You might not be able to rep right now until you rep someone else. Might be wrong, but simply suggesting that. *totally not rep-begging :>*
Awesome, I always wanted to play alongside some string members, but my school only has a concertband. It's a typical artist thing lol. Hmm I'll see if I can borrow it of someone, I ain't rich enough to go an buy one. lol
Wow do you know how to play violin anymore? Oh I have used it before, I just needed to use this computer because my laptop is a piece of junk. Ace attorneys? What system is that for?
lol I play the marching baritone/ephonium. I have been playing it for about 4 years now. Nickroll....... wow lol. I ain't to great at gimp either.
Eh been home for awhile, I came back from band camp. And I downloaded gimp today. Oh I don't know how to beat rick roll. :B|: