Why the dub version? Why?
Must have been temporary or just you. It's working fine on my end even after a hard refresh (no cache).
New script because I wanted it. CSS: Full Width PMs 1.0 Moves the PM sidebar to make way for a full-width conversation that reads like a normal thread.
The joke is that only children use spiral straws.
Pff. Closet teenager, then.
CRT is where it's at. Always has been.
House of Cards
Vad synd.
Laurence confirmed for closet child.
Welcome to the forum. Be sure to post interesting things! Would you prefer MS or Raine?
I can do it! I do it all the time.
I did report it. Yesterday. I'm letting him know why his example was the worst one he could possibly use.
The post where you used that image in Discussion was in violation of the rules for that section. SJ may be off base in his approach but he has one thing right. It is important to be aware of the culture you are jumping into.[DOUBLEPOST=1413055662][/DOUBLEPOST] Dude. You just admitted that you came here to be proven right, not help him. You are off your game.
Flash Floods Don't Retreat by The Antlers
No, not Kamille!
I once jumped into a river to catch a snake. It ended up being pregnant. My dad let all of the babies go while I was away from home. I was so upset. Maybe I'll get some fish when I have a stable income.
There may be a god, but they are not my god. I could not live with myself if I bent knee to such a tyrant while my brothers and sisters suffered. If god intends to turn me into someone who can live with that, screw that. That is even worse. I will choose to suffer in eternity if it means preserving who I am.
The Alchemist by Ghost Mice