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Sep 27, 2011
Apr 7, 2010
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Oh you Musn't Know or thee shall die :D
Hobo? Well A student I guess.


Merlin's Housekeeper, from Oh you Musn't Know or thee shall die :D

xtakeda was last seen:
Sep 27, 2011
    1. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Yes the PS3 changes everything LOL.
    2. Aura
      ... @-@ If you don't care about money, dude, can you get me a laptop? D: *shot* Kidding. Maybe. <<; I have no idea if I will be in the auditorium. @-@ I only have three periods and I'm not sure if I have to be there for the part that's supposed to be second period. Dx I need to ask.

      Oh. @-@ But aren't they making more or something? And... O.o That's odd. I haven't played in a while.

      I can't fall asleep during the day for some reason. << Don't know why.
    3. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Yeah I do! @_@;;
      It's amazing~
    4. Aura
      I know. It'll probably be out of my own pocket though. << Since I doubt my parents will even give me that. What time are we going to order the pizza?

      I haven't heard anything bad of Windows 7 so hopefully it's actually good. Vista is just one I'll stay away from. >>

      How many Persona games are there? @-@ I know there are quite a few but I'm not sure how many. And...I think you're talking about that giant dinosaur. XD It killed me in two hits. >>

      XD That's never happened to me before, I think.
    5. Aura
      It'll probably take them another few more months to get me a new laptop. >> I've tried asking my brother that has a job that pays him 10 dollars an hour but he keeps saying no. >< It'd so funny yet mean if my parents actually did that to me. @-@ They've done it before with an iPod though. XDD

      ._. I want Windows 7. I need to tell my family that. I really don't want a computer that crashes a lot. I really need something that will run smoothly, fast, has a lot of memory and won't crash when I have a lot of things open and won't become slow either.

      I've been bugged that Christina to play Persona, but, like I said, I'm too lazy. >> I'm in Grand Pulse too. @-@ Chapter 11. I haven't even gotten Vanille's summon yet. DX I've tried but it keeps killing me. I need to level up.

      A 5 hour nap isn't really a nap. XDD
    6. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Sure but I'm not even done with White Knight and Juan's God of War 2
      . .or P3Fes - The Answer >_>;;
      . .or DDR
    7. Aura
      No. >< My birthday is in 2 weeks so I doubt they'll be able to have over 500-600 dollars by then. Plus, my mom told me today that once they pay everything for the house, they'll start saving money to buy me one.

      What's wrong with Vista? I've heard complaints about it, but I'm not sure why it's so bad. @-@ It's...possibly about 10 or so years old. It was my grandfather's.

      XD Persona sounds like such a fun game. I kind of want to play it but I'm too lazy to even play FFXIII. <<;
    8. Aura
      I don't ask for much anymore now. The only thing I've been asking repeatedly for is a new laptop. XD But we don't have the money so eh.

      Exactly. But I don't like showing it in front of a lot of people. >>

      I want Windows 7. @-@ A lot of people complain about Vista so I want a laptop that has Windows 7. My current laptop is Windows XP and it's pretty good, but since this laptop is old, it's already dying on me.

      Kill the vultures when you're not drowsy...? XD
      Your character should get slapped. B|
    9. Aura
      It's funny that I talk to one of them and I somewhat close with him so... XD But yeah. And it was annoying when I was little. I would bug them for something and then I'd end up going back and forth. It annoyed me so badly.

      He stopped staring after I yelled at him. XD But that little scene with me crying won't happen again, hopefully.

      I actually use my laptop for multiple things. Internet, music, instant messaging(MSN mainly.), writing, pictures and stuff like that so a netbook wouldn't work for me. I want an HP laptop since the company HP is more reliable. We've always had HP and they never crashed on us and stuff. Every computer we've own was HP.

      That's...odd. @-@ Shame on your character. B|
    10. Aura
      I have multiple stalkers, actually. << It is kind of freaky, but as long as none of them come out of nowhere and suddenly say something that freaks me out. My parents are like that when I ask them to do something for me or something. Lol. And when I was little, I always ended up hearing, "Go to your mom." or "Go to your dad." I'd go and then the other would tell me to go to the other.

      Aw. Well, at least you have friends now at Poly. 8D And...yeah. I yelled at Panda because he kept staring at me. >> I don't like it when people stare at me while I'm crying. <<; And oh, alright. Christina told her something though that made her walk away. But eh, oh well.

      Oh wow. @-@ I have a laptop, but it's old. Really old. So I've been bugging my family to buy me a new one but we don't have the money. DX

      XD I know. Have fun. Take care.
    11. Aura
      Not really. Having a clingy stalker can get annoying. I know that much. << That's good. Glad to know you have a slight plan on what to do.

      I had "friends" that enjoyed avoiding me and ditching me. So I was always a loner. >> But not anymore with Christina and everyone else. At least you didn't really go through what I went through. And yeah, it all came out when I told Christina something. I didn't want to cry, but I hid my face from everyone. I don't like it when people see me crying. Citlalli came up to Christina and I, though, right? I think I saw her in front of me. @-@

      << Make me a laptop. D: I need one really badly. >>;
    12. Aura
      And there are clingy stalkers on here too. It's bad. You seem to be doing well with wanting to lose weight. Cutting down on fast food really does help a lot. You took a step there, now try taking another one if possible.

      I was kind of the same way. I was a loner at school for a while until I entered high school and met different people and stuff. And the group I am in now is way better than any other group I was part of before hand. And it's fine. I wasn't in a good mood during lunch either way. >> The reason Christina was hugging me and stuff shortly afterward when she got there.

      What do you want to major in when you go to college?
    13. Aura
      Online relationships never work out. Never. Especially the ones I've seen on here. Online relationships are usually doomed to fail. Not only is it online, but also long distance, depending if the person is from another state and stuff. Never go back to online dating. The person isn't on enough, one or the other is too busy with something different, and you'll never know if the person is who you really think they are. Especially with girls. Pedophiles lurk on the internet so that's a bad thing with girls if we decide to have an online relationship. And don't listen to Manny. Yeah, I'm thin as hell, but by being this thin has caused a lot of problems health wise. If you wish to lose more weight, go ahead. But if you wish to just keep the weight off, then that's fine too.

      You're almost like me. Except I think too much on everything, literally everything. Which is a bad thing for my part. But yeah, don't think negative things about yourself. You're only lowering your self-esteem by doing so. Don't turn into guy like that. I will smack you if you do. B| In a way it degrades a girl when all a guy really wants is their body. I've had that happen to me and I felt as though it was degrading me and so it made me feel uncomfortable. There are three types of girls. One, those who love the attention, love their figure, and love it when a guy chases after them for their figure. Two, those who don't like the attention, who are okay with the way they look. etc. And three is the whole, "I'm ugly. Ew." thing. <<

      Society can go suck it. B| Society is wrong almost all the time. But if you're content with going to a community college, that's fine. But never listen to society. It's lame and wrong almost all the time.
    14. Aura
      To be honest, I can't even say "I love you." to someone. It's a little rare when I say it and if I do say it, I say it quietly or something. And when people tell me they love me, I don't say the "I" for some reason. I only say, "Love you too." Don't know why. I'm weird. But if you see no change, then try motivating yourself or asking friends or your parents to help you motivate yourself into exercising, eating differently and so on. You have more support than I do so I'm sure you'd do well in that.

      Usually panicking can lead to that. You'll up thinking, "Oh my God, what do I do? What do I do?" so it's best to try not to panic. Just relax and try not to let things get into your head. I panic a lot since I'm such a spazz so that's why I tend to get panic attacks every now and then. So just relax and don't think too much.

      Well, college isn't about all of that. It's about the education and going into the real world. To be honest, it annoys when I hear someone say something like, "Finally! College! I'll get laid, go to parties all night. etc. etc." Going to college is about the education. I'm anti-social and extremely shy. So doing all of those things would be emotionally stressful for me. Only think about the education when it comes to college. It's the most important thing. If going to a UC means getting a good education, then go ahead and apply.
    15. Aura
      Wow. @-@ That's...odd. Nobody heard you guys talking about all that stuff? I'm not very violent, trust me. Plus, I'm pretty damn weak so that's another thing. The only person I've really hurt psychically was my brother because I've always wanted to slap him since he's an idiot. <<;;; I slapped him three times in less than two hours so I was happy. Lol. I'm picky with food, so I only really like eating my parents' and grandmother's cooking. Anything else, I wonder what's in it and if I'll like it. >> I mainly like eating chicken though. <<; I only like cheese pupusas. I don't like the other one. @-@ I only eat the pupusas, nothing else with it. XD And...I don't think so. I know Christina hasn't. Don't know about the others.

      Well...for me it's hard to please my parents. Like I've mentioned several times in the group, I'm not a very healthy child. I'm extremely unhealthy and whenever I tell my mom something about my health, I end up hearing a bad remark that ends up pissing me off and depressing me. And if I tell my brothers something, all I hear is, "You're stupid and crazy. You need psychological help." >> I'm family is very unsupportive in my health, education, friends, and life itself.

      Yeah, I know that. But even if you're a guy, it's still best to release those emotions. Just saying. And alright. We can stop talking about this. Wouldn't want you to be upset.

      Wait, you're in Magnet, right? Doesn't Magnet have more requirements than regular school?
    16. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Kohai. .AFTER P4 YER GONNA PLAY P3 THEN P3P. .THE GIRLS PATH. . .because of the cool music/Junpei and Koromaru Social link and. .yeah >8DD

      - - But if you do manage then I'll let you borrow it :'3
    17. Aura
      It better be teasing. B| If he really was racist against Salvis, he's going to get an ass beating. >B| I mean... << XD Kidding. I wouldn't do anything to him. I can't really harm another person. @-@ Well...kind of. Christina has made me more violent. >>;; I'm getting bad habits from her. Yeah, I know very, very little on Salvadoran culture. I love Salvadoran tamales. My grandmother's tamales are amazing. And my parents' pupusas are amazing as well. And yeah, sure. That's fine. I haven't eaten pupusas in a while. We need to make the group eat pupusas. B|

      And...yeah. I know that feeling. At least your parents tolerate different races. My family is, well...eh. My family enjoys judging everything. And they judge and criticize me a lot with how I dress, who I'm friends with, what I want to study when I go to college and so many other things. Your lucky your parents pretty accept you for who you are. Mine don't. So that's something that eats away at me a lot, along with a bunch of other things.

      Don't do that. I know by experience that bottling emotions is a very bad thing. If you're in a bad mood, don't hide it. It's very unhealthy and by doing that, I dropped in a very, very low state. But the only reason I did that was because I had/have a lot of problems so hopefully you don't have many. Wouldn't want to see someone fall into the same state I am in. Writing down what you're feeling really is a good way to let out some steam. Christina actually gave me the idea to carry a journal with me everywhere I go. At first it was only meant to write down ideas I might have (I'm a writer.), but I'm now using it for several different things now. Like writing down whatever idea I have for a story, probably a letter I'd wish I could send someone, or just to release some words out that would fit into paper, but I wouldn't be able to say.

      Don't worry. Senior year will be different. Only two required classes and then you're done. How long does it have to be?
    18. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      I don't know Kohai. .
    19. K u r o g a n e
      K u r o g a n e
      Oh my what have I done? First Gurren and now Persona. ffff's XD
    20. Aura
      He's racist against Salvadorans or other races as well? See, when people become racist towards a race that might speak the similar language as they do is freaking ******ed. I remember you mentioning the Super Mexican thing once. @-@ I think. But either way, if he makes fun of Salvadorans, it's best not to fall into the same level as him. Usually leads to worse things. It's fine. Just warning you now, I tend to be a terrible mood frequently when I'm home so...yeah. << Don't be surprised if I'm suddenly unfriendly and stuff. And if I am, sorry.

      Ah. I'm glad I'm done with history. Now all I have is Economics. Blah. Is your homework like a paper or something?
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  • About

    Oh you Musn't Know or thee shall die :D
    Hobo? Well A student I guess.
    Hm What to say.... Uh .... Not really sure....

    Oh FAR too many too list.... Nah Just Kiddin Basiclly Anime, Drawing(bad at it), and GAMING....etc


    Forget Stalking Psh~ Im so over that.

    AND WOAH~ Eurovision made me start to Like my Spanish music...Of course It had to be Spain D'8 Being all cool and stuff...And Norway O: