Last Activity:
Mar 6, 2025 at 7:24 PM
May 1, 2009
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Apr 18, 1996 (Age: 28)
Film Student


Transformation, Male, 28

Premium Jun 10, 2018

ShibuyaGato was last seen:
Mar 6, 2025 at 7:24 PM
    1. Fearless
      Oh yea, I've seen that XD

      Oddly enough, the first time was for a Professor Layton parody. Made me laugh then, too.
    2. Fearless

      I need to stop listening to Homestuck music, it's effecting the way I type.
    3. Fearless
      Yes. ._.
      Chapter 3 is likely to be delayed until I have less stuff going on. It's like one third done or something like that. Also the fact that I'm still getting caught up, but I'm only managing like an episode a day or something. Just watched the Doctor's Daughter last night, btw. I cried.
    4. Fearless
      Gooooood. Swamped with sh*t to do, though.
    5. Jiku Neon
      Jiku Neon
      It was related to the topic at hand. I think it was an appropriately timed fun fact.
      It just seems like the thing to do, you know?
      Better collectively satisfied than self satisfied.
      Believe you me. It's worth it in the long run. I took seven or eight college level courses in high school and it means I can graduate a semester early if I want (or alternatively take fewer classes per semester), got a better priority number for housing, got a better registration time for classes and got accepted into a scholarship program for the first two years of college. Makes high school annoying and doesn't actually prepare you for college that well, but it gets you ****.
      Amazon works then. I go to a more or less local convention every year and I dabbled in cosplaying, but it's hard to sew stuff yourself and it's expensive to buy stuff. But, it's one of my favorite events of the year and it's a very good chnace for me to see my friends from college during the summer.
      You are welcome.
    6. Jiku Neon
      Jiku Neon
      I've got enough hobbies to fill time, unfortunately they amount to, "I drew some lines." or "I wrote some lines."

      Being understood is good.

      He married Madonna and then made a couple bad movies starring her. Rockapella is the least objectionable of them I hear. It's possible to like it, but most people won't.
      I try to watch my thinking movies with fewer distractions most of the time.
      I'm glad too.
      Oh yeah, I've been having trouble keeping up with this stuff since I got out of high school and had periods before that where I was totally out of the loop. The spec-ed can be found for the same price as a single volume or cheaper at conventions. If you are a con goer already I'd pick it up at one. As far as the rest goes. You make my point for me. We have an accord. Good talk.
    7. Jiku Neon
      Jiku Neon
      When I am there for the good stuff, I'm always chuffed to bits over it. Only because it rarely happens though. I'm so boring.

      I like to avoid debate and argument and all that stuff because I don't like fighting with people. If I disagree with someone I just leave it alone most of the time. I'm just nonconfrontational like that, I suppose.

      It's eight years and several awful films between Snatch and Holmes. He never should have married Madonna.
      I hear that from lots of people. One day I will keep my promise to everyone and watch Inception and The Dark Knight.
      I see.
      Agree on both points.
      It's something you really need to see for yourself. If I actually watched US release shows that my family doesn't watch and had television at my dorm this would be a simpler task, but I will look into it. I love the stuff I'm not up to date on, I'm just not fanatic about anything so it's easy for me to get lost when I can't just watch it whenever I want. Ah, Dark Tournament arc was pretty bosstastic. I only picked up the Death Note manga because Obata was basically at his prime stylistically and that's why I saw it through. The writing was good throughout, but it really did lose its character balance when L was replaced with two inferior characters.
    8. Jiku Neon
      Jiku Neon
      It's one of the things I really wish I could have been there for.

      I don't feel the need to look down on people for not keeping up with their popular or unpopular culture because I'm so bad at it in general myself.

      Things reach the mainstream for a reason. They can be good or bad or somewhere in between but they always have mass appeal. I'm not a 'stop liking what I don't like' person either so if I disagree with anything I'll chalk it up to personal taste.

      Massive Opinions Ahead(a couple facts, too): The 2009 Sherlock Holmes film was directed by Guy Ritchie, the same person who directed both Snatch and Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. The films aren't at all comparable, but it's a fun fact. I haven't seen Inception, The Dark Knight, or Chances Are and I haven't seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Oceans Eleven all in one sitting. Though, I do really like the modern remake of Oceans Eleven, if nothing else it's a competently executed caper film and I do love capers.
      The Sarah Jane Adventures is frankly speaking, more than a little bit targeted at a younger audience, it's why I didn't really pick it up. Torchwood is good if you like that kind of show, but it is nothing at all like Doctor Who, it has it's own tone and conventions and I'm not particularly fond of some parts of it. I haven't seen much of Once Upon a Time or Modern Family, but lots of people I know watch them. Doctor Who, Colbert Report, Daily Show all = not up to date for me. I like Yu Yu Hakusho as a kid but it's been a long while and I've forgotten large swaths. Ao no Exorcist I never got into, I tried, but I was already reading Defense Devil, Soul Eater and D.Gray-Man it felt too much along to the same lines but more plain. It's a series I'll evenetually go back to and try again because it had promise. Death Note seemed kinda contrived to me after they introduced Near and Mello, but even then it had moments.
    9. Jiku Neon
      Jiku Neon
      Improv is the basis of good roleplaying. I heard from a friend of mine the story of a player who ran a paladin and during the interrogation of an enemy prisoner he launched into a spontaneous speech about what it takes to stay on the straight and narrow. The whole play group was in stunned silence by the finish and right after it he asked, "Should I roll for Charisma?"

      No. Nothing on the list is from after 2001 and all but three are from before 1990. Yes, I rather would like that.
    10. Jiku Neon
      Jiku Neon
      Good to see we're on the same page in that aspect.

      Indeed, we do.

      General Sampling in no particular order-
      Films: The Court Jester, Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, His Girl Friday, This is Spinal Tap, Back to the Future, My Cousin Vinny, Snatch, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Millenium Actress.
      Television: Seinfeld, the usual 90s cartoons, Big Bang Theory, Joss Whedon's Works, Doctor Who (reboot), BBC Sherlock, the usual popular anime series.
    11. Jiku Neon
      Jiku Neon
      It's up to him more than it's up to me. I react on a post to post basis rather than thinking this out ahead of time. It helps keep things from getting boring for me.

      I rarely object to friends, though I frequently object to trying. But if you want to, I can't rationally see a reason why I shouldn't also.
    12. Jiku Neon
      Jiku Neon
      I only gave him that because he was nonspecific and clearly just joking. The only way to make something like this interesting is to give someone too much power or too little; so as you said, it's half the fun.

      I don't start conversations, you never saw a reason to start one with me since we have so little in common as far as our posting habits. I feel quite surprised that we've something to talk about now, actually.
    13. Jiku Neon
      Jiku Neon
      I'm happy that you are enjoying yourself. That's what these little threads are for after all.
    14. Llave
    15. Llave
      Could've been a spambot. but whatevs. lol it was.
    16. Llave
      Oh god lol, and responded to that hahaaa
    17. Llave
      lol, Kronos must stay where he is. Same with that purple noo-*shot*
    18. Llave
      I wub em! totally downloaded them... uh. shhhh, don't reveal yourself, I don't want Llave to know.
    19. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      Are you allergic to cats AND dogs?
    20. Ienzo
      Yeah, Rory was a good guy, it was like Nurse V. Doctor in series 5 which I found amusing.

      Wow, major Doctor Who marathon xD I love the double library episode but I'm not looking forward to getting to that part with Matt Smith seeing her off as she goes on a trip to the Library. Then again, I really like River but no one really does.

      Ahh! Sorry, I went off to have lunch... and also watched an episode of Doctor Who xD (Planet of the Ood) I'll be on MSN later though :3
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  • About

    Apr 18, 1996 (Age: 28)
    Film Student
    Past Usernames:
    Cat<3 Sora / ЅкyCɑт / Skitty / €atastrophe / Doctor Who? / Christmas Cat / Tony Stark / iCat / Princess Yue / Chipster the Cat / lawlCat / ɪenzo / Cat~ / Terrible Ten-inch / Naoto Shirogane / Dean Winchester / Oswin Oswald / Ten / Yui / Damon Salvatore / BARRY... / Doctor / Koki Kariya / Nui Harime / NubCat / anelg / Crowley / Mega Man / Arch Hates Dean / ShibuyaGato
    Default Name:
    I share a birthday with David Tennant. This is all you need to know~

    Interests? Why yes, I have many.
    CatxKT 5ev-shot-

    "I'd want Sherlock to be canceled." ~Ienzo
    "Majestic fat flaps." ~Ienzo
    "I will accept anything right now... I was under sleep-deprivation." ~Ienzo
    "Yeah! Get muscly man legs" - Ienzo



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      Cat~ & Ienzo are the Best Bromance of 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 (2nd)|2017
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