Scarred Nobody
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Jul 11, 2020
May 14, 2007
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Aug 20, 1992 (Age: 32)
Home Page:

Scarred Nobody

Where is the justice?, Male, 32


cardiomyopathy Dec 18, 2016

Scarred Nobody was last seen:
Jul 11, 2020
    1. strfruit
      I have learned to love many things because of my friends as well haha! And as they have learned a bit from me :P Oh, you definitely learn from older people......yeah some things I could have went my whole life not knowing but of course it failed to apply to them not to share anyway lol! But I suppose some laughter may not have been existent had they not XD
    2. strfruit
      Love my friends to death! Though, I do wish they did see things the way I did at times......but they say "that's why you are our friend....teach us stuff!" lol :P Meeting people a little ways from your age can be fun....good way to learn new things. I have many older friends here at college....learn something new almost every day hehehe ^^
    3. strfruit
      I do go out and hang with my friends back home, but I can't really talk about artsy topics unless I want to be talking to myself.....XD but here in GA, of course because it is an art school, I can talk to anyone about...well...anything dealing with art :P
      However, when I go back home, I do end up staying in my room a lot due to friends still being in school, and family working v.v
    4. strfruit
      :) I like my mixed family, even "if" they have no idea what I am talking about when I mention anything art related.......almost my whole town is like that. I am from a very small town by the way haha. So all of my friends and most of my family aren't as knowledgeable in the art field. Feel kinda out there when I am home....I guess that is kind of the same way you no one understands, but in a different sense.
      Very glad that your girlfriend is their supporting you the whole way! And I am sure she always will be :3
    5. strfruit
      Aw ^-^! Well then, she will be the voice in your heart telling you to keep going! Luckily, my family isn't very sports oriented. My brother plays soccer but that's about it. I would say they are oriented?? (does taxes for people, etc...) then there's the artistic family is a mix haha!
    6. strfruit
      Well.....when you're successful, and you know they tried to hold you back.......I suppose I understand how you feel. I.....would feel the same i'm sure....I have had some people in my life try to keep me from doing what I want to do.....and I feel like I want to do the I can see where you are coming from.
    7. strfruit

      Yeah, I want to live differently than my mom, lover her to death, but I want my own way of living.....a new way! :D So, here I am, chasing a dream......only one day to catch it!
    8. strfruit
      Thank you ^-^

      Great! You definitely should keep working on your goals! Don't let your parents tear your dreams down.......not saying don't listen to them haha.....but they aren't going to be the ones living your life. You will! So you become what you want to be. If you want to be a writer, be a writer! Best to go through life doing something that you love then doing something that you dislike. You want to get up each and every day excited about going to work :P
    9. strfruit
      I can see what you mean even through myself.....I really really reaaallly want to get a career in animation....and I am working extremely hard to get there, but even I sometimes can't see myself being an animator :/ Though, I will keep working as hard as I can until I feel that I will become one....I know I will day ^-^ so those times I feel that I can't see it in myself, I just have to think just that! "I am my own worse critic" and always will be. :)
    10. strfruit
      Growing up my have been hard, but look who you are today :) Movie expert, excellent script writer, voice-actor, writer,good friend, good have high goals! You are headed the right way! And your girlfriend loves you for who you are! Your friends too! We all like you for who you are today :) sometimes your story won't have such a happy beginning, but the ending may turn out the best ever.....from here on, you are who you choose to be! :D Keep high hopes, dreams, faith......
    11. strfruit
      Hmmm....being able to play younger characters would be cool :P my high pitched voice may be good for that.....hmm.....haha! I do that too....when a bunch of people are talking, I usually just remain silent. I have a loss of words when I wish to speak to new people in real life....I want to speak, but don't know what to say. So I am usually just listening to music :P
      Even with heart problems, you are no different than I or anyone else. It may make you feel different, but you are still a person. A good person as a matter of fact! :D Even though you have a heart problem, you still are apart of this world. :) So don't feel so different....we all are individuals for a reason....none of us are alike. I have a friend who has a heart problem...same as you...she has to get a transplant as well. The smallest someone scaring her or if she drops her phone and it startles her, can cause her to blackout, but she just keeps going. :D
    12. strfruit
      Nice!! I will have to watch that video :P In high school, I was in drama club every year! Love acting! I haven't had any experience in voice-acting yet, but I am hoping to someday ^-^ I actually was going to minor in that, but decided to go for special effects instead. Haha....I sound really young....very high pitched voice....apparently I sound like a young child on the phone o.O lol! To boss people around.....would be quite fun! Though, I can be a I wouldn't be the best at telling people what to do haha......too shy >.< curse!
      And You're welcome! ^-^
    13. strfruit
      Me too! :D One of my friends wants to be an actor.....but she doesn't talk about movies as much as I do o.O kinda....weird haha. I like voice-acting and I really like the behind the scenes of a movie. Though, I am going for animation, the "real life" movies will always have a place in my heart :D I love to talk about to talk about anything really :P feel free to say whatever is on your mind Xp I am here to listen....well read....and respond :P haha what friends are for :)
    14. strfruit
      XD alrighty!
      Well we have a love (and knowledge) for movies in common!
      Paragraph conversations going on!! lol :D Too awesome!
    15. strfruit
      mhm mhm! Indeed! :P The trailer for Iron Sky as wild as a Vampire Hunter Lincoln Xp! One of those "out there" movies haha!
    16. strfruit
      :) You are very welcome!

      XD Yes yes! lol! He could have been working with Burton. Maybe Burton decided to let the opportunity to direct this movie go to a friend. :) That would be pretty neat. Yeah, I would too. I guess we will just have to see when the movie comes out. Never know what could you said "it's Abraham Lincoln VAMPIRE HUNTER" lol! It will be funny! (I hope :P) Oh my....have you seen the trailer for that movie Iron Sky.......o.o oh my! haha!
    17. strfruit
      O.O You are getting your transplant soon! Oh! I will pray the best for you! :) -hug-

      Hope the movie is just as funny.....don't get me wrong, serious movies are good, but that comic relief every once in a while is really nice :D
      I won't lie....I actually got really excited when I saw Tim Burton's name as well. So that I am not hypocritical.....I will be honest about it Xp.......though, this director may take the film in the "Burton" direction on his own haha! May have a new dark, creepy, gothic, yet humorous movie director moving on up in the movie world :P He could be Burton's apprentice? lol jk
    18. strfruit
      There's always that option of me sneaking to the theater, but I didn't bring my car here this year cause my mom wanted to use it while I was away v.v I would have to catch the's HORRIBLE! lol! I would rather walk then catch the bus here >.<

      I really want to see Cabin in the Woods.....looks to be good. Sadly, I probably won't be able to go this weekend either :/

      Oh yeah! I think most people who look at the the movie info,posters,trailer, etc... and see his name automatically say "Oh! That's going to be good. Tim Burton is part of the crew." >.> So I agree about it going to be successful. Solely for that reason if it turns out to be a "not so good" movie. -crosses fingers- Hope it's good! :D
    19. strfruit
      XD My friend refuses to let me see the movie until I read the first book >.< At least it is short....can see the movie sooner....yes...maybe? lol Guess I will have to see....with all of these projects, I may have to wait until it comes to DVD. happens -shrug- :P

      Really disappointing when they do. :< For the director's sake, I can only hope that the movie does well......though, he won't be the one who is praised for it. Ah! I have seen the poster.....really does look like the work of Tim Burton. But I suppose since he is producing it, even being the producer, he will have some say into how it will play out...and I am sure the Director will probably take into some of what he has to say about it.
    20. strfruit
      Haha! Yeah my friend has me reading those too....I haven't quite began to read yet because of class work, but I am soon as I get the chance to.
      :O Oh my! That's.....bad! If he's not directing it, as much as I like Tim Burton, he shouldn't be receiving the credit. >.< And if it does turn out bad, blaming the other director and disclaiming that he made it is just wrong.......people would assume he is better than that. :/ In fact, he should be better than that.....Tim Burton! Ah!
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  • About

    Aug 20, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Home Page:
    Past Usernames:
    V@nit@s, Creature, Tummer, SPACESHIP, Sweeney Tummer


    I write poems | I also tumblr | twitter: @joseluissolo

    "It's all a circus. A three ring circus.This trial... the whole world... it's all... show business. But Kid.... You are working with a star."

    "Children instantly accept joy and happiness with quick familiarity, being happy and joyful by nature."
    - Les Miserables by Victor Hugo

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