Tifa L.
Jan 12, 2010
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Oct 19, 1993 (Age: 31)

Tifa L.

Merlin's Housekeeper, Female, 31, from Illinois

Happy Valentine's Day guys. Feb 14, 2013

    1. adamboy7
      Really? What browser do you use? I use chrome and in extreme measures Internet Explorer. I suppose if switching to something 5.0, something new they have been messing with, then I suggest reporting your bugs here :)

      Skim through it, see what has already been reported, mention your browser and that you have tried changing skins. We can move from there :)

      Oh, and screenshots are nice. Just press the print screen button above the home key :)
    2. adamboy7
      Ah. Trust me, its loaded lol. Its just overlaped. I brought it up in the update bug thread and misty told me to use a newer skin. That fixed it, even though I cant use the final mix skin T.T

      lol I switched to khv 5.0 dark (fluid) I have yet to see any major problems with it, so try that :)
    3. adamboy7
      Hey, you went invisible. May I ask why?
    4. #8-Axel
      Hello, how are you?
    5. adamboy7
      D: Sadface. How did I miss something as awesome as you?

      lol I am good, how are you? :)
    6. adamboy7
      This my good friend, Is why I don't garden XD I don't play with fire... (At least not when I can't control it XD)
    7. adamboy7
      lol Out of concern dad called a friend of his from the fire department. He told us to spray it with water and turn the soil XD We did that twice, he says just wait for it to break down lol.

      Starseeker says "Hi! :3"
    8. adamboy7
      I didn't catch on fire (I have already done that with body spray and a lighter, I went all Axel and wielded blue fire XD) my mother's garden did. We got this special mulch stuff called "pete". Turns out it can spontaneously combust in strong sun XDD We came home and the garden was smoking lol.
    9. adamboy7
      I see. Sorry for late responses, Starseeker is dragging me on Skype XD

      Since we last spoke I got two parrots, I have been doing video game work, Star thinks I need to take a break from working, and my mother's garden (I was forced to help build XD) nearly caught on fire XD
    10. adamboy7
      Its been worse? That don't sound good. Do you wish to talk about what happened? Or is there a risk flaming others? (Though, I would still talk anyways lol)
    11. adamboy7
      lol for the sake of everybody on the cite I guess I can talk to my big sis XD

      So, anything good happen since we last spoke? Yaknow, since I told you of the drug indecent XD
    12. adamboy7
      Okay, that's fine. :)

      So, seeing the mood you are in at the moment, do you wish to talk to me?
    13. adamboy7

      To Dylon:


      I see. What is Dylon doing?
    14. adamboy7
      I see. I suppose one can assume your cranky because your tired (or at least partly lol)

      Why you tired? Had to work? XP
    15. adamboy7
      lol perhaps I should just start playing final fantasy XD lol

      Anywho, how are you? :D
    16. adamboy7

      The final fantasy series makes so much more sense now! For the longest time throughout the movie I couldn't figure out the hole mother thing! It all makes sense now! Aierith is the "mother" because if I remember correctly isn't there an orphanage involved somewhere in the final fantasy? That would also make sense of the title advent children. And now I know why that dude looks like Sepheroth (who you said you hated when people mistook him for Sepheroth) looks like Sepheroth! Its because he is a puppet thing for Sepheroth. Because he was a puppet he became Sepheroth when he came in contact with the Sepheroth gene! (Please correct me if I am wrong XD I just saw the movie, the credits are still rolling XD)

      I am inspired to make my avvi Cloud again. But not just the action figure. I need something more bad ass XD
    17. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      Hey do you have a skype?
    18. adamboy7
      However if it was the ****** then i would have laughed my ass off and said Karma's a b!tch XD I also found out that the dog was also an attack dog. So should I ever find myself being chased by a police German Shepard, my ass is safe if I have a tennis ball XD Just throw it the other way and keep running XD
    19. starseeker3
      good, im on my (long!) drive home from cali right now, you?
    20. adamboy7
      Oh god, that would have been absolutely perfect XD But sadly not.

      The pooch ended up going through my bag. I walk back into the classroom to find my stuff all over the floor. I was absolutely mortified XD So I turn around and walk up to the police officer (You look more guilty if you run XD) expecting hell to break loose over the next 24 hours. I look at the police officer somewhat scared. He looks back and smiles at me. He hands me something, I was almost too scared to look at what it was. But I manage to look, and it turns out he handed me a tennis ball.... Why on earth would a cop hand me a tennis ball? Then it hits me. I had a tennis ball at the bottom of my backpack XD Somewhat less concern I ask what happened, why is my stuff on the ground? He explained to me that the dogs are trained with tennis ball and he found mine XD For a moment there I thought I was going to be kicked out of school, suspended, killed by my parents, something, only to find out it was because I had a freaking tennis ball XD
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  • About

    Oct 19, 1993 (Age: 31)
    I'm not particularly new to Kh-vids, but I have been absent for quite a long while. It's nice to be back, and I hope I meet those on here that I haven't had the pleasure to discover yet. :) I'm pretty friendly so talk all you want to, and I'll do my best to get back to everyone quickly.
    <3 Tifa L. <3


    I would swallow my pride, I would choke on the rinds,
    but the lack thereof would leave me empty inside.
    Swallow my doubt,turn it inside out,find nothing but faith in nothing.
    Want to put my tender heart in a blender, watch it spin 'round to a beautiful oblivion.