Scarred Nobody
Last Activity:
Jul 11, 2020
May 14, 2007
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7:18 PM
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Aug 20, 1992 (Age: 32)
Home Page:

Scarred Nobody

Where is the justice?, Male, 32


cardiomyopathy Dec 18, 2016

Scarred Nobody was last seen:
Jul 11, 2020
    1. Korosu
      Ah, that makes sense now. D'aw, thank you in that case I guess.
    2. Jayn
      It's always nice to go to Disneyland. xD No matter how old I get, I still get excited. Did you have fun at Sea World? That's somewhere I've never been. x_x
    3. ShibuyaGato
      I feel the exact same way. I have maybe two oe threedriends that genuinly want to hang out with me and accept me for me.
    4. ShibuyaGato
      Not only that but with that kind of criticism coming from your peers while you're all kids it hurts a hell of a lot more.

      You can't have a normal childhood when you've always gotta hide the pain and accept the sympathy from the few people who don't totally want to put you down like that, and trust me, that kind of person is always in the minority...
    5. ShibuyaGato
      Yeah, and if they knew what you do they wouldn't ask questions or speak rudely.

      The thing that ticks me off most, the thing people don't get is that we've all got our secrets and our issues that nobody else knows about. Some have more than others but everyone has some kind of problem in their life... it just seems like nobody gets that they're making it harder for others when they can barely contain the pain themselves.
    6. ShibuyaGato
      And this kind of awesome advice is why I love talking to you.

      I feel the same way. I've been put down by peers for most of my life but they need to take a good look at themselves before they start judging me...
    7. ShibuyaGato
      Glad to see i'm not a total bore...

      Truth be told KHV is one of the only places I can go to be myself without having to deal with crappy criticism and judgemental people...
      It's, kind of sad really...
    8. Korosu
      Oh, it's okay, I always have typos. I'm guessing being a 'tend' is a good thing? I hope it is
    9. ShibuyaGato
      Aww... thanks tummer. :3

      You're a great guy too. I just hope we'll have more nice time to ourselves like this in the future.
    10. ShibuyaGato
      Well. I'm sorry I haven't been online the past few months. I had some personal issues but now it's like little to nothing has changed at all. Sure, I missed a lot but we can still tak like this. Besides, i'm still an awesome friend, and i'm always here for ya, tummer. :P
    11. Korosu
      Yes, I did after Chris told me it looked bad, I felt really horrid though after I re-read it. I just wnated to aplogize properly though in case I upset you. A trend? Is that a good thing?
    12. Korosu
      T_T Oh my, I'm so, so sorry if I sounded mean on the 'Four Years' thread, I only read the first few lines. I'm really sorry, man I feel terrible. I hope you can forgive me
    13. Doukuro
      Thank you~
    14. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      That's a bummer, my parents are really stressing that I need a break, I was the one who wanted to take a summer class XD

      I'm not worried about passing, I definitely will, but I've gotten all As until now and my parents kind of expect that. Especially in Computer Science. They'd probably forgive me for a B in math (Which i will almost certainly get), but if I don't get an A in Comp. Sci they will be pissed. I'm incredibly stressed.
    15. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      Very bleh. Finals next week, and I'm REALLY stressing out about Computer Science and Math. I spent all my time working on this bonus computer science assignment and turned it in last night. If my teacher accepts it, I get an A in the class and I don't have to take the final. If he doesn't, I'm utterly screwed because I put ALL my time into it instead of working on the other extra credit assignments that I really needed. I'm freaking scared. I'll find out tomorrow.
    16. Jayn
      Disneyland? O: It sounds like a fun day though. xD
    17. Jayn
      What movie did you see? O;
    18. Korra
      Yeah, I'm gonna do that tomorrow. I've just been busy with school stuff, but now that I'm done with it I have more time again.
    19. Sakura Angel
      Sakura Angel
      Thats great x3
    20. Jayn
      Woot! I'm getting ready for senior year to start wrapping up, finally. x x;
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  • About

    Aug 20, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Home Page:
    Past Usernames:
    V@nit@s, Creature, Tummer, SPACESHIP, Sweeney Tummer


    I write poems | I also tumblr | twitter: @joseluissolo

    "It's all a circus. A three ring circus.This trial... the whole world... it's all... show business. But Kid.... You are working with a star."

    "Children instantly accept joy and happiness with quick familiarity, being happy and joyful by nature."
    - Les Miserables by Victor Hugo

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