Princess Rapunzel
Last Activity:
Oct 10, 2022
Feb 14, 2007
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Jun 28, 1993 (Age: 31)
Keyblade Princess

Princess Rapunzel

Flower, gleam and glow, Female, 31, from Corona


In honor of the Tangled Series having ended, I'm the best princess now Mar 7, 2020

Princess Rapunzel was last seen:
Oct 10, 2022
    1. StardustXtreme
      your answers will eb clear when you reach his episode
    2. StardustXtreme
    3. StardustXtreme
      I see, -rubs her hair- but you still enjoyed yourself.
    4. StardustXtreme
      Oh really now?
    5. StardustXtreme
      I'd enjoy that too, it's just boat rides that swing back and forth aren't my cup of fun
    6. StardustXtreme
      Same, prefer rollercoasters.
    7. StardustXtreme
      Trust me, so long as I don't go on those swinging boat rides, I'm fine with it.
    8. StardustXtreme
      Well I can't expect you be on everyday lol.
    9. StardustXtreme
      and Dagger looking up "I'm trying to sign some important documents here Zidane!"
    10. StardustXtreme
      Well garnet is wearing her royalty outfit too.
    11. StardustXtreme
      Fell in love with the drawing and thought "Damn, that's perfect!"
    12. StardustXtreme
    13. StardustXtreme
    14. StardustXtreme
      Lol I see oh and you'll love what I came up with for a profile pic!
    15. StardustXtreme
      Ah watching OOO are you?
    16. StardustXtreme
      ish someone unhappy with meh?
    17. StardustXtreme
      I'm not changing my sig -grins- I like it too much and the words! I mgiht change the profile picture though... but IchiRuki is so cute!
    18. StardustXtreme
      Ankh's hand was sealed with the Greeed and the rest of him was put into a deep sleep, perhaps due to the shock of losing himself but when Kougami travelled to Europe, he removed one of the Core Medals from the body and awakened it as it developed a persona of that of a child, not knowing who he was or where, he somehow tracked down the stolen core to Japan and kazari, the Yellow Greeed finds him and tells him to absorb the other Ankh to become whole and know the answers to his questions and so, Lost Ankh took a breif glance at what his human form should be and chose a little boy, Lost Ankh had most of the abilites that made him a Greeed.

      In the end, Ankha nd Lost Ankh would have to absorb one another and whoever dominates the other gets control of the body as Core Medals are nessescary to sustain the body and Lost Ankh would fo won had it nto been for EIji using PuToTyra's abiilty of destorying Core Medals and shattered teh medal housing Lost Ankh's persona but he shattered two or three more in the swing, forcing Ankh to once again take over SHingo's body despite regaining his full power.
    19. StardustXtreme

      Well these is the Greeed your familar with,
    20. StardustXtreme

      Here's a image without the boxes in the way, the three Core Medals represent a different section of the corrsponding Greeed's power as well as OOO's forms, it goes as Head, Body and Legs, each Greeed has their own set of Medals in ten so three of Body, Three of Legs and Four of heads ut all of the other Greee's set of medals apart from the Purpel Cores is complete as the alchemists who created them to destoryed the fourth medal that they had, thus giving them 3 of Head, Body and leg medals.

      The Greeed soon began to desire to be complete to fill in the missing Core Medal that was destroyed but when a human has them within their bodies, Maki taken in 5 Core Medals and the other five found Eiji and travelled to him and placed themselves within him as the two slowly experience Greeedification, Maki accepts it completely so the process for him is rather quick but EIji's is slowly steady as he isn't accepting them despite teh fact Maki wants his Cores to bring about the end of the world, the human then goes through the process of having lessened senses and their bodies mutating into a Greeed form, so taste, hearing, sight, smell and touch are slowly vanishing, Maki then forcibly gives Eiji two more Purple Core Medals to speed up Eiji's greeedification.

      Eiji as a Greeed

      The other Greeed are animal-based homunculi created 800 years ago in our world by four alchemists by the King of Europe who became the First OOO to become a godlike being with the Core Medals but his desire was warped and his body was used to seal the Greeed with the special exception of Ankh.
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  • About

    Jun 28, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Keyblade Princess
    Past Usernames:
    Aerith G., WhiteRose-Aki, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Kimberly Ann Hart, Princess Kairi
    Lets' give this profile a overhaul, it's been simple for a long time so how bout visitors get to know me and what I am like.

    I am just your avenge female otaku gamer, and also I am a writer and role-player, so if you want to see what I have done, visit my profile and my forum, Dimensional-Explorer, through my signature. I also have a twitter, Facebook, and tumblr, though I rarely post anything on those.

    With that out of the way, lets see what I like and what makes me, well, me:

    Favorite genre: Action, Role-Playing Games, Romance, Musical, Comedy, Crossover

    Favorite series (book): Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narina, Disney Princess, Power Ranger comics

    Favorite TV series (LA/Cartoon): Power Rangers, The Twilight Zone, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Doctor Who, Ducktales (2017), Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Voltron

    Favorite TV Series (Anime): Naruto, Ouran Host Club, Madoka Magica, Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Sailor Moon

    Favorite Movies: Howl's Moving Castle, Beauty and the Beast (1991 & 2017), Cinderella (1950 & 2015), Frozen, Schindler's List, Kingsglavie: Final Fantasy XV, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Balto, Star Wars

    Favorite Characters: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Tommy Oliver, Kimberly Ann Hart, Elsa, Anna, Esmeralda, Nala, Emma Goodall, Gia Moran, Luka Millfy, Ahim de Famille, Gai Ikari, Aerith Gainsborough, Tifa Lockhart, Riku, Xion, Kairi, Namine, Roxas, Rose, Doctor (10th), Serena Tsukino, Rini

    Favorite Video Game: Final Fantasy (IV, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII, XIII, XIII-2, Lighting Returns, XIV, XV), Kingdom Hearts, Shadow Hearts, Pokemon, Devil May Cry, Persona, Blue Reflection, Tales of series

    Favorite Food: Mac & Cheese, Pizza, Pocky, Burgers, Hot Dogs, Pop-Tarts

    Preferred Pairings: Harry x Hermione, Cloud x Aerith, Riku x Kairi, Yuna x Tidus, Tommy x Kimberly, Serena x Darien, Haruka x Michiru


    PS Network ID:
    Discord ID:


    <3 you forever, my Guy!
    Mario's High School Days Wiki/My Profile/Dimensional Explorer
    "Miracles are things we make for ourselves, here and now."-Oerba Dia Vanille, Final Fantasy XIII
    "I return..... to where I must....."-Kuja, Dissidia -Final Fantasy-
    "There are more important things, like friendship and bravery."-Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
    On my own... pretending he's beside me........ - Eponine, Les Miserables
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