Search Results

  1. Makaze
    Is it possible to make the search feature return entire posts instead of 100 character or so short versions of them?

    Reason: It can get tedious opening 30 tabs to see if the posts contain anything worthwhile. Especially when searching for all posts by a particular member. It would be much easier to Ctrl+F on the search page than to Ctrl+F on individual tabs for each post.
    Thread by: Makaze, Sep 18, 2014, 8 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  2. Makaze
    A touching article by an officer, courtesy of the Washington Post.

    This is getting surreal. Really, really surreal.
    There are no words. You have to read it for yourself.

    Thread by: Makaze, Aug 21, 2014, 12 replies, in forum: Current Events
  3. Makaze
    I'm gone for two weeks and most of the threads that were on the first page when I left are still on the first page.

    Where is your fire?
    Thread by: Makaze, Aug 5, 2014, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Makaze
    But it's so menial and boring. Every time I start it, I feel like taking a nap.

    If I work on it all day, I will be done. But I can't bring myself to do it.

    What am I doing with my life?
    Thread by: Makaze, Jul 12, 2014, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Makaze
    I've been searching the forum and it seems there is no way to mark a forum or thread as read without manually visiting the last page of each thread thread in the forum.

    Is there a way to add this feature?
    Thread by: Makaze, Jul 3, 2014, 3 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  6. Makaze
    Thread by: Makaze, Jun 22, 2014, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Makaze
    Seeing myself viewing the thread apparently as a normal member has freaked me out more than once.

    On a professional level, it makes sense to have consistent representation across the site. On a personal level, it can be misleading and cause miniature heart attacks when you think the Hide Online Status feature has been turned off.

    Can you make the usernames of invisible users italicized in the Users Viewing Thread bar like they are in the user list on the main site?
    Thread by: Makaze, Jun 22, 2014, 5 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  8. Makaze
    It seems 1/10 people are trying talking about streaming. Is it suddenly profitable for the average user to spend money adding a voice over to things?

    Do they get some kind of bonus in society? Do you show a ring to cops to get out of tickets? Is streaming a secret code for the Masons now?
    Thread by: Makaze, Jun 21, 2014, 28 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Makaze
    I have a Script Shop. Since I know most of you guys never check the Technology board, I ought to post about it here.

    It contains codes that change or add things to KHV and other XenForo sites.


    Feel free to request any codes you want and please give feedback on ones you like or think need improvement. I can do just about anything you need.[DOUBLEPOST=1402714236][/DOUBLEPOST]You can comment here if you want, too.
    Thread by: Makaze, Jun 13, 2014, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Makaze
    Welcome to my scripts thread. Here you will find codes that add to or change features on as well as other sites.

    These are client-side userscripts that you can install into your own browser. They are not a part of KHV itself.

    All version logs will be kept here. If you use these scripts, I highly suggest Watching this thread for updates.

    These scripts are not officially endorsed by the staff. Questions about how they work should be directed to me.

    JavaScript Codes

    Meta Scripts

    Makaze Scripts Options Menu 1.0.5

    Post Editing Scripts

    Auto-applying Macros 1.0
    Plaintext BBCode Buttons 1.0.4
    Post Style 5.1.3

    Standalone Resources (No install required)

    BBCode Post Editor
    Fire Emblem Stat Averager

    CSS Codes

    PM Styles

    Full Width PMs 1.0

    How to Make Requests

    Please post your requests in this thread.

    Request form:
    [RIBBON][B][I]Code Request[/I][/B][/RIBBON]
    [B]Description:[/B] {What the code does}
    [B]Features:[/B] {Details about what it does}
    [B]Style:[/B] {Preferred visual style (if any)}



    1. Install Greasemonkey.
    2. Click the Raw button on the script page. Confirm the installation when prompted.
    3. Visit a XenForo forum.


    If you use Tampermonkey, follow the instructions for Firefox (replacing Greasemonkey with Tampermonkey).

    Tampermonkey shares many of the features of Greasemonkey, including automatic updates, but it is buggy. Use at your own risk.

    Direct installation:

    1. Right click the Raw button on the script page. Click Save Link As....
    2. Save the file with the extension .user.js. Example filename(s): Script_Name_with_Underscores.user.js.
    3. Drag the file into your Extensions menu. Click Add when the confirmation dialog appears.
    4. Visit a XenForo forum.


    1. Install Stylish. [Firefox] [Chrome]
    2. Enter the Stylish menu and click Create new style.
    3. Name the style in the sidebar on the left.
    4. Check the Enabled checkbox below the Name field.
    5. Paste the CSS code from my post into the new style (the big text field on the right).
    6. Apply relevant URLs at the bottom of the editor. An example for KHV: URLs on the domain:
    7. Save and visit the site.

    JavaScript: Makaze Scripts Options Menu 1.0.5

    Creates, edits and deletes options for my scripts.

    Currently has no use with XenForo other than deleting options for scripts you do not want to use anymore.

    Keyboard shortcuts:

    Alt+Shift+O to open/close

    Creating new options:
    1. Select New option... from the dropdown menu.
    2. Specify the option's name, type, and value.
    3. Click Save Option to submit.
    Editing options:

    **Object type options cannot be changed from this editor. Use their scripts instead.**
    1. Select the option from the dropdown menu.
    2. Change the option's value.
    3. Click Save Option to submit.
    Deleting options:
    1. Select the option from the dropdown menu.
    2. Click Delete Option to submit.


    How to Install

    JavaScript: Auto-applying Macros 1.0

    Adds an option to automatically add a Macro to post fields. Change settings from the Macros menu page.




    How to Install

    JavaScript: Plaintext BBCode Buttons 1.0.4

    Adds BBCode buttons to the Plaintext editor.

    Works in profile comments as well posts.


    Plaintext Mode

    View Plaintext Mode with Rich Mode enabled

    Profile Comment

    How to Install

    JavaScript: Post Style 5.1.3

    **HTML is required for this script.**

    Wraps a post (or selected text on Plaintext) with a style of your choosing. Has an option to automatically apply to all posts. Similar to Auto-applying Macros, but much more advanced.

    When Auto-apply is enabled in Rich Text Mode, your style will be applied after you type a single letter. At any other time on Rich Text Mode, it will be applied to everything in the post that is not within quote tags.

    On Plaintext Mode, it acts like a custom BBCode button that wraps the text you select with your style when clicked or auto-applied.

    If you do not understand how to use this, use Auto-applying Macros instead. It's a simpler script that probably serves your purposes.

    Settings can be edited from the Personal Details page.





    BBCode → HTML Help

    **Note!: All tag closing rules that apply to BBCode also apply to HTML.
    <b><i></i></b> and [B][I][/I][/B] are correct; <b><i></b></i> and [B][I][/B][/I] are not.**

    • Plaintext

      Prefix: [B], Suffix: [/B]

      Rich Text

      Prefix: <b>, Suffix: </b>
    • Plaintext

      Prefix: [I], Suffix: [/I]

      Rich Text

      Prefix: <i>, Suffix: </i>
    • Plaintext

      Prefix: [U], Suffix: [/U]

      Rich Text

      Prefix: <u>, Suffix: </u>
    • Plaintext

      Prefix: [S], Suffix: [/S]

      Rich Text

      Prefix: <strike>, Suffix: </strike>
    • Plaintext

      Prefix: [COLOR=ColorValue], Suffix: [/COLOR]

      Rich Text

      Prefix: <span style="color: ColorValue;">, Suffix: </span>
    • Plaintext

      Prefix: [FONT=FamilyName], Suffix: [/FONT]

      Rich Text

      Prefix: <span style="font-family: FamilyName;">, Suffix: </span>
    • Plaintext

      Prefix: [SIZE=#px], Suffix: [/SIZE]

      Rich Text

      Prefix: <span style="font-Size: #px;">, Suffix: </span>
    • Plaintext

      Prefix: [URL=LinkURL], Suffix: [/URL]

      Rich Text

      Prefix: <a href="LinkURL">, Suffix: </a>
    • Plaintext

      Prefix: [CENTER], Suffix: [/CENTER]

      Rich Text

      Prefix: <p style="text-align: center;">, Suffix: </p>
    • Plaintext

      Prefix: [RIGHT], Suffix: [/RIGHT]

      Rich Text

      Prefix: <p style="text-align: right;">, Suffix: </p>
    • Plaintext

      Prefix: [INDENT=1], Suffix: [/INDENT]

      Rich Text

      Prefix: <blockquote style="margin: 0 0 0 40px; border: none; Padding: 0px;"><p>, Suffix: </p></blockquote>

    JavaScript: Block Signatures by User 2.2.1

    Adds a button to show and hide specific users' signatures.




    How to Install

    JavaScript: Hide Gender in Miniprofiles 1.0

    Like it says on the tin.




    How to Install

    JavaScript: Isolate Posts by User 1.0

    Adds a button to the Miniprofile that displays all of the user's posts in the thread.

    Useful for hunting Mafia.



    How to Install

    JavaScript: Navigation Shortcuts 2.0.4

    Adds customizable keyboard shortcuts to help quickly navigate the forum.

    Default keyboard shortcuts:

    J to scroll down one post
    K to scroll up one post
    H to go forward one page
    L to go back one page
    Shift+H to go to the last page
    Shift+L to go to the first page

    Changing shortcuts:
    1. Click Navigation Shortcuts in the Account dropdown menu.
    2. Click Capture below the option you want to change.
    3. Press the shortcut you want to use. You may use combinations with Ctrl, Shift, Alt and the Command key for Apple users.
    4. Click Submit when the shortcut you want is displayed. Click Save Changes to finalize your decision.




    How to Install

    JavaScript: Message Archiver 2.0.1

    Converts XenForo thread and conversation messages into text format for easy archiving.

    1. Click the Export Messages button in the Thread or Conversation Tools at the top of the page to begin retrieving an archive. Messages from the current page and onward will be archived. This may take a few minutes.
    2. Wait for Done! to appear in the bottom right of the screen. Click it to show the archive.
    3. Click Download in the bottom right of the screen to save.
    4. Click Close in the bottom right of the screen to close.
    Archives are formatted for Markdown as of 2.0.0. Use a Markdown reader such as StackEdit to see how it looks.

    Example output:

    # Archive: Makaze's Script Shop [REQUESTS OPEN]
    # Type: Thread
    ## Page 2
    ### Post #21
    #### Author: Makaze
    #### Posted: Oct 11, 2014 at 5:55 PM
    > J a c k said:  
    > Just thought I'd let you know that your image for Isolate Posts by User is no longer available.  
    Must have been temporary or just you. It's working fine on my end even after a hard refresh (no cache).
    ### Post #22
    #### Author: Amaury
    #### Posted: Oct 11, 2014 at 6:15 PM
    > Makaze said:  
    > Must have been temporary or just you. It's working fine on my end even after a hard refresh (no cache).  
    Yeah, it's fixed now.
    ### Post #23
    #### Author: Makaze
    #### Posted: Oct 28, 2014 at 3:23 PM
    **Updates!: New features.  
    [Plaintext BBCode Buttons]( 1.0.4  
    Adds buttons to profile comments! Profile comments support _Bold_, _Italic_, _Underline_, _Strike-through_, and _URL_ BBCodes. This function works on all editor modes because there is no Rich editor for profile comments.**
    ### Post #24
    #### Author: Makaze
    #### Posted: Nov 26, 2014 at 10:24 PM
    New script.  
    _**JavaScript: [Expanded Search Results](** 1.0.0_  
    **Shows expanded posts in search results instead of snippets.**  
    		--- Double Post Merged, Nov 26, 2014 ---  
    **Updates!: New features.  
    [Expanded Search Results]( 1.1.0  
    Expansion is optional.  
     * To expand individual results, click the **Expand** button to the top right of the result.  
     * To expand all results on the page, click the **Expand All** button to the right of the pagination menu at the top of the page.  
    ### Post #25
    #### Author: Makaze
    #### Posted: Nov 27, 2014 at 8:11 PM
    New script. Don't know why I didn't think of it earlier.  
    _**JavaScript: [Alerts in Page Title](** 1.0.0_  
    **Shows the number of alerts at the beginning of the page title. Includes PM, forum, other notifications..**
    ### Post #26
    #### Author: Nights™
    #### Posted: Nov 29, 2014 at 2:04 AM
    Hey Makaze, was just wondering if you'd be able to create an option in preferences to toggle sidebars, to remove them completely.  
    I was actually trying to look into this myself and, not being very good at javascript, I only got as far as the css required to hide the sidebar and restore full width to the main content area.  
    ~~~ Spoiler: Code:  
    ``` Code:  
    .mainContent  {  
        margin-right: none !important;  
    .sidebar {  
        display: none !important;  
    I know it'd be easy to set a profile field through XenForo to do this but I have no idea how to script java >.<  
    Thanks in advance,  
    Nights ^^
    ### Post #27
    #### Author: Makaze
    #### Posted: Nov 29, 2014 at 3:28 AM
    > Nights™ said:  
    > Hey Makaze, was just wondering if you'd be able to create an option in preferences to toggle sidebars, to remove them completely.  
    > I was actually trying to look into this myself and, not being very good at javascript, I only got as far as the css required to hide the sidebar and restore full width to the main content area.  
    > ~~~ Spoiler: Code:  
    > ``` Code:  
    > .mainContent  {  
    >     margin-right: none !important;  
    > }  
    > .sidebar {  
    >     display: none !important;  
    > }  
    > ```  
    > ~~~  
    > I know it'd be easy to set a profile field through XenForo to do this but I have no idea how to script java >.&lt;  
    > Thanks in advance,  
    > Nights ^^  
    Using CSS is the easiest way to do it. Go ahead and view the CSS installation instructions in the first post. Should be golden.
    ### Post #28
    #### Author: Makaze
    #### Posted: Dec 4, 2014 at 2:54 PM
    **Updates!: Bug fix.  
    [Expanded Search Results]( 1.2.0  
    Fixed some style errors on expanded posts.**
    ### Post #29
    #### Author: Makaze
    #### Posted: Dec 7, 2014 at 1:09 AM
    New script.  
    _**JavaScript: [Prevent Video Preload](** 1.0.0_  
    **Minimizes CPU and Network resource usage by preventing videos from automatically pre-downloading. Adds a button to load the video instead.**
    ### Post #30
    #### Author: Makaze
    #### Posted: Dec 13, 2014 at 7:26 PM
    New UI script.  
    _**JavaScript: [Toggle Categories](** 1.0.0_  
    **Toggle the visibility of categories by clicking the title bar.**  
    		--- Double Post Merged, Yesterday at 7:26 PM ---  
    **Updates!: Bug fix.  
    [Expanded Search Results]( 1.2.1  
    Now hides all **Expand All** buttons instead of just the one you click.**





    How to Install

    JavaScript: Member Nicknames 1.0.1

    Adds an optional customized Nickname field to the profiles of members of your choice.

    Click the Nickname button near the top of a user's Member Card or Profile to change their nickname.

    Alternately, click a user's nickname in a profile field to edit an existing nickname inline without opening their Member Card or changing the page.







    How to Install

    JavaScript: Avatar Preview 1.0

    Generates a post preview for an avatar.

    Click Avatar Preview in the Account dropdown menu to open the dialog. Once in the dialog, press Choose file, pick your avatar, and voilà.




    How to Install

    CSS: Full Width PMs 1.0

    Moves the PM sidebar to make way for a full-width conversation that reads like a normal thread.
    .conversation_view .mainContent {
    	margin-right: 0px;
    .conversation_view .sidebar {
    	position: fixed;
    	right: 5px;
    	bottom: 0px;
    	z-index: 999999;
    .conversation_view .sidebar .visitorPanel {
    	-webkit-box-shadow: 0px 2px 5px 1px #0e0e0e;
    	-webkit-box-shadow: 0px 2px 5px 1px #0e0e0e;
    	-moz-box-shadow: 0px 2px 5px 1px #0e0e0e;
    	-khtml-box-shadow: 0px 2px 5px 1px #0e0e0e;
    	box-shadow: 0px 2px 5px 1px #0e0e0e;



    How to Install

    JavaScript: Expanded Search Results 1.2.0

    Shows expanded posts in search results instead of snippets.

    Expansion is optional.
    • To expand individual results, click the Expand button to the top right of the result.
    • To expand all results on the page, click the Expand All button to the right of the pagination menu at the top of the page.



    How to Install

    JavaScript: Alerts in Page Title 1.0.0

    Shows the number of alerts at the beginning of the page title. Includes PM, forum, other notifications.



    How to Install

    JavaScript: Prevent Video Preload 1.0.1

    Minimizes CPU and Network resource usage by preventing videos from automatically pre-downloading. Adds a button to load the video instead.



    How to Install

    JavaScript: Toggle Categories 1.0.0

    Toggle the visibility of categories by clicking the title bar.



    How to Install

    JavaScript: Lockpick Quotes 1.0.0

    Enables quoting posts from locked threads as MultiQuotes.



    How to Install

    JavaScript: Auto-refresh Users Viewing Thread 1.0.0

    Refreshes the 'Users Viewing Thread' field every 10 seconds.

    How to Install
    Thread by: Makaze, Jun 10, 2014, 31 replies, in forum: Technology
  11. Makaze


    I want to say I loved your post here:
    You said everything I wanted to say and I had no way to reach you.

    Good job.
    Thread by: Makaze, Jun 9, 2014, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Makaze

    Why, thank you.

    That happened startlingly fast. As much as I hate to complain about people liking my stuff, these things are like water.
    Thread by: Makaze, Jun 6, 2014, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Makaze
    A moment of silence for our fallen leader.

    Thread by: Makaze, Jun 4, 2014, 52 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Makaze

    When you finish your heart attacks, I have some things to say.

    I did not hack the site, try to hack the site, or threaten to hack the site, before anyone asks. I am sorry for the confusion. I did antagonize people. I owe a lot of apologies for the things I did.

    Any inquiries about the banning or unbanning should be directed to Jayn and Plums.

    Going forward, I plan to be nicer and more understanding of other users. The past year has shown me that I am the cause of my own misery more often than not.

    To Amaury: I inexcusably personally antagonized you. I judged you without getting to know you and blamed you for my own failures to change your behavior. I am sorry.

    To Mike (the reporter): I'm not sure if you're still around, but I apologize for criticizing you publicly. I was harsh on you because you annoyed me even though you were doing no harm. I was selfish and toxic. I apologize for stressing you out. I hope you are doing better now.

    To all others, I apologize for the offenses I caused either directly or indirectly and not noticing it when I did.

    I want to do better. I can do better. I hope I can make reparations with anyone I harmed. I am sorry.

    I want to thank my friends for cutting me off when I got too toxic. I needed to be cut off to truly understand that what I was doing was only harming everyone around me. You have helped me more than you could know. I am sorry I did not value you as much as you deserved.

    Please continue to be strict. I am in control of my behavior, but I am not always aware of the effects; I may need help. I don't want you to give me the benefit of the doubt or take my side automatically because I'm 'trying'. That may one day let me fall into the same old habits I had before. If you have a problem with something I say, please contact me privately instead of letting it go. Your advice will be a reminder to stay on the path. I greatly appreciate your helping me grow this far. Please help me grow some more.

    On to the good stuff.
    Thread by: Makaze, May 31, 2014, 145 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Makaze
    Thread by: Makaze, Aug 9, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: Current Events
  16. Makaze

    I know this guy. We've spoken a few times and he has invited me to a podcast or two to talk about recent events. I'm really glad that he is getting this kind of attention, but it is very sad that it is even needed.

    Good luck, Adam.
    Thread by: Makaze, Aug 7, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: Current Events
  17. Makaze
    Why do you hate me?
    Thread by: Makaze, Aug 6, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  18. Makaze

    No comment.
    Thread by: Makaze, Aug 6, 2012, 30 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Makaze

    Nyan Cat

    I find you really cute and I like your hair.

    I would ask you out, but I was told not to.
    Thread by: Makaze, Aug 6, 2012, 225 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Makaze
    Source (WITH VIDEO):

    Drug charges.
    Thread by: Makaze, Aug 2, 2012, 7 replies, in forum: Current Events