Sep 25, 2010
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July 23
Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
The King
    1. Sessamaru
      Oh, of course. Actually, I was going to ask Midnight about this, but I never got around to it.
    2. Sessamaru
      Oh? Please elaborate? (Sorry, I'm a tad out of it at the moment)
    3. StardustXtreme
      Hmm, might head for the tower, firstly, gotta get the RP Character screen and make it
    4. StardustXtreme
      Hmmm, if I do create a character, where should it turn up?
    5. Midnight Star
      Midnight Star
      xD Nice. Just be careful not to over power her, all the charas are on a par but that sounds really good.

      Hmm, well Sessameru (sp?) is planning on bringing in an air bad guy once everything has settled, so I'll say yes but can you please hold fire until everything has turned good and dandy before we make it bad again. It could be good if you two talked and brought them in together or connected in some way to make the rival group (or is that what you had in mind already?). Also, they would have an affinity with water but just specilise in ice in the same way Ulrich is Earth but mainly uses dust. Again just be careful not to overpower them which is quite tempting with especially with bad guys.
    6. StardustXtreme
      Intersted in joinging in though... however need to understand the plot so far.
    7. Midnight Star
      Midnight Star
      Hey, thanks for posting in the OOC thread ^,^ Your post was really good and now I think you've got several people looking forward to what you've got planned xD

      Oh and I've been thinking and want to be arkward. How are you planning on fighting something insubstancial? If it's made of wind/spirit stuff, won't all our attacks go straight through it? Then the ones with an air affinity, can they control the wind it's made of? xD I'm guessing not on both accounts and you'll find a way to defeat it, I have no doubt about that, I just felt like being arkward. Sorry ^,^
    8. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Hey, just apologizing for not posting in all of my RPs lately! I've been spending the last couple of weeks out of town and didn't have solid internet connection so I didn't have lots of time online. But I'm back for good!
    9. StardustXtreme
      Interesting RP you got there, Chasing Shadows.
    10. Midnight Star
      Midnight Star
      Oh, okay. You must have editted with the shutters, I was sure you didn't before but okay. And with the dome, I suppose that wasn't so bad, it might have been exaggerateda a little. Sorry about that, I just knew certain people had been annoyed by it so I figured I should let you know.

      Anyway, thanks about letting me know about what you're planning.
    11. Midnight Star
      Midnight Star
      Right, I wasn't really going to bring dragons into it as outside the world is almost like reality (except there are people with Affinities) but as suppose one spirit creature can't harm too much, provided we keep it contained. It should bond the group a bit too, fighting against a common enemy. You could post in the OCC thread at some point to keep everyone informed, little details that could be misinterpriated and actually discuss it but anything could happen.

      Your link doesn't work by the way.

      Oh, just a little point, there were a few times earlier in the rp where you ignored other peoples posts which annoyed some people. (Such as when the shutters came down, Jo simply jumped through the window, no effort to open / get through the shutters first. Also when fkb put your chara in a dome and brought you to a safe place. You virtually ignored it and went back into fighting like nothing had happened.) It's not much but can you please read other people's posts and bare them in mind when replying.
    12. Midnight Star
      Midnight Star
      Hey, um I hope you don't mind me asking but what are you planning on doing in Affinities with that cave and everything? I'd like to know if possible before you do anything big that affects the plot. I'll keep it secret from everyone if you want it that way or if you need everyone to do something (like if you want them to actually get curious about the cave or stay away), the OCC thread is a good place to say.
    13. jackdaniel0
      Er...You haven't posted in the Sonic rp for a while. Just wanted to let you know
    14. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Hey love. your imbox is full.
    15. Beucefilous
      Alright. just asking
    16. Beucefilous
      Just a question, Can Verdelet later become general Kakanas' usurper?
    17. Midnight Star
      Midnight Star
      I'll reply to you on Affinities as soon as Feenie posts and we get there.
    18. Midnight Star
      Midnight Star
      Hey about Affinities, SORA hasn't been online since the 26th and I see no problem's with your OC so I think it's safe to assume you're accepted. There is no point in getting left too far behind.
    19. Hyuge ✧
      Hyuge ✧
      soooo.....are you going to post in angelic divinity? just asking. =] but no big deal or anything.
    20. dabeatmaster123
      You're free to post now the IC is open =3
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  • About

    July 23
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    The King
    KH, Gears of War, reading, writing, RPing and Gaara <3
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