Ω Welcome to le magasin des graphiques. Here you can request things such as banners, avatars, signatures, and userbars. Just fill out the template below and I'll get to work on it whenever. Rep isnt necessary but it is appreciated. And be paitent, sometimes there are obstacles which may prevent me from being on KHV from time to time Ω Size: (450x150 maximum for Signatures. 150x150 for Avatars. 450x30 for userbars) Render: (Post link to render/stock here. Higher quality means better outcome) Text: (Do you want text? If so, specify what you would like it to say) Text Placement: (Tell me where you would like the text to be, If you have a preference) Color Scheme: (Do you care what color is has? Specify here) Username: (If you want your username on it, then say so) Let the graphics begin.
First one! Size: Um, 450x100 I guess... Render: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v627/Packs/Models/backstabriku.png Text: N/A Text placement: N/A Color Scheme: Your choice! Username: Yes How long does it take?
Size: 450x100 Render: http://gfx.dagbladet.no/fredag/2004/12/03/jak_hoved.jpg Text: N/A Text placement: N/A Color Scheme: Just something you think fits ^^ Username: Christhor
Size: 150x400 vert if can Render: http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd241/imthepretender6/Dave Grohl/yfq4z.jpg Text: I <3 Crono Text Placement: Don't care Color Scheme: Don't care Username: none
LOL "I <3 Crono". I'll get on that one too xD Edit: Here is yours TKM. I tried something different here. PM me if you just want the regular one =D [IMG*]http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/5287/tkmcopyzb8.png[/IMG] Without the star of course ;D *starts on the rest* [IMG*]http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/2357/christhor2copywu2.png[/IMG]
Size: 400x100 Render: Can you make one using this please? ^^ http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o174/hevvymonster/Captain-Barbossa-ren.png Text: N/A Text Placement: N/A Color Scheme: Whatever looks best Username:Yes please Just tell me if you have any problems
I shall get started on yours Ienzo ;D Right after spit's :3 Here goes your thingy Person guy: [IMG*]http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/3127/spitfirecopyen9.png[/IMG]
I would like a Perona banner this one may seem tough but i'm going to send you all the links, details and attachments in a Pm ok crono???
^^ *HUGS* Thank you Cronoking^^ I love it.... I may need another one but I need to think who I want in it XD