.:: Ⱥʀɨʂɛɳ ::.

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Arch, Nov 4, 2011.

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  1. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: Sorry again for the delay on this. Finals week was ...last week. It's over and done now so I can freely post again! THIS RP IS NOT DEAD DAMMIT.


    "Hold it!" Ronin called out as he reached into a saddle bag on his horse. From it he withdrew a piece of parchment that had merely two things written on it. The first was an item called the Aether and the second thing written on the parchment was something called... "The Reaper...?" Ronin turned the small piece of parchment over and saw the names of two places written down. The first was the home of the mages, far to the East, and the second was the original home of the Mystic Knights which was now probably overrun by bandits in the North. "We need to split up. The King said these two items, the Aether and Reaper, are the only things that will slay a dragon." Ronin put the parchment away and scratched his head, wondering how they could possibly split the group up so that they would be well rounded out.

    "I guess this means we have to split paths, Alec. Can't have two bows in one group." Ronin looked off to the East. "The mages will probably be more comfortable around those of us that can use magic..." He looked over at the sorceress and Mystic Knight. "You two don't mind coming with me, right?" 'Which leaves...' Ronin looked back at Alec. "And you're fine with heading to the North with Siegfried and Alice?" He pulled on the reigns of his horse to seperate himself slightly from the group.

    OOC: Time to get things moving!
  2. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Lenora perked an eyebrow when Ronin turned his attention towards her and the Mystic Knight. She thought for a moment and nodded her head in response, moving her horse a little to the side. She tugged a bit on the reins of her horse and looked at the others. She figured staying as a group was a better idea seeing as how they seemed to be stronger that way, however, it's also a good idea to split up instead of going at these things one by one. It would only take longer for them to face the dragon. "Where will we meet up once we have what we need?"
  3. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Alice stopped her horse and walked back towards the others, listening carefully to what Ronin said. "That makes sense, that should save time and we'll be slaying that dragon in no time. Though, seems a shame to be parting so soon after we've just met you but I'm sure they'll be plenty of time for that later." She smiled at them, regretting she hadn't had chance to get to know them, though she wasn't that social anyway. So, she'd be heading up to the North, she was sure that was home to many bandits. Well, she reckoned she could speak their language, they could do this. She glanced at Alec, she had the oddest feeling he was going to turn this into a competition between the two teams but she'd been wrong before.
  4. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    "That's fine with me," Jehan said. He felt like what Alice had said, he wished he'd had a chance to get to know them all better. But, then again, it really made much more sense to split up. In fact, it was such a better choice, he was surprised he hadn't expected it. He steered his horse over to Ronin. Honestly, he was glad he would be riding with him, he felt that Ronin would be a better leader than Alec, he didn't know why.
  5. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Alec scowled at first. The first word of "Mystic Knights" was still "mystic." The Locust wasn't too big a fan of magic. He preferred good ol' brains, skills, and tools. The assassin and warrior, he knew would agree. But...there was a pro. "Reaper, eh? Sounds tougher than that Aether thing of yours!" He laughed at Ronin as he pulled on his horse's reins. "What do you say, Ronin? Let's race! Pick the finish line and first group there with their dragon-killing item wins! Of course, you must know," he smiled as he put his hood back on, "dying is an automatic forfeit."
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Ronin smirked at Alec's comment, shifting his bow over his shoulder. "I guess we better get moving then." He looked over at Lenora and pointed at the ground in answer to her question. "We'll meet up back here." Ronin pulled at the reigns of his horse and immediately afterwards his horse was put into a gallop leaving the other two to follow behind. He kept quiet about it but Ronin knew that there would be even more monsters ahead to face before they would even reach their destination. 'We'll just have to be ready.'
  7. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Jehan spurred his horse on into a gallop, following Ronin. Here we go, he thought. On to the search, on to the hunt.
  8. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Alice shook her head but laughed, "Knew you were going to do that. I don't suppose we know anything at all about this Reaper, do we? Or any idea where to start looking any less vague than 'the North'? Are we going to go old school and actually ask the bandits about it? Well, I think I can get information out of people should that be the case anyway." She said as the others went the opposite way. Over the years she'd found ways to be very persuasive and make people start talking. Though she wondered if the others would approve of her methods. She primed her horse, ready to follow Alec at a gallop. She expected he'd be one to gallop off without a seconds warning to get a headstart on the other team.
  9. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Lenora nodded her head in response and looked towards the others. She waved at them before kicking her feet, making her horse take off following after Ronin and Jehan. She stayed behind the two of them as she looked down at her horse, wondering just how long it would take to collect what they needed. She figured the dragon needed to be taken care of quickly, she just wasn't sure how fast. Sighing lowly, she snapped the horse's reins, making it gallop a little faster to keep up with Ronin and Jehan.

    OOC: Lame post because yeah. ;___;
  10. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Siegfried merely let out a sigh as his horse slowly walked up to the other two he was to be partnered up with "my my must you two make this a race" Siegfried said as he closed his eyes and shook his head. "a city plagued by bandits...quite interesting. You can try your own methods while I tried my own" Siegfried quietly said as he glanced down at his gauntlet covered hand. A dark smile crept across his face as he glanced down. Those who had no pillaged and harmed the innocent, all though he could forgive those who had selfless reasons, he had no forgiveness for bandits who willingly stole from the innocent and pursued self pleasure at the cost of the innocent.
  11. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: *Bumpaga*


    Ronin looked over his shoulder, seeing the Mystic Knight and Sorceress follow him with the other group growing smaller as the distance grew between them. "This is going to be a long ride. We should get to know each other better during this." He spoke over the sounds of the horses galloping. "There's bound to be a few nasty things out there waiting for us so that should keep us busy too."

    OOC: Queue awkward conversations!
  12. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Jehan nodded. "Well," he said. "I don't have much to tell. For most of my life, short as it is, I have practiced fighting and defense, and became a member of the order of the Mystic Knights." His face got a little red as he rode. "This is actually my first important mission. I had expected the Order to send a more experienced knight, but I was chosen, and so... here I am." He thought it over in his head. He didn't have much of a history. Absolutely no real-time experience. He'd never even fought a petty criminal, he'd only done training exercises with other knights. Why had he been selected now, on such an important mission?
  13. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Lenora lowered her head and listened to Jehan as he spoke, wondering just how much she should say about herself. She was expecting Ronin to at least be the first to talk about himself instead of Jehan. "Well, if they sent you then there must be a good reason," Lenora said, smiling at Jehan. She looked ahead of her and shifted slightly on her horse, turning her attention towards Ronin. "What about you?" she asked, tilting her head slightly. "I'd like to know more about the person leading us before we say anything more about ourselves."
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