Tifa L.
Jan 12, 2010
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Oct 19, 1993 (Age: 31)

Tifa L.

Merlin's Housekeeper, Female, 31, from Illinois

Happy Valentine's Day guys. Feb 14, 2013

    1. adamboy7
      Do you know what model camera you have? That would probably help in a google search. I have yet to find any programs that edit the camera itself, but I have found programs that edit it after it is taken :D Not free though XP


      I suppose they could probably just be edited out for free in photoshop. Well, kinda free, you have to buy photoshop. Oh never mind, you know what I mean XD
    2. adamboy7
      You seem to have an eye for detail. There are a few pics I am looking for. One really cool one I want is a spider web after it rains lol. I have yet to find one in awhile lol. I know I can find one on google easily, but I want one of my own lol. That, and there is this one spot in the woods that over looks the town. I want a shot of it at night. Bah, so many things, so little time XD

      I suppose you could probably remove the watermark with a program online. Somebody somewhere is bound to have done it lol.
    3. adamboy7
      I am going to avoid leaving a comment on all of them saying they are all awesome lol. They are epic :D
    4. adamboy7
      lol That may be difficult. I have yet to actually get to that point. I have gotten close. When I call Kelly beautiful she no longer accuses me of lying and no longer tells me to stop lol. She doesn't believe it, but it is a step in the right direction lol.
    5. adamboy7
      lol I myself say you look just fine lol. Better then fine actually XD. But I doub't you will take my word on it lol.
    6. adamboy7
      lol I ain't the best looking guy around XD There has never been a better time for Spongebob XD

    7. adamboy7
      So its not the camera that scares you, its not the photo that scares you, but what is done with the photo that bothers you? Or did I just skew all the data by bringing myself into the equation? XD
    8. adamboy7
      lol Phycology is a strange thing XD Probably why I find it fascinating lol. What if I told you I was going to take a picture of you and wasn't going to show it to anybody? Then how would you feel? lol
    9. adamboy7
      Why are you camera shy? lol The only excuse I will have for not letting a person take a photo of me is "Hey! I haven't posed yet!" XD Quite often in a pic of me you will see me smiling, have a piece sign, or doing a stupid gesture to be funny XD
    10. adamboy7
      Photography is fun :D The only thing I don't like about it is that some cultures believe you are trapping a person's soul in a photograph when you take a picture of them XD Gives a hole new meaning to camera shy LOL

      Are you camera shy?
    11. adamboy7
      According to my mother I have a good eye with a camera. I have this one cool pic of a puddle in front of my school that has a reflection that shows the sky lol. It looks like something right out of photoshop XD
    12. adamboy7
      Sweet! :D I will send you what I have later. My phone is dead and I don't have a micro SD adapter lol (Well, I do, its my MP3 player, but its not here with me lol)
    13. adamboy7
      Digital or film? :D
    14. adamboy7
      Oooh :D Photography is fun :D What have you been taking pictures of? :D

      I attempted photography once. My parents got me a camera for Christmas.The thing is, it has absolutely horrid quality XD My cell phone has a better image quality, and its not good enough for shots of the moon, the stars, the sun set and sun rise, lights are all liney, just sadface D: lol
    15. adamboy7
      How about you? Any projects on your end? :D You were working on rapping so you could mix it with rock, Any luck? :D
    16. adamboy7
      lol Exactly! You get it! :D lol Why take small steps when you can take leaps and bounds? lol XD

      I dunno. Maybe this will all help me out later in life. If not, oh well. I had fun doing it XD And I will have never wasted a moment of my time thanks to multi tasking. Even if something should fail horribly, I still did like seven other things that were a success and were productive XD

      This is truly a mad man's state of mind XD
    17. adamboy7
      lol I don't mind the work. It will keep me busy, and who knows. I am cheap and have a budget of zero XD any profit I make off of it is 100% profit lol. Sora's apprentice gave me the idea to make a movie, lack of decent equipment and not wanting to look amiture drove me to animation, and the fun as usual downhill from there XD

      However it will have to wait till after my video game. I don't have anything major after that other than cosplay armor lol.
    18. adamboy7
      I am planning on making it animated in photoshop if you didn't guess it, so hopefully all I will need is a few sketches and I can animate it later. Oh, and voice acters I guess. But that's later.
    19. adamboy7
      Well think of that movie XD I am anticipating something that makes very little sense but is completely awesome XD Shouldn't be too hard XD My dreams don't usually make sense XD Well, occasionally they do but that's a different story lol. I don't think it has a name other than abstract, so I call it dream plot! :D lol
    20. adamboy7
      Indeed it does :D I am looking for something awesome lol. I dont really know how to explain it, so I will describe a movie to you I have seen.

      Have you ever seen that one movie about a little girl who goes into this creepy city with her parents, gets separated somehow, she roams around a bit, she meets creatures and spirit things and the town kinda changes, and this witch turns her parents into pigs, and creepy stuff? it was a Japanese anime type deal. I cant remember the title and I forget three fourths of the story line XD (Stop me if you have no idea what I am talking about XD)
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  • About

    Oct 19, 1993 (Age: 31)
    I'm not particularly new to Kh-vids, but I have been absent for quite a long while. It's nice to be back, and I hope I meet those on here that I haven't had the pleasure to discover yet. :) I'm pretty friendly so talk all you want to, and I'll do my best to get back to everyone quickly.
    <3 Tifa L. <3


    I would swallow my pride, I would choke on the rinds,
    but the lack thereof would leave me empty inside.
    Swallow my doubt,turn it inside out,find nothing but faith in nothing.
    Want to put my tender heart in a blender, watch it spin 'round to a beautiful oblivion.