Last Activity:
Sep 27, 2011
Apr 7, 2010
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3:37 AM
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Oh you Musn't Know or thee shall die :D
Hobo? Well A student I guess.


Merlin's Housekeeper, from Oh you Musn't Know or thee shall die :D

xtakeda was last seen:
Sep 27, 2011
    1. Aura
      I'm on the third game we own. Almost done with it, I think. @-@ I just need to get a few things. I must beat it soon! D8<<<
      How many hours are you into it? XDD
    2. Aura
      I tried installing it but apparently it's already on the computer, but I'm not all too sure. I need to talk to someone who told my aunt what computer would be most reliable and stuffs. I have no idea if she's coming over today. I think she is. @-@
    3. Aura
      Even a computer techy I know said Windows 7 is the best. XD So it's the school's fault if it makes Windows 7 look bad.
      I am having fun with it. 8D8 I still need to add more things to it, I think. @-@
    4. K u r o g a n e
    5. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Ffff's game . .I need to to stop *o*
    6. Aura
      I think it was the computer lab's fault because I've been on my laptop all day (I'm in love with it. XDD) and it's fast. Everything loads quickly and nothing has frozen or anything. I've even played around with the webcam and stuff so everything's fine on here. The school just likes ruining everything.
    7. Aura
      Ah. Well, hopefully that rumor is true. XDD And...I GOT THE LAPTOP! 888DDDD *Spazzed* <<;; It has Windows 7, but I like it. Nothing bad or anything. I'm just trying to get everything I need and stuff. @-@
    8. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      D8> Ah I see I see. Well it works fine now though I should stop playing. .
    9. Aura
      How long would it take to make a new Persona game. And...yeah. Hopefully I go to Best Buy after going out to eat. >> My mom might get mad about me getting a new laptop though. Blah.
    10. Aura
      Oh. >> I'm stupid. XD Also...I might get a laptop tomorrow. << >>
    11. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      . . .D8> It died again. . .Hmm the game is in memory card right? Think it will work on my PSP? D:

      Oh man that . .sorta sucks ._.
    12. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      D8> No it froze after that so I started over but I managed to save after.

      Yeah :'3 I'll bring the second DVD tomorrow then 8D
    13. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Yay 8D

      I got to Level 4 with Junpei LOL and Level 3 with this other chick.


      8DD -watches-
    14. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e

      I'm 4/26 8D Level 5 >8D

      I want to watch the Eurovision again LOL
    15. #8-Axel
      Cya Man ?
    16. Aura
      Isn't Persona 4 barely coming out? @-@
    17. #8-Axel
      night bro i got to go
    18. #8-Axel
      what time for you 2:10 for me what time for you
    19. #8-Axel
      Not that i know of i just made a intro yourself here so i can get more friends probabaly gonna go to sleep soon
    20. #8-Axel
      oh so whats new
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  • About

    Oh you Musn't Know or thee shall die :D
    Hobo? Well A student I guess.
    Hm What to say.... Uh .... Not really sure....

    Oh FAR too many too list.... Nah Just Kiddin Basiclly Anime, Drawing(bad at it), and GAMING....etc


    Forget Stalking Psh~ Im so over that.

    AND WOAH~ Eurovision made me start to Like my Spanish music...Of course It had to be Spain D'8 Being all cool and stuff...And Norway O: