Tifa L.
Jan 12, 2010
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Oct 19, 1993 (Age: 31)

Tifa L.

Merlin's Housekeeper, Female, 31, from Illinois

Happy Valentine's Day guys. Feb 14, 2013

    1. adamboy7
      XD lol thats just looking for trouble, but at the same time its well desurved XD lol
    2. adamboy7
      it is. From my twisted mind, this is what I got. Anger is somthing we are all born with. its in our genetic code. its the way of the animal kingdom in a sence. we all show it at one point or another, its just in us. we all have anger, agression, and hate in us. at the same time, it unlocks power, and action. it allows you to throw self controll to the wind, and just loose it. in that action, you get it out, and you dont need to do it agian for awhile. At times, it can be very powerful, it can even take over you to the point your barly there. Infact, one time it even managed to take over my body, and just go wild. it is also somthing that is easily tampered with, most people, if you do it right, you can piss them off with a single word. and thats about it, I guess a word you could use is prime evil lol (i think it works here XD if not, just ignore it lol)
    3. adamboy7
      lol XD all the yous that are inside you are in agreement? Good XD lol well, ive benn thinking about it myself a bit, but I want another's opinion on the subject :D What is anger? Why do we have it? What use does it have? Why do we have it? and another good one to tag on would be, How do we release it? (lol its one question that has been taken apart in a lengthy manor XD)
    4. adamboy7
      lol XD ive done that before XD its kinda like being zoned out, but your active XD lol but in that case, may I ask whoever is there on that computer in your body currently a question about one thing ive been thinking about? XD lol
    5. adamboy7
      I thank you for that, and its likewise. So, on a lighter note, anything you wish to talk about?
    6. adamboy7
      Thats not really venting all that much. thats just taking a chunk away from whats really bothering me. When I think of venting, I usually think of spilling EVERYTHING that bothers me in the slightest. Doing that has some consquenses. so in that sence, no, I cannot vent.
    7. adamboy7
      Thats another thing I cant really do. I am incapible of really venting all that much. one time i tried venting everything, and well, it didnt turn out too well. but eather way, it helps, so I thank you for that.
    8. adamboy7
      if i havent figured it out in the past 14 years, the chanses are slim XP my most logical explination is genetics, the rest sound a bit crazy. But whatever. I apoligise for basicly venting to you XP (its not somthing I normally do to anyone)
    9. adamboy7
      this is true, I do own these quilities, I just dont show them. there is just somthing that keeps me from showing them. and I mean that almost litterly, like there is somthing actually somthing or someone stopping me from doing things. (or its just genetics gone horribly wrong, my mother who doesnt give a sh!t what others think, and my fauther who doesnt say anything unless its nessasary, or he knows he is wright) well, I honestly dont know. its in me, I just cant get it out XP at times, yes I can, its just very rare XP
    10. adamboy7
      I could surely use it XD Agian, as I said before, I blame the feeling of love for making me think like this. But I think its true, im just a nerd who always keeps to hemself, doesnt say much, and basicly doesnt speak unless spoken to XP (or in other words, shy XP) and how exactly do I show specialness? My speciality is putting other before myself, and trying to help everybody. meaning i dont bother with myself as much as others.
    11. adamboy7
      Yes. but i need to understand everything i posably can! thats just how my mind works! XD Its a mix of I like it, and at the same time I hate it XP and why would I stand a chance? Im nothing special. (and btw, its the feeling of love thats even making me think about this) Im just well, there. besides, I dont think id even be able to approch her if any of this is true XP Somthing just holds me back in real life XP If i even try to say somthing, ill choke on my own words, and she'll just be another "friend" who thinks im a stalker. XP
    12. adamboy7
      lol XD i dont mind. from her description the teachers gave, she is kind, smart, respectful, well, actually, she sounds alot like me, exsept every guy thinks she is hot. She is a new girl comming some time this year. the part that bugs me is that its me, vs just about every guy in the intire 8th grade XP (dont question why I am telling you this, I just am) and I dont even get love, its a bit confusing to me. plus, ther are a few people who already like me, so yea, im just cought in the middle of somthing XD lol So, anyways, besides that, and a bunch of questions, I think I found out why my mind works like it does! :D makes me feel almost normal XD
    13. adamboy7
      Woot :D lol. one question though, is that even normal?????? I dont think its even posable. All i have is a brief description, and the opinion of a few who have seen her. (they all think she's hot)
    14. adamboy7
      Well, I think I found out why my mind is so, well I guess a word would be, active in thought :D I think I found out the reason, ive been thinking about emotions, what use it has, exc, and I think ive gone insane becuse I think (dont laugh) I think im in love with a person ive never met, seen, know the name of, or even know all that much about but mainly besides that, just one answer, and so many questions XD lol
    15. KeybladeMasterJoe
    16. adamboy7
      lol well, thats good news :D and hmm... sounds interesting :D this should be interesting :D lol (btw, thanks agian for doing this for me :D). I have some stuff too, mainly stuff I got from questioning myself XD well, except for one thing there is no explenation for XD lol basicly ive been thinking lol
    17. KeybladeMasterJoe
      haha since im santa you'll never get coal <3
    18. adamboy7
      Hyper? hypers good, I can work with that XD lol anything new? :D
    19. adamboy7
      lol I dont think id slap you, but maybe instead ill poke you lol XD I am pretty good actually :D
    20. KeybladeMasterJoe
      im santa remember, santa's little helper would never get coal X3 <3