Plums and Kites are awesome! They be banning 'bots left and right. Plums banned like a bazillion earlier. Join dates range from October 24, 2012 to October 30, 2012. Funny. Remember it was the same join date range when I reported those to you on Messenger? XD
Mhm I do believe they were from October, were they from 2012 though? I feel like they were older than that, maybe I'm remembering wrong though haha
Hey Star, Postbox message for ya.
will stardust ever find her way home stay tuned & find out in the next installment of "StarderpTrekpants -- Bak 2 Okietown"
I noticed Wolfie was demoted, most likely because of inactivity with no explanation. Over on KH-MF, if they're gone for two months with no explanation, we demote.
Hope you're enjoying my Premium PT if you're listening. If you're not or if you missed most of it, I'll be sending the file to those that do through Skype. I don't know if you don't have Skype or do, but you don't use it, but you should get on / create one, though, since Messenger's shutting down. c:
It's theplane2. You might want to wait on adding me too though, I have a Skype app but I don't know if I can accept contact requests on it.
You's back! :3
Yup, hey there~ Yeah, unfortunately I haven't been posting as much as I would like to have been lately.
If you really wanna be the ultimate trekster, just try watching a bit of each series and some of the movies (except the 2009 one @_@) Voyager is really good. I loved TNG until I watched it. *v*
Seen the 2009 one already haha xD I've seen several of the movies actually, but I skipped most of the ones people didn't seem to like much (though I did watch Insurrection and Nemesis anyway haha) Ah okay I'll have to watch more of it @__@ Sounds good!