Okay, maybe not a sig, but I guess it counts as Photomanip, but I still used a render. I wanted to capture an aquatic feel, and the light. It has some mistakes, but.... CnC?
My horrid attempt at getting to do normal tags. I was trying stuff such as smudging, messed around with the settings. I feel like I'm not improving in Photoshop at all. V1 V2 Plus, I'm not sure I smudged correctly to give the exact effect I wanted... CnC, seriously demanded.
I've been making sigs of this same style for a while now, the thing is that it's so easy to do, but sometimes we get horrible mistakes like these presented here. Oh, I also kinda learned how to do borders. V1 V2 CnC?
Would a voice chat in MSN be worth it or not? It's been a while since it's been done, but It was pretty fun.
Here the guides that members have assembled, and are related with writing can find their way. I'll be updating this with more resources, and if you have any information or resources you'd like to share, then you may contact me. Afterwards I'll speak to Cariad, as she will supervise this. I'll be recompiling more stuff later. I'll place a full acknowledgments to give credit to those who helped and will help in the future once the final version is completed. Update Added a second part to the guide, and i't goes more in-depth on some things. Definately read, because it will prove very helpful towards things related to writing. Again, if you have any resources you'd like to share, then please show them to me, and all credit wille given in due time. Index of contents(Use ctrl + f to find the reference ID) My First Story-(I) Getting Started-(II) The Process-(III) The way of Writing-(IV) Tips of the Wanderer-(V) The Way of Styles-(VI) The Mind of a Writer-(VII) Characters Part Deux-(VIII) Ends to Meet-(IX)
New siggies. I don't like them all that much, but I was mainly experimenting with textures and what not. V1 V2 This one is another story, and well...I know the canvas could have/should have been bigger, but I was mainly testing smudging and trying to get acquainted more with Photoshop. Heavenly CnC? Please, I really, really need advice and critique.
Photoshop. Yes, uber-noob at it, but, at least it's something. I don't use tutorials, mainly because I can never follow them, but if anyone could direct me in the way of some simple/good ones, I'd be grateful. CnC?
Devilish Innocence Decided to finally experiment with Photoshop, and these are the results. Still don't know how to make borders, can't find how to make light-sources, can't seem to understand pentool, don't know how to resize layers after placing them with the BG, don't understand most filters...but, at least managed to make this. CnC. please...
Made these quite a while ago(weeks ago, a lot of weeks ago) except the last one. CnC? It's been a bit since I've posted any tags here.
I've got some questions and suggestions that alone shouldn't be bothered with, but if placed together could amount to something. User groups : I'm sure most people use this for the lulz here, but we almost have groups for any fad of the moment, which are then left alone, and nothing done with them. Why do we have so many? Is this really required? User groups should be the way that normal members can join people with the same interests, but here it's just a mess of groups that sometimes don't even make sense, other than Lulz. Forum Families : Okay, I'm sure there are differences in here and in the user groups, but really...that area seems kinda strange, mainly because it's just like the user groups. I know it's in the spam zone, but do we really need to make so many families/ fan clubs. If the families were generalized more, then we'd have something more organized and entertaining. GFX Clans : This area is utterly dead. We have a great graphics community, and some, that under the right tutelage can become really good. I'm glad that the SotW is being taken up again, that will help with getting people back into graphics and what not, but, what will the clan section become? Sticky color : Stickies are sometimes ignored, even when they are placed in the top parts of the forums, so if possible, why not make the titles a different color, so that people pay more attention to them? Awards System : This one is an actual, full-fledged suggestion. Awards system refers to getting ribbon-like sprites to be able to present in your profile. I wanted to suggest this mainly because we have many competitions and nothing to commemorate them by. Imagine we could give SotW winners a nice ribbon sprite, so they could remember that they won that certain contest? Now, apply that to all the competitions, and even further with the User Awards. There would be a portion of one's profile to keep the ribbons somewhere. When I suggest this, the ribbon system in Pokemon comes to mind. Maybe we could get similar sprites to those? Or use those ones. This last suggestion may not be possible without SPdude, but it would be something nice to keep in mind if we ever get the chance.
I am guilty of using GIMP to make these sigs...I know, Photoshop might be better and all, but it's just so hard to get used to. I'll be able to use it in the future, but for now I'm just using GIMP. Hell's Succubus Golden Malice CnC?
I was wondering...will we ever get that changed? I mean, it's been a while since the titles changed, and now even people with less rep have better titles. I know they had to keep it for a while, but it's a bit strange that this much time has passed and no new rep title chosen for this particularly. Anyone has any answers?
"A blade possessed by demonic properties, those who are compelled to touch it will suffer from the curses that follow their bloodstained path."The Possessed Hime The Framed Ninja I used fractals for this, but what exactly are fractals, and what is their exact purpose? CnC, please...I'm new at sig making, so I'll need it.
A batch of avatars I made this morning. These were super low quality, I wrecked myself to make them as best as I could...feel free to use, just ask in this thread. And remember to CnC, since this is my second batch of avatars ever. I tried my best with these. Cnc?
Some sig and Avi sets I made weeks ago, but didn't post. I need CnC and all that. Because lately tutorials haven't helped me on anything. The first two sets I made in mind of some members Mimiru Smile This one was for a member here. My thoughts on this one, I wanted it to be simple, but nice and warm looking. The Dream Traveler This one I made thinking of a member here. I think that the font says it all, but, yeah...I like this one, because it's not an elaborate character and looks nice in clearer tones. Magdalene Battlefield In this one the brushes dominate, there are no other effects used other than simple blending and nice smudging. It took me a few to make these, but at the end I think a nice depth was achieved with the brushes. Angelic chaos This set was easy for the most part. I think my complaint with it was trying to stay in a lighter tone, which wasn't accomplished entirely. Overall, I think it came out fine. CnC, please? No, seriously. I need CnC...I've been reading the wrong tutorials or something...since I haven't used any in a while now, due to not finding easy ones to follow.
She rode with the wind, her honeyed hair tangling beautifully in its fingers as the wind itself delighted in her glorious tangles. She walked among the earth, as the plants grew to her wake making flooring just for her feet to walk among and bless it with countless fruit and nourish. She harnessed the fire, with her hands it became a rainbow of delight as it gave warmth to everything it alighted. She danced with the water, as the sylphs became her accompaniment in the rivers of blue, the fishes watched along. Those were such times, when she walked upon the world giving it life with her own body, her soul…she would not rest until the world was better. I saw her power, her energies being used in this world, she always smiled, even though I knew…that the more she gave…the more she lost. The world was chaos, great battles ensued. And the world was bitter. It yearned for something new. She watched as she tried to change this world with her hands. Try as she would, her connection to the gods diminished and she was left with her own power to rule over and safe everything. The once eyes, that glinted in brown tones, were now constantly closed, her smile left there. Perpetual, as if a mask had been placed on her true features. Some came to her, wishing to end disputes, but instead created more with their political battles. The mother of this world…she was dying. Her serene features…they were lost among the shadow of doubts, the lies of people. They cursed her, blamed her for everything she did, and the evil befalling the world, as if it were her wrong-doing. Soon her young features became those of darkness; the once gentle face was now tight-lipped and shut eyes. Her once gown of colors, green of the woods, blue of the waters, clear of the sky, strong of the fire…it was now the dark of ebony, an impenetrable darkness. Her crown of stars…gone. Her body became ashen. No more was the goddess of the world, but a hollow shell…A queen of the dark. The people saw her, some laughed at her misery, as she sat in a smooth white rock in the deep blackness of the forest. Others came, they understood her pain, and they knew she must return to the throne of heavens. So one day…A group, the ones who believed in her power, who knew what must be done, they walked through the forest path, nimble footed and prepared to free their goddess. There she was, under the moonlight, ashen faced. A shadow of her true self. They wept for her state, they were ashamed. Was this their doing? Why had they hurt her so? They looked at her, and knew she would not last long, they told her how important she was to the world, how the trees had flourished thanks to her. They sang of her glory. She smiled at their efforts, and cried…she now understood that she was needed still. She raised her arms in the air. And rain began to fall. She looked at the travelers, her gaze clear as was at the beginning of the world. Her hair began to flow as the wind caressed her features. “This world will flourish…” She said. And just like that she began disappearing; the particles of light were dissolving slowly. They were astonished, but she still smiled. “Each time you use fire to light your way…remember me, for I will be that fire.” She smiled serenely. “Each moment the wind graces you…remember me, for I will be that wind” She said strongly. “Each time you reap and sow…remember me, for I will be the earth” She smiled once more, and paused before she said anything else. The rain was pouring slowly, its droplets leaving the air cool, and crisp. She caught a droplet of rain in her hands. “Every time…you Catch the Rain….remember me, for I will be the rain.” With that she disappeared slowly into the atmosphere, the rain had stopped, and there the people stood, some weeping, others with a hope in their features. She is the wind that tangles your hair and graces you with a cool breeze. She is the earth that people walk among, with a field of flowers to flourish. She is the fire that lights the warmth in cold, lonely nights. She is the water, the rain that you can catch with your hands…. She is Mother Nature.
A new sig I made, it's accompanied by some avi's I made. I'm not too sure on this one, since I tried for the stock to feel bright and all, but it wasn't a render, and this is how it came out after working with it. I like it. V.1 V.2 I'm torn between the two, you see one is sharper, so the image looks brighter, but, perhaps too sharp, and then, there's the other, bigger and less sharp. It wasn't of high quality either, so I guess it could be attributed.
This is the first avatars I've ever made. I don't really like them too much. I don't think you can use them, because of the aberrant sizes...but if you find that you can, ask for my permission, please. Edit xD Well...there we go....it wasn't so bad posting all few avatars
Grace CnC, ratings, suggestions. Anything you see fit.
I love how this one came out. I'm pretty glad except for the font, in which I'll try to find tutorials about. My first time using C4d. It was originated from seeing a tutorial on C4d, but then I had to keep going on my own because the C4d were not enough. I guess I did good for my 5th sig. I'm pretty sure I still haven't gotten the hang of the lighting and focal thing, much less depth, but I'll try to take it into account next time. Escape CnC, ratings, suggestions. Wichever you see fit.