Scarred Nobody
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Jul 11, 2020
May 14, 2007
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Aug 20, 1992 (Age: 32)
Home Page:

Scarred Nobody

Where is the justice?, Male, 32


cardiomyopathy Dec 18, 2016

Scarred Nobody was last seen:
Jul 11, 2020
    1. strfruit
      I really like going to the voice actor panels.I went to see Vic Mignogna when he came to Otakon (Voice of Edward in Fullmetal Alchemist). There were so many girls screaming in there....I felt almost left out XD...Yeah I was excited but not "OMG IT'S VIC.......-cries- HE IS SO WONDERFUL!!!" lol! That's awesome that you had a conversation with her!! Always have wanted to do that :P

      Same XD.....I try to explain it, but then I realize that I forgot to say something important and end up confusing them >.< haha! Honestly, writing it in essay format would be easiest for me too, but as you said, they would no longer be interested in that way Xp
    2. strfruit
      Lol! Poor poor thing.....XD Okay......Fangirls scare me haha! Yes...I can be a fangirl at times....but I never really "freak out"..should I say? Xp seems that you would need to have. He may not have gotten it. I know when I went with my friend to see Shutter Island, she had no idea what was going on. I did, but she hadn't a clue XD Then she asked me to explain...that's the worst part when it comes to someone not understanding a complex movie haha!
    3. strfruit
      O.O The only my! That would definitely feel strange! Well, you were famous for the day!! XD

      Yeah, it would have been nice to hear his full intake. Even if it was a "I hated that movie" type thing. You may could have sparked an idea or thought about it that he didn't think of himself! :D Kinda cool
    4. strfruit
      L!!! :3 haha! Lol!! I can only imagine a small girl running across the convention dodging cosplayers to get her picture taken with L XD That's cute! haha!! I can imagine the strangeness XP I would feel so awkward at that moment....but be overjoyed as well

      Haha! Well that didn't work out as he wanted XD....too bad....he could have had a good convo with you if he hadn't walked away...tsk tsk....shame :P
    5. strfruit
      Haha well you can officially say that you have been "glomped" XD! -applauds- It is quite the 2007...I was extremely shy....barely could talked to anyone I didn't know, so when people came after me for experience!! haha Yes.....very weird feeling XD! But you had fun right? haha!

      Lol! He was probably thinking "Well, clearly I know nothing about this movie even after sitting through it.....maybe I should go while he's looking that legs!...or walk...." XD
    6. strfruit
      Me too!! ^^ Last year I went as Angelica from POTC4...that was a fun many pictures! @.@ When I went to Otakon in 2007, I went as Kairi...that was so much fun! I want to go again! :D
      Ghostface!! That's awesome!!!

      You were too "movie knowledged" for him XD! That's....ah! Don't just walk
    7. strfruit
      Indeed! That's one reason, besides the candy, I loved to dress up on Halloween. I could be someone else! (or something else lol)

      Very true.....the discussion gets interesting! Usually it has the conclusion of finding at least one thing that you liked in common. hehe! Makes a nice conversation after a movie. Instead of liking everything the same and it being a short convo, there is the long discussion of what each of you think, like, or hate. XD
    8. strfruit
      Yes! You see it as I do!! To be able to step out of yourself for a while and be someone else. It's nice to be someone different every once in a while....change things up a bit! :P Hehe...dark comedy....always great!

      Yeah, I usually keep most of what I want to say about a movie to myself. I'm not sure as to if they will agree or feel completely the opposite. Gets aggravating at times, but looking at it, everyone has their own opinion. :) So it is one of those "I would like it if you would agree....but if not...okay...I suppose." moments XD
    9. strfruit
      Oh nice!! Acting is so much fun! I think that is the only time I am not really shy when I am in front of a large crowd of people ^^ I think you will do good! haha! long as people enjoy what I am doing....then I am okay...I am happy :D (No wai!! No lies! lol)

      Mhmmm....I have the same problem with some of my friends....the movies I like, they sometimes like them, other times not. So they question me...and things go down...get bad....just kidding XD...well they do question me sometimes, but I don't just look at a movie for the cool effects or the actors who are in it....I like to see the story, "feel" the actors emotions.
    10. strfruit
      lol! Yes!! Keep writing and improving each and every day! :D I like to make people laugh, so when I become an animator, I hope to create things that will make people smile.giggle.laugh. ^^ To see others having a good time makes me happy! So....I like to entertain others as well! :) However....I have the same problem with being in person unless I really know them......cruel irony indeed!! -stab- XD

      Yeah, that I understand. If you don't like a certain genre, then that's okay not to go see it, but don't assume it's bad cause you don't like that type of movie. As you, I tend to go see a movies that are quite bad, but I did encounter a few that are now some of my favorites! :P
    11. strfruit
      You may be one day! Just keep setting the highest goals you can and reach for them! :) Makes life more interesting! haha! No, sometimes.......psh.....ALL the time, you can't help it lol! It's like an instinct to hate your own work! >.<

      I have yet to see Captain America, but I have see all the rest. So I may come around to watching it....maybe not.....not a clue XD, but hoping to before the Avengers. Exactly! People should give movies a chance! Like we were talking about trailers being misleading. The trailer doesn't show half of what the movie is doesn't show the "deepness" of the writing that was done to create a great film. The behind the scenes of it is invisible! It's like that saying "don't judge a book by its cover" same goes with movies! Go see it before you decide if it's worth it or not. :P

      Oh most definitely! If he plays a great role in that film, then we will surely be seeing him quite often from here on :)
    12. strfruit
      "You are your worst critic" yada yada! lol! :P I am sure that your stories are great! From what you say about your script class and people liking your writing......they must be good!! ^^

      I can't wait to see The Avengers!! :P Cabin in the Woods is like a shift in horror films. It was written "differently" well balanced so people who are willing to go with that, will like it :P haha! I liked Scott Pilgrim, but all my friends didn't. I guess because it wasn't written like you said "generally" for the "general" audience. It's not what people are used to.

      Such natural lucky.....XD I have no idea where I have seen him before. It will bother me now until I think of it lol.....>.< ah!!
    13. strfruit
      You are very welcome ^^! A writer has to start somewhere. So the errors are just a beginning haha, no worries! :) Good you found a nice editor! And even better that she is your friend!!

      Yeah, I can understand The Hunger Games getting more of the money. However, Cabin in the Woods is still getting some :D so.....woot woot!! lol!

      I don't think I have ever seen him act before. He looks familiar though....hmmm....Nice that he is playing the character well. From hearing about the movie, the kid did seem like a challenge to play. That's awesome he is doing an amazing job!
    14. strfruit
      Oh! I would love to check it out :D! And I shall! haha!
      Very nice that you made it free for the public to read!

      So the movie is almost like a hype improvement haha! Yeah, the more I hear about the movie, the better it seems so I am hoping to be able to see it soon.

      Sounds really good. The actors in it are nice as well. Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock are actors I really appreciate........:)
    15. strfruit
      :O Releasing an e-book!! My my my!!! That is awesome!!
      >.< Writers block can be killer....but you'll get it! ^^
      You saw it again!! Ahh!! I haven't seen it once yet! lol So the movie (Hunger Games) was better than the book???? Wow!! Nice!! I still should read it first though hm??? :P
      Getting behind on seeing movies......darn projects v.v

      OH MY GOODNESS!! I want to see that movie so bad!! When I saw the trailer.....<3 XD
      You will have to tell me how good it is when you are done! May just have to rent/buy it soon! haha!
    16. strfruit
      It has been pretty well ^^ busy, but overall good
      Thanks for asking! :)
      And how has your week been?
    17. strfruit
      Why, hello there! ^^
    18. strfruit
      Lol! My old phone didn't have it. I just got a new phone cause my older one stopped working and that was my only way to contact my mom since I am 9 hours away. So the auto correct is new to me :P
      I like it when I am in a hurry to type something, unlesssssssssss it types something completely different and I make a complete fool of myself XD! I can disable it.....I should....maybe....haha! ^^
    19. strfruit
      Lol same! Especially when I'm replying on my phone....the autocorrect feature has been a little "o.o oh my...that's not what I meant the slightest" XD
    20. strfruit
      Lol!!! Same same! XD Nice to be able say exactly what you are trying to say without having to repeat it a couple times before it comes out clearly haha! Also gives you more time to think it over or add on as you go instead of having those moments after a conversation where you remember what you wanted to say and the convo had already ended an hour earlier XP less.....awkward shall I say? lol
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  • About

    Aug 20, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Home Page:
    Past Usernames:
    V@nit@s, Creature, Tummer, SPACESHIP, Sweeney Tummer


    I write poems | I also tumblr | twitter: @joseluissolo

    "It's all a circus. A three ring circus.This trial... the whole world... it's all... show business. But Kid.... You are working with a star."

    "Children instantly accept joy and happiness with quick familiarity, being happy and joyful by nature."
    - Les Miserables by Victor Hugo

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