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  1. Technic☆Kitty
    This Game is My Life



    1. I Would Like To Continue

    1. I Would Like To Continue

    Darkness. I was surrounded by darkness. Completely and utterly dark with nothing as far as I could see. Nothing, save for the giant letters blinking in front of me. Big and red. The letters were the kind you'd see on an old school arcade game. There was nothing special about them except they were there. Why were they there? Why am I here? Where is here? The only thing I was sure of was that I had apparently been playing a game as the letters spelled out GAME OVER. The last thing I remember before being here was walking across the street, on my way to school, and hearing the sound of screeching tires.

    Before I had time to contemplate what had happened between then and now, I heard a door open. A door? I wasn't even sure this had been a room. As I turned around I found, sure enough, a door being opened behind me. Light seemed to flow out of it like a river, contrasting a little bit more than my eyes would like with the dark ... what was it a room? Maybe a warehouse. Was this some sort of government facility?

    The door opened and through squinted eyes I made out a figure walking through. He must have noticed I was having difficulty seeing as he shut the door behind him. Strange. Though we were in complete darkness I had no trouble seeing him. He was around my height, close to six feet, and he wore a black suit with a contrasting white tie. He appeared to be in his early to mid twenties. Clean shave and suave hair. In other circumstances I'd say he was a lawyer.

    "How's that," he said, walking my way. Apparently he didn't get the memo that I have absolutely no idea what's going on here.

    Despite the fear ... maybe it was just curiosity ... I'm not sure. Despite my feelings, I replied, "Better. Though the headache I can feel coming on might say otherwise."

    He laughed, it was obnoxious but I couldn't sense any maliciousness behind it. Who laughs in a situation like this? The one behind it, I suppose. He extended his arm, pointing at the glowing letters behind me, "Looks like you lost. So what did you think?"

    What did I think? Think of what? Had I been playing a game and just somehow forgot? Was there something I'm missing? "Think of what," I asked, furrowing my brow. What a strange thing to do. Furrow your brow.

    "What did you think of the game? My boss is extremely fond of feedback and wants to know if there's anything she could do better."

    I was becoming a bit annoyed, this guy should really check his memos, "What game would that be exactly?"

    "The game of life, of course," he talked like that made any sense to me at all.

    The game of life? He couldn't mean ... "I'm sorry, I'm just a little bit confused. You wouldn't talking about my li-"

    I was cut short by his sudden interjection, "Earth. People. Family and friends. From your creation to your demise. It's really quite intriguing that my boss could make such a difficult system. Animals and weather AI's are bad enough but then the players decided to look towards the skies and she had to code a system for the stars."

    "You can't be serious. You expect me to believe that life is a game created by some ... some person? That everything that's happened has been the result of some programming? Your boss-"

    Cut off again. This guy doesn't seem to care that he's more than a little bit rude, "The players have taken to calling her 'God'. I suppose it's technically true that she would be the god of your world but she doesn't really interfere much aside from the occasional patch."

    If it weren't for the seriousness in his tone I'd be laughing, well that and the overall bizarreness of the situation I'm in, "You're serious, aren't you? What kind of game are you playing here?"

    "Oh, no-no-no. We don't play the game. You do. We observe the progression from there," he nodded at the door he had came through. "I get the pleasure of talking to the players who lose, getting their feedback, and relaying it my boss. I'm actually a big fan of the game which is why I took the position in the first place."

    "I'd like to speak to your boss. I have a few things I need cleared up."

    "Sorry," he waved his hand dismissively. "She doesn't," he paused to think for a moment, "get out much."

    I couldn't control myself, the laughter just started flowing, "So wait, you're telling me that my life is a game. Everything I've done and seen has been the result of ones and zeroes. And to top it all off, it was programmed by a shut-in?"

    He didn't seem to find it as funny. He gave me a sharp glare and if looks could kill it would have, "I wouldn't call her a shut-in exactly. She prefers solitude so that she may focus on her work."

    My laughter calmed down and at this point I just decided to play along, "Okay, mister tie guy. What now? I lost so what happens to me now?"

    He regained his composure and said with a smile, "You'll be deleted from the system. Don't worry though, your memories will be archived for further evaluation."

    "So, I just disappear? Gone forever? That seems a bit harsh, doesn't it?" I started to take this a little more seriously, on the off-chance it wasn't a joke.

    "Like I said, your memories will be archived. You won't be gone completely, your AI functions will be formatted."

    "I want to meet her," I replied with such a serious tone it was scary.

    "Like I said before," he waved his hand again, "she doesn't-"

    Now was my turn to cut him off, "Yeah, yeah. She doesn't get out much. I think it's only fair that I get the chance to talk to her, as one of the players. I want to know what it was all for."

    "She's extremely busy, I doubt she'll want to talk."

    "Ask her."

    "I'm afraid I can't do that," he appeared to be getting annoyed.

    Too bad I was more annoyed at this point, "You said you give her the feedback. You have a form of communication. Ask her. Tell her that one of the players from her game would like to request an audience. Or maybe you're not as connected to her as you led me to believe."

    Looks like that was a button he didn't like being pushed as no sooner than I finished my statement he pulled out a cellphone. It's nice to know we share some of the same things. A few moments later he had the phone to his ear, waiting on his boss to pick up. She answered. "Hello," he said, "this is Aaron from QA. I have a player here requesting an audience with you. Wait, seriously? You're fine with that? Yes. Okay. I'll bring him up." He closed the phone and gave me another death stare before finally admitting defeat. "Come on," he turned back towards the door, "she wants to see you."

    I followed him to the door and looked back one last time at the giant GAME OVER floating in the air. This boss lady must have some strange sense of humor.

    Authors Note 1

    I was looking around at some writing prompts and came across one about life being a game. Apologies to anyone who thought this was going to be similar to No Game No Life. This is one of the first original works I've done in quite some time. I'm attempting to keep this in perspective so if you happen to notice a spot where I change perspective/tense, as I'm often known to do, please let me know. Any other mistakes or feedback are welcome. Thanks for reading!

    Thread by: Technic☆Kitty, Feb 13, 2015, 1 replies, in forum: Written Works
  2. Technic☆Kitty
    The drag and drop method never even crossed my mind as I'm only good with front-end design. I have gotten close to creating a functioning order method using input boxes for numbering the display order. Looking at your method, I see some script might be necessary for me to get it to function properly.

    The drag and drop is totally awesome but, if I could make a suggestion, I see it only works for the first three pins. For instance, I tested moving the last two in my list to see if they would save and they didn't. For most users this isn't a big deal, the only ones you'd need to worry about are the first three as they are the ones displaying in the postbit. It might be worth investigating the foreach xenforo tag to create the forms that way they all become movable/savable and it wouldn't affect someone who has five as opposed to ten. Again, that's just an idea and personally I don't care about the order of all my pins.

    Excellent work libre ^^ I didn't know you were a codester.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Feb 13, 2015 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  3. Technic☆Kitty
    I'm looking into this. Kind of inspired me to start delving into the developer side of XenForo. If I come across a method for easier organization, I'll be sure to post a link to the tutorial/addon.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Feb 10, 2015 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  4. Technic☆Kitty
    You've peaked my interest. I'm always enthusiastic to see the mane six in manehattan as big-city highjinks are always abound. It's not often I find a fanfiction with such high regards to the English language; more often than not they're filled with the "don'ts" of writing as opposed to the "dos". It seems to me as though you've captured the key elements of each characters personality pretty well. Reading through I couldn't notice any strong deviations that would offset their normals tones.

    Twilight is still nerdy and overly obsessed with keeping on time. Pinkie Pie is still Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash is the tsundere who "definitely would not want to audition for a part". Applejack, nice work with the accent, is still honest and always willing to lend a 'hoof' to her friends. Fluttershy is just as timid and weak against Angel. Rarity is still as dramatical and enthusiastic about anything dramatic.

    Yours is one of the best opening chapters I've read in quite some time. I look forward to reading the chapters to follow. Keep up the fantastic work!

    I also like the banner at the beginning; it's a good fit for the theme and is a clear identifier of the main character in the story.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Feb 10, 2015 in forum: Written Works
  5. Technic☆Kitty
    4. I didn't feel bad for either of them. They should have been better. Get good, life's motto.

    8. Depends on the video. I like vines and fails. Anything where someone does something and expects something to happen but the opposite happens instead.[DOUBLEPOST=1422593913][/DOUBLEPOST]
    In addition to two, I've also heard that Frozen 2 is coming out so I'll more than likely be watching it as well as paying the 11 USD for the soundtrack. Fun fact, Frozen is the only thing I've actually bought something for. I also have a cool Frozen poster hanging next to my desk.

    I got it at Walmart: Link

    Even bought the poster hangers, the good ones, so it wouldn't damage the poster in removal or replacement.
    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jan 29, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  6. Technic☆Kitty
    1-A. First impression? I thought you were the user with the super hard name to remember, with the punctuation at least.
    1-B. Current impression? You're a pretty cool d00d with a title of gold and fun to chat with.

    2. Woah, throwing the tough ones at me. 2015 is bringing so many potential favorites. I know there's a new Tinkerbell movie scheduled to be released in 2015. If I had to pick one I want to see the most ... Furious 7 because Paul Walker love.

    3. Hmm ... I'm too lazy to put it on the roller so whichever way it goes >.>

    4. Oh man ... this is a tough one. I'm guessing I can't nominate myself so ... Plums, Llave, Enzy, Cat, and Misty. It's not because staff favoritism, it's just 9/10 times I laugh when I read their post/jokes. They have that kind of crazy antics that I find humorous.

    5. While I never got to play it, I still really want to, I'm giving it to Infamous Second Son. I'm a huge fan of Sucker Punch Productions. Sly Cooper is still one of my all time favs and when Infamous was released, I was blown away by the gameplay. I don't really stay up-to-date with stuff so I just go with my gut on these things. I also enjoyed the KH 1.5 Remix and am looking forward to buying the 2.5 Remix.

    6. Charmander. The first time I played Blue I wanted a Charizard. Didn't care if it wouldn't listen. Didn't care if it used flamethrower on me. I wanted a Charizard.

    1. First impressions? You were a guy I saw posting on the boards with an interest in James from Pokemon. I typically never paid much attention the first few times I saw someone back then.

    2. Current impressions? You're a stickler for grammar and spelling. You keep more lists than Twilight Sparkle. You're also one of the coolest dudes I've had the pleasure of meeting and becoming friends with online.

    3. Agh! Don't do that.

    4. Way to cheat the system >.> I feel bad for Sora for having such incompetent companions. The Doctor's had better help from a 12 year old girl.

    5. Yes because the stars are in alignment and the fields of Trenzalor are on fire ;)

    6. You can be, sometimes.

    7. I don't really have one ... I like kids music like Chipmunks and stuff. I like pop, rock, country, hip-hop, rap, metal, etc. I don't really have a favorite artist. I just really love music.

    8. Irl? Probably. I have no reason not to. I'd hang out with you ... as long as you didn't make me watch videos >.>

    9. Aren't we all? Here's a little fact about me you may or may not know, I typically spell 'weird' 'wierd' for the simple fact it's wierd.

    10. As a noun it is the cry of a wild goose. As a verb it is either the act of making or causing a honk, like taxi's honking their horns, or to vomit. Where I'm from though, a honk is a form of language. If you honk once, it means hello. Honk several times in a row and it means to get out of my way. A solid steady honk means you probably need an ambulance.
    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jan 27, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  7. Technic☆Kitty
    Like I said, don't really play much FF. XIII-2 is the only game I've come close to beating. I was more of a Legend of the Dragoons kind of kid. Now if they made an anime for Legend of the Dragoons, I'd probably be disappointed because it would suck. I would like to see a remake. Tbh, I don't like anime adaptations of games anyway. Game adaptations of anime are alright, I suppose. To me, when they adapt anime from a game ... it's like making a movie of a book. It's theatrical but a lot of the good parts get taken out.
    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jan 22, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Technic☆Kitty
    Let me get back to you when an FF game comes out with a good plot.

    How many of you are plotting to kill me in my sleep now? No?

    I don't play many FF games, never had. XIII-2 is the only one I've really played. So ... not that one.
    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jan 22, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Technic☆Kitty
    If it's a black screen and no files are showing it sounds like it's loading up in safe mode. Did you happen to notice if startup programs that typically load, didn't? Safe mode can be initiated if your computer/laptop isn't shut down properly. It could have been activated on accident. Next time you startup, mash f8 until you get a screen that talks about safe mode. From there choose either start windows normally or last known good configuration.
    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jan 22, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Technic☆Kitty
    Well ... you're not wrong. I meant to say physical contact. Like face to face. I love you guys to pieces but I have to get facetime with people every now and then. Digital faces just don't compare. I like to know I can hit someone in the face if I feel like it. Digitally ... I'd break my laptop >.>

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jan 15, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Technic☆Kitty
    You know what I hate? When you spend three hours working on a wallpaper to stop and realize how much you hate it, then you spend fifteen minutes throwing a wallpaper together and it turns out perfect.

    Although it is a lovely looking collage.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jan 14, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  12. Technic☆Kitty
    Thirteen has always been my favorite number because I feel bad for all the hate it gets. I just picture a 13 in a box on the side of the street and everyone passes by. The rain starts and I happen to notice it's there and I can't just leave it. If I had the chance, I'd adopt the number 13 because that's the kind of person I am ... the crazy kind.

    I like Friday the 13th because people are less likely to leave their homes. That means less people I have to deal with on those days ^^

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jan 14, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Technic☆Kitty


    You should've got the pre-ordered pre-order. It comes with a bonus keychain that says "I<3Pre-Orders" on it.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jan 14, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Technic☆Kitty
    So much p0rn, so little time ... 2 months? ... All the time!!!

    Basically, try not to dwell on the fact you'll have no form of social contact in your home for 2 months. It could lead to insanity. I recommend throwing wild parties and jumping on all the beds at said wild parties. Be sure to serve fruit punch and cookies so the party doesn't end too fast. Repeat steps one through 3 until two days before your parents return. Clean house, sparkly. Sleep.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jan 14, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Technic☆Kitty

    How Rude

    It's definitely not ADD/ADHD if you go through the trouble of doing something that requires more than several minutes of paying attention. I've never been officially diagnosed but I show a good 90% of the symptoms caused by ADD/ADHD. I've never been one to focus and sitting still for too long bothers me, which is why I choose to constantly stay away from home. I will admit that I tried a buddy of mines medicine once for ADD/ADHD as he said it would wake me up. It didn't necessarily do that but for the first time ever I felt a moment of clarity. My mind was wiped clean of all the, what I call, voices and was left with a blank canvas for processing things linearly instead of randomly. ADD/ADHD is a problem with focusing on something so collecting crowns or whatever wouldn't be that. I will say that YouTube commenters aren't the brightest people in the world and may have confused it themselves but they were wrong if that is the case.

    As Laurence mentioned, OCD would be a better definition of feeling the need to do something even if you don't have to. For instance, I've got a thing about balance. If I step on a crack three-quarters of the way back on my left foot, I have to step on a crack, not necessarily the same one, about three-quarters of the way back on my right foot. Physically and logically there is no need for me to do this. It's just something I feel I have to do. It's more than that though. I often find myself in tiresome thumb twiddling matches trying to keep the balance. I'm just like the avatar!

    Also as Laurence mentioned, wanting the 100% doesn't mean you're OCD or ADD/ADHD. Hardcore gamers just want to go for the gold. It's more a sense of completion I believe.

    Also stated by Laurence, YouTube comments are 90% bulls*it, 10% gold. Don't focus on the negative comments. Haters are always going to hate no matter what you do. Focus on the people who like your videos and take criticism from them. If you take criticism from the 90%, you'll end up with laser shooting dinosaurs from outer space that invade peoples minds to make them slaves (insert more idiotic nonsense here) as your videos. Do your thing. Let haters do theirs. If you don't show them attention, they'll move on.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jan 14, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Technic☆Kitty


    For some reason it only works with death metal.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jan 13, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Technic☆Kitty
    The humor in this video is not lost on me. I'd actually like to see a cinema sins-esque video on Kingdom Hearts. These videos should never be taken to ... heart. Hold them with a grain of sand. They're all in good fun. College Humor makes fun of way more stuff and is even harsher but they're still funny.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jan 11, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Technic☆Kitty


    No, it should sound like a mix between a snare and a front bass. I can play a full death metal song by hitting my computer. They did say it was a good choice for amateur musicians.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jan 11, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Technic☆Kitty
    This ... I'm considering this a three day late birthday gift. I'll prepare the popcorn.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jan 11, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Technic☆Kitty
    I really want to see Mat and Pat do an LP for Silent Hills.

    Funny story about how I came to watch the trailer for Silent Hills:

    Me and my buddy were visiting a friend who lives forever and a day away. We'll call the one who was with me Adam and the other Brian. Anyway, Brian was messing around on his XBox and I happened to notice he had Slender 2. I'd never actually seen gameplay of Slender 2 at that point and mentioned it to him, "Oh, you have Slender?"

    He was like, "Yeah I've only played it one time." I asked him why he had only played it one time if he went through the trouble of buying it. He said, "Well it was only five bucks on Live. You ever played Slender?" I proceeded to tell him no and at this point Adam is in the process of a facepalm. Brian said, "You wanna watch me play it?"

    "Sure," I said, not knowing the events about to ensue. So he starts playing it and a few minutes into the game I notice the glare from his light is blocking my view of the screen. I mentioned it and he told me how I had kind of the worst spot on the couch for viewing. He told me I could turn off the lights if I wanted and Adam was, at this point, full facepalm pose. I asked him what was wrong and Brian informed me of how Adam was terrified of Slender. I was left with no other option so I proceeded to turn off the light. We go through the game and jump scares were abundant. Throughout the entire time he was playing we saw Slenderman everywhere but he was not an imminent threat. The game ended by Brian going to the front of the house and viewing a poster, one which we had already seen, on one of the trees. Slender Man immediately attacked and everybody jumped. So we gave up on Slender.

    Brian was conversing with Adam and the only thing I caught was, "You really think we should?" I asked what they were talking about and Brian asked me if I had ever seen the Silent Hills trailer. I told him that I had not as I really don't pay attention to game releases until someone informs me. So he throws on the IGN Gameplay trailer and the room is still pitch black. I had no idea of what was about to happen. Needless to say, my pants were thoroughly soiled. The only reason I want Mat and Pat to do an LP for it is so I can watch it without having a heart attack. Those guys are incredibly funny and overall enjoyable, save for a certain Walking Dead Season 2 LP.

    TL;DR Mat and Pat make scary games enjoyable to watch and still be the right level of scary.

    Post by: Technic☆Kitty, Jan 11, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone