Soras heartless
Last Activity:
Jan 9, 2014
Mar 31, 2007
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December 29
Manga Artist

Soras heartless

Moogle Assistant, from Earth

Soras heartless was last seen:
Jan 9, 2014
    1. NightofNights
      Alice:Good. *hugs Chess* I love havin him around. X3

      Amy: Which jungle was it?
    2. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Oh, don't worry about that, it's alright with me
    3. NightofNights
      Alice: Hm. Then I guess it's time to let the lil kitty go

      Amy:Hmm... *taking a look at the two leaves* That one's mint but the other one... I don't know what it is.
    4. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Alright, go ahead SH
    5. NightofNights
      Alice:*watches till the Hatter is far into the sun* So this is the end of our dear friend the Hatter huh? *sits down beside you and looks out at the sun*
      Chess:*goes into his normal cat form and sits on Alice's lap*

      That sounds nice. *flops down on the bed*
      Amy:What kind of leaves would you be using?
    6. NightofNights
      Alice:*sighs* Fine. I'll TRY to be of help. Come along Chess. *gets up and goes into the portal*
      Chess:*gets up and follows Alice*

      I'm not ATTACHED! *makes a portal back to the hotel and storms into it*
      Amy: Tea sounds nice right now.. *goes through the portal*
    7. NightofNights
      Amy: You know who I am! Oh wait you don't... The name's Amy. The other person that came out of Alice's body?
      fine. I'll stay. *sits down on the floor*
      Alice:Why should I go? Why doesn't Amy go or something.
    8. NightofNights
      Should we follow him?
      Alice: I say no.
      Amy: I say yes.
    9. NightofNights
      Alice: Good bye. We won't miss you^^
      Speak for yourself only you - _ -
    10. NightofNights
      *shivers from what the arm did* That was gross...
      Chess:*sleeping again at Alice's feet*
      Alice:*happly petting Chess's head*
      What the hell are you two doing!?!?!
      Alice:Well you two where having such a boring conversation we thought it'd be nice to catch up with eachother. Chess just happened to fall asleep out of bordom.
      .... you b1tch...
    11. NightofNights
      That's still so gross. *not knowing what to do with the arm*
    12. NightofNights
      Well you of all people should of known I grew up with no mannors. *grabs onto your arm and twists it and flips you over myself*
    13. NightofNights
      Gah... Why do you keep attacking me! *tries to push you away* I'm just saying that it's ture! You may know him but we dont! We can't trust him!
      Alice:She's right you know..
    14. NightofNights
      I'm just saying that we don't know about his back ground. We don't know anything about him other then that he was mad, and a doctor!
      Alice:We know that WE'VE done bad but we don't know if HE's done bad.

      Amy: What's the "Ever Lasting project" Sensui?
    15. NightofNights
      Tch, Who ever said he was a GOOD doctor. For all we know he could of been a murderer or a rapist.
      Alice: She's right though. You distroyed all his information.
    16. NightofNights
      Chess:*catches NoN and sets her down beside her*
      Mally:Ugh.. How the hell did you know it was me?
      Chess: Define Fun for me.

      Amy: How does that work out?!?
    17. NightofNights
      Chess:*turns and faces you and charges again*
      Alice: I hope you know I'm not scared of you. I was never ever scared of you. *stays where she is*

      Sh1t. *says under my breath* Fine if that's what you wish. Hatter DIDn't fuse with Sh.
      Mally: Crap. They're doing it faster then last time. *breaks into a run and sneaks up behind you and stabs you in the back with one of her knives hopeing she hit hatter*
    18. NightofNights
      Alice:*smirks and pulls a rope that was near by and the floor starts to crumble at the Hatter and your feet* Trust me I know what I'm doing.
      Chess:*charges at the Hatter and you at full force dogding where the floor is breaking*

      Yaya give me some damn time. *calls apon the dormouse and this apears*

      Dormouse: What the hell do you want?
      Hey Mally long time no see. Where's your father?
      Mally:*snorts* Dead. He's been dead for the last 5 hundrad years moron!
      Well I'm sorry for your loss but we've got some major issuies here.
      Mally:That's what you said before he got torn apart by the Cheshire cat. -_-
      .... that wasn't me. That was Alice. Get the people right!
      Mally: Whatever. What the b!tch do this time?
      She's fighting with the Hatter.
      Mally:Ugh just great. I get only 300 years of peace? pft fine just leave em' to me. *walks out towards the battle avoiding the boobytraped tiles*
    19. NightofNights
      Alice: Of course I do. *smiles wickedly* You kill 'em. Just like you have over and over again. It's about time the tables have turned. *draws out a sword of her own*
      Chess:*readys his claws*

      Other then all hell going lose? Ya we've gotta stop them. I guess it's time to wake the Dormouse up.
      Amy: Dormouse? Who's that?
      An old friend of mine.
    20. NightofNights
      Alice: Tch pitty. Neither have I. Well not till the last time we've had tea. When was that? 200 years ago, or so?
      Chess:*stands up from his resting spot* Ya. Around that time.
      Alice: Ah yes you're quite right Chess. ^^ As you can tell Sh I call our dear feline friend here Chess. But you can call him the "Cheshire Cat".

      I could belive that.
      Amy:*follows behind Sensui* How could Sh meet the Hatter in a past life? How old is he really?
      *sighs* You see Sh's much older then you susspect. I'm surprised you didn't know that.
      Amy:I only share a limited amount of memories with you okay!
      No need to yell. *hides in the shadows across the room from Sh and Alice*

      (I understand that.)