Hey guys. It's news time. In this case, it's courtesy of KH13. What we have right now is the article Famitsu has on KIngdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. Here's the KH13 gallery showcasing the pictures! Thanks to our member Krowley for the heads up!
Hey guys, here's a bit of a pin update for you all. Most of which you might have already noticed. But it goes as follows: The Top 5 and the Honorable Discharge pin have been updated for a while now. But we also have two new Pins! One is Play your Cards Right, which can be obtained by getting a score in any of our Arcade games and then we have the Player Pin which can be obtained by having over ten pins Now, then. From this point onward, I'll be accepting Blank Exchangers. So those who do have them simply have to send me a private message. The message should state which pin you'd like to have out of these: Or you can choose to wait for other pins to come along. Because there will be more soon, hopefully. So look forward to that. Not every pin is available for the Blank Exchanger treatment but as the list keeps growing, more will undoubtedly be added. If you have any questions feel free to post here! If there's any pin you requested and still haven't received, please send me a private message and I'll get back to you. Pin list for reference.
[advthumb]http://www.kh-vids.net/gallery/albums/dream-drop-distance/kh3d1.jpg[/advthumb] Hey, guys! With the release of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance it seems the numbers are rolling in. Thanks to our member Axel91, we learned that KH3D has excellent sales in Japan. According to 4Gamer.net, KH3D sold 213,579 units in the first 3 days of it's release. This is better than Kid Icarus's first week, and is the best first week for a 3rd party game in Japan for the 3DS (not counting Monster Hunter) So our little 3DS baby is topping the Handheld charts! Go Kingdom Hearts! what's more, our friends at Siliconera have taken the lead and bought a copy! Here´s some screenshots: [thumb=100px]http://www.kh-vids.net/gallery/cache/dream-drop-distance/kh3d2_595.jpg[/thumb] [thumb=100px]http://www.kh-vids.net/gallery/cache/dream-drop-distance/kh3d3_595.jpg[/thumb] [thumb=100px]http://www.kh-vids.net/gallery/cache/dream-drop-distance/kh3d4_595.jpg[/thumb] [thumb=100px]http://www.kh-vids.net/gallery/cache/dream-drop-distance/hni_0093_595.jpg[/thumb] [thumb=100px]http://www.kh-vids.net/gallery/cache/dream-drop-distance/hni_0090_595.jpg[/thumb] [thumb=100px]http://www.kh-vids.net/gallery/cache/dream-drop-distance/hni_0092_595.jpg[/thumb] [thumb=100px]http://www.kh-vids.net/gallery/dream-drop-distance/hni_0091.jpg.php[/thumb] Here's what siliconera had to say regarding augmented reality and Dream Eaters
Hey there guys, it looks like our friend Squexgal managed to get a peek at the rest of the Famitsu interview and it shows some interesting info. Slight spoilers ahead! So there you have it. With Dream Drop Distance nearing release, we'll soon see the series enter it's conclusion with Xehanort! It seems that the team is really put their all into this game. Let's hope the game delivers that which we've all been craving. A special shout-out for Axel91 and KHinsider for the info!
Thanks to Siliconera for the news! Hey, there we have a few news on Dream eaters. For starters, we have the Augmented Reality games. We all know the 3DS has the ability to show 3D images, and Dream Drop distance makes use of it in a very peculiar way, as these images show. Kingdom Hearts 3D supports local wi-fi play and StreetPass connectivity. And we've also learned that Dream Eaters can also be used in multiplayer, in a game called Flick Rush Here's some images on Flick Rush: Spoiler Looks like Square really wants to tap into the mon element now. But this is good, the aspect of raising cute creatures will bring in a whole new generation of gamers into the Kingdom Hearts series, and I believe that's what they're aiming for with this entry. Want to discuss dream eaters? Share your thoughts with us!
Jason Alexander confirms to a fan on Twitter that he and Charles Kimbrough will return as the gargoyles Hugo and Victor from The Hunchback of Notre Dame for KH3D. Now we just need an English release date, and we'll be set ;> Thanks a bunch to Axel91 for the news.
Spoiler View attachment 30988 View attachment 30987 View attachment 30989 View attachment 30990 View attachment 30991 View attachment 30992 View attachment 30993 View attachment 30994 click to enlarge! thanks to KH13 and KHinsider for the info! Hey there guys! Sabby reported before that Famitsu had released some info on their next issue. Well, Famiweb updated their website to announce that the issue will arrive on the 22nd of March. Woot! This game seems to be almost at the corner. Let's hope this means that Versus is almost ready to go in the background...and maybe, just maybe...Kingdom Hearts 3 begins development ; ~ ; Special Thanks to Krowley for informing us of these news.
Well, hello there! Did you guys enjoy the Wonderland Tea Party? Did you please the Queen? Now that the event is done, it's time to announce the winners of the event. Those who excelled in making the Queen happy and those who sought to protect her at all cost. The Kings and Queens of the Tea Party are... Spoiler Peyton & Oerba Yun Fang Krowley & Maka Darktraitor & Midnight Star Chessplayerjames These members excelled at the tea party. As their reward, they'll be getting these custom usertitles to show off. More details will be sent via Private Message to the winners! Congratulations to the winners! Now, for all those who partook in the event, don't worry 'cause you won't be leaving empty-handed. Everyone who supported the event will receive the Party Lover Pin! Liked the event, want to give some (mindful) feedback? Complaints or queries? Feel free to ask here, unless it's something that you'd rather discuss in private.
Hey guys, looks like we have a few more screenshots from Tron's world, The Grid. Click Here For More Pictures! Thanks to Siliconera
Hey guys, we have some new info for you! First off, it seems that the official Kingdom Hearts Twitter in Japan has posted news that there will be a KH3D event in March 3. I suppose more details will come later on, but for now we can assume that it'll be to give some important info. We'll keep you updated on that front. Secondly, it seems that Nintendo Power, a magazine dedicated to Nintendo, will feature Kingdom Hearts 3D, with a seven page coverage that includes an interview with Nomura. And last, but not least, we've learned that KH3D will offer a much needed memoir feature that will not only serve as a a method to view history from the game itself, but will also show important details on the past games. Pretty good for newcomers to the series. You can view some images of the memoir here Thanks to Siliconera and KHInsider for the information.
We've got a trifecta of small news here. First off, thanks to KHinsider, we know that next week's VJump issue will feature 'The Grid' or Tron's new and revamped world from the new movie. Let's hope we get some nice pictures from this? Maybe some daft punk in Kingdom Hearts? xD Secondly, we've learned that Jesse David Corti, the voice of Neku, is just about done recording his lines. Ain't that grand? Looks like they've got a good pace with recording. And last but not least, our member Krowley contacted me. It seems that the japanese 3D website updated with a few more dream eaters and the 'Symphony of Sorcery' world, which has to do with Fatansia and music. That's all for now, kids. Stay tuned for next week, when we'll probably be getting some nice VJump scans.
Hey guys! I've been contacted by our member Axel91 and he took the time to contact Vincent Corazza who lends his voice to the Zexion/Ienzo. And look at what he replied... So that's it folks. This means other voice actors will soon be brought in to do their parts. That's great news for us fans. Now, if they'd just not use Joel Osment for young Sora anymore...lol.
Greetings, Peasants! And rejoice, for I have arrived. Oh, and my Court too, of course. Don't worry about your beloved Staff -- we have not hurt them, although we will be borrowing their powers for the duration of my party. I must say I was impressed with your guest list, KH-Vidians... Meager as it may be. We have set up your tea party right over in your own little Wonderland, which you'll be admitted into soon. Be grateful -- it is quite an honor to have such a high-profile and wonderful event as this hosted here! To those on the guest list, my Court has prepared several events in which you may participate. I'm sure they will be amusing to such simpletons as yourselves, though I, being royalty, am above such activities and will instead act as a perfect spectator. Keep in mind that participation is key -- I may even reward those who show true spirit at such an event... THE EVENT SHALL BEGIN IN ABOUT THREE HOURS!-- DON'T KEEP ME WAITING WHEN THE TIME COMES, BELOVED GUESTS!
Thanks to Siliconera and KHinsider for the info! So, it seems we've found what Nomura had planned for the ten year anniversary. A bundle containing Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Re:Coded and Dream Drop Distance. Said bundle is available for pre-order in the Square Enix e-store. With a whooping price of 15,000 円, which is approximately $195 USD The box will contain the following: Additionally, the special KH edition 3DS is priced at 21,090 円, which is around $280 USD. Dream Eaters, you say? More like wallet eaters! What do you think? Do you think we'll be seeing more things for the ten year anniversary? Or do you think this was the big unveil? Wanted to see more, or feel it wasn't up to par? Discuss away!
In here are all the suggestions which have been rejected. You may use this for reference or to know if a certain feature was turned down. THERE ARE NO ACCEPTED SUGGESTIONS IN THIS INDEX. Feel free to look in here for any suggestion you want to catch up on, or bump to see if there's any development. Table of Contents Question & Answer Pending Suggestions Suggestion Types Board Suggestions Array Array Q & A It's because suggestions which are accepted are more often than not enforced right away. And after some time may become obsolete or changed somehow. Maybe accepted suggestions will be put up in the future, but it takes quite a bit of work. Oooh, nice catch! That's because some suggestions are obsolete to the present time of the site, and would look somewhat strange. But if you feel any should be added here, feel free to contact me. What red? There's no red. Your eyes have gone mad! No, not really. There are red colored suggestions. These are Pending Suggestions which are still open for discussion. Feel free to bump the threads with red color. What!? That's not a question >:L And no, you shouldn't bump every thread for the sake of it. If you feel that something would be beneficial to the site and it's members, then sure go ahead. But remember not to bump everything repeatedly. Staff have a lot to do as it is, and constantly nagging about something would just be stressful. Bide your time and if you really have to bump something, give it some time between each bump. What does each one mean? Well, that's simple. They're divided into types, and each type is divided into whatever fits into that category...it's actually a lot simpler than it sounds! I'll explain the different suggestions that we have so that you can have an idea of what each means: So you see, it's not that hard at all. I'm sure you'll find your way around soon enough. As it stands User Suggestions are not up yet, but don't worry, they'll be put up soon. Geez, no need to be so crabby D; But since you've offered, you can help by informing Staff about any suggestion which isn't on the list or that is no longer pending. That way, they can keep this list up-to-date with all the suggestions which are pertinent. That's all for questions today. Come again later! Board Suggestions Regarding Forums & Sub-Forums Spoiler Kingdom Hearts II Manga Forum Fashion & Style Forum 'In Real Life' Sub-Forum Kingdom Hearts III Fan-fic Sub-Forum Sports Discussion Forum Programming Forum Language Forum Anime Suggestion Forum Advertising Forum Trivial/Non-Theoretical Kingdom Hearts Sub-Forum Mature Forum Kingdom Hearts III Forum Television Show Forum Comedian Forum Food Forum Homework Help Forum Kingdom Hearts Merchandise Forum Foreign Languages Forum Artist Forum Pornography Forum (I **** you not) Soundboard Forum Recipe Forum A 'How-To' Forum Audio/Video Shop Forum Forum for every Social Group Banning Users from Individual Forums Sub-Forum for KHV Member Stories View Posts you've made in a Forum Locking 'Dead' Forums Forum Spell-Checks Putting 'Z' in every Section Title Role-Play Sub-Forum for Premium Members Al-Bhed Sub-Forum Sub-Forum for Off-Topic Story Discussion 'Internet' Sub-Forum for Movies and Media Book Role-Play Sub-Forum Silly Role-Play Sub-Forum Section for Dominion/Residence Threads Religion Sub-Forum Role-Play Archives Separating Introductions and Departures Removing the Spam Zone Smaller Character Count for the Code Vault KH-Vids Fan-fiction Index Regarding Sub-Forums Sub-Forums for Approved & Rejected Suggestions PS3/PSP Theme Sub-Forum Kingdom Hearts Role-Play Sub-Forum Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Section Large Art of the Week Sub-Forum Board for Role-Play Characters A Hacking Guide Sub-Forum Reviews Sub-Forum Humor/Satire Sub-Forum Vehicle Support Sub-Forum Role-Play Character Sheets Regarding Threads & Posts Spoiler Keeping all Graphic Requests in one Thread Book of the Month Sticky Thread Banning 'Do You Like Me' Threads Editing All Posts within your Created Threads Limiting the Times you can Post in 'Rate Your...' 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Store Here! The cute and colorful Kingdom Hearts 3D mascot is now a plushie! Who suspected something like this could happen? I want one so badly now. But it's so costly. At the price of 3,800 Yen or roughly 49$ USD. It's expected that this will come around the same time KH3D comes out in japan, so I guess they're still sort of pre-ordering. Wondernyan, your cuteness is making me consider shelling out fifty bucks ;~;
Hello there, KHVids. It's been a long year with many changes and new experiences, but now it comes to an end. Did you guys enjoy it? I really hope you did, and hopefully this next year will be even better. So, before we get to the meat of things. I'd like to make a little stop here and express a few words of gratitude. I promise it won't take long! I want to thank all the Staff for all the hard work they do. Usually it goes greatly unnoticed, but their ideas and their work deserves to be thanked formally. All the time you've decided to devote on KHV is valued. Everyone who helped out in Castle Oblivion. All of my good staff homies who offered wonderful ideas and riddles. Special thanks to all those who offered to help those who were...a bit stuck. Thanks to DPwolf for running the Secret Santa and making it a complete success! It was really awesome seeing all the different gifts. Hope to see it for years to come. Also, major thanks to P and LilBueno for helping out in the re-arrange. Your member input was appreciated greatly. Do you guys like the new skin? Did you like the pretty desktop wallpapers in the Castle Oblivion stocking? Well, we have our admin Misty to thank for all that. She spent months working on this beautiful skin and still manages to look into helping others. Post here to receive the KH-Vids 2011 Pin! We'll be giving out fifty (50) pins of these. Half will be given right now, then the thread will be closed. I'm order to cater to different timezones, the other half will be given later. Happy New Year!
So here we go again with the Top 5. Well, actually this particular week we only had four videos to choose from. Oh well, we still had good entries so there's nothing to worry about. However, my Top 5 shift is over for now. So now Stardust will come back. I had fun doing this, and will probably pop in now and again to be your host. You'll like that, won't you? ;B 1.[Different Dimensions] Submitted by: Sacredlith Song: E.T. by Katy Perry Details: Okay...when I saw who posted this, I was definitely expecting something good. But this was off the hook. Text flying everywhere, amazing effects, and lots of things which take time and dedication. The video is the perfect length, I feel. You deserve this first spot, and you definitely deserve all the subscribers you've gotten thus far and more. Link: http://www.kh-vids.net/media.php?do=details&mid=933 2. Vox Populi Submitted by: Cloud4012 Song: Vox Populi by 30 Seconds to Mars Details: I feel like the song choice was very good, and that you used it to convey the meaning behind the video fairly well--a war, it's time to stand. Very good video. Link: http://www.kh-vids.net/media.php?do=details&mid=934 3. One Day Too Late Submitted by: VentusRoxas Song: One Day Too Late by Skillet Details: I see a moderate use of blue effects here. Like last time, I'll say that maybe using some more colors would be a good idea. Link: http://www.kh-vids.net/media.php?do=details&mid=930 4. I'll Take Care of You Submitted by: Terra254 Song: Take Care by Drake Details: The effect in place seems to be throughout the whole video. I was expecting it to end after a while, and while the cuts were good, there was nothing that really stood out. Link: http://www.kh-vids.net/media.php?do=details&mid=918 Congratulations to all who placed, and as promised, you will be getting a Top 5 Pin if you haven't already got one! Well, that's it for now! Happy New Year and don't worry if you haven't won yet, you may yet win in the next Top 5~
Hey there guys. So, as you've all probably noticed, some pins have received an overhaul. And some others, have just been added. Pins that were updated are: Legendary Premium Craze Friendships Abound Everlasting Castle Survivor And we have two new pins! The Promise and Blank Exchanger Well, some of them only had fixes made to them. So while some have new looks, others simply look corrected. By helping out or participating in community projects like the KHV Chorus or anything other forum activity which doesn't have an assigned pin. Yes, this means all those who have already taken part on community projects will get them eventually. But right now staff will wait for a bit before giving it to that many people. The Blank Exchanger can be obtained by finishing Castle Oblivion, at the moment. However, it'll be given out in other occasions at random. Be sure to finish Castle Oblivion soon, because today and tomorrow are the last days for the event. Soon it'll dissapear... As for what the pin does? I guess you could call it a currency pin. The only thing it can do at the moment is be changed for another pin of selection. Certain pins don't apply, though. For the moment, no exchanges will be made. Hold on to your Blank Exchanger for now, you may need it later. More details will be given out soon.
Hey there video junkies! It's Chevalier here again bringing you the very late Top 5. Thus far, our little Purple monster Stardust is out partying it up for the holidays. So, since I'm so foreveralonez, I'm picking up the videos for a bit. I realize that I'm waaaayyy late. Please bear with my turtle-like speeds, I'll probably get up to speed...eventually >___> The Top 5 for this week were pretty hard to choose, since there were so many good entries, but I'm pleased at the end result and that there was so much quality work involved. So, the Top 5 is as follows... 1. A Thousand Years Submitted by: minicoop55 Song: A Thousand Years by Christina Perri Details: This video was marvelous. The voices, the effects, the song. I feel that it captured a really compelling theme in the Kingdom Hearts series. My only gripe is some of the brightness and contrast in certain parts. Link: http://www.kh-vids.net/media.php?do=details&mid=928 2. All I Need Submitted by: Lea Song: All I Need by Within Temptation Details: The effects in this are really good. The rainbow colors really stand out, and I feel that the song was really too. It would be nice to see a bit more effects to go along, though. Link: http://www.kh-vids.net/media.php?do=details&mid=913 3. Face Down Submitted by: dengal118 Details: Lots of flashes and fast paced scenes. I think you handled those pretty well. Props for trying to fit the scenes with the lyrics. Link: http://www.kh-vids.net/media.php?do=details&mid=915 4. I Am Not Submitted by: MyPaopuFruit Song: Meteor Shower by Owl City Details: This video was very short and sweet. I like the use of colored borders, but they felt a bit too big.The font choices could use a bit more work, though. The song used was also really nice. Link: http://www.kh-vids.net/media.php?do=details&mid=918 5. Heavy in Your Arms Submitted by: VentusRoxas Song: Heavy in Your Arms by Florence + The Machine Details: I love this song and I love Florence. I think the song conveys some of the things that happen on Days fairly well. However, the font in the lower left can be distracting and maybe you should try to work a bit less with that blue layer and experiment with different color choices. Link: http://www.kh-vids.net/media.php?do=details&mid=914 Congratulations to all who placed, and as promised, you will be getting a Top 5 Pin if you haven't already got one! So now if you'll excuse me, I have a date with my bed, and she doesn't like waiting! If you haven't placed, don't worry. I'll probably recognize your magnificent talent next time, so don't give up~