really lost any form of interest...which he really didn't care for. The only thing that truly disappointed him was that things would possibly return to its dullness, but he was proven wrong once again.

    As he leaned again the desk she sat on, Alistair's eyes shifted over to her and his eye brow raised at the idea of going on a trip with her. "Sure...might as well kill some time" Alistair said. Surely whatever she had planned involved some sort of blood or misery, which Alistair was ready to deal with. It surely beat merely sitting around, though he wondered why she needed him along with her.
  9. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Richard Carver:

    The day wasn't getting any younger, but he wasn't getting any less unnerved. These past few days had been nothing more than torture for the apathetic man because he felt like he should actually be caring about something, but had literally know idea what it was. He still tried to go through with his morning routine as best as he could but realized that he needed to restock on sugary cereals and frozen food. Wasn't the most nutritious for him, but Richard wasn't exactly a man to read labels on food so to speak.

    Yesterday had been some form of self-imposed torture because now all that was happening was that he was far more restless and so much more pent up energy to put somewhere else. The only problem here was that his usual outlet, fencing, was failing him because his on edgeness was causing not to be able to focus on the tasks at hand. In times like these there was only truly one place that he could release all his energy. A place where he could exert himself and not have to think to hard. That place was...the gym.

    He drove himself to his usual fitness center a just walked in. He brought out an ipod to help further distract himself. He walked over to a treadmill and started running on it. What were all these dreams about? He turned up the speed. What was that he rises crap about? More speed. What was with this sense that he was failing his duty all about recently? Even faster. This was the threshold in which he couldn't think anymore. All thoughts were drowned by his single instinct to keep running. And that's all he did.
  10. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood

    Lu stared at Alistair through her brown bangs. Her blue eye narrowed on him while waited for a reply. Finally, he said, "Sure...might as well kill some time."

    She nodded her head silently and hopped off the edge of the desk, landing gracefully on the floor. It was cool beneath her bare feet. Her pointer finger trailed down the front of his chest before pressing both hands firmly against his and givingAlistair a shove out of her way. "Good, good." She muttered. She strode a few steps away and turned on her heel. Lu faced him. Her wings began to flutter and the mist swirled thick against her ankles. "Well, are you coming?" She asked. Lu held out her hand and snatched Alistair by the wrist.

    The mist began to engulf the both of them. She hadn't brought someone along with her in some time.

    There was a tug at Danel's consciousness as he stood in the depths of Hell. The Obsidian Palace near a stones throw away. He recognized the pull instantly and since there was only one person with a stone at the moment, he knew exactly who was summoning him. A smug grin crossed his face and he folded his arms over his chest as the mist whorled at his feet. Danel closed his eyes and the scene of the underworld left his field of vision.

    When he opened them, Danel was standing on Henrik's front porch. He leaned against the railing. Well, was he going to keep him waiting forever? Tch. He sighed. "Henrik, come out come out wherever you." he called. This was awfully rude of him. After all, Danel was coming from thousands of miles away. Summoning him meant that he had to have come to a decision and that was an ideal outcome for Danel. He needed some good news to report finally. "Come on now. You summoned me, which means you must have made a decision, so get outside Henrik!" Black mist seeped under the door, searching the house for the owner of it. Danel gave the mist a tug and it went tight before vanishing all together.

  11. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    That voice, Henrik knew who it belonged to. He wasn't surprised that breaking the stone would actually summon Danel though he was disappointed it worked. It would have been so much easier to believe Danel was just some crazy person who had no idea what he was talking about. Henrik looked down at Iris as she slept before going to the front door just in time to see black mist vanish. It seemed Danel was growing impatient. It also meant that the mist could probably be used for more than just restraining someone. Though it seemed like something that might come in handy the thought only reminded him of the girl from before.

    Henrik opened the door and spoke before Danel could get out another word on his own "decision". "The only choice I've made is to allow my anger and curiosity to cloud my judgment for just an instant." He growled. "One of your friends visited and thought my arm was lunch." Henrik stepped outside and closed the door behind him. "Now outside of her turning me into an amateur magician, Iris got sick not long after Teme-whatever-her-name-was attacked me." He crossed his arms. "[I need answers. If anything happens to her because of all this angel shit then I'll just have to test the limits of these powers on that bitch, you, and everyone else you're working with.]" As Henrik spoke, he reverted to using German, his native language without realizing it. Black mist began to rise again from his body.
  12. Shadox D. Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 13, 2009
    Dante could feel his mind getting cloudy and his skin even colder.

    I need help...

    Ice formed around his fingers and onto Abaddon's jacket. In a last attempt, he straightened up and began walking slowly towards the two fighting angels, staggering a bit. His fingers broke away from the ice as he pulled away from Samuel, leaving some on his jacket.


    His huffs of breath were fogged. The black hair seemed to lighten a shade or two. Salgiel's body was getting heavier by the moment and he continued until he slowed down to a shuffle.


    The angel's knees finally buckled under the weight he was experiencing and was left kneeling a few feet from where Hana and Hay Sun were. One of his eyes started dimming into an ice blue, leaving the other a glowing gold.
  13. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    When Red jumped up to dodge her low kick, she had expected that to happen, but it wasn't any less irritating. A barrage of punches came her way, and she managed to dodge about three of them, but the others were going to leave light bruises. All of that pain compounded . . .

    "Give up?"

    Hay Sun breathed out and then laughed, "You wish," Her shoulder throbbed, but she forcefully ignored it, calling upon Uriel to see if they could anything to help her ignore it. Red was fast, she had to give her credit, but if Hay Sun tried, she could at least match the speed.

    Swinging the left side of her body forward, Hay Sun bent in her arm and forced her elbow to collide with Red's side, and then Red's affected arm flew into her face, which grazed her cheek and made her bite the inside of her cheek. She spit out blood as she brought her other arm around to drag Red to the ground.


    She was straddling Red now, but that probably wouldn't last long.

    "Hana!" With a swipe of her head, she looked over to where the voice had originated from and raised an eyebrow.
  14. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Henrik opened the door. Danel gave him a nod but the other man spoke before he could say anything else. "The only choice I've made is to allow my anger and curiosity to cloud my judgment for just an instant." He growled. "One of your friends visited and thought my arm was lunch." Henrik stepped outside and closed the door behind him. Danel suppressed the urge to laugh. "Now outside of her turning me into an amateur magician, Iris got sick not long after Teme-whatever-her-name-was attacked me." He crossed his arms.

    "Temeluchas," Danel corrected.
    "Ich brauche Antworten. Wenn etwas passiert, sie wegen all dieser Engel Scheiße dann werde ich einfach haben, die Grenzen dieser Befugnisse auf die Hündin zu testen, Sie und alle anderen mit dem Sie arbeiten." Henrik shifted from a Norwegian rant, to a German one. Black mist began to rise from his body.
    Danel scoffed with a raised brow. "You don't get it do you? That's exactly what Lu wants from you. She is the Chief Angel of Torment. Watching you suffer because your fiancé is sick is what she thrives on. She's expecting you to go after her. It'll strengthen the powers she gave you. The powers that are rapidly making your Iris sick." He pointed down, his hand in the shape of a gun. "Look. You're exuding Mist. I told you. You would be the destruction of your woman. What do you expect me to do for you Henrik?" Danel leaned back casually, not caring about the mist that rose up and began to engulf Henrik's body. Henrik was new and unprepared. He didn't know how to control it and Danel could easily gain access to the powers that were reacting to the other man.
    "Temeluchas is batshit crazy. When she picks someone to be one of her pets - " he used the term loosely, " - she does everything in her power to destroy their lives slowly over time and with careful calculating manipulation."
    I heard that.
    Danel glanced around and noticed the ripple of light not two far away and two distorted figures within it. He shook his head before turning his attention back to Henrik. He slid the black stone ring off his finger and slipped it into his pocket. He wasn't going to listen to Lu speak to him in his head. Not now. She could keep her comments to herself.

  15. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    The girl before Alistair was really...something. What exactly was the whole entire point of running down her finger only to push him out of the way? did she think he was some horny guy that would get turned on by such an action only to be trolled by the sudden push he received. The girl was truly something and that was what made Alistair enjoy her company oh so much. To put it short, the girl was...intriguing and with each and every single action she took, no matter how demonic, made her look like a little girl. Lu was one to be feared, but a broken man like him could not come to fear such a demonic angel such as the so called angel of torment. "Yes, yes..I'm coming mistress" Alistair said lazily with a sigh as his wrist was grabbed and the sudden mist took them
  16. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    If there was one thing Henrik did not want to hear it was the fact that he was the one causing Iris to grow ill. The powers he had gained were toxic to her. He growled and swatted at the mist swirling about him in an attempt to dismiss it to no avail. He could hardly afford to pay attention to Danel's brief lapse of attention. 'Go away dammit!' The mist only grew along with his frustration. "Is there a way to bring her back to full health?" Henrik's eyes stayed focused on the mist as he began to will it away. If it was fueled by his anger then surely he could force it to dissipate. He took in a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down. He was not about to become a slave to his emotions.

    The mist lowered and lessened considerably but it did not go away. "I'm an angel, aren't I?" Henrik looked back up at Danel. "If I have the power to make her sick doesn't it mean I have the power to heal her?" He was not the most religious man but in he was raised Catholic. He knew enough about angels and the like to come to the conclusion that they were good. At least, that's what they were supposed to be. The all-too famous story of Lucifer(Satan or Sataniel to some) and Temeluchas were obviously exceptions to this. "You know, it sounds like you're not too fond of her either." Henrik commented, the mist now barely at ankle height. It wasn't going away but at least it was a start.

    A thought came to mind. "Chief Angel of Torment, huh? I wonder how she'll like it when the tables are turned." Henrik paused. "My full strength should be enough to kill her, right?" Temeluchas drew first blood. It was his job to make sure she paid for it.
  17. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DAY 14 ⦙ 5/5 DATE Saturday ⦙ October 05, 2013
    LOCATION Albany, NY [Warehouse] INTERACTION Hay Sun
    Hay Sun had successfully managed to knock Hana to the ground and hold her down. She wasn't nearly as heavy as Samuel, which was much appreciated. From out of nowhere, her name was being called. She looked up in time to see Dante collapse near the two girls. You win, she told Hay Sun before motioning for the other girl to get off her. Hana scrambled to her feet and rushed to where Dante lay. As soon as she touched him, she felt bone chillingly cold. There were patches of ice formed all over him and she sighed. He needed to quite literally melt. Someone help me carry him to the car. She moved to scoop her elbows under his armpits and lift him off the ground. She was tired from the fight with Hay Sun but tending to Dante was more important than her exhaustion. He needs to be bought back to the hotel where he can soak in warm water and I can make up a remedy. She glanced around the warehouse and her blue-eyed gaze fell on the small white-haired girl. Joslyn can you grab my bag for me? She pointed with her chin in the direction of the backpack.


    "Is there a way to bring her back to full health?"

    "It'll cost you. Probably more than you're willing to pay for." He said pointedly. Danel watched as the mist thickened around Henrik. Amusing. The other man seemed rather distracted by this.

    "I'm an angel, aren't I?" Henrik looked back up at Danel.

    "You are." He agreed as if it wasn't totally obvious.

    "If I have the power to make her sick doesn't it mean I have the power to heal her?"

    "You're the Angel of Vengeance, not the Angel of Healing." His voice was flat and void of emotion. Danel's gaze drifted back over to where he could see Lu watching with whom he now determined was Azrael. Tch. This was boring. She always has to make things difficult for people.

    "Chief Angel of Torment, huh? I wonder how she'll like it when the tables are turned." Henrik paused. "My full strength should be enough to kill her, right?"

    He couldn't help it. Danel gripped his stomach and bursted out into a fit of laughter. "You don't get it, do you Henrik? You're doing exactly what she wants you to do. Yeah, sure. If you get your full powers back, you might be able to defeat her, but it also means embracing the life you once lived. So much for remaining neutral, huh?" His gaze flicked to the shimmering light distortion and he shook his head. "Until you regain your powers, your true powers -- not the ones she gave you --, then she's always going to be six steps ahead of you. Plus, Iris will be long dead by then."

    The light shimmered some more and he rolled his eyes. "There's something you can do, but you're not going to like it." His gaze moved back to Henrik. "Lu, are you going to stand there forever, or do you plan on coming over here?" He called out.

    Smoke coiled upwards near the porch and a dramatic sigh was heard before it faded away. Temeluchas and Alistair stood there and from his peripheral, he could see her stroking a bulge under her top. "You really are a bore Danel. You ruin all the fun."

    He shrugged, stuffing his hands into the front pockets of his jeans and slipping the ring back over his finger. "Whatever. This isn't my mess to clean up."

    But it was your ever so cunning idea, her thoughts spoke loudly in his mind. He shook his head and sighed.

  18. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    "You win."

    Hay Sun blinked as Red motioned to get off. The fight hadn't been very long, but it had been a bit intense, so when she got up, she leaned against a post, breathing heavily and trying to remain steady on her feet. It was annoying that it ended early, and she was declared winner so easily. Through half-lidded eyes, she looked over at where the fire was. It was that guy again, whose name she just . . . couldn't remember.

    Fuck, she could barely remember her own name at the moment. Her finger nails were digging into the metal of the post she leaned against while she breathed heavy and hard, trying to get a grip. Okay, so the fight'd been a bad idea. She quickly made her way to a more secluded area of the warehouse, and eventually collapsed against a wall. Ah, fuck. Pain again. she thought to herself. Her whole body hurt like hell and she could barely move a muscle without setting the mix of scalding fire and chilling freeze through the course of herself. Help would be nice, Uriel.

    You have to help yourself, Hay Sun White.

    She bit her tongue in anger. Getting mad would only cause her more pain. So this was what two days of trying to draw out her powers for several hours on end did to her? Rendered her practically useless. Dead. She needed to get up, but couldn't find the will.
  19. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    He had no power to heal Iris. That wasn't something he wanted to hear. It wasn't good that the powers he had at the moment weren't his own but rather just abilities that had been given. Temeluchas's brutal ritual was definitely not a kickstart to his powers. Speaking of which, she hadn't been too far off as Danel called for her to show herself. "Long time no see, hässlich." It was only fair to insult her given the circumstances. Besides, there was no guarantee that being polite would make her any more helpful especially after all the threats he had been tossing around.

    "Danel tells me that there's something I can do to help my fiancé." Henrik narrowed his eyes at the angel who had torn off a chunk of his arm just days earlier, now directing his words to her. "I don't see how making us suffer helps you. It'll only make me turn on you. What? Do you think Iris is some kind of bargaining chip to you? If she dies I'll hunt you down. If you think I'll join you while she's still ill that isn't happening either." He didn't have the strength to back up his threats, but they could have killed him and Iris long ago. They wanted him to be willing to cooperate in some way. Henrik just had to make sure that they knew the only way he'd not interfere with whatever they had planned was if Iris was alive and well. 'I just need to play this smart.' His eyes shifted down towards the mist at his feet. 'And not lose my temper.' Finally, with another push of sheer will was he able to get the mist to vanish. "I'm not going to be your puppet."
  20. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    "Long time no see, hässlich."

    Lu just rolled her eyes at him and flipped her brown hair over her shoulder, approaching the porch. She stopped behind Danel on the bottom step.

    "Danel tells me that there's something I can do to help my fiancé."

    Her head tilted to the side and she stared at him with a dark humorous expression. "Perhaps."

    "I don't see how making us suffer helps you. It'll only make me turn on you. What? Do you think Iris is some kind of bargaining chip to you? If she dies I'll hunt you down. If you think I'll join you while she's still ill that isn't happening either."

    She sighed in exasperation and continued the walk up the porch steps, stopping only a few short feet away from Henrik. "I could care less what happens to your bride. Did I not say I wanted you to make Nephilim children?" She turned her head to Danel questioningly. "I did say it didn't I?" He shrugged. She rolled her eyes.

    "I'm not going to be your puppet."

    Temeluchas scoffed. Reaching out, she set one hand on Henrik's shoulder and mist coiled down and around her arm until it began to entwine itself in each of her digits. "Oh Henrik, Henrik, Henrik. You speak as if you have a say in the matter. Silly pet." She pulled her hand away before he could go all rabid dog on her or something. "A puppet is a puppet, whether they saythey are or not is another irrelevant. I'll tell you what, junk promise to make your Iris better, then you have to promise not to harm your unborn child and assist us." She smiled sweetly and blinked her dark lashes. "Hm? How's that sound?" The grin on her face stretched from ear to ear. "I could always just bite you again. Eat you for real this time. Then, when you are an infant in your new life and have no memory of Iris, rip the baby from her stomach and watch as she bleeds to death calling your name. 'Henrik, oh Henrik! Please help me. Where have you gone?' Haha!" Lu started to laugh to herself beside Danel.

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