My mom has one, but I don't. :x I can't remember how much that one cost, though. Oh, the joys of limits.
Next time you're on, would you fix my clerical error in the thread title here? I think you can find it on your own, but if you can't, let me know. Challenges for the win.
*is afraid that comment really did offend you and is the reason you're not responding* Anyway, you may find this interesting. There sure seem to be a lot of crazy stories these days.
STAR I CAN'T I PREORDERED THE OLD REPUBLIC EVEN THOUGH I WON'T BE AROUND TO PICK IT UP SADFHJKL;KKLJHG also hi and I finally got the email this morning lol. .-. YEAH. I made huge progress in Pokemon though because of it
White and black for the win! Actually, I just modified it earlier again from the modification yesterday. The background was turquoise, the part that's black now was white, the white part was a light blue, and the VM box was a light blue, with the button background being red while the text and border were white. Also, as always, I made my link colors different (in this change's case, yellow, as you saw, because I was still viewing that Yu-Gi-Oh thread when you took a look, I think), unlike some stubborn person I know. *coughyoucough* (No offense.)
Guess what? Another change. There's white in it this time because I promised Misty white on my next change, as she likes white. Do you like it?
yeah same. Well if you are exceedingly busy, i shall leave you to your work. I am just trying to raise my post count while others are in slumber. Hahaa! Of course they are insightful posts, not spam.
ah shucks... hmm... Do you have off on Monday? My younger siblings are off tomorrow (today, friday) and monday, so they have a 4 day weekend for labor day weekend. Oh and What? asked me to help out on Saturday for the video creation in 2 hours thing as a judge. He said him, yourself, and I would be the judges. Has he said anything to you of the matter?
God, I'm making typos like crazy today, and it's not only on this forum. :x My last VM was edited, in case you didn't see.
At my rate, I think I might get there before December (maybe middle or late November). Also, I made a typo in the first VM regarding this. I'm close to halfway to 700 in terms of hundreds.