⍭he ℱallen

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by Hyuge ✧, May 14, 2013.

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  1. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Tiia slowly felt her control disappear as she heard people speaking outside of the rock tomb she was stuck in. Tiia broke out of it, and looked around panting because of all the energy she just used to get out of there. She noticed how everything had differed, and she walked over to the group sluggishly and mumbled, "What happened out here?"

    "Are you alright Tiia?" Sven questioned as he held his arm around his waste in pain. He had his sword turned into a staff so he could hold himself up considering the horrible condition of his leg. Vincent hadn't been able to get to him yet before everything became an angel-fest. Tiia nodded and looked over at Soren and shouted, "Thanks for not killing me I appreciate that." she saw something out of the corner of her eye and it made her jump. Tiia turned slowly to see Adam struggling to get up off the ground.

    Tiia walked over and stared at him. Adam noticed Tiia's feet and he looked up towards her face and spoke,
    "Hey there..." there was a brief moment before Tiia shoved her foot into Adam's chest and held him to the ground and shouted, "So are we killing this guy? He's still here, last I checked he was one of the guys in hell."

    "Hold on for just a m-!"

    Tiia quickly pointed her sword at his throat and spoke, "I wasn't asking you, I was asking them."

    Brandon quickly responded by saying, "Wait, don't kill him. You can't because it's not like he wanted to be a part of this fight in the first place. He was just dragged into it and ended up being forced into something he didn't even want much a part of. It's not his fault for all of th-"

    Sal then put a hand on Brandon and then looked towards Tiia to say, "It's alright to let him go. His only ride back to Hell just left, and I don't think he's entirely willing to go back to them now that they've lost. So I doubt he'll be any trouble at all in the future."

    Tiia looked over at Sal and sighed back backed off, she watched Adam trying his best to stand up but she continued staring at him before she growled, "You can do better then that."
    "Could I get a little help?"
    "No why the hell would I do that when you were on the side that was asking for me, my family dead, and ended up killing my friends."
    "W-who died?"
    Tiia looked out and mumbled, "Lauren... Henrik... Kai..."

    Adam finally just pulled out Nahkosh and stabbed it into the ground, this caused Tiia to hold out her sword at him in case he pulled something and he shouted,
    "Calm the fuck down I can barely stand up do you think I'm gonna try and fight you guys? I'm human ya know." Tiia glared at him and walked away. Adam immediately fell over and let out a mixture of a laugh and a cry of agony and he looked over at Brandon and spoke, "Geez man, are you sure you weren't trying to kill me?"

    Brandon smiled at the question and said,
    "I was pretty sure that I was trying to stun you for the majority of the battle...okay, maybe that second lightning bolt was a little stronger than I wanted. Besides, it's not like you were exactly harmless in the fight either." At this point Adam wasn't even trying to pull himself up anymore because he knew he didn't have the strength to stand up. Instead he placed his forehead to the grip of his sword and asked, "Why didn't you kill me? I've done nothing but trouble you all... and I kidnapped Joslyn and got her killed and turned into Azazel... I'm grateful you didn't kill me but... why didn't you?"

    Brandon shrugged. "Not quite sure myself. I guess I just thought of you as a friend and didn't want to kill my friend. Besides, it's not like it would have changed anything, so I guess if you aren't going to do anything more, there'd be no reason to." Adam listened to Brandon's response and it made him smile, knowing that in the end he was still thought of as a friend. He mumbled, "Thanks." almost immediately after he let out a grunt and yelled, "How the fuck am I supposed to forgive myself for all this ****? I'm so dim!"

    "Beats me. Sadly, I'm not too good with the ideas stuff. Buuut, isn't Semy supposed to be an angel who's good at leading people? Maybe you can become someone who uses those powers to help rebuild the world and just do good in general. Like a sort of community service thing. Plus,"
    he looked over to where Azazel was and said, "Saying sorry doesn't hurt either."

    Adam looked over where Brandon looked at went into a short burst of laughter before he covered his mouth and responded, "I don't know if it'd do any form of good."

    "Oh I'm sure it will. After all, if you don't want this thing hanging over your head for the rest of the life, you'll need to reach a resolution with it eventually. Doesn't have to be today of course, but I'm sure that once you do you'll feel much better for it."

    Adam thought about it for a little bit before he forced himself to finally stand up, after a minute or so of standing up he let go of Nahkosh to see if he could handle it on his own. He picked up Nahkosh and mumbled under his breath, "Thanks, I don't think I'm going to need you anymore. You've been great help." He then had Nahkosh turn back into it's small little dagger form and he hooked back onto the chain on his neck.
  2. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    One year later

    Truly it was hard to quite believe that the two lovebirds were finally getting wed, but alas after all that occured it was finally time an all Alistair could do was give them his blessing. It would be quite interesting to be able to see everybody all together, but for Alistair it wasn't really anything truly special. He couldn't say he built the closest of bonds with the group as he had basically joined them during the last two day of their mission, but he could say he was pretty close to the two that were getting married. Samuel was his angelic brother, and like all sibling the two fought...and fought...and fought. It helped them get their violent tendencies in check, but lets be honest and say it held some pleasure for them. Their bouts were far too common so the brotherhood was just something that formed over time. Alistair thought of visiting the gorrila as he tried to put on a suit, but he truly did not wish to enrage the groom on such a day. If it was to be about pleasant discussion then it was only fitting to visit the bride. Raising up the cane he held, he gently tapped on the door that led to Hana's room "Knock knock! Permission to enter?" Alistair said cheerfully.

    With the knock at the door, Hana turned away from the mirror and smoothed out the lace sleeves on her dress. She recognized the voice immediately and nodded her head at Iris. "Could you get that please?" she asked before turning back to the mirror. A curly red lock of hair fell out of place and she ran her fingers over it, twisting it back into place.

    "Mom, why are you so nervous?"

    She turned to the boy sitting on the floor at her feet and smiled wearily. "I've never been married before -- not here, not there." Hana glanced up at the ceiling before her blue eyes fell back on the mirror. Through the reflection of the glass, she could see the door open and a familiar man walk in. "If Alistair is here, that means Caius and Cal are here now too. You should go find your friends before we get started."

    Reuben gave her a sour glance before getting to his feet and walking over to Anna, holding out a hand. "Come on Anna."

    "And check on your father!" she called as they walked out the door. Hana collapsed into the large chair behind her and sighed heavily. She lifted her gaze to meet Iris and Alistair and smiled warily. "Is it always this nerve - wracking?"

    The eyepatched arisocrat could only chuckle as he removed the fedora resting on his head and walked deeper into the room to greet the bride. "Its to be expected, after all you are making quite the big leap in your life...and it is with the big gorilla after all" Alistair said closing his eye with a smile "But even so when you truly think about it there really is nothing to be nervous about...today is a day for you to enjoy and fretting over nothing is such a waste" Alistair said.

    She rose to her feet and pulled Alistair in for a quick hug, giving the man a kiss on the cheek before stepping away. "That doesn't make it any less terrifying when you're as old as I am, but enough about that I suppose." Hana gave him a smile. "It's good to see you could make it. Any luck finding Cal's sister?"

    With an exasperated look Alistair scratched the back of his head keeping his eye closed "that girl is a slippery one...but even so I feel she'll be able to take care of her self" Alistair said shrugging his shoulders with a sigh "I mean the girl has a home and all...but in the end its up to her to accept that home" Alistair said

    "The reverse was true when Henrik and I got married." Iris smiled faintly and looked down at the ring on her finger. "I practically forced him to go out with me after we first met. I thought I'd have to be the one to propose." She shook her head. "In the end all those feelings of anxiety just melt away." Iris spoke softly as she watched Reuben head out with Anna. Although she lamented Henrik's absense, she knew he would have been happy to see Anna adjusting to normal life.

    "It's just rather disconcerting knowing she's out there doing who - know's - what and no one can manage to locate her. It's been hard enough getting everything to quiet down without her help." They still had a lot of work cut out for them. Even with the war over, there was a great deal that needed fixing and rogue demons about. This life cycle didn't look like it would have much down time. They had to pretty much drop everything the way it was, in order to get around to the wedding.

    She glimpsed herself in the mirror and sighed. "I still can't believe it's here. We must have changed the date nearly one hundred times. There's just so much to do..."

    Thinking about Mali was something that was always unpleasant for Alistair. The girl was truly the daughter of Temeluchas and who know what stupid traits the girl had learned from his deceased mistress. It truly must have worried Cal, but she was a strong one and Alistair was glad for this. Dealing with demons was all he could do for the world now.

    He did not wish to think about such unpleasant thoughts on such a day and event so he merely returned his thoughts to the people he considered his family. He walked up behind Hana and placed both hands on her shoulders and grinned happily "Don't you worry your red little head. I told you that this is a day for you to enjoy. I'll take care of all the annoying stuff so just relax" Alistair said.

    Her right eyebrow went up skeptically as she stared at him in the mirror. "That's comforting." Hana pressed her lips together, feeling an overwhelming sense of dread in her bones. "If you really want to help, you can make sure no one loses a limb before the day is over. This is the first time many of us have gathered together in quite awhile. I'll be more surprised if I wake up tomorrow and everyone is still in one piece and alive."

    Alistair's eye softened and his grip on her shoulders a bit tighter in order to reassure her. They had all struggled so hard so it was no surprise that she would be feeling like this "Alright, lemme tell you one thing, nobody is getting hurt in the slightest..I promise you this alright? I'll make sure to keep this promise" Alistair said softly with a smile

    Hana let the muscles in her shoulders relax and nodded once to show she had faith in him. She rested a hand on his, lifting it away from her shoulder. "You best get to it then. There's no telling what everyone might be up to by now." She smiled.

    Alistair smiled as he brought his hand to his chest and gave her a small bow "Understood sis" Alistair said raising himself up to a proper posture and placed his fedora back upon his head. With that Alistair turned and walked out, raising a hand in farewell as he walked out.
  3. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Alice was walking up to the room when she watched Alistair walk out. Her hands were full so she quickly stopped the door from shutting with her foot and popped her head in, "Hello there hun, sorry I'm a little late, may I come in?" Hana smiled at the woman she had been trapped in Hell with. "Not at all." She walked to the door and held it open for her. It wouldn't be good if she dropped anything. "I'm glad you could make it."

    Alice nodded and politely answered with a, "Thank you." she walked a little further the room and placed a bag that was in one of her hands on a table. What was in her other arm was starting to squirm in a fit. She placed a hand and stroked the small child she was holding's hair and mumbled, "Are you alright Laura?" the small girl looked at Alice and mumbled, "Mama I'm hungry." Alice smiled and chuckled, "We'll eat in a little bit, okay?" the child nodded again and Alice put her down on the floor. She looked through her purse and handed the girl a small toy which she started to play with. Alice then looked over at Hana and spoke, "I made you an emergency bridal kit in case anything happened. I... didn't include a shot of alcohol though because I didn't know if you drank. But it does have a small snack in it just in case you needed something."

    Hana watched Alice interact with the young girl and smiled before receiving the emergency kit. She gave it a skeptical glance before returning her attention to the woman. "Thank you Alice, but do you really think I'll need it?" Hana looked between Alice and Iris considering they were the only two to have been married recently -- even if it was several years ago for them.

    Alice shrugged and replied, "You aren't marrying a klutz who'll step on your dress and tear it, or spill champagne and cake on it... That was why I needed it... but..." Alice smiled reassuringly, "It's not necessarily that you'll need to use it, it's just to help you feel safe in case something does happen."

    "Well that's reassuring," Hana muttered to herself. "Thanks again Alice." She took a deep breath and set the bag down in the chair. "It's only a matter of time now." Her blue eyes drifted to the silent angel in the corner and she looked at her longingly. "You've been rather quiet."

    "Hmm? Oh, sorry. I was just having a chat with her..." She brushed aside the hair that had been blocking her eyes. "She would've loved to have been here in person, and she absolutely loves the dress you're wearing. You really do look beautiful in it." Azazel made her way towards her, the space behind her shimmering faintly. "I am so happy for you, and she is too.

    Hana smiled while doing her best to hold back tears. She had spent a long time with Joslyn, and even longer time with Azazel. The angel would always be there, but the girl that resides within her was not supposed to be. The mortal bodies were never supposed to last. The angels were to move on when it expired. Joslyn wasn't an angel and the body she was in wasn't mortal. Her spirit was trapped within Azazel and would stay that way.

    Hana mashed her lips together and wiped at her eyes.
    "Joslyn, I wish you could be here in person." She talked directly to the soul that couldn't show itself. There was no need in acting like she couldn't hear. "It would have meant a lot." Her heart ached at the thought of them not being able to stop the binding ceremony.

    "Don't be so sad. This is supposed to be a happy time for you and everyone here. She may not be able to be here in person, but at the very least she's here in spirit, and that's the important thing." She pulled the red-haired bride into her embrace. "That's what she said. Anyways, isn't it about time for things to get started? Let's go!"

    Hana nodded into the angel's chest and pulled away, wiping a few loose tears from her eyes. "You're right. You should all go. Send Reuben back and I'll meet you at the aisle." She smiled at the women before ushering them out the door.
  4. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood

    Day: One Year Later Location: [ Church ] Spain Interaction: The Gang


    Every tale needed an ending and it was only fitting that there was an author to archive such an event. The first half of Lucius' book was a complete success, but even so he knew that the tale needed a proper ending, one that did not involve tragedy. It needed closure and this was such an event to bring it forth. He never did it for the fame or fortune, but did it as a duty, the duty of a recorder. Arms crossed as he sat upon a pew, he calmly smiled as he stared up at the floating book before him. Along side the book was a pen that floated and it began to write words into said book. Ah Xathanael, truly you deserve such an end...to tie up lose ends. Lucius said, closing his eyes letting out a small chuckle. Ah, such an event is so nostalgic. He mused aloud.

    Tiia was sitting rather impatiently in a pew near the middle. One of the things she wasn't particularly fond of about weddings was the wait, and this was no exception. However, she was really happy to see all of the familiar faces. Some of these people, most of these people, she hadn't seen in a year now. That was exciting. When Tiia thought about what happened a year ago though, she cringed and held her head. She was still having nightmares about it, and while she hadn't gone to a doctor to see if she had PTSD, she knew that was most likely the situation. But she wanted to get her mind off that for now.

    Tiia jumped up out of her seat and walked over to where Lucius was sitting. Tiia grinned and spoke, Hello there, it's nice to see you again. How have you been?

    The voice of a female had been directed towards him and it was only polite for him to respond. Though his eyes still closed, a big bright smile appeared across his face as he turned to face Tiia. Ah! Good day and wonderful to see you my dear! Lucius said placing a hand on his temples. After the whole debauchery a year ago things have grown oh so dull. he sighed dramatically. You'd think gaining license for the movie would help...but oh well. His eyes as he glanced up at her. Do tell me how you have been! I must say I am curious, Lucius said

    I've been fine, I agree that it has gotten a little boring since then. Tiia sat down in the pew in front of him and leaned over the back and replied, I decided to try and keep to one job for longer than I usually do... it didn't work out. So I'm on the lookout for another one. And things still haven't settled down for me after that battle. I don't think it ever will... but, Hana and Sam are getting married, yay! I needed something happy to go to. She looked around to see who else was around and replied, So how about you? Other than movie and book stuff...

    Before Allen had made his way into the pew, there were a few last minutes changes that he had to do. While they were nothing major, like he could afford to pay for any damages done to the suit his uncle had rented for him, the changes were more focused on his face. Specifically he wasn't wearing the eye patch that he always did. Instead he had it in his pocket, revealing the the world the orange contact in his left eye and the blue one in the other.

    Now that that was all said and done, Allen begun looking for a place to sit. His eyes scanned all the different rows of the pew before they landed on Tiia and Lucius. That took care of finding a place to sit, now all that was left was to go over there and that just what he did. Upon getting there, he gave them a quick wave before greeting them with a Hey guys.

    Lucius could only close his eyes and chuckle at what she had just said Ah my dear the thing is, literature is my life...there is no other. Lucius said before his attention was sent over to the non - eye patched fellow Ah! it seems our comrade has graced us without the eyepatch...how how I did wish to see more behind that eye patch, but still interesting to say the least... Lucius said placing his hand on his chin as he stared at Allen's eye before closing them with a smile Nice to see you again.

    Richard heard the sounds of discussion going on as he slowly got up. The voices they belonged to sounded vaguely familiar. He couldn't tell just who they belonged to, but as his eyes continued to slowly open he felt a hand smack against the back of his head only to jolt awake in pain. Looking around, the culprit was nowhere to be seen, which only meant that it was 'him.' Sighing, Richard looked around to see a few familiar faces around the area. He hadn't seen these people in some time, and it was a nice sight to see them again. Even if the memories that it brought back weren't all that pleasant, it was still a time that he had to accept and move on from. Waving to Tiia, Lucius, and Allen, Richard said yo, it's been awhile...Have you guys been here the whole time?

    Yes Mister Sleepy - Head, so it's about time you woke up. Min declared, bouncing around in her seat. She had a big bright smile on her face as she typed furiously at her phone. Her blog, The Adventures of a Demon Hunter, had skyrocketed to over a million followers in the last year. Everyone had questions and skepticism about what happened, but in it, she explained. Min also went on to keep them updated on the many adventures she had taken with the others since then. There were always going to be demons lurking about, and someone needed to eradicate them. Tiia, if you're looking for something to do, you can join us with the demon hunting. We've been going all over the place. Brandon and I are like this unstoppable tag team now. It's pretty cool. Though Adam still kind of does stuff on his own. I think he still feels really guilty. She looked around trying to spot them and her green eyes landed on the doors. Where are they? They should be here by now...

  5. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Adjusting his collar as he had arrived to the venue, Sal had walked forwards seeing some familiar faces he hadn't seen in quite some time. With a delighted expression on his face, he said, "Hello. It feels like it's been forever since we've last met like this. I wonder how many of the others were able to come here. So, how're you all fairing these days?"

    William was one of the first to arrive at the venue, but even so he did not really take to standing inside as he always did prefer staying outdoors. It may have been because the sun was out, but William never questioned it. Arms crossed, he stared up at the incomming Sal and smiled. "Ah, life has been a pain in the ass, but I really can't complain, after all I am alive and well" William said closing his eyes with a chuckle. His body was fully covered with bandages, covering the burns all around his body. The only thing that one could say they saw of William was his uncovered eyes, his lips, and the hair that had managed to grow back. "It'll be nice seeing everybody together once more" William said

    Unlike the ones who'd gone ahead and entered the church, Logan choose to wait outside along with some of the others. He was spending most of his time fixing the tie that he had on and adjusting to his attire. Last time he wore something like this was when he went to church and last time did that was when he was 8. So needless to say, it was somewhat uncomfortable standing around.

    He fiddled with his tie one last time before taking a seat on one of the steps. Maybe he should go ahead and head inside instead of waiting out here. Nah. There was still some time he had that he could kill, so why not spend it out here in the open air. Logan took a moment to lean his head back and took a small sigh. He then reached into his pocket and took out his phone and started messing around with it.
    Last edited: May 23, 2014
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    A wisp of black mist trailed off Soren's shoulder as he entered the church. His mother would have his head if had shown up late. He touched his hair to make sure it had dried enough not to be dripping. A quick shower back in his family's home in Norway was good enough to hide the fact that he had been doing something other than getting ready to be here. While Anna had been keeping up with her studies he had been doing everything he could to get stronger. Even a year later he couldn't help but feel like his father would still be here if--

    "You're Araquiel's boy aren't you?" It was Milo who greeted him when he arrived. Soren wasn't fond of him even if he did help out his mother and sister in the past.

    "What about it?" At Soren's question the man smirked.

    "I have a proposition for you. Armaros may have hated Araquiel but he has a soft spot for children like you. Care to hear it?"
    Tiia looked back over at Min and smiled, "Thanks for the offer, I'll think about it but... I don't know." In truth, she wasn't actually considering it, she didn't want to. If possible she didn't want to have to fight anything ever again, but she didn't know if it was a temporary thing. Maybe in a few years? She had no idea if they would still be demon fighting in a few years. Tiia leaned back into the pew and spoke, "Does anyone else find these pews seriously uncomfortable?"
    Min jumped to her feet and clapped her hands together. "All pews are uncomfortable. I get that ya' know, like, angels and stuff -- wanting to be closer to God and all that jazz; but we should seriously have this thing outside. Would be way better. Plus we're in Spain! Can't waste the beauty." Min exited the pew and approached the altar, gathering up the candles. "I was looking around earlier and there's some chairs through that door. If we move quick we can get set up outside before it starts." She turned to face everyone with a wide grin and an armful of large candles.

    Tiia jumped up immediately and replied,
    "That sounds like a good idea to me! I'll go and get some chairs." She almost went to run for the door to the room with chairs in it, but realized she was in a church and instead made a point to walk with purpose instead of run.

    "Well what do you say, kid?" At Milo's question Soren looked off to the side, unsure of whether or not he could even trust the man. It was too good to be true. His eyes caught sight of both his sister and Reuben. "I'll think about it." Soren muttered as he walked past the man. The two nephilim were not headed in his direction at all and when he turned his head to see where they were headed he stopped dead in his tracks. Soren took a moment to adjust his coat before quickly heading over and passing the two by with little more than a quick "Hi" to them. He stopped in front of the blonde girl wanting to speak to her before the others had a chance. "Hey Cal. It's...it's been awhile."
    Cal parted her lips into a smile, grinning from ear to ear. She let dropped Caius's arm and stepped forward, throwing herself into Soren. "Hey," she breathed into his chest, with her arms tight around him. Cal pulled away, her face a bit red and looked up at him happily. "That it has," she agreed. Her arms unwound from his body and she stepped back. Red eyes fell past his shoulder and a curious look crossed her face.

    "What are you guys doing?" she asked the two girls down at the front of the sanctuary.

    "We're moving the wedding outside!" Min announced leisurely. "We could use some help moving stuff." The Asian girl walked past with her arms full of candles and gave a wink before heading out the doors.

    Last edited: May 26, 2014
  7. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    A church was not an ideal place of Caius as his demonic blood just did not agree with it. He truly was looking forward to this wedding but the fatigue was really affecting him. Even with this, having Cal beside him was something that made him able to endure it. Once he felt Cal let go of his arm he stare forward and softly smiled as he watched her embrace Soren. He glanced over at the others and noticed everybody moving around stuff only to say that the wedding had been moved outside.

    Outside was a great idea since it meant that he wouldn't be suffering in the church. The silver haired storyteller had already walked outside with some of the equipment floating behind him and Caius stared over as Alistair walked in with quite the disturbed look on his face.

    "What the hell is going on here...wait can I even say that in here?" Alistair said closing his eye as he shook his head and sighed "This better not be some crazy shenanigans....I mean its not like Im up for it, but I just promised to keep things...stable.." Alistair said

    After releasing Cal from the sudden embrace Soren turned his head towards the others. The wedding was moving outside? That seemed good to him. Churches made him uncomfortable. It was difficult to get along with the idea of "worship" that humans practiced. Even when his mother explained it all to him he couldn't bring himself to understand it. Perhaps it was just because he had witnessed for himself that beings like angels were not as perfect nor as benevolent as humans claimed them to be. "Well you could use some sunlight." Soren teased Cal, looking down at the blonde once more this time noticing her flushed face.

    "You're alright...right?" He looked her over and smiled. "You look beautiful."

    "Aw. Thank you, Soren." Anna's voice called out from behind him.

    "I-uh-um..." He scratched the back of his head. "You look nice too I guess, Anna." His sister frowned and punched his shoulder. "You're welcome." Sighing, Soren looked back over at Cal. "I think Anna's jealous."

    She gave him a skeptical look before following the others outside of the building. "That would be weird if she was." It was the truth. Soren was her brother, after all. "But thank you. You look rather dapper yourself." Cal tugged on his sleeve before skipping over to her adoptive father and grabbing his hand. "No hijinks today. Everyone apparently decided the wedding would be better suited outside so we're helping move stuff. You should help me set up the chairs." Cal gave him an 'I need to talk to you look,' before taking a couple of folding chairs from Tiia.

    "Well she is a little on the weird side." Soren spoke just loud enough for his sister to hear. She shot him a disapproving glare as she followed behind him but made no effort to offer a retort. Soren watched Cal go off with Alistair and crossed his arms.

    "Here. Make yourself useful." Anna shoved several folded chairs into Soren's hands before taking off to help the others. He sighed and glanced over Reuben's way. Despite the fact that a year had gone by Soren had not spoken much to the redhead boy. Reuben was alive, well, with his family, and did not have to worry about heaven or hell coming after him any time soon. To Soren, that was all that he needed to know. Still...

    "How often do you use your powers?" His blue eyes flashed towards the boy before focusing down on the chairs. "Given who your father is, I'll bet you train more than the others." He began to unfold the chairs and place them down. "Unless you're slacking off like the rest." Soren spoke the last line a little less seriously.

    "Hmm, I haven't trained with my father all that much. He's always sparring with Alistair." He thought about it for a little while. "I do train with him every once in a while, but a lot of my time is dedicated to studying. So, I guess I have been slacking off like the rest." The red-haired boy answered with a friendly laugh.

    The whole outdoors wedding fiasco would either go two different ways and that included either the bride loving it or hating it. Alistair could admit that the wedding being outdoors was an excellent idea, but he did wonder if Hana would actually want it inside a church. The woman was quite religious so her preference might have been a church. In any case it was something he would have to wait and see as it was far too late to fix now.

    And so at the request of his dear daughter he found himself holding up a bunch of chair and was ready to lug them out of the church and outside. Even so, Cal had given him an all too familiar glance and it was only appropriate that he responded. "Alrighty then whats up my dear?" Alistair said. He had an idea of what was to be said, but he would let her speak.

    She looked up at him hesitantly before glancing back over her shoulder. Cal wanted to be sure the other two were not within earshot, even though they both knew the truth by this point in time. "Am I a bad person?" she asked, still looking over her shoulder. Cal turned back to face her father and unfolded a chair. "Because I don't know if I'll ever be able to choose. It's easy when we're home. The choice is made for me, but then when we're together like this ..."

    "Nonsense...the fact that such a thought has come up for you proves quite the opposite" Alistair said placing down a chair and leaned against it "Love is filled with doubt and let me give you an example" Alistair said pointing his thumb back at the church "Hana and Sam...both of them are lovebirds and care for one another deeply...but even so, Hana is pretty nervous with this whole wedding. Just why does she have to be so nervous? she loves Sam but even so she still feels some form of fear" Alistair said closing his eyes chuckling softly

    "What I am getting at is even the strongest of bonds will have problems..what your feeling is justified" Alistair said before opening his eyes with a soft smile "Whatever happens, I'm sure those two will understand. When its all over they can finally be able to move on..." Alistair said
    Last edited: May 26, 2014
  8. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    {♚}Location: Outside the Church {♚} Mood: Uncomfortable {♚} OOC: {♚}

    With the wedding being moved outside, Logan grabbed or rather took care of what Allen had dumped on him. Specifically it was a small stack of fold-able chairs that he was given. He gave out a quick sigh before putting the chairs with the rest of them as they were set up. When that was taken care of, he took a seat in one of the folded chairs and waited.

    Min set the candles down on a tree stump and arranged them in the same manner as the altar within the church. Just because they had moved things outside, didn't mean that they would change it up completely. She smiled at a job well done and turned to the others with her hands on her hips. "Time to take a seat I suppose," she said to no one in particular.

    Min approached one of the empty, recently set up chairs and sat down with her legs crossed. The should be getting started soon. She glanced around, coming to the realization that they had yet to see the groom. Wasn't he supposed to be waiting at the end of the aisle or something?
  9. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Richard had been hauling out the chairs with him as he looked around to see some familiar faces he hadn't seen in quite a while. He figured this is what a senior class reunion thing was like. With a small grin on his face, he continued walking forward until he saw Sal who had waved at him, just as he had to all the familiar faces. "Yo. Haven't seen you in a while."
    "Ah, it feels good to see everyone once more. Especially without some hurried feeling that was always looming over head."
    Sal and Richard had started walking towards the other seats together as Richard asked, "so, what've you been up to?"
    Sal reached into his pocket to pull out the golden compass that had guided them the entire journey to various other angels. "I figured after we had finished our fight, it'd be pretty big in terms of news towards the rest of the world, and would most likely cause any dormant angels we missed to start to become awakened. To help them get over any sort of identity issues they might be feeling, and just to help them deal with it in general, I've just been traveling around the world to find these angels. It's been a bit tedious, especially when the compass guides me to a location I had already been to, but I feel it's worth it. How about yourself?"
    Richard shrugged, but before he could say anything, a loud noise that sounded like a wild bull charging could be heard. He turned around and saw a boy who seemed to be all ready in terms of appearance for this wedding...aside from the usual black sweat jacket that he had always worn. The white haired boy had stopped sprinting towards the group once he got to them, panting for a bit before he bounced back and said "heelllloooo friends!" With his large amount of running done with, Brandon saw Min and sat down next to her. "Sorry I'm late, but don't worry, Adan should be here at any moment."

    Min gave the silver - haired boy a skeptical glance before playfully nudging him in the shoulder. "Cutting it close, don'tcha think?" She was honestly a little surprised he managed to talk Adam into coming at all. Getting him to run around demon hunting with them was one thing, but facing everyone he fought against a year ago was another.
    Last edited: May 25, 2014
  10. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: One Year Later | DATE: Someday One Year Later | LOCATION: Church in Spain

    In a bit of a sweat, Sam poked his head out from the church and looked around. After a bit of looking around, he spotted the familiar red hair of his son and motioned for him to come over. With an exasperated sigh, Reuben walked over and asked, "What's wrong?"

    "Hey, so, uhh... You wouldn't happen to have an extra tie on you, would you?" Without missing a beat, he pulled a tie from his pocket and held it out.

    "Here. What happened to the tie you had with you?" It really was a wonder what he could've done to it.

    "Look, that's not really important. The important thing is that I need a tie." Sam was getting really flustered as he took the tie.

    "You ripped it apart trying to tie it, didn't you?" A long moment of silence passed between them as they just looked at each other for a while.

    "Yeah..." He finally admitted.

    "I thought I taught you how to tie it properly, did you forget already?" Sam didn't answer, he just looked away embarrassed. "Do you want me to tie it for you so that you don't rip it again?"

    "Yes, please." He hung his head in defeat as his son tied his tie for him.

    "You're lucky Mom thought this might happen ahead of time."

  11. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Adam was not in a rush at this point and it clearly did not appear that way. Other than the fact Brandon ran off without him. He was half tempted to use this chance to just bolt out of there, but he figured he might as well keep going at that point.

    By the time Adam got there he noticed everything was outside which was... interesting. He was half expecting it to be in the church. Adam hesitated for a moment before he just decided to walk over to Brandon and sat down, "You know, when I said I would park the car, I thought you would stick around for a moment."

    Min leaned over Brandon to face Adam and gave him a 'really?' look. "You honestly expected him to wait?" Adam looked over at Min, then back to Brandon, and then replied, "Considering how much he has been bugging me about showing up here, yeah. I kind of did."

    "But we were late, and I don't like being late. Besides, if I came in with you you probably would've frozen up and I would've had to talk you into coming here anyway." Adam sighed and shifted uncomfortably in his chair and looked around at everyone. Staring at a couple of the faces here... it was making him feel uneasy and he unconsciously stood up, "I think I'll go and um... pray or something in the church." This was a blatant lie considering he was turning in the opposite direction.

    As Adan had gotten up, Brandon sent out a sudden jolt into the chair charging it with electricity, only to fire another jolt straight towards Adan himself. Making the two charges to go opposite of each other, Brandon had used his new found mastery of basically magnetizing everything to pull Adan back into the seat. Turning to him he said, "now don't leave just yet, we have to see how this wedding goes. Besides, we're already here, might as well keep going with it."

    "Yeah Adam! Don't be lame. It would be rude to leave now." she chided him. Adam looked over at Min and then over at Brandon. He wasn't sure if they quite understood the fact that a year ago he was fighting against all these people, willing to have them die. He clearly didn't think that way anymore but he was uncomfortable looking at most of these faces. A couple of them may have forgiven him over the course of the year but he knew there were others that didn't.

    One was walking up to the three right now.

    Tiia walked up to Adam, Brandon, and Min and she smiled at Brandon and said, "It's good to see that you made it!" she did a quick glance over at Adam but then looked back to Min and continued, "So about that demon hunting thing... how many places have you gone doing that?"

    Min put on a big smug grin and started counting off her fingers. "Canada, Switzerland, Honduras, England, Australia, England Mexico, England ..... London still has a really bad demon problem." She looked up at the other girl with a reassuring smile. "It's been getting better though, thanks to us."
  12. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: One Year Later | DATE: Someday One Year Later | LOCATION: Church in Spain

    After straightening out a few more things on his dad's appearance, he stood back and looked at him. "There, good to go."

    "Thanks." Sam scratched at his neck, wanting to loosen the tie a little. "But couldn't you have not tied this thing so tight around my neck?"

    "No," The red-haired boy answered with a smile. "That's what you get for shredding a fifty dollar tie."

    Upon hearing those words, the groom choked on his words. "Fifty bucks? For a long piece of fabric you tie around your neck?"

    "It was a brand name tie."

    "You couldn't have just picked up a four dollar one at some discount store?"

    "We were not about to cheap out on you looking nice. It's rare to even see you wearing a dress shirt, let alone a tie."

    "Yeah, well dress shirts aren't exactly clothes I can freely move in." He stepped out of the church as he cracked his knuckles.

    "Don't be so nervous, you'll do fine." He nudged him to go. "Just relax."

    "Easy for you to say." Sam was doing his best not to show how nervous he was about this whole deal. On the outside, he was keeping himself calm and collected, on the inside, he was sweating bullets.

  13. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood

    Day: One Year Later Location: Spain [ Outside ] Interaction: Vincent / Alejandra


    Min looked away from Tiia, glancing around the area once more. She finally noticed a large dark - skinned man standing near the entrance of the church and she waved enthusiastically. Look at who's finally making an appearance, she commented jokingly to those around her.

    A car pulled up and barreling out of the door came a familiar blond haired Italian man. Hey, are we late? He came up to them running in his loafers, the sudden sprinting taking the breath out of him. Oh man, I need to exercise more.

    She smiled up at the exhausted blond and winked. Just in time, Xiǎo líng1. Cuttin' it kinda close though. What were you doing?

    What was I doing? Uhh... It would probably be for the best that I he didn't say what he was doing. Oh, you know... Looking around.

    Alejandra came up from behind them after the car was parked. Are we late? I swear, it's all your fault if we are-

    We're just in time. See? I told you we had enough time to... look around. He laughed nervously as he held his hands up.

    Min eyed the two of them and her face turned sour. Gross. she muttered.


    1 Healer
  14. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Alistair attention was suddenly caught buy the sight of Samuel walking out of the church and slowly a smile rose on his face. The smile continued to grow and grow until suddenly he had to cover his mouth with both hands in order to cover his burst of laughter. "pffffffffft holy crap he really does look like a gorrila in a suit" Alistair struggled to say as he tried to resist the urge to laugh loudly.

    Cal flicked her father on the forehead and gave him a disapproving glare. "Don't laugh at him. Not everyone where's a suit on a daily basis." Though, she couldn't help but crack a smile as well.

    "owowowow, c'mon you can't blame me...seeing the brute so well dressed is quite the humorous thing" Alistair said crossing his arms as his laughter very slowly subsided a bit.

    "Well I think he looks pretty sharp" Caius said walking up to the two giving the a smile before glancing back at the groom. "Its a very important day for him after all and he is trying quite a deal" Caius said

    "yeah he better be...finding a suit that fit him so well was a real pain in the ass...and I still think I failed in that regard..." Alistair mummbled a bit lamenting the waste of time that was finding a proper suit for Samuel. Suits were always Alistair's life...but finding a suit for such a man was quite the challenge

    Adam looked at the two and let out a laugh in response to the clear covering up of the story and he leaned a little forward in the chair, "I'm afraid of what you two were looking around at." he looked over at Samuel and he looked back at Min and Brandon and whispered, "Man oh man, I hope he doesn't get stressed out saying those vows or one of those buttons might just pop off and kill someone."
    Min giggled and swatted at Adam's arm. "Shhh, you're not helping."

    Adam looked over at Min and rolled his eyes, "Well I don't think I'm doing any harm either."

    "I do hope for something much more...interesting to occur...perhaps an elephant will rush through and get on two of its leg and proceed to shake its booty while juggling some balls with it's tail..." Lucius said with a bright smile

    "Human customs are so strange. Why does everything they do need some kind of ritual?" Soren commented as he eyed Samuel walk out in the ill-fitting attire. Anna held her finger to her mouth in a motion to get him to be quiet. ]"What? It's just..." His eyes shifted towards Cal's direction. "If two people care about each other so much, why does it have to be complicated? Why make a show of it?" He sighed and leaned back in his seat.
    Last edited: May 26, 2014
  15. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013

    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: One Year Later | DATE: Someday One Year Later | LOCATION: Church in Spain

    "Okay. Nothing to be nervous about, just go up there and when it's time to say your vows, say your vows." The red-haired boy was giving a few pieces of advice to the clearly nervous older man.

    "Right. Easy for you to say." Everything was getting hotter, sweat streamed down his face as he constantly wiped it away.

    "Just, relax. It's gonna be over and done with soon enough, okay?"

    "Fine, fine." He took in a deep, calming breath before going down the aisle in his stuffy suit and tie. The moment it when he can finally ditch his get up would be so sweet when it finally comes.

    "Reuben," the angel called from behind. He turned to look at her and asked what was up. "Your mother is calling for you."

  16. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    LOCATION Spain [Outside] INTERACTION Reuben


    With a light rap at the door, a head of reddish - brown hair came peeking into the room. You called? asked the sweet blue - eyed boy.

    Hana turned back to face her son and nodded once. It's time. she told him. He smiled up at her and held out an arm. She took one last slow breath before wrapping her hands around his elbow. It was time. They were finally doing this. Hana let her son lead the way out of the room and she trailed along beside him.

    Oh, you should know that they moved everything outside.

    What? she snapped her head around to look at him. Reuben's toothy grin smiled up at her and she sighed in defeat. Of course. It's just like everyone to change things on me at the last minute.

    He gave her a nudge, before leading her out of the building. It's fine mom. Just relax. Easy for him to say.

    In, out, in, out -- just keep breathing; one foot in front of the other.

    The sun shined brightly down on her fair skin, making her look even more pale. Her hair was braided back into a bun, a few tendrils hanging loose in curls. The gravely earth crunched beneath her shoes and across the street she could see about a dozen chairs lined up beneath a tree, each of them occupied. Standing down in front was a familiar dark - skinned face, accompanied by the presence of an angel. She had wanted Azazel to marry them. It seemed the most fitting. Who better than an angel of love and beauty? Not even the priests could challenge that notion.

    In, out, in out -- just keep breathing; one foot in front of the other.

    She could do this. She had her son to give her away.

    Sam seemed to notice her finally, straightening out his back. That appeared to trigger everyone's sense of acknowledgement. They all turned to see her coming and rose from their seats.

    Almost there.

    Smiles blessed her, but her focus was entirely on the man standing opposite the chairs from her. Hana bit down on her lip as they reached the folding chairs. Everyone whispered words of strength and celebration. If it wasn't for her son, she probably would have collapsed. He was strong and kept her on her feet.

    Her heart raced in her chest. Her cheeks started to burn. Her hands were shaking. Anticipation was building. How much longer would it take? As she passed each row, the guests began to sit.

    Almost there.

    Reuben came to a stop directly in front of his father. Hana looked up at the man for the first real time all day. She smiled brightly at him, blue eyes sparkling. Her son gave her a kiss on the cheek before letting her go and standing beside his father. Sam looked nervous -- possibly even more than her(?). That was comforting. He held out a hand for her and she stepped towards him, Azazel standing centered between them, but a step behind. Hana looked at her oldest friend and for a moment, she could have swore she saw two faces. Joslyn was here as well, not physically, but still here. She nodded at the angel before facing her soon - to - be husband. Hey, she whispered, her voice raspy and out of breath.

    This was it. They could finally have a happy ending. Not just the new family, but everyone as well. They would finally be able to make peace. It might take awhile for some, but it would come in time, even those that were not present. The little June - bug was able to safely return to her family in Canada. Sven -- with the help of Hana -- was in a new home with all his many siblings. They wouldn't have to worry about money anymore. Leon found Puriel's latest newborn host and unfortunately put an end to his life so that he could start the cycle anew. The two of them would be able to grow up together, with a little bit of meddling from everyone's favorite invisible angel.


    There was still a matter of Calamitosum's twin sister, but they would deal with her in time. There was nothing they couldn't all accomplish if they worked together. They had each other. Amends would be made. Friendships would be strengthen. They persevered and those that were lost were not forgotten. Not now, not ever.

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