Last Activity:
Sep 27, 2011
Apr 7, 2010
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Oh you Musn't Know or thee shall die :D
Hobo? Well A student I guess.


Merlin's Housekeeper, from Oh you Musn't Know or thee shall die :D

xtakeda was last seen:
Sep 27, 2011
    1. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
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      Yeash =P it ish but~ OH WELL!!! XD
    2. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      Yeash and you forget what you read completely XP
    3. walkergirl-_-
      haha Thats so kiddish!!! how old is this sister of yours??? if you is really young then you have a long ways to go haha they take forever to grow up!! ><

      haha so you'd be like kenny basiclly!!! XDDD and he is super bad!!!! or cool heh >>;; yea it's kinda weird when friends have nothing in common!! The it just gets weird!! You and me have a bunch in common!! like anime, video games, sillyness, and now drawing!!! I could go on but meh I'm lazy which is another thing we have in common hehe. =)))

      ohh he has a gf or it's not there yet?? 0_o BAD BLACK CLOUD GO AWAY!!! haha sho sho!!! >< I will chase it away and make you eat sweets cause that = confidence!!

      hehe yay!!! manga-ka!! I'm so in!!! if you make video games I will draw the little boys haha!! ^^ no no I can do the hot girls to and that sounded wrong...>>;; YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!! -_-;;
    4. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
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      XDD If I do I end up reading and leaving it, I forget where I was XDDD
    5. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
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      yeash but I dun even read em XDDD I get easily distracted!
    6. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      true XD I need that list though!
    7. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
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      XD ah Chrissy X3 gets anyone addicted to everything XDD
    8. walkergirl-_-
      Haha over protective brother!!! thats so cute!!!! haha I'm like that with my sis >< I worry to much!!! I have knowticed that I'm like that with friends I trust as well. It's weird to want to protect your friends but I guess I'm weird!!! ^_^

      haha Imagine your amazingness and having mind reading powers!!! the world would explode and go BOOM!!! hahahahhaha XDD haha no your not easy to read I just know you sice your a good friend to me!!! ^^

      ehh?? he hits on girls with dorkyness >> well I can tell you personally that girls are not looking for that so no need to wish you had any of that!!! courage?? confidence??? I don't agree....-_-;; I see outgoing snf dorky and thats about it!!! have more confidence in yourself!!! your a great guy you know!! I am going to poke you tomorrow for being a dork!! ^_^

      haha you want fan girls but not the stalking type!!! well!!! ^_^ I'm sure thats not to hard to get!! >< just write manga and it's instant love with the ladies!!
    9. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
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      Sawy :3
      um....okies! we'll see!
    10. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
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      nup :3 I only read Bleach atm XD
    11. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
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      OOC: Yes :3 and okies. What you got in mind?
    12. walkergirl-_-
      Haha then your mom makes up for your dads meanness!!! ^_^ I bet she's super sweet!! you forgot your sis...what category does she fit in?? hehe your dads mean!!! mine is so nice!!! haha were opposites!! =))) my mom is mean most of the time though its mostly nagging >>;; and my dad is nice but nags sometimes!! haha

      haha well you can't have it!!!!! I don't know how I got it!!!! It popped out of no where!!! XDDD I have to many strange friends I guess heh I'm one to though!!!

      it's ok!!! venting is good!!! and he is a little to giggly...>>;; maybe cause his home life is more quiet??? I really don't know...0_o I kinda don't like people who act to dorky all the time either so your not alone!!! ><

      Haha we don't want crazy fan girls to mob you now do we!!?? cause they can be super crazy!! nooooo!!! don't say that!! who you drawing?? =)
    13. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
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      "L-Love?" Nel blushed, thinking of Ichigo.

      OOC: Gah I hate that XDDD
    14. walkergirl-_-
      haha well that's good in a way!! I mean don't be outright crazy mad but you do sometimes fight for what you believe in no?? or well at least I do that when my parents just don't like to listen and get weird on me... >>:;;; and yes parents do have weird moments!!! once my mom yelled at me for not washing the dishes when she was the one who dirtied them!!! and I was like WOMEN!!! I didn't even see those!! she just put them in there to piss me off haha XDD

      ohh ohh!!!! *STARES AND NUDGES* Really now!!! watcha hiding!!! hehe -smirks- no never mind I already know....>>;; man this mind reading can be bad sometimes....

      ehh?? why did he piss you off??? I can smack him for you cause it's fun!!! hehe don't let him get to you he can be.....what's the word..... sign for now I say strange....>>;;

      real art is fun!! and I will protect you from angry mob!!!!
    15. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
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      "C-CHIBIFICATION!?!" Nel gasped.
    16. walkergirl-_-
      Hehe he is a rage face huh??? then you do a rage face back and then go nom something!!! XDDD I fell asleep in my car for an hour once!!!! it's was really random!!! >>;;;

      I can't help it!!!!!! DXXXX I have been like that for years!! one day I will be blind I'm super sure of that!!!

      hehe don't be mean!! he is trying after all!! ^_^ WAHHHHHH Why no real art it's fun and makes you super pissed when you can't do it right!! ^_^
    17. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
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      Nel was confused. "What is you talking about?!" She moved away from him.
    18. walkergirl-_-
      Your dad sounds funny!!! but he was really sleeping and how can he forget where he is when it's hot and stuffy in cars!!! >< Man my grandpa did that once and well yea I looked stupid trying to wake him up to!! ^_^

      no no fanfiction has been brain washing me again!!! haha I tell myself I will only be on for a little while and next thing I know It's been 2 or 3 hours!! >>;;;

      yay!!! you drew more pictures!!! >XD my awesomeness is being passed on!!! so your doing more realistic people??? LIFE ART IS HARD BUT FUN!!!
    19. walkergirl-_-
      That was the most funniest thing I have ever seen in my life!!!!! It was so random!! I was thinking why you were waiting outside and there you are saying your dad is asleep!!! I laughed all the way to my car!!
    20. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
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      (note: use " " when you say stuff and write things out like so)

      Nel looked at Mayuri, freaked out. "W-What?!"
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  • About

    Oh you Musn't Know or thee shall die :D
    Hobo? Well A student I guess.
    Hm What to say.... Uh .... Not really sure....

    Oh FAR too many too list.... Nah Just Kiddin Basiclly Anime, Drawing(bad at it), and GAMING....etc


    Forget Stalking Psh~ Im so over that.

    AND WOAH~ Eurovision made me start to Like my Spanish music...Of course It had to be Spain D'8 Being all cool and stuff...And Norway O: