Hopefully these are in some kind of order, but I doubt it. I do not make tags often (one every other month, if that), but I might as well post them anyway. Old ones (from the past three years or more): Spoiler Old? Not sure; unfinished: Spoiler yoshi71089's requests: Spoiler JGatby's requests: Spoiler Archshot's requests: Spoiler ~ evilcheeser's request: Spoiler Newest: Spoiler Other avatars: Spoiler SOTW/WSAC Entries: Spoiler My entry for WSAC #142 on OneManga Forums, all edits. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen of the record-breaking crew. The theme was 'Gender Bender'. Spoiler: other versions/suggestions This is the one that I ended up entering, as a result of unanimous voting... ~ And for #147, for which the theme was 'Tokyo Anime/Manga Ban'. Current: Spoiler It should also be noted that I am a GIMP user. Because of this I have very little to no experience with Photoshop, and I do not have it installed, so some of your critiques and suggestions may not get through to me. Sorry...
Wow, I love the first ones, the Kadaj one is amazing. I love the colours and the use of lines, very well done. I use GIMP as well, you wouldn't happen to have any tutorials on this would you?
No, sorry... I am very lazy, as I said, and I only make a tag every few months if I am not busy. I have never bothered with a tutorial because I am not very good. I take hours to make mine, and if I do anything right, it is a result of my aesthetic sense and not my technique. Sorry. Thank you.
GimpTalk is excellent for Gimp tuts, used to be a Gimp user myself, and I still do look at their tutorials using Photoshop. Anyway, these are all quite nice, my favorite is the one you're wearing, but I just don't find anything terribly eye-catching about them. Which is incredibly difficult to accomplish, so no real poop on you, it's something that just kind of... happens. Looking through tutorials might help you try new things, though, so I definitely suggest checking some out.
Yeah, but I do not make them often enough to care. I used to go there, but not any time recently. If you ever see me use a tutorial, it will be a notable day indeed. That is what I aim for, actually... Something that is pretty to look at, but that you can look over without being bothered. Blended and smooth... Not sure if that is what you meant, but it amounts to the same thing, in the end.