Not too bad. Unfortunately, my recent tests and quizzes don't seem to like me: 4/6/2012 - Senior English: Hamlet Quiz 3 - 5/12, 41.7% F 4/12/2012 - Accounting: Ch. 16 Test - 29/100. 29.0% F 4/20/2012 - Systems of the Earth: Ice Age Test - 26/100, 26.0% F 4/25/2012 - 3rd Year Spanish: Mandatos Quiz - 15/28, 53.6% F Note: Manadatos = Commands (Do it. Don't do it.) Example: Cough! - Tosa! Don't cough! - No tosa! Edit - 7:45 PM PDT: Just noticed typos in my original PM. Duplicate "posting" and "and introductions" instead of "in." =P
I'll keep you updated on my Monkey Island adventures in that case :D And really?! Oh my god that would be great. I've been waiting for a sequel for so long now (Played the game back in 2005 :c). It would be the best thing ever.
ffffff I'll buy them in that case. It's only 5 bucks for both lolol. I actually really dislike playing sequels without playing the first game first :v I'll see I guess. I usually really like these kind of games. Plus I think it's about time that I start annoying you with "OMG THIS GAME IS AWESOME" comments...Not that you were annoying when you talked about Psychonauts mind you D: Awwww yeah you finally finished it :D The last level is beyond freaky. What did you think of the game? Did the ending make you want to break into tears knowing that there will never be a sequel?
Hey, I figured I should ask you this question since you know best. Should I buy The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition? >_> The special editions of the two first games are on sale on steam now, and I'm wondering if they're worth the money. I mean, is there a difference between the originals and the special editions?
Yay! Also, I forgot that per is a preposition. Would you mind lower-casing that in the title? :x Thanks!
Gotcha. Hopefully, you staff will stop being "mean" to me and respond more when this is over. :x /notserious
Hm. I keep seeing you Viewing Thread and Viewing Forum. I'm guessing application stuff? =P Also, I haven't seen you on MSN at all lately.
stardust, i'd message you on msn but everything is lagging and ahhh. But are you still up for a duet roulette? I was going to post one tonight if you're ready.~