HEYYYYY In regards to tomorrow's plans, you either need to be at my house between (or before) 6 - 6:30(p.m.) We can pick you up if you need to be We're gonna' go right to Courtney's house, and since seating is first come first serve, we wanted to get there around 8. You can stay the night at my house since we probably won't even get out of the theater 'til like... 4 A.M. Also nice icon
http://kh3-kh-vids-style.wikispaces.com/ lol, it was just a little project that I started for fun and out of pure boredom.
lolz I like how you just went along with it. You must have been like "Hmmmmmmmmm...... This guy sounds just a tad crazy but I'll just humor him for now. Afterwards I'll ban him and nobody will know any better!" >XD lol
thanks. lolz I feel stupid. I just mistook your for one of my ol' friends called starseeker lolz. *scratches head*heh heh, my bad.
yeah he does, but he also feels like he's left me down, which he hasn't. I've still got Otakon to look forward to!!!!!! XD
haha, yeah it was pretty crazy. Thankfully he ended up ok. In fact better than ok. It's been a month and He seems to have already made a full recovery! he came out of the surgery still able to talk, still able to walk. The doctors were even surprised. He even didn't need physical theoropy. It was crazy! So yeah I've mostly been spending my time chilling with him. It really does suck for him too. He's a very social guy, however because of this he's been feeling restrained.