Scarred Nobody
Last Activity:
Jul 11, 2020
May 14, 2007
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6:56 PM
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Aug 20, 1992 (Age: 32)
Home Page:

Scarred Nobody

Where is the justice?, Male, 32


cardiomyopathy Dec 18, 2016

Scarred Nobody was last seen:
Jul 11, 2020
    1. strfruit
      Haha!! 128 visitor messages in total! WOW!
      It's nice to talk to people :P I tend to talk a lot as well when I meet someone with many similar interests :D too awesome!
      Yeah, once I feel comfortable around someone, I don't really panic over what to talk about lol!
      I agree. Talking through computer is a lot easier, but I guess since we're typing and not talking, it takes longer to say everything you want to say XD
    2. strfruit
      3000 visitor messages too!! Congrats!! XD

      (well 3001 now :P )
    3. strfruit
      Mhmm! Or have tons of work and much worry on their minds......I, myself, endure that a lot, but do my best to rid of it! haha
    4. strfruit
      XD yes.....very awkward lol

      Same here. It doesn't really bother me when people keep asking me my name. I completely understand that they can't remember :P haha
    5. strfruit
      XD, I know that feel.....I have done it quite a few times. Once some guy came up to me and was telling me a story of something we did in class together in a group....I could not remember him at all. Just laughed and nodded in agreement....was terrible v.v

      Thankfully I remembered him though....a few days was very awkward haha
    6. strfruit
      No way! But thinking on the bright side....that means you know a lot of people hehe ^^ and it's nice that some of those people remember you. So you made some kind of impact on them. Even if it was the smallest thing such as a "hello" every day :)
    7. strfruit
      Exactly! And I want to ask them so bad, but I don't want to make them feel bad that I forgot! >.< ah!
    8. strfruit
      I know! I hate it when I re-ask them their name and hope to remember it, but then I don't see them for a while and it still slips my mind. Feel awful when they remember my name v.v
    9. strfruit
      I am okay with remembering names....but I do forget them a lot as well >.< so many names to remember at college!! XD
    10. strfruit
      Lol!'s a secret! XD
      I knew no one in my class.....but I ended up befriending almost everyone when the class was over :D which was great!
    11. strfruit
      My last speech was about why people should join clubs.....o.O haha....I felt pretty good about that one and I got a good grade on it :D thankfully! That class kind of helped me move away from my shyness as well ^^
    12. strfruit
      I didn't really shake, but I spoke really quiet and somewhat fast.....>.< but thankfully that no longer happens haha. Drove me nuts! The whole time I would be talking my mind would be saying "speak louder!!!!!!" XD
      It really did help with acting....I was indeed less nervous during plays :P
    13. strfruit
      Haha! Speech class was quite the experience......was awful at speaking in front of people....O.O was almost a nightmare!! Buuuuuut, it was very helpful to me :) not so nervous anymore! haha
      Yes, it does open many opportunities. You could go anywhere from that point. Very good starting point for a story :P
    14. strfruit
      oooooooooo.........sounds like me my first day of speech class hehe......interesting start! :D
    15. strfruit
      Lol! Awesome!!! What's your script about? :) (if you don't mind me asking ^^)
    16. strfruit
      Yes yes indeed haha :D
    17. Terra254
      Anyway, Whats going on?
    18. Terra254
      Hey and You are both one 1 syllable (s).
      I think Hey is, I'm not sure if it is. But You is.
    19. Terra254
    20. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Well if I don't finihs it my dead so I need that Luck xD
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  • About

    Aug 20, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Home Page:
    Past Usernames:
    V@nit@s, Creature, Tummer, SPACESHIP, Sweeney Tummer


    I write poems | I also tumblr | twitter: @joseluissolo

    "It's all a circus. A three ring circus.This trial... the whole world... it's all... show business. But Kid.... You are working with a star."

    "Children instantly accept joy and happiness with quick familiarity, being happy and joyful by nature."
    - Les Miserables by Victor Hugo

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