Last Activity:
Mar 6, 2025 at 7:24 PM
May 1, 2009
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9:19 PM
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Apr 18, 1996 (Age: 28)
Film Student


Transformation, Male, 28

Premium Jun 10, 2018

ShibuyaGato was last seen:
Mar 6, 2025 at 7:24 PM
    1. Ienzo
      Grr.... well you can tell her that I won't be on this weekend, much... well definitely not Saturday. Maybe that'll swing her, if all else fails, we have Sunday.

      Oh yes! I persume I'll end up having dinner which will take a while but I don't know abotu after that :3 What about soon?

      xD Well, vashta Nerada are everywhere, I don't blame you. Dark rooms at night scare me ;-;


      Ahh I hate that. Teahcers, Y U NO UNDERSTAND?
    2. Ienzo
      In all honesty, I have no idea what is happening but it'll probably have to be earlier than normal :3 We'll see how it goes. D: Drinking hot water and lemon usually helps me when I have a sore throat. It's not the nicest drink but it is nice and soothing. xD Good! I look forward to it.

      Well, I think there is some sort of fun in terror, otherwise what's the point in a scary film? No one would watch because they wouldn't want to be scared. :3

      Oh you... well you just said that I'm serious when you're apps are involved... MWHAHAHAHAHA! *burnburnburnburnburn*

      Well, that is something at least :3 and you have a while yet.
    3. Fearless
      You totes should!
      Hell, just read a few pages a day and you'll be caught up in no time.
    4. Plums
      I was making fun of that crack. B|

      IT WON'T

    5. Fearless
      Have you read Homestuck?
    6. Ienzo
      I don't think I'm gonig to come on tonight. I am not feeling too great and I need to finish this card >.< I plan on sleeping soon and I doubt that'll happen if I don't finish this card. Tomorrow though? :D

      xD Ahh well, it means you get to enjoy the terror, I can't really, and I know that sounds weird but I don't get scared and I kind of wish I did.

      You're in space. ::L: SO much space... gotta see it all.

      Oh Cat, when am I not serious? :lolface:

      4? Oh my, also, I love how you are on KHV when you should be helping your friend with the project xD How did it go?
    7. Ienzo
      Oh yes! Everything is absolutely terrorfying. I meant your parents shielding you. Also, I found out yesterday that I am not someone who get at all scared at jumpy fear like Alien or Fright Night, I'm more freaked out by psychological fear like Saw. I watched FN with my friend yesterday and she was getting into it quite a bit by yelling "Don't go back there! He'll find you!" and those sort of generic phrases.

      Oooh, a sequel that is good, that is a bonus and also quite rare. VALVe do it well (literally all their sequels are better than the originals). What is it about?


      Yeah, but I thought you were for putting it off? O.o Well fair enough xD It is a lot of work to do so GOGOGOGOGO! Get it done >:3
    8. Ienzo
      Ahh, Christening you in all these horrors! MWHAHAHAHA! Breaking the shields.

      Oh, so its the anime Avatar? (not the n00by film)

      It's only becuase you aren't used to them which is fair enough. Well, we can still watch My Little Pony to help stop the fear :lolface:

      That is fine, I will be drawing my sister a birthday card which will probably take a while. Waiiit, I thought it was due 2 weeks after your birthday. I AM SO CONFUSE!
    9. Ienzo
      xD Yeshh! And we shall laugh together at the silliness.

      No, I have not, there is a lot I haven't seen, like Captain America, X-men, Batman (all of them), Breaking Dawn part 2, and others. :D

      Oh yes, if you are watching a scary film and you are laughing with friends then it's really not scary. Although, I once went over to my friends house and we had a pizza and movie night where we watched Scream and ordered pizza. The opening scene of Scream is probably the scariest thing of the entire film and its quite jumpy and creepy, basically this crazy murderer rings up this woman's house and is generally creepy, like he says things like "I'm watching you. Come outside and I'll kill you!" etc. I was just laughnig through this but everyone else was petrified and then the doorbell went which made everyone jump and refuse to answer it so I had to get up, it was the pizza man but it was just hilarious watching them all jump at it. To be honest, I don't think it would be that sacry, I don't know, to all their own.
    10. Ienzo
      Yeah, they are hilarious plus I have one of the songs that they sing whilst doing it and whenever it comes on my iPod shuffle I laugh xD

      Oh yes! He is now EPEC PIRATE SMILEY! But without an eye patch. I did see the GIF I just had no idea who it was :3

      Lol, that game seems a bit weird- how do you win? Is it just run and not die? Well, his books are worse than the films but yeah, they are quite creepy. However, he is a great author. There is one film called Secret Window that has Johnny Depp in it and its a great film, which isn't too bad. Just a few murders with a bit of blood and a crazy man but its still a great film.
    11. Ienzo
      xD Well apparently it happens in Blackpool as well. I would show them to you but I fear one of your family members walking in at that point >.< some of them are hilarious. Like there is one where this lady has a fantasy about having sex with Peter Carlisle (DT character) and it's just so funny because its way too over the top.

      Well.... I'm watching you also! From inside your breadbin >.3 <---- one eyed smiley, oh yes.

      Oooh, I don't know that one. I was expecting something like It or Misery. I've read Misery- a great book by the way even if it is incredibly messed up.

      The project that you had to do on your birthday, was it biology or English? I forget.
    12. Ienzo
      Well... there is probably no other program that you can watch where they sing as they do it. O.o they last a few minutes and they just sing through them xD

      I love your apps, what are you talking about? They keep me warm at night :D and I still love you <33

      Oh woah, which Stephen King film was it? I know quite a few of his stories which were just... very creepy but still so good.

      It's RDJ's birthday? Well isn't April a glorious month! (My parents 25th wedding anniversary tomorrow, sister's birthday on saturday, something is happening on the 18th :lolface:- DT birthday, that's it and now RDJ! Woo!)

      Sure, I shall be on in a bit, there is just something I want to do first.
    13. Ienzo
      I didn't think there were many that were taller than Tennant... but low and behold! Ahh well, watch it discretely because the awkward moment when someone walks in at an awkward point.... madness! Although, it's probably the funniest sex scenes I've ever seen xD

      Oh, I would never do that :lolface: /inb4youtube Sorry what? I couldn't hear you over your burning apps.

      Yup, my sister was traumatised when she was forced to watch Saw VII and she vowed never to watch another one again xD But apparently they get worse through the series.
    14. Llave
      You speak the truth.

    15. Llave

      *Tells Enzy to burn your app*


      Oh wait... I already won... poop.
    16. Llave

      *reads your VM*

      me. 8D
    17. Llave
    18. Llave
      Ok I'll see what I can do lol.
    19. Ienzo
      Well no, I've just started the specials so it was "The Next Doctor" and then I watched the confidential which was very entertaining. Also, I love David Morrissey, he was also in Blackpool... and he's really tall O.o Alright, just watch:

      Haha! I wouldn't show that to her unless you wanted me to, I'm not that mean :lolface:

      xD No, I wouldn't christen you with Saw, definitely not. Fright Night would be good... or somethnig similar. Saw is just absolutely horrible, it's a good storyline but really it's completely sick. I watched the first half with my friend once before we decided to turn it off and watch something nicer.
    20. Llave
      Don't tempt me..

      Ok making them brb.
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  • About

    Apr 18, 1996 (Age: 28)
    Film Student
    Past Usernames:
    Cat<3 Sora / ЅкyCɑт / Skitty / €atastrophe / Doctor Who? / Christmas Cat / Tony Stark / iCat / Princess Yue / Chipster the Cat / lawlCat / ɪenzo / Cat~ / Terrible Ten-inch / Naoto Shirogane / Dean Winchester / Oswin Oswald / Ten / Yui / Damon Salvatore / BARRY... / Doctor / Koki Kariya / Nui Harime / NubCat / anelg / Crowley / Mega Man / Arch Hates Dean / ShibuyaGato
    Default Name:
    I share a birthday with David Tennant. This is all you need to know~

    Interests? Why yes, I have many.
    CatxKT 5ev-shot-

    "I'd want Sherlock to be canceled." ~Ienzo
    "Majestic fat flaps." ~Ienzo
    "I will accept anything right now... I was under sleep-deprivation." ~Ienzo
    "Yeah! Get muscly man legs" - Ienzo



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      avatar twitter youtube postbox sig
      Cat~ & Ienzo are the Best Bromance of 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 (2nd)|2017
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