Uhm, just got back from a trip to Cincinatti which was pretty fun. I am enjoying relaxing, though. xD
I was up at 4 aww yeah gonna drive to the airport now so I will possibly see you on MSN tonight if the time difference doesn't kick my ass. 8D
Excellent, thank you. I'm sorry I keep dumping it on you btw. D: I will now proceed to get two hours of sleep
Yo, can you run QT till I get back fully? Since you already know how to do it, lol. If you can't that's cool too. :3
ah well, had to ask. Too bad I can't save my headstrong video, otherwise I would certainly put it up on here
I was just wondering, when you pick your top 5 favorite videos, are you choosing from every single upload so far, or just those uploaded within the past week?
LET'S DO IT, MAN And Julia is fine~ She's getting to see Panic at the Disco this week in concert, so she's been excited lately HEY ARE YOU ON RIGHT NOW 'CAUSE I WANNA' GIVE YOU YOUR SOUVENIR FROM A-KON AND PLUS I WANNA' HANG OUT WITH YOU I keep calling your home phone, but nobody picks up, rather, it's an answering machine I didn't know you had
I agree with you there. So much nothing, so little time XD Except Sunday I'm gonna be leaving to go help out at a summer camp for two weeks like the good little citizen that I am. I don't know if that counts as nothing or something...
Why thank you xD I find the yellow tape comes in handy in a lot of situations. *coughgettingoutofschoolcough*
Dont forget that yellow tape that they put to warn people to stay away! Some of that around your house,with the words "caution radiation leak" and your succsessfully barricaded <3
Lol it is fun doing nothing <3 And Ive just really been sleeping,eating,playing KH and FF,and occassionally going to see my friends xD