Scarred Nobody
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Jul 11, 2020
May 14, 2007
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Aug 20, 1992 (Age: 32)
Home Page:

Scarred Nobody

Where is the justice?, Male, 32


cardiomyopathy Dec 18, 2016

Scarred Nobody was last seen:
Jul 11, 2020
    1. strfruit
      Woah! Your teacher said that :O Oh my! I would not know what to say at that moment XD Would be speechless!

      Lol!! Definitely sounds like quite a buzz kill XD At least you didn't go to see it in theaters haha.....that would have been awful afterward. So much disappointment would have been in the movie crowd @.@
    2. strfruit
      XD! good...good. Haha! Health class was always easy for me. I didn't really study much and did well ^^ but I had quite an easy professor haha!

      LOL!! My my! That sounds like an interesting movie.....? o.O I havn't seen that one. I have heard of it though. What did your dad think? Gah! I hate it when they do that at the end of movies! The movie is great all the way through and during the last few minutes, they decide to change it to something completely unnecessary! But to change it twice in that movie?!?!?! Woah woah!! That is.....crazy! @.@ Hehe....Twilight.....>< awful awful!
    3. strfruit
      Oh! You have to give yourself some hope! XD I have a feeling you studied and feel confident that you did okay on it...there you go! haha!! :P

      -gasp!- For shame!! All weekend?? Tsk tsk! XD Just kidding with is almost impossible to get yourself to do work on the's supposed to be your time to relax! No!! Lol!
    4. strfruit
      Awesome! Very glad to hear that it went better than expected! Always good when tests turn out that way! :P

      Ayee! Test after test hm? >.< At least it is a take home! :D
    5. strfruit
      Same! I actually did that today v.v could have gotten an A on my test but I second guessed an answer >.< gah!

      Oh dear :< well I hope you are feeling better! At least you only have two chapters left :) but I know that when you aren't feeling well, reading for homework can be dreadful.
    6. strfruit
      I have the tendency of second guessing myself sometimes ><

      No worries ^^ and you are very welcome! Glad I can be of some help to you :D
      Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well! Hope you get well soon!!!!
    7. strfruit
      I feel more comfortable with Multiple choice actually......when studying, I don't have to memorize as much XD But I am pretty good at BSing essays hehe ^^

      Mhm! ^-^ Things will...I am sure of it! Gotta think positive! haha! However, I completely understand how you feel. I used to feel the same....especially in middle school ....terrible memories....awful time for me then v.v but things got better :D So keep your chin up! :3
    8. strfruit
      Haha! I worry a lot when test time comes around. Then the day of the test I tend to freak out....and forget everything......>.< but end up doing well! XD

      Of course I care ^^ You are my friend! A very good friend. Don't feel alone :) Someday, things will fall into place.....sometimes you have to go through hell before finally arriving to that time, but when it's wonderful...just wonderful.
    9. strfruit
      Ahhhh the "wonderful" cramming XD....I do that often haha!

      You are very welcome ^^ I would be very pleased to talk to you during that crucial time. I can't imagine going through that. V.V So I will be more than happy to be here for your company! :D
    10. strfruit
      Haha!! That is just too cool! :P
      Sorry for the late reply.....almost done with my project!! Finally! Oh the glorious day it will be when it is complete! :3

      Movies will definitely be great for when you can't be around people.....three months...:/ my my....that is a long time! I am free to talk to on here if you can get online and want to talk to someone ^^
    11. strfruit
      That's super cool!! Going on the bucket list "Get famous peep to record a message on my phone" That was very nice of you! :D Awesome that they agreed to do it as well!! ^^

      Definitely! That extra money is....extremely wonderful! I have to buy art supplies too....which stinks! >.<
    12. strfruit
      That's good! Nice when they have fun answering the questions! I went to a panel one time...I forget who it was (didn't really know him to be honest), but he rushed through all the questions and only picked people from one side of the room....was very disappointing :/

      I try not to buy books unless I ABSOLUTELY need them. Most of my professors try not to require the texts but sometimes they have to because they themselves are "required" to have the students get them T_T...pretty lame
    13. strfruit
      Ask away! XD It gives her something to do...I mean it is a Q and A panel hehe! Besides, if I were up there and no one was asking questions, I would feel really awkward :S So you...saved her panel!! :DDDD

      I know! Almost seems useless to even go through the trouble highlighting v.v silly silly professors...and their...."required" texts...meh! :P
    14. strfruit
      Mhm! That would be fun to get into conversation about :D

      Lol!! I know what you mean! I had to take a class called "Color Theory" and we had to read about color....I learned....nothing new XD I felt like falling asleep reading it but I felt that if I didn't read, there would be something that I didn't know that was in the chapter. That feeling is awful! >.<
    15. strfruit
      That would be cool! Love learning about the behind the scenes stuff......very interesting topic ^^ Nice to get an actor's intake on certain movies as well XD
      Yeah, feel bad when you can tell they want to say something but don't want the "bad rep" for saying something. And of course, there are some who will make it seem worse than it really was.

      Haha! Oh! Reading when I "HAVE" wai....but it I WANT to...yeah I will read it XD! Im procrastinating with my sketchbook assignment....have to have 80 pages front and back done in five weeks....but just don't have the motivation to do more than 3 pages a day at the moment >.< I really need to get working on it or when that last week comes and I still have a lot of drawing to do....i'm out of luck! :/
    16. strfruit
      Oh wow! That would bother me >.< I wouldn't mind an interview...without the rudeness that is....but afterward I would like to go my own way. Not to be rude to the guy, but I have things to do. Watching that video would drive me crazy! Very nice of Walker not to say anything...he cares about his fans which is good :)

      I know! Always near the end of the school year, I feel dragged down. Just want to sleep or relax.....and procrastination stalks you XD
    17. strfruit
      Yeah, it was quite an experience! Hoping to do it again next year. The only hard thing was trying to get to class in 30 mins after work >< and since I don't have my car with me, I had to run back to my dorm and catch the bus....was insane! But I managed thankfully ^^ You can volunteer at the conventions now though :DDD That's too awesome that she remembered you! She probably always will I am sure! :D So you are friends with Monica Rial! How cool is that?!?! XD
      lol! Many fans can be quite creepy....surprising how creepy at times haha!

      Mhmmmm! I always feel I am going to forget something important on those days v.v
    18. strfruit
      So very true! I worked at the Film Festival here and they invite actors to come see screening of student work. Got to meet Alec Baldwin, James Cromwell, and Aaron Eckhart since I was in one of the people in charge of escorting them to there was awesome! Was hard not to ask "CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH!!" But I was working so I wasn't allowed....however, even if I wasn't, I probably wouldn't have. (or tried not haha) Yeah, they are famous, but they are people too :)
      That selfish level is very true XD!!!

      Lol! I forget some when I am out of it that day....won't deny it! XD
    19. strfruit
      Love the voice actors who are like that ^^
      Lol! Well if the show made you have a good day, then I must see this....Hehe making fun of teen idols.....anime! XD

      They definitely do not pay attention. Almost like any convo struck with some "type of knowledge" loses their interest haha! I am used to it as well.....after a while you learn to just go with it Xp
    20. strfruit
      Rial was interested in her fan instead of just signing an autograph :) She started a conversation with you, so it will always be a nice memory that will re-occur to you when meeting other voice-actors. ^^ I actually have never heard of that anime before is funny you say? hmmmm.....may just have to look into that one haha! Aw! Cursed line!! XD That stinks!

      Almost concerns me when they forget those convos friends tend to do the same....crazy! It's a "how do you NOT remember that we talked about that?" type of thing haha!
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  • About

    Aug 20, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Home Page:
    Past Usernames:
    V@nit@s, Creature, Tummer, SPACESHIP, Sweeney Tummer


    I write poems | I also tumblr | twitter: @joseluissolo

    "It's all a circus. A three ring circus.This trial... the whole world... it's all... show business. But Kid.... You are working with a star."

    "Children instantly accept joy and happiness with quick familiarity, being happy and joyful by nature."
    - Les Miserables by Victor Hugo

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