⍭he ℱallen

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by Hyuge ✧, May 14, 2013.

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  1. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013

    Alejandra Rojas
    DAY: 68 - 4/4 | DATE: November 29th, 2013 [Friday] | LOCATION: Residence in Santiago, Chile
    OOC: Hurray for more Google Translate

    After a while of waiting and hearing some shuffling from behind the door, it opened slightly to show a young man's face. "¿Qué quieres? (What do you want?)" How rude, she wondered if this was the guy they were looking for. She leaned in towards Joslyn and whispered into her ear. "Is this the guy we're looking for?"

    "The compass is burning, so it h-has to be him." The pale-skinned teenager whispered back.

    With a sigh, she turned back to the person behind the door. "Escucha, mi pequeño grupo aquí quiere tener unas palabras con usted. Es muy importante. (Listen, my little group over here wants to have a word with you. It is pretty important.)"

    "Ask if he wouldn't mind s-stepping outside so we can get a b-better look at him." She asked from behind.

    "¿Quieres venir aquí, por favor? Nos gustaría ver a quién le estamos hablando. (Would you come out here, please? We'd like to see who we're talking to.)" The young woman was also curious as to what this person looked like.

  2. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Sven opened the door a bit more and slid out quickly shutting the door behind him, he refused to look at the group as he responded, "What?"

    "Uhh... Did you just speak in English?" The short-haired woman asked in disbelief.

    "Huh? No." Sven quickly looked at her, "I don't know English."
    "But... you're clearly..."

    "I-I think, maybe, that because L-Leon is here, you understand each o-other because of his i-influence. Th-Though I thought that only H-Hana could do that." The albino teen chimed in.

    "Huh..." She looked at the kid in a daze as she was still trying to wrap her head around that. Sven glared at all of them, "Look I don't want any of this nonsense, tell me what you need and then get off my property."

    "Well..." the nervous girl started. "P-Put simply, we're here because of you. The thing is, w-we aren't exactly n-normal people." She fiddled with a few stray strands of hair as she talked. "Umm... See, w-we're angels. F-Fallen Angels. And you're one too."
    Sven stared at the nervous girl for a moment after she spoke, but then he quickly turned to opened the door of his house, "Get out of here."

    "Wait up a sec!" The older girl raised her voice. "I know this sounds crazy, but it's the truth. Try hearing people out before brushing them off, moron!" Sven froze and quickly turned back towards the older girl and came closer to her, "What the fuck did you just call me?!"
    "You heard me, moron! What are you gonna do about it?" She got right back in his face.

    "Guys, please! Don't d-do this here! There's n-no need for you guys to fight." The albino teenager tried to calm them down. With an angry groan, Alejandra backed off. "Listen, it's crazy, I know, but we r-really are what we c-claim to be." She took in a breath before continuing. "You've h-heard about the plane crashes and z-zombie attacks, haven't you?"
    Sven stopped glaring when he listened to the white-haired girl speak, and he responded quickly, "I've heard it mentioned, yes."
    "Well, those events aren't u-unrelated. I know first-hand." She spoke grimly. "Those attacks w-we're caused by forces from Hell. W-we've lost friends because of them..."

    "...I am sorry to hear about your friends, but I still don't believe you."
    "If I might interject," the blond haired Italian butted in. "I could show you proof that we speak the truth about being angels."

    "Oh, gross. Not that again." The short haired woman looked away from him in disgust. He pulled out a pocket knife and, after rolling up his sleeve, made a deep cut in his arm. Quickly, he slid it along the length of his forearm, before the wound quickly shut itself.

    "Ah, oh. I forgot... Does anyone have any tissues?"

    "Here." The woman offered him tissues without even looking.

    "Thanks." He wiped off the blood, showing that there was no wound at all, now.

    Sven's eyes widened as he backed away from them in fear and did the sign of the cross, "In the name of Jesus Christ GET AWAY FROM ME."
  3. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 68 - 4/4 | DATE: November 29th, 2013 [Friday] | LOCATION: Residence in Santiago, Chile
    "Yeah, that's what I was expecting." Alejandra quipped. "You can't just go around and do that, y'know. Some people will freak out."


    "Is that really all you have to say?"

    "L-look, please, j-just calm down. I already told you, we're a-angels, not demons." Joslyn tried to reason with him.

    Sven raised up his hands and spoke, "Okay okay I believe you just don't pull that voodoo on me. What the hell do you want?"

    "Well, we're trying to tell you th-that you're one of us."

    "I can't do that shit. You have the wrong person."

    "Not all of us c-can heal ourselves l-like he can, b-but we know y-you're an angel. Th-there's no mistake."

    Sven finally dropped his hands to his sides and spoke, "You can't tell me you went and found my house with some of your magic shit and came all the way over here just to tell me I am an angel. What else do you want from me?"

    "You're right, th-that's not all we want. We want to ask if you w-want to come with us. We need to find a-as many of us as we c-can, band together, and fight of the coming f-forces of Hell." The girl looked down sadly. "I-I can't guarantee your safety if you c-come with us, b-but you w-won't be safe alone."

    Sven quickly turned his head towards his house and then back, "I can't go. I have a family I need to watch over." Sven felt uneasy as he spoke, "But they wouldn't be safe either way would they..."

    "Unfortunately... N-no..."

    Sven let out a sigh before he felt the door hit his back behind him and a younger girl popped her head outside, "You should go."

    "Amelia were you listening in?"

    "Only the end part... I can watch them. We'll be fine." she said with a wink, "If big brother Sven is gonna protect us by fighting the demons of hell, we'll have you in our prayers."

    "Oh... right..." Sven's soft and kind face when facing Amelia quickly turned into an uncaring face when he was in the direction of the group, "My name is Sven. Sorry for not introducing myself."

    "No, it's q-quite alright. M-my name is Joslyn. It's a pleasure to meet you." The teenager said with a bow. She turned to the little girl behind him. "And, I'm sorry for t-taking him away..."

    Sven's face was quickly filled with anger, "I did not agr-"

    Amelia quickly cut him off, "Sven. We'll be okay. Cam and I have jobs, we can feed ourselves without you for a little while.... but try to come back okay?"

    Sven turned towards Amelia and patted her on the head, "You kids stay safe okay. If anything comes at you to harm you, swing back as hard as you can."

    Amelia turned towards the group and smiled, "Have fun dealing with him. He can be an asshole." then she went in quickly for a second and came back handing Sven his jacket.

    "Hey at least let me in my house." Sven spoke as Amelia shut the door on his face.

    Amelia yelled through it, "You'll grow attached, we love you Sven."

    "I-I'm sorry..."

    "Well, I think we should go now." Alejandra chimed in. "Come on, Sven. Let's go."

    Last edited: Jan 26, 2014
  4. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    [/url]With the recruitment done the group that went to the hotel, where Sal had filled Tiia in on the situation they were in to the best of his ability and filled her in on just what angel she was. However he had no idea what exactly Raguel's abilities were and could not tell her, and due to creative liberty of the RPer Zachariel couldn't tell him what they were either. It wasn't too long after this was over and done with that Sal had seen the second group of theirs return with the newest fallen angel of theirs. Well this was quite wonderful news. He had figured that they had explained the whole situation to him, Kushiel as it would turn out to be, and once the group was together once more it was high time to get together and go to bed. After all sorts of reactions and conversations between the members, old and new, were done the gang had finally decided to get together and get ready for their grand departure.

    Stepping onto the plane, he had asked for the direction the compass was pointing in, to find that it was pointing in the North East Direction. Thinking that there would be no other angels in this country, once everyone had boarded the plane was off in that direction to Bolivia. With all said and done, Sal had fallen asleep on the plane and let the journey continue.
  5. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Regulus and the other demons watched what Soren had to say and suddenly Docrates suddenly began to laugh hard at Soren as the boy made his exit from the area. Phaeton raised an eyebrow at Soren and made no sound, but even Regulus couldn't help but chuckle at his words. "Honestly...did he just acknowledge he was Lucifer's pawn?" Regulus said as he smirked "Lucifer is not stupid...obviously Lucifer loathes betrayal" Regulus said tuning away. He never cared for Soren's life, only for the boy to get the hell out of his lair and stop killing his demons.

    "HAH STRONGEST?! THIS GUY MAKES ME LAUGH...power really does blind a person."

    Docrates laughed on before his laughter soon died down as he and Phaeton walked on. They were given orders to really help the wounded demons. Regulus began working on strengthening and repairing demons until he finally retired for the night and fell asleep.


    William was honestly amazed that they had managed to not only gain one more angel, but another to boot. Everything had seemed to be going right for them at the moment. They managed to gain back the group that was kidnapped, they were allowed to borrow an airplane, and now the two newcommers. As he walked in, William smiled and fell asleep on the plane.
  6. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Apparently, this group had to stop at a hotel to collect the rest of their members. There were more of them? This both surprised Sven and didn't surprise him at all. Sven put on the jacket his sister had thrown at him, and it had his wallet and phone. Everything. But seriously, who did she think she was? Amelia may have been seventeen years old but he was supposed to be their guardian... even if it wasn't legal.

    He wondered how the rest would do.

    Either way, Sven did not show that emotion of wonder and concern at all, instead he looked at all of these people around him and made snap judgments on them. He hated almost all of them. He thought most of them were lunatics, and he must have been a lunatic too. But there were a couple kids here, and he couldn't bring himself to hate them, they were just kids. Kids could believe anything, couldn't they?

    When they got to the hotel, they met with the other half of the group, and apparently they had another new member. Which gave him a bit of comfort, because that meant he wasn't the only new one and he could find just another person who could feel the same-

    The fuckers

    Out of nowhere came the brunette girl from his work, and suddenly all of his anger came. He walked towards her to confront her and her eyes quickly widened as she hid behind two Asian girls in the group, "Oh God oh God oh God."

    "Don't say the lord's name in vain."
    "You're speaking English?"
    "I am NOT going through this again."

    The girl continued to hide behind the two and she poked her head out from one side of the couple,
    "And it wasn't in vain, I am calling on him so you don't beat the living daylights out of me. And don't preach to me."
    Sven walked towards her and walked around the two girls, but Tiia did the exact opposite, "You can't just come into this country and expect everyone to speak your language."
    "I didn't! That's why I spoke English."
    "You aren't American?"

    "I'm from Estonia... Who's expecting shit now?" Immediately after Tiia covered her mouth

    Sven went to break through the couple and beat Tiia to a pulp before he felt someone grab his shoulders and he was furious and was about to punch out who it was before he realized it was one of the people next to him. The girl smiled and tilted her head saying,
    "If you bake her like an egg she'll crack."

    Both of the two stared at the girl for a moment and both spoke in unison,
    "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
    "I'm not mean." the girl said with a sad face.

    Sven stared at her for a moment longer before he looked at Tiia and spoke,
    "You get a free pass, but only this once."

    After that interaction, all of the people went on the plane, and Sven, Tiia, and Lauren & Alice, fell asleep during the travel.
  7. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013

    Alejandra Rojas
    DAY: 68 - 4/4 | DATE: November 29th, 2013 [Friday] | LOCATION: Private Jet to Bolivia

    With two new members of the group in tow, the whole group flocked onto the plane and headed towards their next destination. According to the albino teenager, the needed to head somewhere North of where they are now. On the plane, she took a seat and wondered just how exactly things were gonna turn out. There was no way of knowing for sure, but she did want to know what kind of powers she had. If everyone of them had special abilities, how did they find out what they were? What would she be able to do? Would it be something supportive or active? She had to find out somehow. As she mulled these things over, she fell asleep in her seat as the plane flew to its destination.

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 68 - 4/4 | DATE: November 29th, 2013 [Friday] | LOCATION: Private Jet to Bolivia

    There was a certain amount of guilt weighing down her heart as she sat in the plane. She just convinced someone who had a family to take care of to possibly give his life for their cause. Even though it was of utmost importance, she couldn't help but feel bad for the one's he was leaving behind.

    "I know it's hard, but it's for the greater good." Azazel said trying to comfort her.

    "Yeah, I know." The young girl curled up in her seat, looking at the floor of the plane.

    "It's tough, but we have to keep at it. Hopefully, we can end it all."

    "I hope so too." She sighed.

    "Just get some sleep now, alright Honey~?"

    "Alright, good night."

    "Good night." With that, the girl rested her head against the seat and fell asleep.

    Vincent Antonio Zeppeli
    DAY: 68 - 4/4 | DATE: November 29th, 2013 [Friday] | LOCATION: Private Jet to Bolivia

    As he reflected on how he approached convincing others that they were angels, he fell asleep in his chair.

  8. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    DAY 69
    Saturday, November 30, 2013



    School was the same old dull thing it always was for Allen. Well his first 3 classes were dull, his fourth class made the rest of the day worth it. The class he loved so much was music and since he did compose his own music in his spare time, it made since why he would love it. Even the teacher understood his love for music, which only made the class better. Unfortunately like the previous classes it had to end and right now he was on his way to fifth period.

    Along the way, his friend Xavier ran up to him and started to walk alongside him. Since their next class was the same one, he always managed to find him in the halls.

    "¿Qué pasa?"

    "Hǎo ba, nǐ?"

    "¿Por qué me hablas en chino?"

    "Lo siento, es sólo diversión jugando contigo." He replied with a small chuckle. There was no real reason why he did that to anyone beside to see their reactions. While it was mostly done to his friends, there were some small occasions where he did it to strangers. Granted they visited him so it wasn't like he walked up to a random person just to confuse them with his Chinese.

    OOC: Translation:

    Qué pasa - What's up

    Hǎo ba, nǐ - Fine, you?

    ¿Por qué me hablas en chino - Why do you speak in chinese

    Lo siento, es sólo diversión jugando contigo - Sorry, it's just fun messing with you
  9. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Alistair was glad to see that he had awoken in this world once more. The times he had awoken here were unknown to him and even when he wished to return here he was not given the opportunity. After what had happened before, his desire to return here had been the highest it had ever been. The flames burned and raged with an intense heat, a heat far greater than before.

    Everything looked the same, but at the same time was far different from before. The mob of ghoul stood before him but they meant little to him. With a snap of the fingers the ghouls perished and only one man stood alone in the distance. His eyes narrowed and his body moved forward, walking slowly as he approached the man. There was no words he wished to usher out, the man deserved none from him.

    Alistair opened his palm as a blade shot out of the palm. With his hand grasped around the hilt of the blade the speed of Alistair’s trek grew faster and faster. With each step his anger grew and grew and as his anger grew so too did the heat of the flames that were around him grow. Raising the blade that he held he swung it down at the man that had his back facing him. Alistair’s blade met with resistance and his eyes could only widen in shock as the man had blocked the blow with his own blade.

    Jumping back he prepared his blade once more ready to lunge at him again. The man that had no experience wielding a blade faced him and narrowed his eyes with a mocking smirk. That sheer smile infuriated Alistair and raising his free palm the host of the angel of death fired a flurry of small blades at the man he called father.

    The storm of blades were deflected off the man’s blade and in turn he blocked a slash from Alistair, who had tried to lung forward and attack. In a furry, Alistair began to repeatedly slash at the man, trying to at least cut the man once. His efforts failed and in the end the man began to say one thing each time he blocked.


    Alistair’s eyes were seething with rage at this point. His slashes were becoming much more wild and with each blow having been deflected, Alistair was countered and found his body slashed. Even so, as the flames grew and grew, Alistair did not stop in the slightest.

    “die…JUST DIE! DIE DIE DIE!”

    With each slash he yelled out the word die, desperately trying to end his father, his anger grew and soon enough the heat around him reached unbearable heights. He realized just what was the cause of all this, but it was too late, the flames that had crept towards him had finally grown huge and devoured him.

    His flesh slowly began to disintegrate as the flames burned away at his body. The flames of his rage were scortching his flesh as each little piece turned to ash. The flames held him back and as he burned he weakly stretched out to his father in a meek attempt to strangle the man that stared at him with a smirk.

    “Anger…anger is a tool…a double edged sword…”

    Alistair’s eyes widened upon the sound of Azrael’s voice.

    “Anger is something to be used…but you yourself are being used Alistair…that hatred you use…is nothing more than a tool that man before you is using…a clear mind…that is your tool…”

    Alistairs eyes closed as a grin crept across whatever remained of his body.

    “So I see…each of these events…each has it’s own lesson I need to learn…how lame”

    Alistair spoke those words as the flames dispersed and his body recovered

    “I don’t need your fucking lessons…I do this myself”

    With this declared he stared forward at the man before him and closed his eyes and began to laugh. As much as he hated it, Azrael was the one to make him see it all. All those missions before, all of them awakened something in Alistair and made him stronger.

    “Its amazing how clear it has gotten…you are a pathetic man that does not deserve my rage…”

    With that said Alistair rushed forward in an agile and fluid motion. Before the father could even react Alistair had made it right in front of the man. He pointed both palms at the man’s shoulders and immediately long sword burst out of the palms and stabbed the man rising him upwards, imapailed by the swords piercing the shoulders.

    “Your not the worst father…no…your not even close…there are a whole shitload of them out there….”

    Alistair raised his leg and immediately kicked the man causing him to go flying from the blades that impailed him and landed on the ground. With that mere action Alistair walked up to the fallen man who was weakened to the point that he could even barely move. With a smirk Alistair merely placed his foot on top of the man’s head

    “But even so…I don’t give a **** about other dads…you’re the worst scum in my eyes…”

    Alistair’s leg raised up and soon began to repeatedly stomp on the man’s head


    Alistair yelled this out with each step until finally Alistair kicked the body upward and pointed his palm upwards at the airborne man and clenched his fist as blades pierced the man from all corners. There was nothing left of the man Alistair called father.There was nothing left blocking his way to Azrael, it was time for him to encounter the angel of death, or so he though…

    A piercing pain hit his chest and Alistair as he stared down to see a blade had pierced through his chest. His powers had grown, and he could tell who it was that stabbed him from behind without even looking. Tears ran down his face as his lips quivered.

    “Your final obstacle…this will not be a lesson…this will prove…how far you’ve gotten…”

    Azrael’s words were cold, but Alistair did not care in the slightest. The blade was pulled out and Alistair immediately turned around to face the white haired woman holding a sword.


    Alistair ushered the words but immediately he found himself deflecting a slash and staggering back. The woman continued to slash forward and all Alistair could do was helplessly block each slash and move backwards. The warm loving face she always had was now unemotional, but even so it was still his mother’s face, the very person that had loved him.

    “I…I cant”

    Alistair said in pure despair as the tears fell. He knew the woman would kill him without a single shred of mercy, but he could not bring himself to attack her. As a child he saw them, those awful visions. It was this very woman that had prevented him from going mad. Wasn’t it fair that this very woman ended him?

    His body moved on its own, following what he needed to do. The sword was deflected, but Alistair did not step back. Stepping forward with a sword in hand Alistair thrust the blade forward through his mother’s chest

    “…sorry…I’ve done unforgivable things…I’m not the same little boy you raised…but this is something I must do…”

    Arms embraced him as tears fell down his face, but soon those tears dried as the body embracing him soon vanished. Wiping away whatever water remained in his eyes, Alistair stared upwards as a smirk crept across his face.

    “Enough with the family complex…stop being a ****ing coward and face me!”

    “Took you long enough…I’ll enjoy this..”

    There was no feel, no pressure anymore. As everything faded, Alistair still kept his eyes on the angel of death before him before it had finally ended.

    Eyes slowly opened up, taking time to adjust and realize just where he was once more. It was odd being in his room once again. He hadn't spent much time in the room and it was just repaired. He never really did hold any attatchment for the room, but he did admit he would eventually hold some feelings for it after a long time away from it.

    Sitting up, he glanced down over at the girl beside him and smiled softly as he watched her sleep so peacefully. Not wishing to disturb her, after all there would be a full day for him to disturb her peace later on. His suit firmly set on his body, Alistair stood up and stretched his body before grabbing the cane that rested nearby.

    Lifting up the cane up he merely stared up at it. Ever since the previous session he couldn't call upon Arondight and the sword had remained in it's sealed form. It was certainly a great loss, but there was nothing he could do but hold onto it and sigh. Placing the cane away he merely took a seat and waited for Tempy to awaken.
  10. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Adam awoke to the familiar yet unfamilar world he knew as Har. He hadn't been here in who knows how long. Adam looked around and noticed nobody was there and he let out a sigh as he picked up a rock and help tossing it up and down in the air, "Alright. I'm here. What do you want today?"
    Adam continued his tossing as he started speaking in a teasing tone, "So are you here to lecture me about my ineffectiveness as a leader? My terrible decision making? How cowardly I am?" Adam threw the rock a far distance away and turned back to the stone throne Semyaza usually sat upon when he was summoned.

    "Come on Semyaza, I know we have all day to do this, but I would appreciate getting this started."

    Adam felt something grab his shoulder and he watched a figure appear out of the corner of his eye mumbling, "Shut up kiddo. You are getting cocky." Adam watched as the figure marched their way to the throne, then they took a seat and crossed their legs as they continued, "So, Adam. Hell is devolving you?"

    "What do you mean by that? And why are you covering your face with a hood."
    Semyaza was completely covering in black clothing, and their face was covered as well. They literally just looked like a black shadow. Semyaza let out an annoyed groan and replied, "Do not worry yourself about the hood. I am in Hell right now. I have not been here for a very long time, and it seems my form is changing to match those old feelings. It is not looking entirely pleasant right now. I am doing you a favor."
    "So you're starting to look like your iconic self?"
    "I hate the word iconic, but yes... the voice is taking longer to change than I expected however... but... it does not matter how I appear. And again, I repeat myself. How is the devolution process going?"

    "What do you mean by that-"
    "Calm yourself, it is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, I think it is better this way. Trouble-making little brat, who knows how to get shit done. But... now I need to face your other problem... again."
    "What other problem."
    "Your attachment issues... probably the entire reason you came back to hell. To get revenge for your little sweetheart. And let me tell you something. Adam."
    Semyaza quickly teleported in front of Adam, and Adam jumped at the sudden action, and looked up towards them, "Oh man you got tall-"
    "You can keep your revenge goal, I don't mind it. However, that cannot be it all. I need you to give into the idea that you are now a subject of Lucifer's, you will be the one heading his army... or at least that was his original plans. Who knows if he changed it up. And now you are being given a task to get Azazel."
    "I'm going to die if I do that."
    "Possibly. But it does not matter anymore. You are either going to grab Azazel, or you will die trying. There is no other option."
    "I can't ju-"
    "You want to walk into his throne room again and tell him that you could not bring back Azazel because you are afraid of death?"
    Semyaza stood up straighter and chuckled, "There is an idea I have never thought of..."
    "Oh nothing, I tried it once before... but now..." Semyaza chuckled and pat Adam on the head and spoke, "If we get the time we will worry about it."
    Adam shivered slightly before Semyaza let go of his head, "I prefer this height. Now you can not look down on me."
    Adam watched as Semyaza sat back down again and the teen blurted out in response, "Your personality is a wreck, you change it way to often."
    "I do not know where you came to that conclusion. I am pretty sure I have stayed the same. It is just your perspective that has changed."
    The boy placed his hands in his pocket and refused to look at them, Semyaza leaned forward and spoke in a happier tone, "Hey, think about it this way. You have finally given me a reason to believe in you, kiddo."

    When Adam woke up, he at first thought he was not actually awake. Not because the setting was unconvincing but because of the way he had left Har. Usually there was at least a transition between there and waking up. Oh well, it didn't matter too much for him.


    "Ugh why..." Adam spoke as he rolled himself out of bed and looked for Rubbish somewhere in his room, he assumed it had something to do with food so he got him some food and then put it on the ground and waiting for Rubbish to run out and eat it.

    When he did, Adam pet him quickly before he left the room. He had no idea what the agenda was today, but he might as well go and get some training done. Without hesitation he made his way to the training room and began to train physically fr a while.
  11. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DAY 69 ⦙ 1/4 DATE Saturday ⦙ November 30, 2013
    LOCATION Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [Underground] INTERACTION


    It's like coming up for air after being submerged underwater for too long. The sensation leaves you gasping for breaths and the light burns your eyes. Everything is blurry and your feet drag. The time warp bubbles you in. You never know when you will actually break the surface. The stairs seem to ascend for centuries, just like that struggle to reach the top surf. You wonder when you'll be free; afraid that you won't make it in time. When you do, it's a rush.

    Hands pressed flat against the splintered wooden surface of the trapdoor. She pushed up and a combination of dust and dirt rained down on her head. Light filtered in from the stained glass windows and she blinked, adjusting to the unusual brightness. Fresh air was welcoming and a shadowy figure blocked out the immediate sunlight coming from the window across the room. Hana looked up to see Sister Marie standing over her. The woman knelt down with a hand extended to pull her out. She smiled up at the woman graciously and allowed herself to be eased out of the tunnel. Obrigado, freira Marie.1

    The woman smiled back with her constant flow of kindness. Hana had only met Sister Marie one other time prior to entering the tunnel and it was many years ago. The old woman had the memory of an elephant and wrinkles to match. Her pale blue eyes were glossy with old age and laugh lines parenthesized her mouth. Her sunken eyes watched Hana with a mixture of relief and concern. Hana dusted herself off and sat down in the front pew with one hand over her abdomen. The Sister shut the trap door and the runes began to fade away. The outline and handle disappeared with them. O homem que partiu com o que aconteceu com ele?2

    Her brows pinched together and she sighed. Hana bowed her head in the pew and dirty red hair fell in her face. Infelizmente, Raziel não fazê-lo.3

    The nun shook her head and said a quick prayer for the lost angel. None of this came to her as a shock. Hana had been here enough times with Jehoel that the Sisters began to pass stories down in order to keep all new members informed. Hana never had to explain who or what she was. They just knew. It was convenient and refreshing for someone outside of the Fallen to know the truth. Sister Marie knelt in front of Hana with one hand on her knee. The red - head lifted her chin to get a better look at the nun. Their blue eyes met and she could tell that bad news awaited her. How long had she stayed down there? Algo escuro foi circulando a igreja por muitos dias. Temo por você Angel.4

    Hana nodded her head. She knew something like this would happen. They had led Lucifer's army directly to the entrance of Leviathan's prison. They couldn't reach it because of the church, but that wouldn't stop them for long, especially if she was to walk out that front door and die. She was stuck. At this rate, it might have been better to just return underground. She would be safest there, but who knows how many more days would go by before she resurfaced. Hana frowned and pulled out the phone Jun Tae had given her upon arriving in Brazil. Her thumbnails scratched at the back of the phone over and over again. She should make a call. The others needed to know she was okay. Plus, she was curious as to what has happened on their end. There was also the whole Jun Tae thing. That wouldn't go over well. She held up a finger to the nun who nodded and walked to the other side of the sanctuary. The woman busied herself, straightening up the room. Hana flipped the phone over and tapped the screen. It lit up brightly and she fiddled around searching for the contacts. These 'smartphones' were really complicated. Hana had purposefully never used one before and Jun Tae's was even more technologically advanced and confusing.

    Finding Joslyn's name, she pressed the green phone symbol and it started to ring. Joslyn? Hello, it's Hana.

    Hana! Oh my goodness, how are you? It's been a long while since you left. What's been happening with you? She answered, barely containing her excitement and relief that she was alive and well.

    I'm fine Jos, just tired. There hasn't been a lot going on here. I've been underground with Jun Tae for days. I just resurfaced a few minutes ago. Her voice was solemn and laced with tiredness. Other than Hay Sun, Joslyn would most likely take Jun Tae's death the hardest.

    O-Oh... Right... Umm. The girl's voice changed tone as she continued to speak. Well, the thing is... Hay Sun is... No longer with us.

    She sat there in silence at Joslyn's words. Her fingers tightened around the phone and sadness filled her chest. Not only had Jun Tae passed, but Hay Sun had as well. That was a cruel, cruel fate. Oh ... Joslyn, She pressed her lips together and breathed out in an exasperated sigh, Neither is Jun Tae. I'm sorry Joslyn. I know you had grown especially close to him.

    I... I see... The girl started to sniffle after hearing that. S-so then... they both... Her voice was shaking as she continued to speak, Well, at least... At least you're still safe. What happened over there?

    She shook her head. Now wasn't the time. Not a lot. I can't tell you over the phone Jos. I'm in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. As soon as you all can come get me, I can tell you then. Are ... are things going okay for you?

    Things are getting better. We're in Bolivia right now, in Trinidad, and we managed to recruit three more people into the group. The teenager said between sniffles, As soon as we find and recruit the angel here, we're going to come and get you, alright?

    Good, good. I'm glad you're all doing -- she groaned and cringed in pain. It hurt. Her blue eyes fell downwards. Hana took a deep breath. I'm glad you're all doing all right.

    O bebê, é hora?5

    Hana bit her lip in pain. She wanted to chalk it up to cramps, but given the situation, that did not seem likely. Being in the prison messed with the length of a Nephilim pregnancy. It was coming. Freira, devemos chegar à abadia e rapidamente. I'm sorry, Joslyn. I have to go. Tell everyone hi for me. I'll see you soon.6 She hung up the phone without waiting for a reply and Sister Marie helped her to her feet.


    1Thank you, Sister Marie.
    2What happened to the man you left with?
    3Unfortunately, Raziel didn't make it.
    4Something Dark has been circling the church for many days now. I fear for you Angel.
    5The baby, is it time?
    6Sister, we must get to the abbey and quickly.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2014
  12. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 69 - 2/4 | DATE: November 30th, 2013 [Saturday] | LOCATION: Hotel in Trinidad, Bolivia

    After the phone call ended, she put her phone down and wiped the tears from her face. Both Leo and Hay Sun were gone now. It was hard to lose so many people, especially ones she had gotten close to. The loss was tearing at her heart and she had no idea how much more of it she could take.

    "Honey, I know this is difficult, but you have to endure." Azazel tried to comfort her.

    "I just... I just want this to end, already. We've lost so many over the course of this journey." Her breathing hitched as she spoke.

    "I know, I know. Hopefully, this will all be over soon, but for now, all we can do is go on and endure."

    Her sniffling slowed as she wiped a few more tears from her eyes. "Alright..." She stood up and straightened out her clothing and went to the door. "We should get the others and go find the new angel."

    "Let's do that."

  13. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Feeling super energized and raring to go was just the way this boy wanted to start his day. Looking at the ceiling above, Brandon was quite curious as to what the day would bring to him, seeing as the last few days had been rather successful. They had gotten a total of three new crew members to their gang of Angelic Badasses, and were looking to get some more. Step by step, day by day, they were getting closer to having a full party, and seeing as no more were going to poof into existence, this time it was going to be for sure. Unfortunately, they were just running exceedingly short on time. Well that wasn't good. But that wasn't the point, what was the point, was that they needed to go and get a good old fashion move on towards their next angel. As he was done with his morning duties, he went to the door, where Jo was located, and the two waited for everyone to get their keisters out of bed and to the door. Once everyone had made it out of bed, Jo told them all the great news she had. Apparently Xana was just chilling in Brazil, doing whatever it was that she had gone there to do, and that she was ready to get picked up. Sweet. That meant their full party, save for Adan who was probably double agenting for them or captured or something like that, and save for all the people who are currently dead, would be back together in no time. That just meant the pressure was on to recruit these angels as fast as possible.

    With the news out of the way, the gang loaded into the nearest form of transportation that they could "obtain" and went off in the direction of the compass. When they finally got to where the compass was most definitely pointing to, it turned out to be a school...man! He sure was slacking on his studies recently. And he had a physics project on electrostatics due about....a few months ago...well hopefully the school was closed for being demolished or something by the massive earthquake. Getting his usual pep together he exclaimed,
    "alright! Let's go!" As he walked towards the school, he was stopped in his tracks. From the car, there could be seen white mist coming out of it and anchoring the boy to the ground. "Or we could not charge into the school looking for someone to tell them they're an angel." The voice belonged to none other than Wealthard, the always sleeping man...who still had both eyes closed anyway. Well drat, looks like they were going to have to come up with...a plan.
  14. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    As fifth period, or math, began Allen felt his eyes start to droop immediately after the teacher had started speaking. If wasn't that math was a boring subject, he was actually fairly good it. It was just that the teacher was so boring. He had no idea how he did, but every time he listen to the teacher speak, he sudden got sleepy. Even if he was wide awake for his classes before and after this one. On the bright side though he sat in the back so he was hardly ever caught when he did fall asleep in class, which he did often.

    Right as the teacher started talking about more review topics, Allen lost the fight to stay awake. With his head being supported by his hand, his eyes close and he fell asleep with his book open. It gave him the illusion of paying attention, which would work so long as he wasn't called on for anything.

    Fortunately his nap went uninterrupted up under the bell ending class rang. Acting as if he'd been paying attention the whole time, he packed up his things and left the class. Lunch was next for him and he would be spending it like he always did, in the courtyard with whatever friends decided to sit with him.
  15. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    It was true, thinking wasn't usually Brandon's strategy. He was more of a leap first right into things and totally disregard any consequences that can, will, or have happened because of it. So Wealthard did have a point when he totally stopped Brandon in his tracks with his hellfire mist magic angel powers. So they needed a plan eh? Well this was require a lot of thought and- ah screw it, I can't lie to you folks. Brandon was totally going to go regardless of what anyone thought at the moment. The only problem was getting through Wealthard's anchors. It was then that El decided to make a plan for the group. "Well, seeing as he at the age that one would be in school, I suppose having Brandon go and do the talking would be the most appropriate and socially acceptable to bystanders. Granted, you definitely do not look like you belong at this school, but never mind that. Any other ideas?" The group was silent, primarily because no one had posted. Being completely uncontested in his idea, Brandon was let free from his hellfire shackles and walked all the way over to where the compass was pointing to.

    Granted he was met with an obstacle of hindsight and hurriedness. The next part of El's plan involved Jo following him because she had the compass...so Brandon wouldn't be able to exactly pinpoint which person was actually the angel. Well shit. Looking around, Brandon wasn't entirely sure who he should tell the fallen angel thing to, that is until he noticed something distinct about someone. They had a flurry of white rose petals dancing around them, and the only other time this had happened was with Buch, who was luckily an angel. When Brandon looked to the boy again, the petals were gone, but he was still sure about this guy being the angel. Walking over to him, Brandon casually blended in as best as a British boy in South America could, and said,
    "hey there friend. Can I talk to you about something?" He was hoping that he was within Leo's totally ambiguous and undefined language barrier breaker, so that these conversations could by rather easily...so there were actually a lot of holes in El's plan, but hey.
  16. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    For the most part Allen had himself a quiet lunch. A few friends had stopped by and asked for a few things. Note, what they missed in class, things like that. In fact the only questions that he couldn't answer were ones involving math, for obvious reasons, and for the classes that he hadn't gone too. Granted he did get some useful information about those classes. There were about 30 minutes left in lunch when he decided to head back inside. His next class 's teacher was fine with him spending the rest of his lunch in his class. He was just about to leave the courtyard when he heard someone speak to him.

    "Hey there friend. Can I talk to you about something?"

    "Uh, sure." He figured that the kid must've been a new student or something cause he's never seen him around school before, not that he knew everyone at school. But what he didn't understand was why was he talking to him all of a sudden. Never seeing someone before and having them suddenly speak to you a perfectly good reasons to question the motives in play.
  17. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    The boy responded to him. Success! The plan was working brilliantly! That plan being let Brandon talk. Meaning this plan could go in two different directions from this juncture. Brandon needed to choose his next words carefully as they could be- oh fuck it. Everyone reading this knows what the first thing this boy is going to say, and it's not "do you want to play tennis?" No, of course not. There was never a time to play tennis and I, the unreliable narrator I am, don't believe anyone on the squad even knows how to play tennis, save for Brandon. So of course, the first words out of this boy's mouth was that infamous question literally everyone started a recruitment with. "So, you know about all those strange events going on around the world? The zombie invasion in Europe and all those strange unexplainable weather thingymabobbers. Well, they're actually pretty related."

    Now that the obligatory "everything is connected" portion, it was time to move into the explanation. "So, turns out all of these things were actually caused by the forces of hell trying to start an uprising to take over the entire world. So, basically the only thing standing in the way of that, is these angels who are now humans who are kind of don't have any idea that they're angels, er human angels, something like that. Anyway, the angels down on Earth are banning together and trying to stop Hell from winning. Where you come in, is that you're one of them," Brandon saying this with 100% confidence despite not actually knowing. "What that means for you, is that you get to come along with the rest of our angel crew, who are kinda at the school right now, and travel the world, unlock the secrets of the angel within, defeat demons, and skip school for probably another month. So whadda ya say?"
  18. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    "So, you know about all those strange events going on around the world? The zombie invasion in Europe and all those strange unexplainable weather thingymabobbers. Well, they're actually pretty related."

    "Yeah, what about them."

    Well the weather he knew about. When it came to zombies or anything related to it his mind immediately stops hearing anything after the word was said. While this only lasted for a short time, it was long enough to ignore any like like 'How long would you survive in a Zombie Apocalypse' or 'I have my zombie defense plan ready'. The only zombies he cared about were in video games and that one quiz he took online, which he scored a 50/50 chance at survival. Sure he could've done better, but that was more than enough to shut his friends up.

    The next thing the man said left him speechless. Forces of hell rising, angels possessing humans."Is this a plot to a video game or something?" His words just exited his mouth, even if he would rather different. "As tempting as missing school is, I have no idea whether to think your selling me something or extremely creative."
  19. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    "I'm neither, er doing neither, er, I'm neither creative nor am I selling you something." This was Brandon's Ace Attorney level retort to what the boy who had an eyepatch for whatever reason had said. This was that finale part of the recruitment that always ended up being the hardest because you had to think of the characters, and how your character would respond to appeal to the other character's persona so as to have them not think you were crazy. This would require...some thought! Brandon followed up by saying, "what I'm saying is one hundred percent true. Alright, so as an angel, we all have our own super power type thing unique to ourselves. We've got wind, fire, telekinesis, fire, healing and of course, fire. My power is lightning soooo," he then made his hand course through with electricity to show off his powers, "see, angel powers. Now, I kind of have no idea what yours is, but I'm sure it'll be awesome and unique." Making his hand stop flowing he followed up with, "in addition to that, we've all got our own super angel weapons. They're like swords...or shields, that can change into anything that kind of retains a similar form." Taking off his wristband and turning it into a wand, Brandon demonstrated this by having it shift between a fork, knife, spoon, spork, spife and shiv, (don't ask what the difference between the last two is.) Turning it back into a wrist band Brandon finished with, "so now that you see I'm not being creative, nor am I being a salesman, what do you say about joining our party now?"
  20. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Allen had no idea to respond to the demonstration that was put on before him. Actually his brain came up with two idea to explain this. 1. This man was really an escaped government project, cause that makes total sense, and was reaching out to him for help. Or 2. He was actually telling the truth. He leaned towards option two mainly cause if he was a government project, he'd rather not have his mind wiped or whatever they do to people who hid top secret government property. Once his thought were collected, he spoke. "Wow, just wow." Not the first thing he wanted to say, but it was better than looking dumbstruck. "Your going to have to give me some time to think about this."
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