Wheel of Time
Last Activity:
Nov 4, 2022
Apr 1, 2007
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September 17
Europe, Sweden

Wheel of Time

Time forever preserved in memory., Male, from Europe, Sweden

Wheel of Time was last seen:
Nov 4, 2022
    1. Slycrg
      Hmm I could search for something that might be able to do that. It would be fun to see how much can be configured and still work. Although I don't won't to mess around with the game too much cause I might breach some copyright laws :P I might give it a miss to be on the safe side.

      That sounds good I'm ready for my first lesson :)
    2. Slycrg
      Well not with codes but it's possible right?

      Um well probably the basics would be nice first. I don't want to rush into coding without fully understanding everything
    3. Slycrg
      Ok so is it possible to add extra parts that exist on one keyblade to the other like have way to dawns handle onto the kingdom key?
      Cool I'll have a look but could you make me one for kh2? I do have No. 1 but it isn't that fun to modify.
    4. Slycrg
      Is it possible to add extra features to a keyblade or clothes not just the colour. So can you actually physically change a model?
      Also what do you use to do all these codes? I'd like to give it a go myself but I don't know where to start
    5. Slycrg
      His head is gone :O
      Aw the blinking lights don't carry over :(
    6. Slycrg
      Lol clearly I ask too many questions and change topics too many times in one post :P
    7. Slycrg
      Why is sora's face so white when you change his textures?
    8. Slycrg
      Haha is that a heartless emblem on his side? He is so colorful yay rainbow sora :P
      Is it possible to texture the Kingdom Key into this colour texture? That would be cool
      You should try a dusk texture next. It would be interesting to see if the blink lights on the model transfer over
      Don't need the link I recently english patched my game. I was so sick of all the jap text
    9. Slycrg
      Could you then get a code to have marluxia's arm and then weild it?
      Ok I'll do the thinking lol
      What about the texture from the big heartless that weilds that lance thing in Land Of Dragons ( don't know heartless name unless I look it up on my English Kh2 which I don't think I can be bothered :P) I'm sure you know what I mean.
      Can you send me the pics too
    10. Slycrg
      Nah go with something else but you pick something. I dont know what will look good.
      Do you know the code to weild larxene or marluxia's weapons? Their not in the UCM digits and I don't think anyone has bothered to find them and test if you can weild them
    11. Slycrg
      Ok next texture if you can't do water clone can you do Twilight Xemnes texture or something you might think will look cool. Thanks for all the help you've given so far. Really apreciate it :)
    12. Slycrg
      It worked! Omfg I changed the room mod and the texture mod to the same joker and it worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    13. Slycrg
      Also does it matter if the cornerstone has thorns? Iv been using the room mod otherwise it's got thorns
    14. Slycrg
      Oh ok then big room = more codes lol
      If I don't joker the code won't that not trigger it at all unless I start in the cornerstone?
    15. Slycrg
      ok i went into the corner stone hall with the char mod jokered to R1. Iv checked the joker and yes it jokers for just the first line. Then i press r2 to activate the texture mod which iv checked and it jokers the three texture lines, When i do this nothing happens sora is still in his normal costume. Yes Axel is there. Also why do you go to the cornerstone of light for all the play as codes?
    16. Slycrg
      Actually it's sort of worked. I used my emulator to check the code and it worked on that and only in the cornerstone place. Then when I tried it on my ps2 it didn't work at all. Can you please look at the code and see if you can change anything at all to make it work better.
    17. Slycrg
      Yes it worked! I like how it makes sora look kinda badass lol. Could you make me another texture mod plz. I want to see what sora looks like with Demyx's water clone colour
    18. Slycrg
      Lol it looks like I'll have to keep playing until I finish Disney castle because when I go into the corner stone hall there's only sora and then when I leave and try to go back in it won't let me it just has an invisible wall thing and Japanese text obviously explaining why I can't go back in >.< Is there another place where this code will work?
    19. Slycrg
      Lol if I could name the save file I'd call it "Save File I Made So That I Could See Cool Texture Mod + Probally Playing As Cloud Since That Might Work Now Too" :P
    20. Slycrg
      Noooooooooooooo! Ok then I'll play through Roxas' story then I'll use a room mod to go to the corner stone and see those textures! Long day tomorrow then lol lucky I'm on holidays. I knew I should have kept a normal save file but I thought it wouldn't be that bad. And now iv paid the price for my carelessness. I'm guessing I'll also have to continue playing until sora gets his new clothes.
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    September 17
    Europe, Sweden
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