Shinichi Izumi
Last Activity:
Mar 23, 2015
Jan 27, 2011
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Jul 2, 1997 (Age: 27)
The Place.

Shinichi Izumi

Totally Pink and stuff, 27, from The Place.


say yeah Oct 22, 2014

Shinichi Izumi was last seen:
Mar 23, 2015
    1. ShibuyaGato
      Well O K A Y T-H-E-N!!!!!!!!
    2. ShibuyaGato
      Can't see it. It's blocked on my comp.

      This comp has software on it meant to block stuff and that has been blok'd.
    3. ShibuyaGato

      Now see, was that so hard hun?
    4. Misty
      You need 300 posts and five months of membership.
      If you're a Premium member, however, you can change it every two weeks.
    5. MadDoctorMaddie
      That's very nice, and I really hope you both have fun.
    6. MadDoctorMaddie
      It's okay, you'll learn everything you need when the time is right.
      And remember that girls can be just as confused by guys, as you are of us.
      Hope the date goes well, but don't be too bothered if it wasn't that great ^.^
    7. ShibuyaGato
      Now, my posts can be pretty too. XDD Thx.
    8. ShibuyaGato
      Thanks, but who are y0u? Us1ng numb3rs 1n w0rds l1ke P!
    9. ShibuyaGato

      Don't worry, I do the same thing lots of times!
    10. ShibuyaGato
      Okay then. I'll give her an idea... XDD

      Anyway, thanks for taking the risk, I know it's not easy to sneak on.
    11. Iskandar
      I hope you're pokemon are strong enough. You're going to be facing a Dark trainer, then ghost, then ice, then Dragon. So make sure you have some fighting types, ice types, and dark types
    12. Iskandar
      well, there's a few problems with what you thought. You can only use a safari ball in the safari zone, and it's so not worth using a master ball to catch a pikachi.....since you only get 1
    13. Iskandar
      did you use a master ball or ultra ball?
    14. Iskandar
      ok, but I would not recommend Plusle. It's pretty weak, and rare to find
    15. Iskandar
      I can't really give you step by step, since everytime you fight him he'll use moves in a different order. What I would say to do is catch an electric type, probably electrike to make things easier, then train it into a manectric and have it at lv50 or something. You can do this by fighting the TV crew you encounter sometimes. All you do is fight with your strongest pokemon, then have manectric out holding exp share, and fight until you get to lv50. It will take a while, but trust me it will be well worth it(be glad you're only doing 1 pokemon and not a while team, like I am right now. I'm only halfway through, and it's taken me forever) Then I would teach manectric thunder wave, thunder/thundershock/thunderbolt, maybe something that isn't super effective, like bite, and the final move can be whatever you want. Oh yeah, if you're going to fight the tv crew, you need a pokemon to learn fly, otherwise you're going to be running around alot.
      Then when you fight Kyogre, use your Manectric and use thunder wave. Then, use your second electric move, whichever you chose to teach it. If it takes it down all the way, just use bite until it's either in the red or low enough that you wan take it out with another hit. This is basically what you do with all legendary fights. Then you would throw the ultra balls to try and catch it. You don't need many at all. I would say maybe around 50, if that. You only need about as much as the PP it has. Anyways, if it uses rest, just take its hp down again, and if you're lucky, it won't wake up when you're finished. If it does, just use thunder wave again. It can only use Rest 10 times, so don't worry about it. If you end up fainting it, that's why you save before the fight.

      And to answer your question about the ball, Master ball is the best in the game. It catches without fail. However, I would seriously consider you using the long way, since you want to keep that ball for the lv70 Ryaquaza you can catch after beating the elite four. Catching a lv45 legendary is a little easier with ultra balls than with a lv70 legendary. And if you come across a latias, then all you do is track it with your Pokegear.
    16. Iskandar
      Here, let me give you a layout of what you're going to do, if you haven't already done these, just to make things a little simpler.
      1)You're going to beat the fortree gym and then head over to Lilicove city. You're supposed to go to Mt. Pyre but you can get some exp and items if you head to lilicove
      2) You head to the top of Mt. Pyre by the outside, fighting some Aqua guys on the way.
      3) When you reach the top, you're going to head to slateport and then to the sub
      4) You're going to see Archie and a grunt take the sub, then you head over to their hideout, which you need surf to get to, just outside of Lilicove
      5) You're going to go through the hideout, but take every warp, and when you get to a room with 3 rows of warp panels, you want to keep taking them until you get to a room with a couch and 4 balls. The upper left ball is the master ball
      6) After that you're going to surf away from Lilicove and head to Mossdeep city. There you're going to fight the 7th gym. It's a double battle, and you want your pokemon to be above lv45, at least, because while it's only 2 pokemon, they are a pain.(oddly enough, it's easier in Emerald. You should get that, you get all 3 legendaris.)
      7) After you beat the gym you head to steven's house to get Dive. Teach it to one of your pokemon.
      8) Then you're going to head south of mossdeep until you fight a dark spot of water that continues for a long way. You can either go under where it starts or keep going till the end and get exp along the way.
      9) When you're at the end, you'll find a cave under the water. Inside is the sub Team Aqua stole. You're going to use dive again to go up.
      10) You'll be in a cave, and you'll find your way around to get to the back, which is where Kyogre sleeps.
      11) After you fight Archie, and if you don't lose, Kyogre will be released.
      12) You're going to head over to Sootopalis city and find it's raining there. You'll head over to Steven and then he'll lead you to the cave of Origin.
      13) You'll head into the Cave of Origin after talking with Wallace, the gym leader there. Inside you'll find a lv45 kyogre.
      14) This is where you can either decide to go the long way and use Ultra balls or use the master ball. But be absolutely sure you save before fighting Kyogre, because this is the only chance you fight him. If you faint him, he's gone for good. And if you don't have a strong water pokemon, you'll want Kyogre for the Elite Four.

      This is basically what you're going to do. Does it help answer your question?
    17. Iskandar
      wait, get what? Kyogre? Or the Master Ball? That's worded funky
    18. Iskandar
      I'm not going to post on the sappire thread you made, but just to clear things up for you:
      1) You're going to head to Fortree City, but you wanna head past there to meet Steven and get an item to get to the Gym. Afterwards you're headed towards Mt. Pyre, but you can head to Lilycove city to heal at the Pokemon Center as well as have your final Rival Battle. (You've also got one to look forward to on Route 118, but if you've trained enough it should be cake)
      2) The strongest pokemon to learn surf is the pokemon you take time to train. Although, stats wise, it's either Gyarados, Tentacool, Swampart, or something else, but those are the favorites for battling.
      3) You get Kyogre after it's set free and you catch it in the Cave of Origin at Sootopolis City. You'll get a master ball in team Aqua's hideout, but you have to take some warp panels. You'll find a room with 4 balls, the front are pokemon, and the back is a nugget(I think, it's been a while) and the master ball. But you can save your master ball for a lv70 Ryaquaza after you beat the Elite Four. If i remember correctly, you catch Kyogre at lv47, but I might be wrong.
    19. Iskandar
      of course, there's also smogon, but that doesn't tell you the level the moves are learned, it just gives you some choices for movesets which are really only good for wifi. If you're playing something like sapphire, you usually don't need to use wifi tactics to win. Heck, I usually breeze right through it wish just my Blaziken, but I restarted and I'm training my team to lv50 right now to make things a little easier later on
    20. Iskandar
      y'now, if you need any help with pokemon, you can just ask me. I basically know which moves every pokemon can learn, the TMs, HMs, and all that. Except 5th generation, I haven't bought Black and white yet, but I do know the evolutions of all the pokemon as well, in case you need that.
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  • About

    Jul 2, 1997 (Age: 27)
    The Place.



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