Tifa L.
Jan 12, 2010
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Oct 19, 1993 (Age: 31)

Tifa L.

Merlin's Housekeeper, Female, 31, from Illinois

Happy Valentine's Day guys. Feb 14, 2013

    1. nasirrich
      I will say that his thing is kinda in a way like mine. Like his problems are in a way but barley like mine. I sthe best way I can say it without breaking my promise.
    2. nasirrich
      Its all good. And see there's more to that but I swore I wouldn't say.
    3. nasirrich
      Tadashi silly I'm talking about him.
    4. nasirrich
      I... Well see the thing is that I actual can't say caused I promised him I wouldn't. But if you look at his bio that should give you some hints.
    5. nasirrich
      Thx a lot, but then again... Yea thx a lot.
    6. nasirrich
      Tadashi is my frined in rl. I mean we live like not even 5mins from each other. But since 202 is a busy ass highway it may take longer. Yea 202 legit is a highway that's a real highway and a main road.I think its from Pomona to Stony Point.
    7. nasirrich
      No more then that...
    8. nasirrich
      And she was really the only one I actual let help me. She also taught me how to fight as well. And I also helped her beat her abusive bf up so badly. I mean that ass is so mean. Kim is so soft spoken, like the Ultimate Cook, and her bf hit her so much. I'm bot sure why she never kicked his ass. I mean my 2nd old place I used to live before I moved she beat us all up. And the ages ranged from 15-19. Yea and her bf was really the only person to actual hit me and make me stay in pain.

      I never hated someone so much. But that day was so legit like at first he was killing me. And I was bleeding coughing up blood. Then I lost it but was calm and killed this clown. Not really killed him but damn is all I can say.

      (I hate that 1000 character rule its pissing me off that's the second part of the vm I sent you.)
    9. nasirrich
      Oh and I also have the money to go to Chi-town where you reside like with the plane thing. But its pretty much a fail now. Still I have that money so anytime I an just be out and go there for a bit. And then just chill. Then go see my Friend Kim in Japan. I miss her so much its not even funny. Well it would look kinda stupid to have a 16 year old go and see a 22 year old. I think she's like 5 or 6 years older then I am. I consider her my mother then my actual mom. She taught me everything from cooking, playing streetball, swimming, claeing, dishes, landry. Like all of that stuff street soccer I mean all of that. I still keep in contact with her but since school started I really can't. Not only that I'm not even in my real school for 4 periods. So using the cpu there won't ever happen.
    10. nasirrich
      I honestly wish I could say yes to that. I thank you for your concern but it actual keeps getting worse. I mean even after RR's real father moved out she really is pushing it now. The only reason why I won't do anything yet is cause if I do. Then I can't live with RR's father.
    11. nasirrich
      Yea your telling me. I have to put up with his bs, the one at my job, at my house, and at school. So hom holding onto the past is really starting to piss me off. And the negative image he has of you and all those people is really starting to piss me off. Oh btw its funny I really shouldn't be talking about letting go of the past. But its like no matter how hard I try to let go. Things on here actual is exactly like all the bad things that happened to me in the past.
    12. nasirrich
      Y-Yea great... Umm as for RR I can't really see wat it i that... Oh wait now I remember. I almost forgot about that. He hated you cause he thought that you were faking the whole thing. And it was Myu's fault. Awww man sorry to say that but that's the reason why he still hates you to this day. I'm not sure why but he also hate Myu, Dman, Joe,Rxa, Ax, Scott Pligram, and there was like 5 other people. I mean he has been hiding out on.. No matter fact he Really hate Myu, Ax, Dman, Joe, Ax, (Not you asmuch as he did back then.) and then the other 5 I can't seem to remember at all...

      I'm too tried to hold grudges I mean that's such a waste of enrgy. There' no point cause while you(Not you you like a you in genral.) are hating that one person. The person is out chilling living their life and doing it big. While your stuck on stupid hating someone that really could give a rats ass about who hates them or not.
    13. nasirrich
      Well that's good.
      I did want to say sorry.
      See Wat I did a while back still is getting to me. I am very sorry for wat my brother did it was very uncalled for. I wanted to get this off my chest.
      Ok well I guess the reason why I argued with Myu was cause I thought she was actual threating me realtionship with you. I will take this like a man and I know that I caused this in a way. I really hope that she is doing ok and I really hope that you are as well. I wish that I never fought her though. Still it really would not have made a difference cause I guess being independent all these years has made it really hard for me to trust in people and really listen to wat they say to me. Its funny cause I actual wanted her to do that to me for 2 reasons.
      I actual thought she was kidding at first but wen I realized that she wasn't I was really scared.
      2 is cause wat ever she said to or about me. I took that in and she was right.
      But yea that is all I really wanted to say to you.
    14. 5f4hhkz
      so wuts up
    15. king_mickey rule
      king_mickey rule
      lol xD. Anyways, gonna sleep, pretty tired here ;o. Bye bye, take care you ninja ;D
    16. king_mickey rule
      king_mickey rule
      Nope, more awesome, I'm a cyborg ninja who can write texts, sings and raps xD
    17. king_mickey rule
      king_mickey rule
      What, my brain is technology? ;o
      Then I guess that makes me a robot haha xD
    18. king_mickey rule
    19. king_mickey rule
      king_mickey rule
      Hmmm you could try but I don't think it'll work ... you can try though xD
    20. king_mickey rule
      king_mickey rule
      Yeah, well, my mom's sick so she's home like all day so don't have the time to record xo. But I want to write something again, just don't have inspiration xD
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  • About

    Oct 19, 1993 (Age: 31)
    I'm not particularly new to Kh-vids, but I have been absent for quite a long while. It's nice to be back, and I hope I meet those on here that I haven't had the pleasure to discover yet. :) I'm pretty friendly so talk all you want to, and I'll do my best to get back to everyone quickly.
    <3 Tifa L. <3


    I would swallow my pride, I would choke on the rinds,
    but the lack thereof would leave me empty inside.
    Swallow my doubt,turn it inside out,find nothing but faith in nothing.
    Want to put my tender heart in a blender, watch it spin 'round to a beautiful oblivion.