Grilled Chicken & Pasta ~~ Oh, grilled chicken and pasta, I am in debt to thee. Your meaty strands are filled with flavor, And your body coated with gluttony. Your scents…are the trigger to my taste buds, And your warmth is my harmony. The aroma of your sauces… Ah, how they make me go weak at the knees. Just look how you slip and slide, Between the prongs of my fork. Oh, you tricky, tricky pasta, You excite me with much glee! Salt and pepper, herbs and spices, Garlic and onions, dammit, add some more spices! My goodness, aren’t you just made of greed! Oh, my sweet grilled chicken and bowl of pasta, I am still waiting for thee… I sit eagerly with my knife and fork, So quickly come to me! ~~
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- You made me hungry now >: Great Job, I loved how it rhymed and how the description went well, I loved the Gluttony part <3 Great Poem
Oh wow, you've made me hungry too :v This poem was refreshing, since the majority of poems here seem to be sad/emo or about death which are hardly pleasant to read. This poem was jolly and your word use is clever; it was a delight to read. I am especially fond of the line "your body coated with gluttony". It doesnt make THAT much sense, but the personification is subtle and I like it.
@Obsessed & Rayku: Haha, thank you~. I figured it might be good contrast to all the...darkness around here....*cough* But they're still all good, of course. :3 The body coated with gluttony...yeah, I donno what I was thinking, but I was referring to the tasty sauces. xDDD Note: I've gotten into the habit of calling my pet guppies...pinches. So, this one is about them. And those of you who are Hispanic, and knows what Pinche refers to or means, I know...and I also know it's in the wrong context. matter what, I'll forever call them Pinches. :< An Ode to My Little Pinche ~~ An ode to my little pinches… I love you all to death. Perhaps I might like you more, If you’d all just stop having sex. Ah, how lovely you all are, With your large tails and fins. But with every baby you pop, You put me in a whole new mess. Your population number grows, Much sooner than I can grasp. For once, won’t you just listen to me And give the poor females a rest. It started with 11, Then on to 12 and 13. Now, believe it or not, It’s even gone up to 114! Oh, my dearest little pinches… I love you all to death. So, for the sake of my adoring heart, JUST STOP. HAVING. SEX. ~~
Lol. It's all I can say. Your poems are so refreshing, they don't really have any ulterior meaning, but still keep the reader going. That's really good. guppies look like those? I'm not sure, but the word pinches sounds cute, at least when you're referring to the guppies.
you make me want to go to the garden of olive's and get some of that sweet pasta that thee were talking about
Thanks everyone. Call them my random moments caught by my pencil. It was well worth it. A haiku~ Goodbye ~~ Time lapses by Summer winter fall Tick tock tick tock ~~
Note: This poem is actually based on a short, uberly descriptive narrative I wrote a long time ago. LINK. The City of Gods ~~ Behind glass doors, Her secrets sealed off. Carved on its path And written in blood. It was the city of Gods... Once she lived, But now she was lost. Amidst the concealing clouds, And frozen in time, Existed Orion, a city in flight. Soaring in heights, above our lands, Brightly she shone, In the moon's white-silver light. She was the glistening diamond, In the dull, black night. As mortal as we were, The more fantasy Orion seemed, For she only existed when the moon shone its beams. Imagine how lovely she looked When she would bathe in all their gleam. Cool winds and splendid clouds, Covered in mist and lonely howls. Her silence was perhaps, a little too loud. The lonely cries were lost to naught, Yet, her unheard sounds were what we caught. What a sight...But not a sound. This was a place that should not have been known. Vibrant colors and such intricate build, What made this place? It shall never be known. ~~